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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    December 31, 2014 - Part 2

    15. Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh

    I generally hate blog books but this one is the exception. Incisive, engaging, and very, very funny, it’s complimented by some perfect and perfectly hilarious illustrations.

    *14. Dear Committee Members by Julie Schumacher

    Jason Fitger writes a lot of reference letters. A lot of woeful, meandering, passive-aggressive, unintentionally offensive reference letters that, if nothing else, offer tragic-comic insight into the world of their author, an embittered professor of creative writing at a small liberal arts school. The book, a hilarious collection of his (un)professional missives, will have you carefully reconsidering the next time you ask someone for a professional recommendation.

    *13. The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North

    Many will no doubt draw comparisons to Kate Atkinson’s much-hyped Life After Life given the similar premise – a protagonist is continually reborn after death, reliving his/her life over and over – but whereas Atkinson’s heroine has no knowledge of her past experiences, North’s hero does and this makes for a completely different and (in my opinion) far more interesting narrative. Armed with the memories of what came before, Harry August discovers others like him, time traveling kalachakra, who hold the secret to saving the world – and ending it.

    *12. In the Kingdom of Ice by Hampton Sides

    Historical documents, journals, and personal accounts are used to reconstruct the ill-fated polar voyage of the USS Jeanette and its 33 man crew who are forced to undertake a grueling thousand mile journey across the frozen Arctic when their ship goes down in icy waters. Harrowing.

    11. Thirteen Hours by Deon Meyer

    When a young American backpacker turns up dead in Capetown and her friend disappears, Detective Benny Griessel is tasked with the politically-charged job finding the missing girl. The narrative jumps back and forth between the official investigation and the young woman on the run in this highly suspenseful, immensely captivating page-turner. Impossible to put down, I read this novel in a single night, staying up until 2:00 a.m to finish it.

    *10. Saga by Brian K. Vaughan

    It’s an going series, so I’m including it as a 2014 release. Two former soldiers, deserters, and star-crossed lovers from opposing sides of an interplanetary conflict attempt to put the war behind them and raise their daughter with the help of some unlikely allies. But their pasts come back to haunt them in the form of some even unlikelier enemies – and otherworldly complications. The comic book version of an intricately plotted, character-driven cable drama. Fiercely original.

    *9. The Troop by Nick Cutter

    A field trip to an isolated island takes a horrific turn for a group of young boys when their scout leader welcomes an emaciated stranger into their camp. It’s a horror version of Lord of Flies that is at turns harrowing, humorous, and thoroughly engaging. Wonderfully written. It’s heads and shoulders above most novels in the genre.

    8. Super Graphic by Tim Leong

    This visual guide to the comic book universe uses pie charts, venn diagrams, bar graphs, maps, and trajectories to highlight fun facts. Whether it’s a rundown of DC’s alternate Earths, the pizza particulars of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the alliances and connections of the denizens of Sin City, a Walking Dead kill counter, a map of Tintin’s travels, or a taxonomy of animal-named characters, there’s something here for most every fan to geek-out over. LOVED it!

    7. The Lions of Al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay

    Moorish Spain (or a fictional version thereof) is the backdrop of this sweeping historical fantasy involving sieges, warfare, diabolical plots, courtly intrigue, crosses, double-crosses, friendship, and romance. At heart of it all are three protagonists whose backgrounds and alliances lead them on intersecting paths both heroic and tragic. Brilliant world-building and wonderfully nuanced characters. My introduction to the works of author Guy Gavriel Kay novel. Highly recommended.

    6. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

    When his wife goes missing, family and friends rally in support of her distressed husband – until evidence surfaces suggesting he may have had a hand in her disappearance. As suspicion mounts and the onion is peeled on a less than ideal marriage, the reader discovers that appearances can be very deceiving. Replete with twists and turns, a compelling read.

    *5. Half a King by Joe Abercrombie

    Young Prince Yarvi is son to the King of Gettland. Born with only one good hand and no aspirations to the throne, he has grown up in the shadow of his older brother. But when his father and brother fall in battle, it falls on him to avenge them. His scheming uncle has other plans, however, and Yarvi is betrayed and sold into slavery. And so, it’s from his lowly position as a galley rower riding the Shattered Sea that his quest for revenge begins, one that will see him forge alliances with reprobates and renegades, battle fierce adversaries, and, ultimately, reforge himself into a force to be reckoned with.

    4. This is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper

    To honor the memory of his recently deceased father, Judd Altman learns he must sit shiva, spending the week in mourning with his fractured family. Disparate personalities clash as unresolved issues resurface in this wickedly humorous novel.

    3. The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion

    Don Tillman, a brilliant but socially inept professor of genetics, comes up with the optimal means to finding his ideal companion: a sixteen page questionnaire designed to weed out unsuitable candidates and zero in on his perfect match. His scientifically sound approach to love yields unexpected results in this touching and thoroughly charming novel.

    *2. We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler

    Inspired by an experiment in the 1930’s in which a husband and wife research team raised a baby chimp in their home as a member of their family, this novel offers a fictional account of a similar experiment run some sixty years later – and its heartbreaking effects on those involved. Our narrator is Rosemary, a woman who reflects back on her childhood, growing up with a human brother and chimpanzee sister – until the dark day her sister, Fern, was taken away. The loss of their beloved family members has far-reaching consequences for all of them. Some fifteen years later, Rosemary attempts to learn the truth about her sister’s fate. Humorous and poignant.

    1. The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

    The book opens with our narrator, Jeannette, on her way to a New York City function, when her cab stops beside a homeless women rooting through the trash. Upon closer scrutiny, Jeannette realizes that homeless woman is, in fact, her mother. And so begins one of the most amazing books I’ve read in recent memory. The blurb on the back of the jacket does it an enormous disservice, painting it as a bleak autobiographical account of woman growing up in an abusive family. It’s actually quite touching, uplifting – and incredibly funny, reminiscent of David Sedaris at his very darkest. One of my Top 10 books of all time. Go read it!

    MY TOP 10 BOOKS OF 2014

    #10 – We Are the Goldens by Dana Reinhardt

    #9 – Can’t We Talk about Something More Pleasant? by Roz Chast

    #8 – Afterlife with Archie (Escape from Riverdale) by Roberto Aguire-Sacasa

    #7 – Dear Committee Members by Julie Schumacher

    #6 – The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North

    #5 – In the Kingdom of Ice by Hampton Sides

    #4 – Saga by Brian K. Vaughan

    #3 – The Troop by Nick Cutter

    #2 – Half a King by Joe Abercrombie

    #1 – We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler

    Happy New Year!
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      January 1, 2015

      Photos: Dinner, cake

      Here at Casa Mallozzi, we ran in the New Year in traditional fashion: eating, drinking, waiting an interminable four and half hours for the ball to drop in Times Square, toasting 2015, and then cutting up the New Year bread-cake so that Akemi can inevitably find the lucky coin baked inside.

      New Year’s Resolutions:

      1. Eat better

      2. Exercise more

      3. Read 100 books

      4. Make awesome t.v. show

      According to my sister’s friend, you should start the year doing what you want to be doing for the rest of the year. For instance, sis will be depositing a check. Me, I spent some time this afternoon working on Dark Matter, tracking the various character arcs, influenced as they are by the myriad twists, turns, and surprises that will be thrown their way over the course of our 13 episode first season.

      Oh, speaking of my sister – to those inquiring about what laid her up for the past week and had her spending 18+ hours at the hospital emergency…mystery solved! It wasn’t a blood clot or pleurisy or the flu. To quote Andria:

      “After two clinic visits, two sets of x-rays, and two rounds of antibiotics, I wasn’t better. I went to emergency the day before yesterday and after 18 hours, blood work, more x-rays, an ECG, a CT scan, and a heart ultrasound, they finally noticed I have a fractured rib. No clue how I did it.”

      Mom’s neighbour across the street said she suffered the same injury…sneezing. Having learned her lesson, she cautioned us to avoid high risk activity – like sneezing, coughing, or laughing.
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        January 2, 2015

        Photos: Joe's family home memories

        The plan is to leave tomorrow morning to avoid the snowstorm due to hit Montreal on Sunday. More importantly, it’s a storm front rolling in from Toronto that will be blitzing Ontario Saturday afternoon so its imperative we get out and in in advance of the bad weather – and, of course, the kick-off of the first divisional wildcard game this weekend. Speaking of which – I’m picking the Colts to take it all this year, partly because I think they’re capable, but mostly because I picked them as a 35-1 pre-season longshot while I was in Vegas. Ideally, they’ll be playing the Green Back Packers who were my NFC pre-season pick at 12-1.

        As I depart my hometown of Montreal, I leave behind many memories. Memories of the odd nick-nacks that adorn my family home:

        “The Holy Grail” is how my buddy Lawrence used to refer to it back in high school. Actually, it’s a soup tureen. Thankfully, my mom recognizes its garishness and has never actually served soup out of it. But that hasn’t stopped her from giving it a place of honor on the central basement shelf.

        Creepy Pinocchio hails from what my writing partner, Paul, calls the line of “German Wooden Toys”. You know, toys that only elderly relatives find endearing. The kind of toys a kid would NEVER play with.

        This one is, I believe, a fairly recent addition to the oddball collection. Apparently, it’s art. No, really.

        The eyes follow you around the room!

        A taste of the old country. Then again, it could be Greek. Not really sure what’s being depicted here but the guy at the bottom is certainly getting the worst of it. As is often the case.

        When I was a kid, I’d always unstopper this bottle, hoping I would release my very own Jeannie.

        Next week, it’s the final ramp-up towards commencement of principal photography on the first season of Dark Matter. In addition, I’ve got a few more behind-the-scenes personalities to introduce including a director, a stunt coordinator, a visual effects supervisor – and many more. I’d also like to offer a little insight into the casting process, as well as a first look at some of our ship designs.

        Stay tuned!
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          January 3, 2015

          Photos: Road to Toronto, Akemi's dad, hot pockets, Akemi's sister, Ralphie, Akemi’s dog food sushi, Joe's mom, sandwich

          We left Montreal early(ish) this morning, hoping to beat the storm front before it rolled into Ontario. And we almost made it. About an hour out from Toronto, we were blanketed – first snow, then rain. It made things interesting – and a lot slower – but we eventually arrived, safe and soaked.

          Awaiting for us back at our T.O. place were a couple of boxes c/o Akemi’s father in Japan. Before leaving for the holidays, we sent him a nice warm Christmas coat -

          Clearly thrilled, he sent Akemi a little something to combat the winter chill. Warm pants, tea, and a lifetime’s supply of hot pockets:

          Well, we’re all settled in. The dogs are napping, Akemi’s surfing the net, and I’m watching football, perusing some of the photos of our last couple of days in Montreal…

          One more day of R&R and then it’s full-throttle prep as we speed toward the commence- er, the, uh, “cameras start rolling”. Some of the upcoming highlights, according to the quadruple goldenrod prep schedule, include cast costume fittings, production meeting, a playback look-see, a post-production work flow discussion, hair/makeup/camera tests on set with the cast, a tone meeting, and the cast read-through.

          And it only gets busier from there!
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            January 4, 2015

            Photos: T.J. Scott, concept meeting

            One of the most important decisions we had to make early in process was the selection of our first director. Whoever we chose would be shooting our first two episodes and, as such, would not only be responsible for setting the tone for the series, but would be charged with the task of “working out” any early issues that happened to present themselves (and, for a new production, a few do inevitably crop out). We needed someone with a sharp narrative sense and a great visual style, a visionary capable of delivering a dynamic story, nuanced character moments, and kick-ass action sequences – on budget and on schedule. We needed the ultimate pro – and we got him in director T.J. Scott.

            Some of you are probably familiar with his work even if you may not immediately realize it. Xena: Warrior Princess, La Femme Nikita, Spartacus: War of the Damned, Orphan Black and Gotham are just a few of the shows on his extensive resume.

            And there’s also this:, a massive coffee table book comprised of gorgeous celebrity photographs, all shot by the man himself. Over 150 “models” from film, fashion, music and television, stripped down for this project – and a good cause. 100% of the profits from the sales of these books are donated to Breast Cancer Research. You can order your own copy here:

            It’s been amazing seeing him work. He’s been all over prep, pitching ideas, overseeing all meetings, leading the creative charge as we accelerate toward production.

            Smart, inventive, cool under pressure – and a hell of a nice guy. I instantly knew I’d like him when, for our very first meeting, he insisted we discuss the show over oysters and beer.

            These next few weeks are going to be a blast!

            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              January 5, 2015

              Photos: Akemi, Dark Matter meeting, Dark Matter stage, Paul Mullie

              Uh oh. This morning marked the return of sad rabbit as yours truly prepares for a big five months of production. Akemi has greatly enjoyed my two years of loafing about development which allowed me to work from home – and spend most of my days (and nights) with her. Now, with Dark Matter poised to start production on its first season, we’re going to be seeing a lot less of each other. A LOT less. Starting Friday, I’ll be out the door at 6:30 a.m. and probably won’t be back until 9:00 p.m. most nights. On the downside, she’ll we’ll be spending considerably less time together. On the upside, however, she doesn’t have to worry about making me dinner. And we’ll always have the weekends. Except for this Saturday when I’ll be on set.

              Today, we had our “Does Everyone Know What They’re Doing?” meeting and I’m pleased to report that – yes, everyone knows what they’re doing. Even me! We talked about the camera test, facial hair, tattoos, and making “the big doors” pop.

              After lunch, Paul gave me his notes on my first of #112. I’ll finish my pass tomorrow, then send it his way so that he can do his pass after which we can put it wide – along with episodes #110 and #111. As for #113…I think we’re going to hold off and keep everyone guessing.

              We also did another little stage walk-thru and perused the work in progress…
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                January 6, 2015

                Video: BLU (Blinky Light Unit)

                Photos: Dark Matter set, Ferrous Corp. gun, Dark Matter production meeting

                We’re three days out from the start of production on Dark Matter – and things seem to be moving along quite nicely. I mean, it’s still very early and I’m sure we’ll encounter a few bumps along the way but, right now, everyone is feeling really good about where things stand and what lies ahead. I have to say, it’s soooo much easier when you work with people who are not only good at what they do, but also genuinely fun to work with. As I’ve already mentioned, the vibe is reminiscent of Stargate – very positive, very confident, and very supportive.

                This morning, Paul and I went on our daily walkabout of the standing sets: bridge, infirmary, underbelly, mess, training room, airlocks, quarters, and corridors. The lights are in, the monitors are up, and the screens are on.

                Back in the (Stargate) day, this is what we used to refer to as a BLU -

                Blinky Light Unit.

                Afterwards, I finished my second pass on episode #112 and sent it Paul’s way, then jumped on the blue pages for episodes #101 and #102. Only small adjustments at this point: dialogue tweaks, losing the montage, and swapping out the description of the shuttle launch (replacing the retracting shell with a sliding bay door drop).

                Stopped by the costumes department today to talk hair (head and facial) with actor Alex Mallari Jr. (aka FOUR) who was in for a costume fitting. While there, I spoke to our costume designer, the lovely Noreen Landry, about the Ferrous Corp. guard armor. We’ve envisioned a future where colonization of space has been spearheaded by multi-corps, major intergalactic players with the money and the resources to seek out new worlds. Oh sure, there are a few independent colonies out there (the Principality of Zairon and the Republic of Pyr come to mind) but, aside from the autonomous space stations and GA (Galactic Authority) outposts, much of colonized space is run by one of the major multi-planetaries:

                Ferrous Corp

                The Mikkei Combine

                Volkov-Rusov Industries

                Traugott Corp

                And others we’ll get to know as the series unfolds.

                Of course policing and protecting their territory requires some heavy, heavy muscle in the form of cruisers, destroyers, shuttles and, of course, soldiers (aka “corporate guard”). We’re trying to give each multi-planetary a unique look, from the corporate logos to color schemes. In the case of Ferrous Corp., we’re looking at red accents in the armour – and guns…

                We will, of course, weather it down a bit to suggest some wear and tear.

                And finally…

                This afternoon, we had our production meeting – our final big conference in advance of Production Day #1 – attended by 30+. Brandon Tataryn, our 1st AD, took us through both scripts, setting a torrid pace that saw us finish in about an impressive hour and a half!

                Tomorrow, it’s all hands on deck for the hair/make-up/camera tests, the cast read-thru, the tone meeting, and the cast dinner! I’m going to get soooooooooo drunk…
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                  January 7, 2015

                  Photos: Dark Matter cast, T.J. Scott, the MoVI, Vanessa Piazza, Jay Firestone, Cathy, Darlene

                  Today, we had our very first read-thru (episodes #101 and #102). A great time was had by all – but especially Paul and I who had our expectations far surpassed. This cast is amazing!

                  The rest of the day was spent doing camera tests of the ship’s corridors and bridge. We tried different cameras, different looks, varied the lighting, and got into some very long and involved discussions about monitors and bridge windows. We also got to see all seven of our cast members in costume, walking – and occasionally running – the halls. It’s finally coming together!

                  We snacked throughout the day – on everything from crudités to chicken kiev. Later in the afternoon, Cathy and Darlene, the Catering Servers, came by and introduced themselves. Apparently, Cathy is a frequent reader of this blog.

                  And that earned her and Darlene a cameo.

                  We shot some inserts for the end of episode #101, then wrapped. Actor Roger Cross gave me a hug so enthusiastic that I fear he cracked my rib or possibly ruptured my spleen. Fortunately, at the cast dinner, Zoie Palmer offered me some sound medical advice.

                  “I didn’t know you were a doctor,”I told her.

                  “I’m not,”she said. “I just played one for five years.”

                  Tomorrow, it’s the color test meeting and an all day rehearsal. The last day of prep before we finally go to camera!
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                    January 8, 2015

                    Photos: Cookies, soundproof wall, display, the Dark Matter cast

                    Well, as a result of the injury I sustained yesterday (see last entry for all the gory details), I was unable to turn or put any pressure on my side and had to spend the entire night lying flat on my back. I also can’t twist, jump, run, or perform aerial gymnastics (the latter is a particularly bitter pill to swallow). This morning, I visited set during rehearsal and asked Zoie Palmer (aka Lost Girl’s Dr. Lauren) for a follow-up medical opinion. Her prognosis was grim and then she turned down my request for a prescription and informed me I should consult with a real doctor. And yet she still charged me for the consult!

                    This morning, we had an 8:00 a.m. color session at Deluxe, our post-production facility, to review and discuss the H/M/W (Hair, Make-up, Wallaby) tests we did yesterday. We’re taking down a scar, making some cheeks a little less rosy, and reconsidering the Red. The wallaby looked perfect though.

                    I arrived at my office to discover a “Best Wishes on the Start of Production” delivery compliments of our former Stargate script coordinator (and present Orphan Black writer-producer) Alex Levine. What a fantastic friend. As of this afternoon, still no congratulatory cookies from Ivon Bartok.

                    A macadamia white chocolate and two chocolate chip cookies later, it was downstairs for a dress rehearsal and test of set elements.

                    Note: As we move along, I’m learning more and more about the cast. And sometimes, the revelations are downright scary. Like yesterday when T.J. shot them walking down the corridor toward camera. They hit their mark and then instantly broke into the S Club 7 theme song. And more than half of them knew the words!

                    Director T.J. Scott and the cast blocked all of our ship scenes for the two-part opener (Well, I refer to it as a two-part opener but it’s more like the first two episodes of our 13 part first season), starting on the bridge, then shifting to the storage room before moving over to the corridors and, finally, finishing in FIVE’s quarters. Along the way, we nailed down all the monitor displays (and there are A LOT), the underbelly discoveries, the shuttle reveal, the stasis pod awakenings, the emergency lighting, and the major sparkage.

                    Tomorrow, we do it all over again – but for real this time! Prep is over and production begins!

                    Let’s conclude today’s entry with more pics from our very first Dark Matter cast read-thru:
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                      January 9, 2015

                      Photos: Dark Matter, Episode #101, Production Day One

                      One day down; about ninety more to go. And what a day it was! Sparks! Steam! Camera shake! An unexpected downpour almost taking out a camera! Stasis pods! Reveals! And apricot-coconut cookies! What more could I ask for?

                      Unfortunately, Zoie Palmer was the only cast member not present today (She’s enjoying a nice, relaxed long weekend in advance of next Monday’s extensive fight training session) so I had to seek medical advice from a real doctor this afternoon. He assured me I had not, as I suspected, “unstoppered my liver”. According to him, I cracked the cartilage in my ribcage. He suggested rest, a warm compress, an easy chair for sleeping, and plenty of patience. This’ll take a while to heal!

                      Tomorrow – lucky us! – a rare Saturday shoot. Bring on the anti-grav sequence!

                      P.S. Happy Anniversary! This is my 3000th blog entry here on WordPress!
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                        January 10, 2015

                        Photos: Dark Matter, Episode #101, Second Unit Day #1

                        It was just the boys today, Anthony Lemke (THREE) and Marc Bendavid (ONE), in for some anti-gravity fun and stunts. Later, at the craft service table, they both had a special request: more Zero-G sequences! I’ll see what we can do for them.

                        While we were chatting, I couldn’t help but notice Anthony playing with his guns. And not for the first time either. Every chance he gets, he’s practicing: holstering and unholstering his sidearms, twirling them forward, twirling them back. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him out and about with his wife – she, shopping, him following a few steps behind – holstering, unholstering, twirling.

                        I’ve got some great behind-the-scenes pics and videos I’m holding off on posting for now – including a first-time inertial dampener fail run-thru. Can’t wait to show you.

                        In the meantime, here are some photos I CAN share...

                        Director T.J. Scott and 1st A.D. Brandon Tataryn all revved up for another early morning start.

                        Design on the back of the bridge chairs. This was my seat for most of the morning. Sadly, I had to give it up for one of those run-of-the-mill director’s chairs when we moved video village to the sub-zero section of the stage.

                        T.J. says: “See those stunt mats over there? We’re going to need them.”

                        Our stunt coordinator, the incredible John Stead. Some terrific work from him today!

                        The Raza’s one-armed bandit.

                        A camera operator Dino Laurenza captures the action.

                        Space waste! Handle with care.

                        Contemplating his options.

                        A big warm welcome to all you new visitors to this blog. You’ve got a lot of catching up to do!
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                          January 11, 2015

                          Photos: Dark Matter Episodes #101/#102 guest cast, The Daily Snap of the Day, Akemi, Bubba

                          Between my 5:30 a.m. wake-ups, the nagging rib injury, and one elderly fitfully slumbering pug, sleep has been very hard to come by lately. And it isn’t going to get any easier anytime soon. When the doctor said “It’s going to feel worse before it gets better.”, I just dismissed his words as a worst case scenario. Well, worst case or not, he was right. Every time I shift in bed, the pain under my ribcage shocks me awake. The simple act of coughing is an adventure and bending over is now a thing of the past. According to the experts (aka – others who have suffered the same injury), a full recovery should take me about 4-5 months. Just in time for the Dark Matter season one wrap party!

                          Tomorrow, it’s main unit day #2 (yes, technically, production day #3) on episodes #101-102. We’re in the corridor and quarters (for that pantsless scene) with Marc, Melissa, Anthony, and Alex, while Zoie fine-tunes her ass-kicking for Tuesday’s extended fight sequence in which she’ll put a major hurt on the boys.

                          On our standing sets all this week and then we head to Hamilton and Waterloo where we’ll get down and dirty (and, oh yeah, cold) in the mining community. We’ve got our guest cast in place. A few familiar faces in the mix -

                          Moving forward, I think I’d like to add a regular feature to the ongoing production blog. I’m calling it “The Daily Snap of the Day”. For every day we’re in production, I’ll add a screen grab from the previous day’s dailies. For instance, here’s one from one of my favorite shots of Day #1:

                          Intriguing, no?

                          Schedule permitting, I’d like to do a little Q&A sometime this week. So, questions…post ‘em if you got ‘em!

                          I end today’s blog with a pic of this apartment’s most adorable couple gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes...
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                            January 12, 2015

                            Videos: FOUR aka Alex Mallari Jr., The Messengers trailer

                            Photos: Dark Matter Production Day #3, Paul Mullie, T.J. Scott, Brandon Tataryn, Alison Hepburn, Snap of the Day

                            Today kicked off our first full week on our standing sets before we shift to Hamilton/Waterloo. Corridors and quarters were the order of the day and director T.J. Scott continues to deliver in a BIG way. I received the latest set of dailies late last night and was downright giddy by the time I’d finished reviewing them. The sets look amazing. A big round of applause for T.J., the crew, and, of course, Production Designer Ian Brock and the gang in the Art Department who thoroughly surpassed expectations. Now I look forward to seeing what they do for an encore: specifically with our phantom class marauder and space station.

                            Alas, it wasn’t all positive vibes on set this morning. Line Producer Norman Denver and 1st A.D. Brandon Tataryn were still smarting from the playoff loss suffered by their beloved Broncos. On the one hand, they were crushed by the defeat but, on the other hand, I’m sure they drew solace from the fact, at 34-1, my still-in-contention Indianapolis Colts could pay off quite handsomely for me with a Superbowl win.

                            A delightful surprise came our way this afternoon via longtime Stargate associate “Golden Boy” Martin Gero who sent us two bottles of 18 year old Bunnahabhain scotch as a “Congratulations! You’re actually getting your show made!” gift.

                            Bunnahabhain. Very hard to pronounce but quite easy to drink

                            Adhering to Scottish film labor regulations, the gang takes a union-mandated scotch break.

                            As promised, here’s the second instalment in our “Snap of the Day” feature, showcasing a single frame from a recent shoot:

                            And what blog entry would be complete without a Sword and Dance sequence, compliments of Alex Mallari Jr. (FOUR) – #FOURCLAN #DarkMatter

                            I LOVE this guy’s energy!

                            In other show-related behind-the-scene news, check out this podcast interview with Dark Matter Set Designer Doug Slater in which he reveals how The Brady Bunch led him to design the deck of a spaceship:

                            And finally, in rare non Dark Matter-related news, check out this trailer for Carl Binder’s new show, premiering in April:
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                              January 13, 2015

                              Video: FOUR aka Alex Mallari Jr.

                              Photos: Dark Matter behind the scenes pics, snap of the day

                              Today, we shot two of the most important scenes of this first season (if not the entire series), and every member of our cast – Marc Bendavid, Melissa O’Neil, Anthony Lemke, Alex Mallari Jr., Jodelle Ferland, Roger Cross, and Zoie Palmer – delivered BIGTIME. Sitting at the monitors, watching them in their first scene together, I found myself magically cross over from professional observer to mesmerized viewer as their onscreen characters took on a life of their own. The lines separating fact and fiction, fantasy and reality had blurred and I’d been transported. And the first thought that entered my head was: “I’m going to love watching this show!”

                              This cast is AWESOME!

                              A couple of behind-the-scenes snippets:

                              The gang (Alex Mallari Jr., Anthony Lemke, Roger Cross, and Trevor Finn) show craft server Cathy some love.

                              The exterior of the ship’s underbelly where secrets reside. Oh, and the cast because that’s where they hang out between set-ups.

                              Our Dark Matter screen grab of the day (from yesterday’s dailies):

                              Mysterious, no?

                              And, of course, on the heels of last blog entry’s Carlton Dance comes a little MJ c/o Alex Mallari Jr. (aka. FOUR). Go say hi to him on twitter: #FOURCLAN #DARKMATTER

                              And while you’re in the twitter neighborhood, why not drop in on the entire crew:

                              ONE (Marc Bendavid):

                              TWO (Melissa O’Neil):

                              THREE (Anthony Lemke):

                              FOUR (Alex Mallari Jr.):

                              FIVE (Jodelle Ferland):

                              SIX (Roger Cross):

                              THE ANDROID (Zoie Palmer):

                              This year is going to be A LOT of fun!
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                January 14, 2015

                                Photos: Dark Matter production, snap of the day

                                Yes, Zoie Palmer kicked ass today. For about eleven hours – punching, blocking, shoving, kicking, hurling, staring down, and choking out multiple opponents. And that was just in the lineup to get lunch! The extended action sequence we shot was intense, and Zoie looked like she’d been beating up guys all of her life (food for thought the next time I consider giving her a line reading). Actors Roger Cross, Marc Bendavid, Anthony Lemke, and Alex Mallari Jr. proved equally skilled – at getting their butts kicked.

                                A special thanks to stunt coordinator John Stead who did a phenomenal job choreographing the fight and stunts, his awesome team, and director T.J. Scott who captured all the action. They get to do it all over again next week. Twice!

                                I know, I know. Many of you are asking for pics of Zoie – and I do plan to post some…eventually. But given her unique look or the show, I’m going to have to wait until the official reveal – hopefully sometime sooner than later.

                                Also, sadly, no “dance of the day” for this blog entry as actor Alex Mallari Jr. (FOUR), was too busy…shooting a t.v. show. But I’m sure he’ll make it up to us by offering up something REALLY special tomorrow. Failing that, I wonder if we can convince Anthony Lemke to fill in?

                                Today’s screen grab of the day…

                                Curiouser and curiouser.

                                After dinner tonight, Akemi pointed out that Valentine’s Day was fast-approaching and wondered whether the show would be doing a chocolate exchange similar to the Dark Matter cookie exchange we did in December. When I told her it was unlikely, she seemed genuinely disappointed. Maybe we need to organize something amongst us our little blog community.
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

