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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    September 21, 2014

    Photos: Bubba, Lulu, Jelly

    Both Akemi and I managed to sleep through most of our 9 hour flight back so that, by the time we landed at 9:30 this morning, we were well-rested and rarin’ to go! Well, I was anyway. Akemi decided to lie down for a little while and, seven hours later, came downstairs looking like a hurricane survivor – hair-disheveled, a stunned look on her face. She’s wide awake now and I have a feeling she’ll be wide awake well into the wee hours of tomorrow morning.

    The dogs were thrilled to see us. Bubba was especially vocal, howling with delight and then crawling into bed and snoozing the afternoon away with Akemi. Lulu sunbathed and Jelly modelled her new outfits:

    Finally, my Snow Monkey clawed out their first win of this young Fantasy Football season, improving their record to a note entirely unrespectable 1-2!

    Tomorrow…back to work!

    Hey! Go bid on this signed, annotated script:
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      September 22, 2014

      Photos: Gracepoint, Gotham, Constantine, The Missing

      Here are a few of the new shows I’ll be checking out...


      Premieres: Thurs., Oct. 2 at 9 p.m. on FOX

      I loved the premise of the original, Broadchurch, but was disappointed in the finale. Apparently, this one is the same premise – with a different solution. And it’s a self-contained 10 episode mystery. I’m intrigued.


      Premiered: Tonight (Monday, Sept. 22 at 8:00 p.m. on FOX)

      Okay, I’m not a fan of prequels, but I was a fan of Gotham Central, the comic book series that focused on the unsung heroes of the Gotham PD.


      Premieres: Fri., Oct. 24 at 10:00 p.m. on NBC)

      Another comic book-based series. The subject matter is dark and perfectly suited for cable. How will it fare on network? I’m on the fence.


      Premieres: Sat., Nov. 15 at 9:00 p.m. on Starz)

      Another limited mystery series, this eight episode drama is told in two parallel time frames, focusing on a father’s search for his young son who went missing while on holiday in France five years earlier.

      So, what are you watching?
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        September 23, 2014

        Photos: Man of Steel

        Monster spend last few months on vakation where me bone up on cursive writing, try all tree boardings – wake, paddle, and water for first time (Me MUCH prefer first two!), and generally healing from mental scars inflikted by 94 straight weeks of Supermovie reviews. Now me back after much-needed R&R (Rest and Remi Martin) and rarin’ to go!

        Watching dis movie be like taking in spectakular fireworks show. In sepia. While your girlfriend breaks up wit you over de phone. For two and a half hours.

        Movie open on alien world Kripton where scientist Kal-El inform ruling council planet be doomed because of environment (Al Gore-El was right!). Meeting interrupted by rebellious General Zod and co. who stage coup. He offer Kal-El to trow in wit him, but Kal-El refuse. Den have to eskape and get chased back to his home (Couldn’t he have just said “Okay, me wit you?” and den snuck back nice an easy? No?) where he launch his son away in a space ship wit someting called “De Codex”!

        Zod and co. be captured and punished by getting encased in giant vibrators before being fired into De Phantom Zone. And den Kripton explodes.

        On Earth, years later, Kal-El’s son grow up to become Clark, handsome shirtless guy who save co-workers from oil rig fire before washing up on shore somewhere and steal somebody’s clothes (THIEVERY! SUPERMAN BE A THIEF!).

        Flashback to young Clark who get picked on all de time, saves skool bus full of kids, and be super-hypersensitive to EVERYTING – like dat time monster ate 6 boxes of Oreos and suddenly able to hear people’s hair grow. And bee farts.

        Flashforward to Clark working at diner. Customer give him a hard time. So he destroy guy’s truck (MALICIOUS DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY! SUPERMAN BE A VANDAL!).

        Military discover strange objekt buried in 20 000 year old ice in Arctic. Dey be VERY sekretive and maintain AAA security, only letting ONE snoopy reporter (Lois Lane) onto site and one guy who presumably wander on wit no background check (Clark), and den allowing BOTH to get on buried objekt…which aktually be a ship! Clark awaken it, save Lois from floaty cobra robot, den drop her off before flying ship away to somewhere inept military unable to track it (say, other side of de mountain). Hologram of Kal-El fill Clark in on his backstory after which Clark puts on super suit, flies around, and crashes. Dis be de ONE fun beat in otherwise bleak movie.

        Flashback to young Clark fleeing tornado wit his family. Dad goes back to save dog in car and injures ankle. Cars and tankers get blown around by wind but, for some reason, dad rooted to spot like he built into ground. Clark wants to save him but Dad waves him away. Naaah, don’t bother. So he die. And Clark left feeling guilty for not helping. Tanks, Dad.

        Flashforward to news reports. Space ship heading for Earth! Creepy cool message from General Zod demand Earth turn over Clark. Clark turn himself into military – who turn him over to Zod. And Zod demand Lois as well. Why? Beats monster.

        Clark taken up on ship where become weak and experimented on. Lois locked up but, luckily, she have Kal-El hologram device dat Clark slip her (Guess he had hunch to bring it along and give it to her – just in case!). Hologram Kal-El save her. Ish. She get in pod and plummet to Earth. Clark regain super strength for reasons monster not exaktly clear on, den save falling Lois IN DE NICK OF TIME!

        Turns out Zod plan to terraform Earth and repopulate it wit Kriptonians kept in “De Codex” much like plot of dat episode of Stargate, Scorched Earth. After all, if dey keep Earth as is and not terraform, dey would ALL be a bunch of supermen – and who wants dat?

        Clark fly to town and take on Zod’s soldiers, getting into fistfight at IHop just like us regular folks!

        While Zod initiate terraforming machine and start killing thousands of citizens, Superman on other side of planet destroying another tingie (Yo, super dude. Priorities!). Military manage to destroy terraform machine on their own (Tanks for nothing!) and Lois plummet from back of plane. Clark sweep in and save her IN DE NICK OF TIME!

        Showdown wit Zod! Mayhem! Destruktion! Thousands more killed! (Yo, super dude. Couldn’t you take dis somewhere else? Space? De desert? Out over de ocean?)

        Finally, he defeat Zod by cleverly…breaking his neck. Wait! What?! Superman kill Zod?! (KILLING! SUPERMAN BE A MURDERER!). Okay, okay. Mebbe dis be new version of Superman. He killed Zod and clearly anguished about it. Rest of movie will explore heavy burden of murder on his conscience.

        Or not.

        Clark gets job as reporter working wit Lois. (OBSESSED! SUPERMAN BE A STALKER!)

        De End.

        Overall, everyting make story sense (more or less) and performances pretty good, but dis be filmic equivalent of having to attend an uncle’s funeral at Six Flags. Wit unbelievable romantic B story tacked on.

        VERDIKT: Dis not your father’s Superman. Or your grandfather’s superman. Hell, when it come right down to it, dis not Superman at all. It be a movie about some other guy with super powers.

        RATING: 6 chocolate chipped cookies.
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          September 24, 2014

          I can’t believe September is almost done and, in a few weeks, I’ll be making the BIG move to Toronto – just in time for what’s predicted to be (and I quote) “the T-Rex of winters” ( Of course, I’ll be spending most of it on a nice, cozy spaceship set. Or, in a nice, cozy car on my way to a nice, cozy spaceship set. On the one hand, the highway driving may be icy and treacherous; on the other hand, all of the lane shutdowns happening in Toronto will ensure that nobody will be going fast enough to suffer any real damage.

          The plan is for Paul and I to fly over to Toronto the week of October 6th for some meetings covering everything from casting and scheduling to DOP’s and editors. I’m going to try to pack everything I’ll need for my 7 month Toronto stay into two suitcases I’ll be bringing with me on that initial trip. Just the bare essentials: shirts, suits, ties, cufflinks, laptop. I’ll try to buy everything else I’ll need – towels, toiletries, dog beds, workout wear – while I’m there that first week. Between approving ship designs and interviewing Directors of Photography, I’ll be hitting the Eaton Center for dress socks and warm underwear!

          We fly back to Vancouver at the end of that week and then I’ll have all of the following week to get my local affairs in order, hand off the house keys to my former dog sitter who will become a house sitter until May of next year, and then make the final trip eastward (for 2014 anyway), dogs in tow the weekend of October 18th. Our friend Jeff has kindly offered to help transport the pooches so, once we firm up a date, I’ll get on the phone with the airline and book the flight with the roomiest under-seats. I believe the rules allow for only one dog (as carry-on) per person, and limit pets to a mere two in business class and two in coach. If that’s the case, Jeff (and Lulu) will be flying in style while Akemi, Bubba, Jelly and I squeeze into economy. I’m considering purchasing extra seats, just in case. I have to admit, getting my dogs cross-country is the most stressful aspect of this whole Toronto production.

          I’m aiming to have 9 of our 13 first season scripts completed by the time we land in Toronto, October 6th. Paul did a brilliant job on the delightfully creepy episode #5 that went out today and is presently revising episode #6. Rob is working on his first draft of episode #7 while I do a pass on Trevor’s draft of episode #8. And, of course, I already completed episode #9 which sits, patiently waiting to be read.

          We’ve approached the first season like a book, the thirteen episodes the equivalent to chapters in an extended story. We set up a big mystery in the opener, one we’ll develop over the course of the first year and, eventually, pay off BIG in the finale. The great thing about having all 13 episodes in advance (besides the obvious production advantages) is that we’ll be able to read the entire first season from beginning to end, tweaking where necessary to ensure a gripping, well-developed narrative layered with intriguing set-ups and surprising/satisfying pay-offs. It also allows our Visual Effects team (lead by former Stargate VFX Supervisor Mark Savela and this show’s VFX Supervisor Lawren Bancroft-Wilson) and Playback department to get a jump start on those visual effects and awesome onscreen images. And having those nine episodes in the bank for early October also allows us to choose the perfect sides for each character audition – and there will be plenty: six crew members plus that, uh, non-human character.

          We’ve got half our directors in place and you’ll, no doubt, recognize a few familiar names. Very much looking forward to working with them again. It’s been WAY too long.

          My biggest point of focus from now until mid-December will be those sets. Construction begins on the ship, shuttle, and space station in late October and I need them to look truly awesome. Also, I’ll need to make sure the shuttle is heated, with a roll-out bed and working bathroom because chances are, if the shoots run late, that’s where I’ll be spending most of my nights.
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            September 25, 2014

            “Ah! You have have a baby in your heart!”

            - Akemi today after I told her about my echocardiogram.

            Yes, today I went in for an echocardiogram, a procedure that uses sound waves to produce an image of the working heart. Sort of like a pregnancy ultrasound – but different. Still, that didn’t stop me from shouting: “It’s a boy!” when my heart came onscreen.

            “You’ve had a heart murmur since you were thirteen,”said the sonographer, seeking to confirm what I’d already told my doctor.


            I remember running a gauntlet of tests in my early teens after complaining about my heart’s penchant for “skipping beats”. At first, the doctors were dubious, initially dismissing my self-diagnosis as “gas probably” – so that when the results came back, “He’s got a slight murmur”, I was elated. Yes! Heart murmur! I was right!

            But, apparently, nothing to worry about. Throughout most of my life, I hardly gave the occasional pause and staccato beats a second thought. Then, enter the age of the internet and the ability to do a google search for keywords like “Arrhythmia” which lead to links like “Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia” which, in turn, leads to symptoms like: 1. Irregular heart rhythms (check!), 2. Dizziness or lightheadedness (uh, check?), 3. Sudden cardiac death (uh…I think I would’ve remembered that one).

            So, a couple of months ago, I went in for a comprehensive assessment survey that included a full physical which was comprised of, among other things, a stress test that involved me being hooked up to a heart monitor while I ran on a treadmill. Twice. Well, officially once but they misplaced the results of my first test so I had to go in and do a second one. Anyway, I’m no stranger to a treadmill workout so, all in all, I did pretty well. We started at a brisk walking pace and incline, then increased the speed and steepness every three minutes. I managed just under twenty-five torturous minutes (which was well above average by the way), and my test results showed “an excellent cardiopulmonary fitness level”. BUT, just in case, I did mention my concerns to my doctor and he set up an echocardiogram for me.

            And today was the day. I lay on my side, my chest slathered with (probably) ectoplasm, while the sonographer prodded me with the probe (wand? ding-dong?) and I tried to comprehend the incomprehensible onscreen images – and, when that clearly wasn’t working, shifted focus to scrute the inscrutable sonographer.

            “So, what happens next?”I asked once we were done.

            She informed me that the results would be sent to the cardiologist who would contact my doctor within a week with the results.

            “And how do things look?”I tried.

            “Oh, we’re not allowed to say anything,”she said. “We could make an assumption about something and that could change upon further review. Imagine me telling you something and then you finding out something else from your director.”

            I told her I understood. Completely. Then threw her a change-up with a casual parting: “I’ll be hitting the treadmill tonight!”

            “Sounds good,”she replied without missing a beat.


            In the months -long lead up to this test, I wasn’t at all concerned. But a week is a LONG time to wait for – and think over those possible – test results!

            And just a reminder! One more day to bid on this:
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              September 26, 2014

              Photo: Akemi

              Please add to your ever-expanding glossary of Akemi-isms:

              FIY = FYI

              Gram molass = glamorous

              Hinch = a hunch

              Lettucehead = letterhead

              Melancholy syndrome = depression

              Rock work = Geology

              Shoe fly = fruit fly

              Snow killing = snorkeling

              The Tim Hortons Team = Green Bay Packers
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                September 27, 2014

                Photos: Movies

                These are mine…









                SCIENCE FICTION (tie)



                WAR (tie)


                Tag! You’re it!
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                  September 28, 2014

                  Photos: Snow monkey, tacos, veggie platter

                  After starting the fantasy football season by dropping our first two games (by a combined five points!), my Snow Monkeys have bounced back big time, winning last week and, today, racking up a lofty 136 points to cast to our second consecutive victory, knotting our record at 2-2. I predict BIG things for this team. We’re on a roll! GO SNOW MONKEYS!

                  Today, we watched the games at Rob’s place where our affable host served up the perfect football feast -

                  Pulled pork tacos!

                  And, in case we were feeling guilty, the veggie platter. Note: I wasn’t feeling THAT guilty.

                  And, for dessert, gluten-free pastries (compliments of Ivon), some of which didn’t exactly taste gluten-free, some of which did taste EXACTLY like gluten-free pastries.

                  So, how are your fantasy football teams doing?
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                    September 29, 2014

                    Photos: Akemi, Petunia, Lulu, Jelly, Bubba

                    “I don’t know why I am so popular with kids and dogs,”Akemi mused today after our night out with friends Steve and Jodi and their daughter (Akemi’s new best buddy) Gemma. And, after some consideration: “Maybe kids think I am kid and dogs think I am dog.”


                    Akemi claims she essentially re-set her age when she moved to Canada, effectively starting from scratch with a strange new culture and language. So that explains her rapport with kids. As for why dogs connect with her so easily? Well, it could be her proclivity for snacking on their dry sardine treats.

                    Just finished a script rewrite today – and hope to start work on another one soon. This weekend, we brought an old friend onboard to help with design work and he turned around an awesome space station in record time. Next up, he’s going to tackle our hero ship – and, if he has time, two rival vessels.

                    Big day tomorrow as I attempt to book a Vancouver to Toronto flight for the six of us – three humans, and three dogs.

                    Speaking of dogs…
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                      September 30, 2014

                      Well, it’s actually a scifi series, but it IS a mystery insofar as no actual details have been released. I’ve been told the network will only make an official announcement once the deal has been finalized – and it looks like those lawyers sure are being sticklers. So…soon?

                      Certainly before we go to camera in early January.

                      I’m hoping.

                      To all those of you asking – yes, you’ll able to watch it when it premieres in summer of 2015. Again, can’t offer much in the way of details but suffice it to say that if you’re able to read this blog, come next summer, you should be able to watch my new series.

                      Nothing in the way of real details, but I have told you that it’s a ship-based show. And that our cast will be made up of its seven crew members (six humans and an android). Make of that what you will.

                      This Sunday, Paul and I catch a flight to Toronto where we’ll be convening with our fellow producers and department heads to discuss – well, on the docket: set design (interior builds, exterior VFX builds, the lighting concept, playback screens, exterior planet designs, spacesuits, weapons, special prop builds, and the general studio layout), locations, casting, production (directors, scheduling, crew, 2nd unit), post-production (schedule, editors, music), D.O.P. meetings, and budget. And, when we have some free time, we’ll also squeeze in notes sessions on 6 to 9 scripts (depending on how many we’ll have completed by the time we hit Hogtown.

                      To this point, I’m not going to see it’s been easy (co-writing a pilot, developing a series, breaking a 13 episode first season, and writing four scripts), but I have been able to work from home, at my own pace. But all that changes in October, first with those initial meetings, then when actual set construction begins at the end of the month.

                      I look forward to it but, on the other hand, am concerned about Akemi who will know no one in town and will be all by her lonesome (with the dogs of course). It may not be a big deal during prep but, when production starts up and I’m leaving our place at 6:30 a.m. for a 7:30 a.m. call and not getting home until 9:00 or 10:00 p.m., I’m sure it’ll begin to take its toll. Unlike our last stay in Toronto, we’ll be there during the dead of winter meaning a simple walk to St. Lawrence Market for that day’s groceries will be a truly frosty ordeal. Sadly, most of our former Toronto friends have moved away. So – I know, I know – it’s time to make new ones. Easier said than done though. But in the hopes of keeping Akemi happy and busy while I’m at work, I’m thinking of checking out a bunch of organized events and activities in the 2+ months prior to the commencement of principal photography – dining clubs, doggy get-togethers, maybe even a few Japanese-themed outings – with a mind to making a few connections.

                      I start my research tomorrow. Any suggestions?
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                        October 1, 2014

                        Photo: Books

                        Unlike last year’s anemic tally (a mere 65 books read) this year has been a very good one for reading. I’ve surpassed my goal of 120, finishing up my 140th book last night. I don’t know how busy prep will keep me once I hit Toronto, but I think I can easily hit the 150 book mark by year’s end.

                        Yes, I do read a lot, but I’ve got A LOT to read.

                        Every week, I hit my two favorite bookshops:

                        The Book Warehouse ( where I’m now on a first name basis with the gang and regularly go in to chat, praise, and critique my recent reads. Unlike megastore Chapters, the staff here have ACTUALLY READ their Staff Picks, offering up a wonderful range of recommendations.

                        White Dwarf Books ( for all of my genre needs (SF, Fantasy, horror, and crime). While I browse, Akemi spends quality time with the owners’ loveable basset hound (who we ended up dog sitting not too long ago).

                        I rarely ever leave either place empty-handed. As a result, THIS, is my burgeoning To-Read pile:

                        It’s like an ever-growing batch of kombucha, expanding from that original literary mother culture (which, if memory serves me right, is Clive Barker’s Weaveworld). And these are merely the books I have on deck, to be read sooner than later. My downstairs library holds three times as many titles waiting to be called up to the majors.

                        As much as I prefer real books, I realize that digital is the way to go for the duration of my Toronto stay. Rather than lug around a suitcase of books, I can just download the titles onto my laptop or handy reader.

                        As a result of Amazon’s continuing war with publisher Hachette, I’ve decided to retire my kindle and purchase all future digital titles via iTunes and Barnes & Noble. Yes, the dispute is a complicated one and it’s not as simple as picking a side – but, in my case, I am because Amazon is the party that is inconveniencing me by making it difficult (if not impossible) to purchase the titles I want to purchase.

                        Anyway, I’m putting together a Toronto Reading Library and am looking for recommendations. Here’s a list of some of the books that have been recommended to me so far:

                        Flash Boys – Michael Lewis

                        Sous Chef – Michael Gibney

                        Station Eleven – Emily St. John Mandel

                        Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant by

                        Love, Nina – Nina Stibble

                        Black Moon – Kenneth Calhoun

                        The Slow Regard of Silent Things – Patrick Rothfuss

                        Complicit – Stephanie Keuhn

                        The Enchanted – Rene Denfeld

                        The End of Eve – Ariel Gore

                        Little Failure – Gary Shtenygart

                        War Dogs – Greg Bear

                        The Martian – Andy Weir

                        Shotgun Lovesongs – Nickolas Butler

                        Ancillary Sword – Anne Leckie

                        Silence Once Begun – Jesse Ball

                        The Paying Guests – Sarah Waters

                        An Untamed State – Roxane Gray

                        Winter People – Jennifer McMahon

                        The Word Exchange – Alena Graedon

                        J – Howard Jacobson

                        Season to Taste – Natalie Young

                        The Lemon Grove – Helen Walsh

                        The Farm – Tom Rob Smith

                        Elizabeth is Missing – Emma Healey

                        The Paying Guests – Sarah Waters

                        The Bone Clocks – David Mitchell

                        Letters of Note – Shaun Usher

                        Wave – Sonali Deraniyagala

                        The Examined Life – Stephen Grosz

                        Big Brother – Lionel Shriver

                        The Reason I Jump – Naoki Higashida

                        The Silent Wife – A.S.A. Harrison

                        Kiss Me First – Lottie Moggach

                        Any of you read any of the above guest and care to weigh in with your thoughts?

                        Or have a book to recommend me? Preferably, no: steampunk, alternate wold, magic-themed, magical creatures, vampires, werewolves, zombies, romance, tie-ins, or instalments in an ongoing series.
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                          October 2, 2014

                          Video: Akemi’s Japan vlog

                          Tokyo! Tsukiji Market! Tea Ceremony in Osaka!

                          Check out the first installment of Akemi’s Japan vlog:

                          Next time, let’s make it a group vacation. Who’s in?!!
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                            October 3, 2014

                            Photos: Book to Film adaptations

                            Whenever I visit Granville Island to pick up some matcha from that little tea shop, I always ask the woman who serves me: “What are you reading?”. We discuss and I always complete my purchase by recommending a book. On my most recent trip, she had just finished reading (and throughly enjoying) one of my recommendations, Karen Joy Fowler‘s We Are Completely Beside Ourselves. Pleased, I offered her another one: “This Is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper.” And then, offer her furrow-browed reaction: “They just made a movie based on the book – but don’t go see it. Read the book instead!”

                            “Too late,”she told me, and the look on her face told me that her dissatisfaction with the film ensured she would never pick up the book. I liken it to suffering food poisoning at an otherwise great restaurant. After that bad experience, there’s no way you’ll be able to go back and fully enjoy yourself. Just the smell of cumin or the taste of curry or the sight to Timothy Olyphant is enough to send you running for the exit.

                            Which is why I have – well, I want to say “mixed feelings”, but they’re not really mixed at all, so let’s go with – “homogenous feelings” about the announced big screen adaptation of Jeannette Walls’ The Glass Castle. I don’t care who write the script or directs or stars, the movie will NOT be as good as the book. The best that can be hoped for is something different, a film no better or worse than the source material that, nevertheless, stands on its distinct own as an enjoyable product.

                            It happens, but rarely. Most book-based movies range from disappointing to atrocious. As I gave it some thoughts, numerous bad examples came to mind. And a few singular good ones.

                            Here are my Top 5 Best and Worst Book to Film adaptations:

                            THE WORST

                            5. I AM LEGEND

                            The movie, based on the short novel by Richard Matheson, tries to go it’s own creative way – and fails miserably. A film that will be remembered for only one thing: killing off the dog.

                            4. THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN

                            Okay, look, ANY film based on the works of writer Alan Moore are going to pale in comparison to the original. The best you can hope for is “good but not close enough” (Watchmen) to atrocious (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen). Hey, I don’t recall Tom Sawyer in the graphic novel. Oh, right. He was added to appeal to an American audience (“Hey! Tom Sawyer’s in this movie! Let’s go see it!”said no one ever). So disastrous that not only did Alan Moore disown it, but so did it’s star, Sean Connery.

                            3. WORLD WAR Z

                            It’s the book’s fractured narrative that allows us a sweeping understanding of the global pandemic on both the public and personal level – and the attempt to capture it proves to be the movie’s undoing.

                            2. HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE

                            My favorite book in the series was the worst film in the series – as far I know given that I stopped watching after this one.

                            1. A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS

                            My favorite children’s book series of all time. The movie gets nowhere close to capturing its clever narrative and darkly humorous tone.

                            (Honorable mentions: Daredevil, The Fantastic Four [any version]).

                            THE BEST

                            5. THE SHINING

                            I know that author Stephen King was never a fan of the big screen adaptation, but I thought this was one of those rare instances where the movie almost exists as a separate entity, a different version of the same story that is just as good as the original.

                            4. A CLOCKWORK ORANGE

                            Like The Shining, this is a case of a film that charts its own stylistic path, creating a visual counterpart that pays its respect to the book but is still very much its own animal.

                            3. THE PRINCESS BRIDE

                            I actually fell in love with the movie before discovering – and falling in love with – the book. It helps that both were written by the same hugely talented writer, William Goldman.

                            2. MISERY

                            Loved the book and loved the movie. This is one of those rarest of instances where the book and film actually co-exist in the same creative world. Whenever I watch the movie, the experience is complimented by elements I recall from the novel. On the other hand, whenever I read the book, Kathy Bates is always Annie.

                            1. BLADE RUNNER

                            I’m sorry, Philip K. Dick fans, but this is one of those rarest of all instances where the movie is actually better than the book.

                            (Honorable mentions: Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, the 1973 & 1974 Three Musketeers and Four Musketeers, The Godfather)

                            Just in time for the opening of GONE GIRL…based on the excellent novel of the same name.
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                              October 4, 2014

                              Photos: Dinner at The Union, Crackle Creme, Owner Daniel Wong

                              I’m off to Toronto tomorrow, returning Friday. That gives me eight dinners, roughly fifteen meals (minus the turducken/piecaken extravaganza I have planned for Canadian Thanksgiving next Sunday) to enjoy in Vancouver before I leave it – for seven months!

                              Last night, Akemi and I got together with our foodie friends, Nicole and Lan, for the first of our many farewell feasts. Rather than visit an old favorite, however, I decided to try somewhere new – The Union in the city’s Strathcona district – partly because the menu intrigued, and partly because it’s located steps from Crackle Creme and their varied creme brûlées.

                              The Union is very casual. Menu items range from spicy wings to Singapore Laksa. Perfect for sharing. We ended up ordering – well, a lot. Some of the highlights...

                              The Cha Ca Hanoi: fresh snapper, market greens, turmeric chill coconut milk, dill, rice vermicelli, nuoc cham, fresh herbs and scallions. So good I had to resist the temptation to drink the sauce.

                              Sweet & Sour Pork Crepes with marinated pulled pork and spicy pineapple slaw. Akemi loved these so much she couldn’t stop talking about them.

                              Sweet & Sour Fried Fish Banh Mi with spicy sriracha aioli, jalapeños, daikon and carrot pickles, cucumber, and cilantro. This was the first time I’ve tried a fried fish version of the Vietnamese-style sandwich – and I was completely won over.

                              In truth, pretty much everything we ate was terrific (crispy pork belly banh mi, Hawk thai chicken wings with sweet and spicy nahm jim glaze, fried pork dumplings with scallion soy dipping sauce) with the exception of the bland Nasi Goreng.

                              Rather than sample dessert (which I’m sure is excellent), we walked over to Crackle Creme for an assortment of creme brûlées...

                              Owner Daniel Wong fires ‘em up!

                              Flavors – clockwise from left to right: Madagascar vanilla bean, lemon basil, ferrero richer, black sesame-matcha cheesecake with mango sauce, Guinness-espresso topped with roasted marshmallows.

                              While I’m away, I’ll have to enjoy my Vancouver meals vicariously through this site – my favorite local food blog:

                              The Union: 219 Union St, Vancouver – 604-568-3230

                              Crackle Creme: 245 Union St, Vancouver – 778-847-8533
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                October 5, 2014

                                Videos: Cartoons

                                Photos: Michael Shanks, cartoons

                                So my flight got into Toronto at about 7:00 p.m. local time and it was a half hour later when the driver dropped me off at my new residence. I had just stepped out onto the sidewalk with my four pieces of luggage when some passing pedestrian stopped and pointed at me, eyes wide, mouth agape, like Donald Sutherland in that last scene from Invasion of the Body Snatchers. “Is that guy pointing at me?”I wondered and, since he obviously was, my next question was: “Who is that guy?”. It was dark and he was wearing a baseball cap but there was something familiar about him. And, as I stared back, the wheels turning, I realized: “Hey! That’s the star of Saving Hope!” And then: “And Stargate: SG-1!” And finally: “Michael Shanks! I KNOW him!”

                                What a surprise!

                                As it turns out, he was on his way back to his place and happened to spot me. What are the chances? Despite an early call tomorrow morning, he helped me roll my luggage over to my new (temporary) digs, then walked back with me to meet up with my writing partner, Paul, for a brief catch-up session before he called it a night.

                                Chances are we’ll be crossing paths a lot in the coming months.

                                It was great to see Michael, great to see he’s doing well, and even greater to know we have a prospective dog sitter for our next Japan trip. Maybe he can keep them busy by getting them guest spots on his show?

                                Hey, according to this article -


                                This marked the first weekend in America with no network Saturday morning cartoons. Several reasons are cited, from the FCC’s politically correct strong-arm tactics to the fact that, nowadays, cartoons are accessible 24/7 through a variety of alternate sources.

                                But the sad fact remains: this is the end of an era.

                                I remember waking up early every Saturday morning and racing downstairs with my sister to mainline a septuple feature of animated programming.

                                At the risk of dating myself, these were my favorite cartoons growing up…

                                10. THE PINK PANTHER

                                I had a love-hate relationship with this show. I enjoyed it enough, but really hated that smug panther. I always thought he was an incredible jerk and tuned in every weekend in the hopes that he would finally get his comeuppance. No such luck. I much preferred The Ant & the Aardvark.

                                9. ROCKET ROBIN HOOD

                                There was something quaintly endearing about this cheap-as-hell production whose use and re-use of static images made Ralph Bakshi’s Spiderman look like an elaborate Disney movie by comparison.

                                8. THE JETSONS

                                Endless Saturday morning viewings prepared me for a career in science fiction.

                                7. JOSIE AND THE PUSSYCATS

                                I mainly checked it out for Melody.

                                6. THE ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE SHOW

                                To be perfectly honest, I came for the Sherman and Mr. Peabody but stayed for the squirrel and moose.

                                5. FAT ALBERT AND THE COSBY KIDS

                                I always enjoyed the show up to the point where the gang would play a song at Bill’s behest.

                                4. SCOOBY-DOO, WHERE ARE YOU?

                                Its comforting, paint-by-numbers plotting would pre-date shows like House by some forty years, yet prove even more durable.

                                3. SPIDER-MAN

                                Okay, full disclosure. If I was stranded on a deserted island and could have only one incarnation of Spiderman to watch, from his humble t.v. beginnings to his recent big screen forays, I’d pick this version who I always felt was closer to the original comic book representation of the nebbish Peter Parker/quippy Spiderman.

                                2. THE BUGS BUNNY SHOW

                                A cartoon for grown-ups that kids could enjoy as well. I own the entire Looney Tunes collection and I still find them equally hilarious today. It’s sad that, nowadays, kids can only watch censored versions of these brilliant animated shorts.

                                1. THE FLINTSTONES

                                Another clever animated series, written for an adult audience but enjoyed by children as well. Nothing takes me back to my youth like that theme song or those trademark sound effects.
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

