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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
    Many, many people are more mature than that. Yes, JM calls his blog "Thoughts and Tirades, Rants and Ruminations", so perhaps a bit of ranting is to be expected. However, insulting individual fans goes beyond ranting.

    Sorry you think it's "mean"...that sounds like the teens I teach everyday. It's not mean, it's grown up.
    If individual fans choose to comment or offer insults on Joe's personal blog, then they should realize he may choose to comment or insult them back. If these same fan's feelings are hurt by Joe's comments/insults then perhaps they should not be commenting or insulting at all.

    I don't see Joe forcing anybody to comment on his blog so they can be hurt or angered by his response.


      Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
      Actually, I may have more than five, but I can be definite about five and after that it gets vague. I do know I was at Gatecon when Brad Wright announced Shanks was leaving, so maybe that makes it six. Don't think it's much more than that, though.

      Whatever. It still means I'm not a REAL fan 'cos I didn't watch from Day 1, and I guess that's what it all boils down to.
      Ooh, poor thing! I missed the Gatecon revelation (although knew beforehand) as 9/11 blew away my travel plans. Heck, a fan's a fan. I mean, how may say came in season 4, loved it, and bought the rest on DVD? Or watch it in syndication only cuz they don't get cable (yes, cableless folk do exist).

      Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
      Don't *real* fans have to oooh and aaahh over everything? they're not allowed to think for themselves and critique an episode.
      Well, there was a definition created by someone a while back about 'true' and/or 'real' fans and yeah, you sorta defined it... personally I think what's fun about watching shows is critiquing them for what's good (and on the odd occasion, savaging the horridly written episodes). The fun in watching epsiodes and talking about them is the differing opinions (as long as we don't insult each other).


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

        but like folks have said, it's his blog and his opinion. he can express himself however he likes.

        at the end of the day all folks can do is read or not read
        "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
        My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


          Me? I find it & him hilarious but then I have no expectaions that he will change his wicked, wicked ways, I am just here for the food.


            Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
            I'm damned every way you look at it. No wonder Joe singled me out! I haven't watched from Day 1, I dare to criticize things I don't like, I've stopped watching SG-1 (except for Road Not Taken), I've mostly stopped watching Atlantis and yet I still prance about acting as if I have a right to be here. Tsk! The nerve of some people...
            Oh my, yeah, is that a little bulls-eye painted on your avatar? Or maybe a little raincloud above your head that JM sent down from vancouver?


              Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
              Me? I find it & him hilarious but then I have no expectaions that he will change his wicked, wicked ways, I am just here for the food.
              *passes the popcorn* Want a beer? It's about time for the nightly entertainment.
              "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
              My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                Originally posted by Kliggins View Post
                If individual fans choose to comment or offer insults on Joe's personal blog, then they should realize he may choose to comment or insult them back. If these same fan's feelings are hurt by Joe's comments/insults then perhaps they should not be commenting or insulting at all.

                I don't see Joe forcing anybody to comment on his blog so they can be hurt or angered by his response.
                In response to a specific posting on his blog I would agree, but Shadow at least has only ever posted once there, and she used her name, she didn't wimp out by being anonymous. If he has a problem with her (or prions) posts here, then he should come answer them here (IMHO). And we know he screens the posts to his own benefit - when he called us all lemmings I wrote a strongly worded but not profane or insulting (AFAIR) comment that wasn't approved. Of course, it's his blog, I completely believe in his right to say whatever he wants - just as I have every right to feel he stooped pretty low in that entry.


                  Originally posted by kiwigater View Post
                  In response to a specific posting on his blog I would agree, but Shadow at least has only ever posted once there, and she used her name, she didn't wimp out by being anonymous. If he has a problem with her (or prions) posts here, then he should come answer them here (IMHO). And we know he screens the posts to his own benefit - when he called us all lemmings I wrote a strongly worded but not profane or insulting (AFAIR) comment that wasn't approved. Of course, it's his blog, I completely believe in his right to say whatever he wants - just as I have every right to feel he stooped pretty low in that entry.
                  Joe is just one guy involved with the show - Brad, Paul M., Cooper, etc. are all as important to the show, if not more so, than he is. Why people take what Joe says so seriously, or even get bothered by it, is somewhat of a puzzle to me. I find the whole dynamic (both sides) to be pretty amusing.

                  Whatever Joe M. says isn't going to change the fact of whether I enjoy the show or not, watch the show or not.

                  Joe is what he is and I don't think he's going to change. I'm assuming his colleagues or bosses don't have a problem with what he writes in his blog or how he words his replies (assuming they even take the time to read them), since he still continues to exhibit the same behavior he always has. I just don't understand all the kerfuffle over it.


                    Actually, Joe has said that both Martin Gero and Rob Cooper read his blog; Cooper has actually commented a few times.


                    April 24

                    Photos: Food, more set photos on "Ark of Truth" (including one with a Canuck flag thingy in it, WOOO!!), the producers playing the aforementioned golf arcade game, Martin Gero looking happy near said game, Alex Levine smiles for the camera, and Mr. Evil comes for a visit, and he's not empty-handed...(no, not Joe's twin).

                    Write-Up: This is new: Joe ate at the same restaurant 2 nights in a row! Holy crap. Also, script rewrites vs. dentist appointments, which is worse? Joe gets to find out as he does both!


                    Smiley Face06 writes: “On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), how comfortable is the captain's chair of the Daedalus?”

                    Answer: It’s about a 4. Could use a little more cushioning.

                    Crazymom writes: “Well, I've succeeded in converting 3 more to Atlantis.”

                    Answer: 3 down, 997 to go!

                    Shawna writes: “You do know you all are like the coolest show producers/makers/what-have-you EVER, right?”

                    Answer: We’re alright cool I guess.

                    Royal Nonesuch writes: “Do the ratings folks take into account Tivo/DVR hits and DVD sales?”

                    Answer: Yes to the former; no to the latter.

                    Anonymous #1 writes: “Will there be any Wow I didnt see this coming moment events? that make peoples jaws drop?”

                    Answer: There’ll definitely be a few of those in season four.

                    Arctic Goddess writes: “Is there any sort of pattern to episodes with good vs. bad ratings?”

                    Answer: Not really. Some subscribe to the fact that people are not tuning in as a reaction to the previous week’s episode while others subscribe to the fact that viewers are actually not tuning in a specific episode. For what its worth, the individual episode tracking showed that viewership for both shows built over the course of its airing which is always a good sign.

                    Ses110 writes: “The ratings are down 30%.Is it time to admit the Stargate francise has major problems and is in need of big changes?”

                    Answer: Like a telepathic alien dog? I hear ya!

                    PrimatesForever writes: “One of thing ive noticed about the Scifi promos for each show is they make them look like you think that contributes to the drop in ratings?”

                    Answer: Best not to comment. Better yet, I’m just going to say “no comment”. No, even better, I will ignore the question. P.S. Remind me to delete your question before posting this entry.

                    Tory writes: “I'm a little curious if you know anything about the reasoning behind airing the back half of season three in Canada a full ... what, three, four months before it airs in the U.S.?”

                    Answer: SciFi pushed back the original episode airings of both Stargates to April of 2007 while broadcasters like Sky simply stuck to their established schedule.

                    Anonymous #2 writes: “This is strange because Echoes is really one of the fans favorite episode for season 3 !!”

                    Answer: It IS strange because we all thought Carl did a wonderful job on the script. Still, the ratings did drop and we had to blame someone so who better than Carl who was forced to return the money he was paid for Echoes. Hopefully his next episode, The Game, will do better (I hope so as he has already spent the cash on such vanity purchases as food and clothing).

                    Vikitty writes: “And, I'm curious, are you Canucks fan?”

                    Answer: I don’t not support them. I know this is sacrilege my being Canadian and all, but I’m not that big a hockey fan.

                    [PG's note: alright, no more defending from me. Joe's getting tarred and feathered tomorrow, who's with me?!?! ]

                    Lily writes: “What can we do to help you and the show out?”

                    Answer: If you can just manage to convince a half million more viewers to tune into the show next week…

                    Anonymous #3 writes: “I note in one of your shows Mitchell makes reference to the Da Vinci Code. Have you read it?”

                    Answer: That was Rob Cooper’s gag. And, yes, he has.

                    CassieTheGater writes: “It's not looking good for season 5 is it?”

                    Answer: To be honest, it’s still too early to tell.

                    Crazymom writes: “I've been meaning to ask: how are actors who play recurring roles contracted?”

                    Answer: They are contracted on an episode-by-episode basis.

                    SMB Books writes: “What is the hardest type of scene for you to write for SGA? And, why is it the hardest?”

                    Answer: Writing exposition is a real pain the ass because the information has to be relayed in as economical and entertaining a way as possible. But it’s exposition!

                    Cheeky Lil Devil writes: “Could you possibly tell the whumping crew and lil ol' me if it will be Our Shep that get's the crap kicked out of him sorry, whumped, or will it be Evil Shep?”

                    Answer: Two for the price of one. Both.

                    Anonymous #4 writes: “If the ratings were still in the 2.2 - 2.4 range like they were for season 8 (32 short episodes ago BTW) would the ratings sytem still be unfair, wrong, inaccurate, yada, yada?”

                    Answer: I never claimed the ratings system was unfair, wrong, inaccurate, yada, or even yada. Given the fact that the episodes have aired elsewhere and been available online for months now, I would have been stunned had we been pulling in those stellar numbers.

                    Andrew writes: “Are we likely to see any new types earth warships in season 4 since earth has gotten access to all of the asgard's technology?”

                    Answer: New Earth ships are a long way off. Souped-up versions of our established Earth ships are another matter.

                    J Williams writes: “Anywho are we going to learn the wraiths weakness in season 4?”

                    Answer: Yup. And they’re not the only ones.

                    Anonymous #5 writes: "I am a bit puzzled by your response to Alyssa's heartfelt tribute to Torri's acting."

                    Answer: Really? Did you happen to stop reading after a certain point?


                      Originally posted by xfkirsten View Post
                      *passes the popcorn* Want a beer? It's about time for the nightly entertainment.
                      I think it needs to be bourbon straight up. The popcorn I'll take.


                        Ses110 writes: “The ratings are down 30%.Is it time to admit the Stargate francise has major problems and is in need of big changes?”

                        Answer: Like a telepathic alien dog? I hear ya!
                        Anyone else thinking "Poochie the dog" *just me* OK then.


                          You cut out my comment...

                          Konman72 writes: “Bender from Futurama: "They're doing the minor technical awards. I think they're up to writing."

                          Answer: Which reminds me. I need to have a Futurama night.


                            Originally posted by Konman72 View Post
                            You cut out my comment...

                            Konman72 writes: “Bender from Futurama: "They're doing the minor technical awards. I think they're up to writing."

                            Answer: Which reminds me. I need to have a Futurama night.
                            Ack, must admit, might have missed that one too as I just saw Futurama in the Q&A.


                              Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                              Anyone else thinking "Poochie the dog" *just me* OK then.
                              it's Sparky the Wonder Chihauhaha
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Poochinski was the dog if you're thinking of the one referenced in Wormhole X-treme. The weird thing is that Poochinski was an actual show. Or a failed pilot, anyway, starring Peter Boyle.

                                I imagine if Joe used any telepathic alien dogs they'd look remarkably pug-like.

