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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Ah, but was he telepathic in the failed pilot?

    Can't expect the show to succeed if the dog ain't TP, y'know.
    Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
    Yes, I am!
    Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
    Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
    Peter Pan R.I.P


      I think it might have been a talking dog, dunno if he was speaking telepathically or not.


        Maybe Atlantis could benefit from adding a telepathic dog to the team. Or Jinto. And maybe have a musical episode. "Jinto...he's just a boy..."

        Originally posted by PG15 View Post
        Perhaps you should post that on his blog? Seriously; I'm sure he values input as long as it's rational and not too argumentative; he's said as much.

        Actually, I would love to hear what has to say about all of this.
        To be honest, I'm not sure how to phrase my comments because wrong phrasing could easily make them seem dictating, accusatory, and/or demanding. I am curious about whether Joe sees his actions as in the best interest for the franchise but I can see how posting such a question could lead to a defensive and snarky response.

        And in the end, Joe's no dummy. It's not like he's going to read that, slap his forehead, and say "You mean I haven't been acting completely professionally?!" He knows what he's doing and how he chooses to behave.

        Sigh, I miss the good old days of anime updates and reports on fantastic ice cream creations...


          Originally posted by Pitry View Post
          Ah, but was he telepathic in the failed pilot?

          Can't expect the show to succeed if the dog ain't TP, y'know.
          Oh wow, cool and weird banner you got there, but I can't make out the critter... squirrel? bat? flying squirrel? er, lemming?


            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
            Maybe Atlantis could benefit from adding a telepathic dog to the team. Or Jinto. And maybe have a musical episode. "Jinto...he's just a boy..."
            OR! They can pull a Blackpool (er, bad pun intended) and turn all of SGA into a musical! *manic laughter*

            Originally posted by prion View Post
            Oh wow, cool and weird banner you got there, but I can't make out the critter... squirrel? bat? flying squirrel? er, lemming?
            *small* it's... supposed to be a Prion. That's what picture search on google said, anyhow.
            Last edited by Pitry; 25 April 2007, 01:07 PM. Reason: Pitry should learn how to spell?
            Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
            Yes, I am!
            Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
            Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
            Peter Pan R.I.P


              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
              Maybe Atlantis could benefit from adding a telepathic dog to the team. Or Jinto. And maybe have a musical episode. "Jinto...he's just a boy..."

              To be honest, I'm not sure how to phrase my comments because wrong phrasing could easily make them seem dictating, accusatory, and/or demanding. I am curious about whether Joe sees his actions as in the best interest for the franchise but I can see how posting such a question could lead to a defensive and snarky response.

              And in the end, Joe's no dummy. It's not like he's going to read that, slap his forehead, and say "You mean I haven't been acting completely professionally?!" He knows what he's doing and how he chooses to behave.

              Sigh, I miss the good old days of anime updates and reports on fantastic ice cream creations...
              Yep, I agree with this. I've been thinking about how to phrase it too, and you'e right, it's hard.

              It's not that I want him to change, I just want to see what goes through his head when he says those things. It'll be enlightening if nothing else.


                Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                Yep, I agree with this. I've been thinking about how to phrase it too, and you'e right, it's hard.

                It's not that I want him to change, I just want to see what goes through his head when he says those things. It'll be enlightening if nothing else.
                Jumping on the bandwagon here. Joe knows exactly what to say and how to say it. I see Joe as an open book, what you see is what you get. He doesn't try and hide the snark, but then again neither do people on here (and I don't mean that in a judgemental way). He's just as passionate about the show as we are, but from my perspective, he just sees it differently to us. SGA has become his surrogate baby (so to speak) and when people diss the show or diss the writing etc then he's going to stand up for it, as any good boss would stand up for their...child. (Sorry, can't think of a better analogy here). I would do the same for my staff, irrespective of what went on behind the scenes. Even if I agreed with the poster about how certain things have panned out, it's called loyalty. I agree that he shouldn't have singled people out from here, but as quite a few have said we've said quite a lot of things about him, heck this whole thread is 'about him', so in some ways I can understand why he has said what he's said (and I don't mean that disrespectfully to Prion and Shadow (but you two are quite vocal at times) Though I have to say, you've handled this situation with grace and humour and it shows me that you both have similar personalities to Joe...there i've said it, shall I duck from the flying tomatoes? Maybe that's why you get on so well Anyway I digress...

                As for what goes through his head... well the whumpers have been trying to brainwash him for months through subliminal messages and it looks as if it's paying off
                Last edited by Pegasus_SGA; 25 April 2007, 01:53 PM. Reason: Because my spelling is always crap this time of night :D


                  Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                  Poochinski was the dog if you're thinking of the one referenced in Wormhole X-treme. The weird thing is that Poochinski was an actual show. Or a failed pilot, anyway, starring Peter Boyle.

                  I imagine if Joe used any telepathic alien dogs they'd look remarkably pug-like.
                  No I was referring to The Simpsons... Poochie the dog (voiced by Hommer) was a character brought into "Itchy and Scratchy" by the Producers because the ratings for "Itchy and Scratchy" were in Krusty's words "stinking up his ratings"

                  The whole episodes was about how TV shows bring in new characters and forget old ones in a vain attempt to raise ratings... *sound familiar* it is truly remarkable how much it sounds like SGA is doing the same thing. Go watch it.

                  Edit: Oh I forgot to mention that it was revealed in the end that Poochie was an alien (not sure about the telepathy) and he had to return to his home planet but only after the ratings didn't rise on Itchy and Scratchy.
                  Last edited by Willow'sCat; 25 April 2007, 04:06 PM.



                    April 25

                    Photos: None, zip, nada, bupkis, zero, my social life, etc.

                    Write-Up: What Joe lacked in photos, he made it up here. Sometime ago, Oooooober, I believe, asked Joe to post an annoted version of that spoiler poem posted around New Years. That is what he did. Posting the whole poem would make this update useless since it'll be just as easy to pop on over to read the entire entry.

                    I will, however, post the entire poem over at the thread dedicated to it in the Season 4 Atlantis thread. See here


                    Wilson writes: “If season five doesn't come to pass, will you guys be able to wrap up all the Atlantis storylines?”

                    Answer: We’re staying positive and operating under the assumption that we will be back for a fifth season.

                    Vikitty writes: “Do you guys base any characters on people you know?”

                    Answer: There’s a little bit of the writers in all of the characters.

                    Anonymous #1 writes: “Do you think scifi will look in to how the shows fared wherever they were first run before freaking out about the state side ratings?”

                    Answer: No idea.

                    Little Raven-Hawk writes: “What helps you get into a "writing" zone?”

                    Answer: A looming deadline does the trick. Getting up early and forcing yourself to write also helps a lot.

                    Little Raven-Hawk writes: “How technical do you get with the science and stuff like that in the first draft?”

                    Answer: Your first draft should be as thorough as possible.

                    Linzi writes: “I read yesterday, that a poster on GW found a site that reported SGA season 4 will premiere on Sunday 15th July.”

                    Answer: Sorry. That’s B.S.

                    [PG's note: Ha! I called it.]

                    Anonymous #2 writes: “Now you make it sound like her contribution was just to walk on set and read a few lines, and that the entirety of her character was all in the writing.”

                    Answer: Not at all. As someone who has been involved in various productions, I am well aware of the many contributions made by numerous individuals - actors, writers, directors, editors, and producers - in the creation of a great character. My point is it’s incredibly ignorant to presume that one individual alone is responsible for the success of a given character.

                    Anonymous #3 writes: “Joe M said "I never claimed the ratings system was unfair, wrong, inaccurate, yada, or even yada." I know you didn't and I didn't say you did.

                    Answer: Then what were you suggesting when you wrote “if the ratings were still in the 2.2 - 2.4 range like they were for season 8 (32 short episodes ago BTW) would the ratings sytem still be unfair, wrong, inaccurate, yada, yada?”?

                    Anonymous #4 writes: “ Just hoping that you will find your way clear to answering a question posed previously - will Carter be (1) playing an active role (action, out with the team sometimes, sam-whumping, commanding her ship, etc.), (2) be more like Hammomd where it is basically talking and directing the teams what to do or (3) just a figure-head that you can say is there and in charge but with no real role or action to play?”

                    Answer: Carter will be playing a support (not unlike Landry) but her background will allow her greater involvement and, yes, could even see her heading off-world.

                    Kate writes: “Do any of the actors or writers on atlantis have any suprising additional skills?”

                    Answer: Martin Gero can kill a man with his bare hands in less than the time it takes to down a can of coca cola. Does that count?

                    Anonymous #5 writes: “1. What does your heart tell you about a season 5 for SGA?
                    2. Are we going to see all three earth ships together in an eppy in season 4?
                    3. What is your position regarding sci-fi's awkward decisions regarding the timetable changes?”

                    Answer: 1. My heart tells me we’ll be back. 2. 2 out of 3 aint bad. 3. I wasn’t a fan of the delay but, at this point, what’s done is done.

                    Anonymous #6 writes: “Is the Ori storyline going to become an issue in Atlantis at all?”

                    Answer: No plans to introduce the Ori to Atlantis.

                    [PG's note: the last question is a very recent and major spoiler...I'll hide it, just in case]


                    Anonymous #7 writes: “Teyla's pregnant? […] It just proves that if you can't figure out how to develop a female character you off them like you're doing with Elizabeth or you get them pregnant... where have I seen that again? *insert rolling of eyes here*”

                    Answer: As far as I know, there are three ways in which shows have dealt with pregnancies: 1) They’ve reduced the actress’s onscreen time drastically and ignored the fact by shooting around her, 2) They’ve written the actress out of the show entirely, 3) They’ve supported the actress by writing the pregnancy into the show. If there is a fourth option you have in mind, I’d love to hear it. Maybe a "Teyla has an eating problem" arc?


                    Rachel Luttrell really pregnant?


                      stuck my answers in blue


                      As promised, here is an annotated version of that Stargate poem I posted before production began. Let’s see how you’re all doing so far…

                      The dawn of each season brings ideas galore
                      Some which survive, others shown the door,
                      (For various reasons, things like production demands, actor availability, and a plain old change of heart may kill a given story or spin it out in a completely different direction)
                      Like that time travel story,
                      (Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow in which a temporal incident involving that time-hopping puddle jumper from Good to be King sends a version of SG-1 to the past, another to the future, and leaves a version in the present to deal with the inevitable ripples in time)
                      or the love romp not done,
                      (A freelance pitch which involved the various members of Sheppard’s team afflicted with an extreme case of Spring Fever)
                      Or the Dark Daniel arc trimmed from six tales to one.
                      (It was originally suggested that Daniel would disappear at the end of Quest II, be M.I.A. for two episodes, and then make a shocking reappearance for a big three-episode arc. In the end, it was decided that the latter would work better as a single episode).

                      We begin each new year with the best of intentions,
                      Seeking to craft our inspired inventions.
                      But conditions are altered, storylines change,
                      From the original notion so far may they range.

                      So as we look forward to two thousand and seven,
                      I can’t help but think it would truly be heaven,
                      To see the ideas pitched out, some produced,
                      Make it as finals, not crossed out or reduced.

                      Atlantis assailed by the stuff of nightmares,
                      (Refers to a season four episode and given the spoilers that are out there, it shouldn’t be that hard to figure this one out).
                      While the team will explore that dark sunken lair.
                      (Refers, of course, to the season three’s Submersion).

                      For one player worship, adoration and fame,
                      As he and his rival find it’s more than a game.
                      (Refers to, appropriately enough, season three’s The Game).

                      Receive a grand gift from an all-seeing shaman.
                      (Refers to a season four episode. Again, given the spoilers out there, this one shouldn’t be all that hard to figure out either). [The Seer]
                      Find the wraith and our allies have something in common.
                      (Refers to a season four episode and a revelation to come).

                      A tech-savvy group who progress via pillage.
                      (Refers to a season four episode. Again, there are spoilers out there that should point you in the right direction).
                      A wild west High Noon in an inapt Dutch village.
                      (Refers to none other than season three’s Irressistible a.k.a. Shootout at De Dutch Pannekoek Corral).

                      Too late the value of that friendship he’ll learn.
                      (Refers specifically to McKay in season three’s Sunday)
                      A strange disappearance feeds another’s dark turn.
                      (Refers to a season four episode. The title pretty much gives it away. Alas, this is one that may not play out as planned as the originally envisioned dark turn arc has been superseded by another necessary arc).

                      Find survivors concealed in an orbiting rock,
                      (Refers to season three’s The Ark).
                      While the thinker receives an enlightening shock.
                      (Refers to season three’s Tao of McKay).

                      Mutations discovered,
                      (Refers to season three’s Vengeance).
                      O’Neill is all wet.
                      (Refers to season three’s Return II).
                      With a change of location all will forget.
                      (Refers to a season four episode. Another case where the title should let you know).

                      Hyperion’s wrath threatens total destruction.
                      (Refers to season three’s Echoes, Hyperion being an allusion to Helios the sun god).
                      Our hand will be forced by ominous construction.
                      (Refers to season three’s First Strike).

                      Carter arrives; a reunion of sorts.
                      (Both references to a season four episode. Again, not that hard to figure out). [Adrift]
                      One of our own the enemy courts.
                      (Refers a season four episode - maybe a little harder to figure out).
                      Isolation imposed and a grand battle looms,
                      (Refers to an early season four episode).
                      While an alien contact this player dooms.
                      (Refers to another early season four episode).

                      Self-doubt for one,
                      (Refers to a season four episode).
                      parenthood for another,
                      (Refers to a season four episode. This one was the biggest longshot to come to fruition but we were considering making McKay a daddy. However, circumstances led us to change this particular storyline as we didn’t want to have two characters facing parenthood in the same season). [judging from recent spoilers, The Seer]
                      And that brilliant young mom may be needing her brother.
                      (Refers to a season four episode. Given the spoilers out there, this one should be pretty easy to guess as well). [Miller's Crossing]

                      From innocents lost he’ll produce strict adherence
                      (Refers to a season three episode that I won’t name because this storyline will continue in season four).
                      While the late fallen one makes a surprised reappearance
                      (Refers to a season four episode and the return of a much-beloved physician. This was a possibility we toyed with early and it finally became reality not too long ago).

                      Scheduling conflicts, production demands,
                      Changes necessitate all won’t go as planned.
                      But let’s hope these ideas do well find their way,
                      And all see the light of a t.v. one day.
                      (Overall, not bad. Over half the scripts are in play and none of these notions have been bounced - although a couple have been altered ever so slightly).

                      Shoot. By the time I posted, yours went up, so I'll leave the poem instead
                      Last edited by prion; 25 April 2007, 07:10 PM.


                        Originally posted by PG15 View Post

                        April 25

                        Anonymous #7 writes: “Teyla's pregnant? […] It just proves that if you can't figure out how to develop a female character you off them like you're doing with Elizabeth or you get them pregnant... where have I seen that again? *insert rolling of eyes here*”

                        Answer: As far as I know, there are three ways in which shows have dealt with pregnancies: 1) They’ve reduced the actress’s onscreen time drastically and ignored the fact by shooting around her, 2) They’ve written the actress out of the show entirely, 3) They’ve supported the actress by writing the pregnancy into the show. If there is a fourth option you have in mind, I’d love to hear it. Maybe a "Teyla has an eating problem" arc?


                        Rachel Luttrell really pregnant?
                        I seriously doubt it, but this is how rumors like that get started


                          It's all good.

                          But really, reading these passages (beside that last question):

                          (Refers to a season four episode. This one was the biggest longshot to come to fruition but we were considering making McKay a daddy. However, circumstances led us to change this particular storyline as we didn’t want to have two characters facing parenthood in the same season).


                          (Refers to a season four episode. The title pretty much gives it away. Alas, this is one that may not play out as planned as the originally envisioned dark turn arc has been superseded by another necessary arc).
                          Really points to a...congratulatory revelation, let's say.


                            Originally posted by prion View Post
                            I seriously doubt it, but this is how rumors like that get started
                            Well, I had a, "Holy crap!" moment earlier this afternoon when I read the news for the first time. But then, just now as I read Joe's blog, I had a serious, "Holy sh*t!" moment - and that was before I came here to see if I was simply crazy for interpreting it the way that I did.

                            I don't think it's wise to talk about it until, ya know, the actress confirms or denies it. At the same I don't think JM would say something like that if it were untrue, nor do I think he would misspeak, per se (he is a writer after all). And I also don't think he would say something that would hurt one of the actors - if nothing else, he's shown that he's pretty darn loyal to them, and will defend/protect them to a fault.

                            ETA: PG15 has a great point with that "necessary" emphasis.
                            ETA2: And the issue with two parents in one season.
                            Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 25 April 2007, 07:43 PM.


                              Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                              [PG's note: the last question is a very recent and major spoiler...I'll hide it, just in case]


                              Anonymous #7 writes: “Teyla's pregnant? […] It just proves that if you can't figure out how to develop a female character you off them like you're doing with Elizabeth or you get them pregnant... where have I seen that again? *insert rolling of eyes here*”

                              Answer: As far as I know, there are three ways in which shows have dealt with pregnancies: 1) They’ve reduced the actress’s onscreen time drastically and ignored the fact by shooting around her, 2) They’ve written the actress out of the show entirely, 3) They’ve supported the actress by writing the pregnancy into the show. If there is a fourth option you have in mind, I’d love to hear it. Maybe a "Teyla has an eating problem" arc?


                              Rachel Luttrell really pregnant?
                              *Wonders if answer will do a Alex Levine (sp?) Sci Fi blog disappearing act.*

                              Someone should point out that a fourth option is
                              Not write the pregnancy in to the show, not reduce the actresses time, and shoot character in loose fitting garments and carefully placed props. Like, ooh, a number of other shows. (SG-1 for example. Unless I missed the Sam pregnancy storyline)
                              That would be shooting around the pregnancy, rather than the actress.

                              But then this is Teyla we're talking about so loose fitting clothing is obviously an absolute no-no.


                                Originally posted by smurf View Post
                                Someone should point out that a fourth option is
                                Not write the pregnancy in to the show, not reduce the actresses time, and shoot character in loose fitting garments and carefully placed props. Like, ooh, a number of other shows. (SG-1 for example. Unless I missed the Sam pregnancy storyline)
                                That would be shooting around the pregnancy, rather than the actress.

                                But then this is Teyla we're talking about so loose fitting clothing is obviously an absolute no-no.
                                I could be wrong, but
                                wasn't the later (and more obvious) stages of AT's pregnancy in between shooting seasons? And she did take off that first 5 episodes of Season 9. And BTW, as I mentioned on The Seer thread, Numb3rs has taken the course you're talking about, trying to hide the actress's pregnancy through props and creative shooting. Diane Farr must have worked pretty much right up until she had the baby, because it was getting REALLY creative there at the end. And absolutely hilarious. They got to where they always shot her from the shoulders up, or with an armload of something, or with a desk, or couch or something in the way. If you didn't know the actress was pregnant, you would have really been wondering what in the world is up with these shots? And when they did a walking scene, they had two people walking in front and she was walking behind them. And they also started leaving her in the office doing the paperwork while bringing in another actress to go out in the field with the team. So.... while I think Numb3rs made the right choice, I think this is probably the right choice for Atlantis. I'm not excited about it, but I'd rather have Teyla than not. There comes a point in a pregnancy where it can't exactly be ignored. If RL is indeed pregnant, and she will be in the later months of that pregnancy while Atlantis is still shooting, that would be very very hard to write around, IMO.
                                Last edited by Killdeer; 25 April 2007, 09:11 PM.
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