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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    July 4, 2012

    Photo: Stargate: Atlantis

    News of note:

    Save Lennox: Time Runs Out For ‘Death Row’ Dog In Belfast (PICTURES, VIDEO). From heartless to heartless AND spiteful. Belfast Council has even ignored offers to “ to pay the expenses to relocate Lennox from Northern Ireland and bring him to the US to a sanctuary and freedom”. Shame on Belfast City Council. And there’s a handy “complaints” option on their website here:

    Scientists believe they’ve found ‘God Particle’ . I didn’t even know they’d misplaced it. (And, just in case: ‘God particle’ for dummies or this: If you were thinking, “What’s the deal with this Higgs Boson? And can somebody explain it to me in cartoon form?” well… you’re welcome [PSA]).

    OMG! Chocolate?! 8 commodities you didn’t know were scarce – Yahoo! Finance Canada

    This pretty much confirms everything I feel about this industry: 6 Terrible Decisions That Gave Us Great Movie Moments

    10 of the Weirdest Futurist Scenarios for the Evolution of Humanity. #7?s for Das.

    And because they’re cool: Top 10 Fascinating Samurai

    Resuming our merry jaunt down Stargate: Atlantis memory lane...


    Back in SG-1?s seventh season, we did an episode in which Carter is stranded aboard the Earth ship Prometheus. Injured and alone, she begins to hallucinate as she struggles to figure a way out of a seemingly impossible situation. Her visions culminate in a visit by an imagined O’Neill – and a hot and heavy make-out session. The episode was called Grace. In Atlantis’s second season, we did an episode in which McKay is stranded inside a submerged/sinking jumper. Injured and alone, he begins to hallucinate as he struggles to figure a way out of a seemingly impossible situation. His vision takes the form of an imagined Carter – and culminates in a hot and heavy make-out session. We decided to call this episode Grace Under Pressure. The title works on so many levels.

    When we were in production, we would look for ways to maximize the money we had to make the best and most spectacular-looking show possible. One of the ways we did this was by redressing certain sets (The village set, for instance, was shot countless different ways, its cost amortized over the course of many seasons). Another way we did this was by, every so often, shooting episodes simultaneously. This provided us with a huge saving that could, in turn, be put toward bigger episodes later in the season (or pay for those big episodes we’d already shot). Of course, pulling something like this off required heavy preparation, intricate schedule juggling, and a cast and crew who knew exactly what they were doing (ie. which stage they should be showing up at on the day). Most importantly, an actor couldn’t be at two places at once so we had to ensure both scripts could be shot simultaneously by minimizing certain characters in one episode while maximizing them in others. Oh, and it also helped to work with a brilliant, well-prepared actor. Like David Hewlett.

    And then, of course, there are the great performances by Amanda Tapping as the illusory Sam and David Nykl as the anxious Radek Zelenka who steps up and figures out a way to save the day – and his irritating rival. There were other very good performances in this episode, but I thought that these three really stood out because they were not only engaging but memorable in offering insight into their respective characters (Yes, even though Sam was a figment of McKay’s imagination!).

    Grace Under Pressure was “All McKay Almost All the Time!” and it worked beautifully. Martin Gero delivered one of his strongest scripts of the season, a script that is not only wildly entertaining for one-man show, but clearly demonstrates a love and respect for the Rodney McKay character. For his part, the ever-watchable David Hewlett is at his best, reminding us what we, as viewers, love and respect about Rodney McKay. As if we could forget.

    Favorite line: “

    By the time Zelenka comes up with a plan, I’ll have died of old age!”
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      July 5, 2012

      Videos: Dogs eating ice cream

      Photo: Stargate: Atlantis

      THE TOWER (215)

      In first season or so on the Stargate franchise, my writing partner and I co-wrote scripts in the truest sense of the term. We actually sat (or paced) in an office, bouncing ideas and dialogue off each other, hammering out every scene and every line in the script. Eventually, we found it easier (and faster) to simply pitch the script back and forth between us. I’d write a scene, send it his way, then he would rewrite the scene, write the next one, and send it my way. I would re-rewrite his rewrite of the first scene, rewrite the second scene, and move on to the third. And so on. As the demands of production increased, it simply became easier to write our own first drafts and then have our partner do a pass on that. By the time Atlantis was in its second season, we were at this third stage of our writing partnership. I came up with the initial kernel of an idea involving a sister Atlantis, but it was the writing department that developed the story while Paul did the lion’s share (aka = all) of the work on this one. And what the hell was I doing? Well, given the timing, I believe I was either rewriting Ripple Effect, writing The Scourge, or locked in my office making plans for my next trip to Tokyo.

      Lots of humorous moments in this one and great visual cues, one of my favorite being the segue that juxtaposes the polite table manners of the downtrodden villagers to the boorish behavior of the so-called nobles. Also, as far as great exchanges go, this is one of my favorites:

      OTHO: This is terrible. I knew Tavius was cruel and vindictive, but to want to murder his own father?

      SHEPPARD: Raising children can be very dangerous.

      And later, after he ends up getting tossed in a cell with Sheppard, Beckett’s lament: “I really need to stop making house calls.”

      Actor Jay Brazeau (Harlan from SG-1?s Tin Man and Double Jeopardy) returns to the franchise, this time playing the ailing Lord Protector who places his trust in the wrong person. Peter Woodward is delightfully devilish as the scheming Otho. Brendan Beiser (who used to play basketball with former Stargate script coordinator Alex Levine) was an unbelievably pleasant surprise as the scene-stealing Tavius. And, of course, those of you watching Martin Gero’s new show, The L.A. Complex, will recognize Chelan Simmons who plays the role of Mara here (Alicia Lowe there).

      The episode’s colorful characters were matched by some equally colorful costumes, rentals actually because the wardrobe department was swamped by the demands of two productions.

      Finally, loved the fact that Atlantis gets to supplement its supply of puddle jumpers and drones – but this is one of those stories that simply begged for a follow-up episode.

      Summer has finally arrived. And you know what that means! Yes. It’s time for...

      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        July 6, 2012

        Photos: Dark Matter, Akemi, Stargate: Atlantis

        It’s official. I WILL be doing a signing in support of my comic book series, Dark Matter, at the upcoming San Diego Comic Con. NOT in the parking lot or out of my hotel room but INSIDE the actual convention center!

        WHEN? Saturday, July 14th. 4:00 p.m.

        WHERE? Dark Horse Comics booth number #2615.

        WHY SHOULD YOU COME BY? Because I’ll be signing copies of Dark Matter #1 AND giving away some Stargate-related goodies as well. Also, Akemi will be on hand to answer any Tokyo or Osaka-related questions and rough up anyone who gets out of line.

        Let’s talk Stargate – specifically, Stargate: Atlantis’s second season episode...

        THE LONG GOODBYE (216)

        While the premise was great, this episode suffered from a very tight turnaround on the script. It was only days from outline approval to first draft followed by a rewrite under similar time constraints. The result = an episode that, while engaging, does give rise to a number of questions. Questions like…Wh

        Why does everyone automatically believe that it is Weir they are speaking to and not the alien entity that has entered her body?

        Why does Sheppard, the city’s highest ranking military officer, recklessly allow himself to be possessed by an alien entity?

        In retrospect, I think these issues could have been addressed by having both Weir and Sheppard struck at the same time while both pods are being studied. Both go down and are transported to the infirmary but it is Weir who comes to first. By the time she, Phebus/Weir, realizes the situation she’s in, Thalen/Sheppard is awake and on the run.

        If Phebus is so eager to “win the war” by killing her old rival, why doesn’t she do it while he’s still in the pod and vulnerable? It can’t be because of any consequences she may face at the hands of the Atlantis crew because she knows she has only a few hours to live, readily admitting as much earlier. It can be “the thrill of the hunt” because, at episode’s end, she orders Teyla to drag her bound enemy into camera range so she (Phebus) can watch Teyla kill him.

        This too could have been addressed by rolling with the aforementioned scenario. If she never has the opportunity to kill him off the top, this isn’t an issue.

        Why the hell is McKay unloading a weapon in John’s direction? He’s smart enough to realize that he could kill Sheppard.

        This one’s simple. DON’T have McKay fire on Sheppard.

        Phebus threatens to turn on (what is a deadly version of) the Halon fire suppression system and kill everyone on Atlantis. Why would the city be outfitted with a highly toxic fire suppression system? Are they cheaper than sprinklers?

        Rather than go with Halon, which suggests they were an “after-market addition” on the part of the Atlantis crew, why not have the city’s last ditch fail safe protocol be an immediate lockdown and sealing of the affected areas followed by either a venting of oxygen or piping in of CO2? Both would do the trick.

        There is one interesting suggestion late in the episode when Teyla has Thalen/Sheppard lined up for the kill shot. As Thalen faces certain death, he informs her: ” If you kill me, you’re killing him. He cares for you more than you know.” Thalen, of course, has access to Sheppard’s memories and thoughts, so the question here is “Is Thalen saying this because John believes Teyla loves him? Or is he saying this because John loves Teyla?”. Intriguing.

        The best part of this episode was getting to see Weir/Torri kick ass.

        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          July 7, 2012

          Photos: SGU's Resurgence - Blue Draft, Dan Shea, Douglas H. Arthurs, Roc Cooper, Jennifer Johnson, Lawren Bancroft-Wilson, Ivon Bartok, Joe Mallozzi, Kerry McDowall, Stargate: Atlantis

          So, I’m prepping for Comic Con, selecting giveaway items for the fans who will visit my booth – accidentally assuming it’s a Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along-related signing only to discover the truth to late! The gate will be shut and locked behind them for the duration of my hour long meandering reminiscences of all the places we used to order lunch from while I was on Stargate. In addition, I’ll be signing copies of my comic series, Dark Matter. And, like I said, giving some stuff away: maybe a two dollar Canadian coin, maybe a lucky button, maybe a signed script – like the one pictured above. I thought that, rather than just signing the title page, I would further devalue the script with the addition of sarcastic commentary interspersed throughout. It’ll make for an entertaining read. Provided you can read my handwriting. Which is unlikely.

          Speaking of Stargate, I ran into a couple of familiar faces from my SG-1 days this afternoon while taking the dogs for a walk on the beach. First up – Beefcake Alert! -

          Dan is hard at work on Psych’s seventh season – and, of course, working on his tan. I recall that he and Martin Wood wore shorts ALL YEAR ROUND and were always the first ones in t-shirts at the first signs of winter’s end, even if it was only slightly above freezing. Eternal optimists. And probably really cold most of the time as well.

          Then, further along the path, I ended up running into one of my favorite System Lords -

          We chatted Stargate, how much quieter the industry is here in Vancouver compared to Toronto, and conventions. Very nice guy.

          This wraps up a week-long Stargate reunion that kicked off Tuesday night when I met up with some of my former colleagues for drinks and churros...

          From SG-1 to Atlantis, let’s continue to reflect back on SGA’s second season. Up for discussion today...

          COUP D’ETAT (217)

          It’s funny. Working on the show, we’d take in so many versions of an episode (from spinning the story to breaking it to commenting on the outline to reading the various drafts to watching the dailies and director’s cut and producer’s cuts and various mixes) that, by the time a completed version was available, time constraints would already have us moving on to the next episode. I mean, sure, by the time we got to that Day 2 mix, the episode would be all but done – minus a few finished visual effects that would be approved as shots or sequences at a later date – but it was rare we would sit down to watch a finished episode for pleasure. I remember thinking Coup D’Etat a good episode back in the day, but I didn’t realize quite how good until I reviewed it for this trip down memory lane. I likes me some political intrigue and this episode had it in spades, with some surprising little twists and turns. I mean, sure, we all knew Major Lorne wasn’t really dead, but did you see the Cowan double-cross coming? How about the Ladon triple-cross?

          Another solid episode made all that much better by some fantastic guest stars. The story was originally conceived with the character of Kolya pulling the strings but, with Robert Davi unavailable, it was rewritten for the character of Ladon. Ryan Robbins was terrific and Colm Meaney equally great in his final appearance as Cowan.

          My only bump in this episode was seeing McKay on point when they storm the facility. I mean, sure, it makes sense for him to be on the op since they’re looking to retrieve a ZPM, but it doesn’t make sense for him to be leading the attack.

          In retrospect, one of my favorite episodes of Atlantis’s second season.
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            July 8, 2012

            Video: Earth

            Photos: SG-1 giveaways, Stargate: Atlantis

            Heading to Comic Con in a little less than a week to do a signing for my comic book, Dark Matter, and I thought it would be nice to offer those who swing by a shot at winning some cool giveaways. In addition to copies of Dark Matter‘s first issue, I’ll also be offering up a shot at winning some Stargate-related merchandise like the signed script I featured in yesterday’s entry or this SG-1 100th Episode commemorative photo frame and keychain. Awesome, no? If you’ve got tickets for Comic Con (apparently they’re already sold out ) come on by for a chance to win:

            Saturday, July 14th between 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. at the Dark Horse Booth (#2615).

            Hey, JYS – what restaurants have you got lined up?

            A big thanks to Blake Linton, Kelley Hirst, Chad Hansen, Joseph Sardone, Martin James Keating, TheDudeDean and all the fans who helped Stargate: Universe clean up at the Constellation Awards the other day. The show took home awards in the categories of Best Series, Best Actress (Ming-Na), Best Script (Twin Destinites), Best Technical Achievement (Joel Goldsmith), and Best Canadian Contribution to SF.

            Congratulations also go out to my buddy James Coleridge who took home the prize for Best Gelato at the Florence Gelato Festival in (where else?) Italy. I’m not surprised. Ever since arriving in Vancouver, Akemi has always drawn comparisons between the food here and the food back in Tokyo. It was always: “This isn’t very good. It’s better in Tokyo.” or “This is good, but it’s better in Tokyo.” or “This is great! But it’s still better in Tokyo.”. Until we went to Bella Gelateria (where James plies his tasty trade). After sampling the ice cream there, it was the first and only time I’d heard her say: “This is better than Tokyo!” Welcome to Bella Gelateria – Home of Old-World Handcrafted Gelato

            Cool time-lapse video courtesy of the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory at the NASA Johnson Space Center:

            Head on over and check out the cool space pics as well:

            Three more episodes left to discuss in our stroll down Stargate: Atlantis memory lane...

            MICHAEL (218)

            In its earliest inception (under the working title Charly, a tip of the hat to Daniel Keyes’ Flowers for Algernon), the story tracked the capture of the wraith, his transformation, and the subsequent attempt to keep him in the dark which, of course, ends in a spectacular failure. It was interesting but lacked something. And, it was while we were in Carl’s office, discussing the fact that it needed some sort of twist, that I suggested we tell the story from Michael’s P.O.V. Rather than let the viewers in on it from the get-go, make them an audience to the mystery. This would allow them to connect with Michael and sympathize with him – and be thoroughly blindsided when we pulled the rug out from underneath them with the big reveal. It was a small change in approach but it made quite a difference in execution.

            Writer/Producer Carl Binder came through BIG TIME, delivering a gripping, emotionally resonant story that is at turns suspenseful, thought-provoking, and surprisingly controversial. I love the little hints he sprinkles throughout the beginning of the episode – the fact that everyone is wary with the exception of Ronon who is downright hostile, Michael’s identification of the wealth technology, his nightmare, Teyla’s anxious look when he pins her during their sparring sessions and slams his hand down on her chest. Brilliant. And equally brilliant is the shocking “DAY 12? – “DAY 10? – “DAY 1? session reveal. As far as arc-driven episodes go, this one is seminal, developing the retrovirus and introducing one of the most complex villains in Stargate history.

            Another standout guest star in Connor Trinneer whose portrayal of the confused and vulnerable Michael Kenmore elicits great sympathy, even in the darkest moments.

            Rachel is equally terrific in this episode as Teyla demonstrates genuine compassion for a former enemy – something she will come to regret in later episodes.

            Anybody catch McKay’s complaint about the lack of blue jello in the mess, an obvious callback to the blue jello references of SG-1?

            One of the episode’s unintentionally amusing moments takes place in the infirmary where Michael spots the “Kenmore” calendar. Perhaps even more startling than the coincidence of the shared name is the fact that Carson has marked one of the calendar days as “Dinner with Cadman”. Word of advice to Carson: If you want to impress the girl you’re dating, start calling her by her first name.

            This episode opens up the floor to some interesting moral and ethical debates. An exchange late in the episode nicely encapsulates the dilemma:

            HEIGHTMEYER: We can’t kill him, Ronon. We’re the ones who put him in this position.

            SHEPPARD: Hold on a minute, Doc. If we hadn’t given him the retrovirus, he’d still be a Wraith. We wouldn’t think twice about killing him.

            TEYLA: But we did give him the retrovirus. We made him human. Now we have the responsibility to treat him as we would any other ...

            DEX (interrupting): He’s not human. He’s a Wraith.

            In retrospect, the Michael experiment delivers mixed results. On the one hand, it is a failure in that it costs an expedition member his life and creates a powerful new enemy with dangerous knowledge of Atlantis’s existence. On the other hand, the transformation does work – albeit briefly – and offers hope of a powerful new weapon against the wraith. And there’s something to be said for Sheppard’s “If we hadn’t given him the retrovirus, he’d still be a Wraith. We wouldn’t think twice about killing him.” argument since, despite the criticism directed at the retrovirus, it IS a far more humane alternative to simply killing the enemy.

            What do you think?
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              July 9, 2012

              Video: Steel trailer

              Photos: Spawn

              Ever have it when you need to write skript for movie, but tings are going slow so you invite Count and Big Bird to your place for drinks but you do too many jagermeister shots and one of girlz Count bring wit him slip roofie into your beer chaser and you wake up next morning wit no pants, no wallet, but finished skript you wrote in drunken, drug-addled, three hour stupor? No? Well, monster suspekt screenwriter of Spawn VERY familiar wit dis scenario – or someting close to it – becuz it next to impossible to write a skript so convoluted in a fully conscious state.

              Movie begin wit narrator delivering preamble to help make complikated movie slightly less baffling. Den, we introduced to our hero, Al Simmons, who work for CIA-like agency A-6. Well, not exactly hero becuz he have no problem killing room full of innocent air traffic controllers in very first scene! Anyhoo, anti-hero Al want to quit de biz but his boss, Jason (played by gravely voice Martin Sheen) send him on one final op. Of course, it be a set-up. Boss Jason conspire wit some clown (No, seriously. A real clown) and double-cross Al wit help of sexy assassin Priest. Jason burnt, den blown up for good meazure.

              Al wake up in some Gothik city dressed like burn victim hobo. Somehow, he find his way back to his house (#364 bus out of Rat City go right to suburbia!) and make several unpleasant diskoveries: 1. Five years have passed. 2. His best friend get wit his wife. 3. His wife no longer recognize him – and find him kinda gross.

              Luckily, he meet up wit some clown (No, seriously. A real clown!) who explain everyting.

              Al died, sent to Hell, met BAD CG devil, and agreed to lead his army in exchange for chance to see his wife again. He get new name…SPAWN! Admittedly, cooler den Al.

              Spawn want REVENGE! So, like practically every comic book villain in movie history, he crash some high falootin’ party. He shot at. He eskape – but not before killing Priest who says someting like: “You don’t have the guts” before getting shot. Monster’s question is: Why in de world would she tink he WOULDN’T shoot?

              Spawn get away. Outside, he get into argument wit some clown (No, seriously. A real clown!) in middle of street in full view of cops who obviously have more important tings to worry about.

              At dis point, you can be excused for asking: WTF (What the Fudgee-o?) is going on? What de hell is Spawn supposed to be doing? Leading devil’s army? Okay, so where de army at?

              Instead, Spawn diskover new powerz. Learn to control his armor. Go back to Rat City and make new friends: milquetoast guy wit hat and, of course, an adorable street urchin.

              Spawn stalk his wife. Follows her to place where she is giving speech. For some reazon, she leaves daughter all alone in gymnasium. Oh, wait. Monster know de reazon. So dat Spawn can find her and have nice chat. Some clown show up (No, seriously. A REAL clown!) dressed up as cheerleader. He prance around and sing. Further undermining any hope dat dis be a movie anyone going to take seriously, clown also fart green gas, pull out and study his skidmark underwear, and eat maggot pizza. Ho ho ho. Screenwriter must have had all sort of fun spinning dese ideas wit his son’s daycare class.

              Spawn finally get as tired of dis clown as audience and de two fight. Clown transform into…another BAD CG monster.

              Dey fight! Violator win! Dey go back to Spawn’s place. Dey fight some more! Wit help of milquetoast hat man, Spawn take unmemorable trip to Hell, defeat clown/Violator by cutting off his head, AND beat up Jason for good meazure.

              Movie end wit narrator summing up what we already know, holding threat of potenshul sekwel over our heads.

              VERDICT: Dis one had potenshul to be dark, smart, and creepy but, instead, turn out to be silly, stupid, and confusing. Was clown supposed to be scary? Or intentionally lame?

              RATING: 2.5 chocolate chippee cookies.

              Next week’s movie – Steel starring noted thespian Shaquille O’Neal:

              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                July 10, 2012

                Videos: Lulu, Bubba

                Photos: Joe Mallozzi, Stargate matches, Lulu, Bubba, Stargate: Atlantis

                I hit play on the DVD and, as a fifth season episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia started up, I took a seat and tested the dumbbells. It was my triceps day so I figured I’d start with flat bench extensions, move on to overhead extensions, then to close grip press, and finish up with kickbacks, interspersing my workout with some weighted dips. I grabbed the dumbbells, fairly light to start, lay back flat, then extended my arms (not fully of course because I didn’t want to risk a hyperextension), turned my wrists slightly and started the downward progression. At which point the two and half pound metal bar inside the dumbbell I was holding in my left hand slid out, dropped the two foot distance, and bounced off my face, first catching my upper cheek just below my orbital bone, then hitting my lower lip before thumping onto the carpeted floor beside me.

                I was momentarily stunned. The impact was jarring. My head thrummed, my eyesight blurred, and I could feel a burning sensation snake down from the point of impact to my lower jaw. I sat up and my first thought was: “I’ve knocked out a tooth. How the hell can I go to Comic Con with a missing tooth!”. I checked the canine. It seemed to have survived intact. On t.v., Sweet Dee was still trying on wedding dresses, oblivious to my distress. How typical of her. I switched it off, then hurried into the bathroom to assess the damage.

                A small cut where the bar had struck, some swelling, a little bleeding from my canine but otherwise, not bad. An inch higher and it would have hit me square in the eye. An inch lower and that canine, along with a couple of incisors, would have surely been splintered. I’d gotten off lucky!

                I went upstairs where Akemi took one look at me and ordered me to the hospital. I applied a cold compress and assured her it wasn’t a big deal, that boxers get hit like this all the time and three Tylenols would do the trick. But she wasn’t having any of it. She made me promise I would go get it checked out. Sigh.

                I stopped by the clinic near my place and, following a thirty minute wait, saw a doctor who tested my vision, checked the cut, and informed me I would be fine – but would be sporting an impressive shiner for the next week or so.

                So, if you spot me at Comic Con wearing shades indoors, understand it is not an affectation.

                The cape on the other hand...

                Oooh, check it out. Stargate matches. Just like the kind followers of the Ori used to set fire to offending books, towns and, occasionally, heretics. Along with some signed scripts and the SG-1 100th episode commemorative photo frame and keychain, yet another Staragte-related item I’ll be giving them away at Comic Con this Saturday afternoon. I’ll be there, of course, signing copies of my comic book series, Dark Matter, at the Dark Horse Booth (#2615) between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. after which I’ll change into my costume so that I can stroll the floor as…AQUAMAN! The green tights keep cutting off the circulation to my groin so I’m bringing back-up leggings just in case.

                The dogs are enjoying the summer sun, especially Lulu who has taken to sprawling out on the back patio to soak up the rays. Looks to be a lazy summer for them...on the heles of a lazy spring.

                And cooling off:

                Let’s continue our trip down Stargate: Atlantis memory lane by helping me remember the following episode:

                INFERNO (219)

                A fine episode sandwiched between two great episodes.

                Hmmm. At a bit of a loss on this one. I mean, it was solid stand-alone episode. The only elements I recall from the production are the impressive visual effects (of the lava claiming the stargate) and Carl’s frustrating quest to find a name for the planet that everyone could agree on.

                What did I miss? Thoughts?
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                  July 11, 2012

                  Photos: Stargate: Atlantis ultimate box set, Joe Mallozzi, Stargate: Atlantis, Lennox

                  Qu’est ce que c’est? Why, it’s the Stargate: Atlantis ultimate box set. It includes the entire series PLUS a bonus disc with all new extras. I’ll be giving it away to some lucky, random individual who comes to visit me between 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. this Saturday at the Dark Horse Comics booth (#2615). Whether you’re coming by for a free signed copy of the first issue of my comic book series, Dark Matter, swinging by to chat Stargate, or simply queued up assuming you’re in line for the concession stand, you’ll have a shot at winning this lovely prize and others (see past few issues, ed.).

                  Yep, that black eye is coming along nicely. Overnight, it’s progressed for a fiery red to a deep, royal purple and is now heading into dark green-black territory.

                  Concluding our trip down Stargate: Atlantis memory lane...

                  ALLIES (220)

                  Stargate: Atlantis’s second season ends in fine fashion with The Hive, an episode that pays off numerous elements that have been building over the course of the year AND sets up one hell of a cliffhanger heading into season three. That single hive ship headed toward Atlantis finally makes its arrival and – surprise, surprise! – it turns out that to be their old friend, Michael, paying a house call. Before you can say “No! Don’t trust them!”, Atlantis has entered into an uneasy alliance with their former enemy. Well, you know what they say, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”, and on the surface that’s reason enough to set long-standing enmities aside in common purpose. Of course, it turns out their purposes aren’t common after all but, by the point that realization is made, Sheppard has apparently been blown to smithereens, McKay and Ronon have been captured, and the wraith have the location of Earth – “a fresh, new feeding ground”! It’s a hell of a season-ender, but getting there is most of the fun.

                  Great to see the character of Michael return to complicate matter for our heroes, even though he isn’t played by Connor Trinneer this time around. Due to scheduling conflicts, Connor was unable to reprise the role. As a result, actor Brent Stait (Andromeda’s Rev Bem and SG-1?s Major Louis Ferretti) stepped in – and did a great job. But Michael isn’t the only wraith personality in this episode. There’s the icy wraith Queen, played by Andee Frizzell, and the amusingly matter-of-fact wraith scientists played by James Lafazanos. It’s always great to see Mitch Pileggi put in an appearance as Colonel Caldwell, and equally awesome to have the irritable Hermiod show up as well. The Asgard’s exchanges with McKay are comedy gold.

                  Finally, to those who blame the Atlantis expedition for awakening the wraith, we finally receive confirmation that it wasn’t Sheppard’s murder of the Queen but the knowledge of Earth’s existence that lead to the grand awakening. Michael informs us: ” Over two years ago, every hive ship in this galaxy emerged from hibernation prematurely. We thought a new rich feeding ground had been discovered.”

                  Thoughts? Discuss!

                  A sad ending to the Lennox story. Despite offers to move him out of Ireland, Belfast City Council went ahead and killed Lennox this morning: Belfast dog Lennox at centre of animal rights protests put to sleep …

                  Meanwhile, supporters who phoned Belfast City Council to voice support for Lennox were mocked by city employees: Belfast City Council mocks callers protesting Lennox’s death

                  Belfast City Councillor Pat McCarthy and co. probably believe we will forget about their heartless actions, but I suspect that most will have very long memories of their shameful actions: “boycott Belfast”
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                    July 12, 2012

                    Photos: Dark Matter, Joe Mallozzi, Ciel Phantomhive, Captain Harlock, Youkou Kuki, Toppy

                    Copies of my comic book series Dark Matter? Check. Giveaway items? Check. Girlfriend? Check! I’m ready for Comic Con. If you happen to be in San Diego this weekend and also just happen to have tickets to Comic Con, swing on by the Dark Horse Comics booth (#2615) between 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. I’ll be there signing copies of Dark Matter #1, giving away Stargate stuff, and dispensing unsolicited relationship advice!

                    Black Eye Day #3. I’m thinking of donning an eye patch and working it into a cosplay outfit for Comic Con. So, who should I go as? I’m thinking either -

                    Yeah, I was leaning toward Toppy anyway.

                    The other day, a friend texted me the bad news that she had failed to land a job she’d really, REALLY wanted. Ever the sympathetic one, I dashed off a quick response. I’d meant to text back this:

                    But, instead, my rushed response to “I didn’t get the job!” was:

                    And then, seconds later, realizing my mistake I followed up with:

                    But, at that point, my was open to interpretation. In retrospect, I should have gone with angry eyes:


                    So, looking back over Atlantis’s second season, what have we learned? Well, we’ve learned that the retrovirus is highly unpredictable. And we’ve learned that the wraith enjoy people food, just not as much as “people food”. And we’ve also learned that Sheppard loves Teyla. Maybe.

                    Standout episodes for me: Siege III, Runner, Michael, and Allies with Michael taking home the prize for My Favorite Episode of Atlantis Season Two.

                    By the way, our stroll down SGA memory lane happens to coincide with that of the gang at Gateworld who are in the midst of a Stargate: Atlantis Season Two Rewatch. They’re looking for nominations in the following categories:

                    Best Episode (Season Two)
                    Best Sheppard Moment
                    Best McKay Moment
                    Best Teyla Moment
                    Best Ronon Moment
                    Best Weir Moment
                    Best Beckett Moment
                    Best Team Moment
                    Best Alien Race
                    Best Individual Villain
                    Coolest Ancient Technology
                    Coolest Alien Technology
                    Best Guest Star (based on one specific Season Two episode)

                    Head on over here - – to make your nominations, and put in a vote for what you considered to be the best episode of Atlantis’s second season. I notice that, at present, The Long Goodbye has twice as many votes as Michael. Far be it for me to criticize the wisdom of fandom but…WTF?!

                    I’ll be offering up readers a chance to vote on a new Stargate episode poll (and win some signed scripts) when I get back from Comic Con! I was thinking...

                    What was the best season-ending cliffhanger in Stargate history? Let’s hear your thoughts.

                    Finally, apologies to a couple of lucky winners still anxiously awaiting their signed scripts. Marty G. has his hands full writing/producing his new show, but his signed scripts are on their way (to me, and should be on their way to you shortly!).

                    I’ll check in tomorrow with pics from Comic Con!
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                      July 13, 2012

                      Photos: Jelly, Bubba, Lulu, Lou Anders, Akemi, Comic Con, Patrick Thorpe

                      Whenever I travel, the excitement of the upcoming trip is always somewhat muted by the fact that I’ll be leaving my dogs behind. I wouldn’t mind so much if it weren’t for the fact that the dogs KNOW we’re leaving and get downright depressed. Bubba paces, Lulu tries to squeeze in as much play time as possible, while the usually languid Jelly is even more so. She wouldn’t even eat her breakfast this morning until I sat down on the floor and hand fed her.

                      Anyway, I checked in with Christine, our dog-sitter, and I’m pleased to report they’re in excellent spirits. A far cry from this morning. Check ‘em out:

                      Well, we’re in San Diego and I’m pleased to report we decided to go with an unhaunted hotel this time out (January 19, 2007). This year, I’m a guest of Dark Horse Comics who kindly put us up at the Hard Rock Hotel, only steps away from the action. We got in at noon, grabbed lunch (Mexican, natch. We’re in San Diego!), then headed down to the convention center to walk the floor and check out the sights...

                      I did an advance scout on the Dark Horse Comics booth and met the lovely Kari Yadro who organized the festivities. The gal moves so fast that, by the time I wanted to snap her pic for the blog, she was gone. Will have to get her tomorrow. And maybe Claudia Black as well (SG-1's Vala Mal Doran) who is apparently in town as well.

                      A little R&R and then we’re off to walk the neighborhood and grab some dinner.

                      Tomorrow = the Dark Matter signing! If you’re in the neighborhood between 4:00 – 5:00 p.m., come find me at the Dark Horse booth (#2615)!
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                        July 14, 2012

                        Photos: Comic Con, John Picacio, Lou Anders, Marjorie M. Liu, dinner

                        “I’ve never seen so much drunk zombies.” - Akemi walking home after drinks at the Hilton last night.

                        Well, not really Comic Con Day #2. Actually, the second half of Day #1 and part of Day #2 as the festivities are ongoing. Today = my Dark Matter signing.

                        Where: The Dark Horse Booth (#2615)

                        When: 4:00 – 5:00

                        Why?: In addition to checking out my cool new black eye, I’ll be giving away signed copies of Dark Matter #1 AND Stargate swag including signed scripts!

                        For dinner, Akemi and I met up with ace editor Lou Anders, extraordinary artist John Picacio, and uber-talented novelist, short story writer, and Astonishing X-Men scribe Marjorie M. Liu for dinner at a place called Seersucker.

                        Afterwards, we headed over to the Hilton for drinks with Night Shade Books’ Jeremy Lassen and friends. On the way, ran into Remi Aubuchon, formerly of Stargate now of Fallen Skies fame, who promised to come by the booth during my signing and offer some supportive heckling.

                        Lunch at Nobu today. We’re going back tonight for the sea urchin tempura!

                        Now, back at the hotel packing up the Stargate swag. Off to Ghirardelli’s for a peanut butter sundae (and waffle cup for Akemi), then back to the convention center to track down a Hydra and A.I.M. t-shirt, some Dexter-related merchandise for sis, and track down some missing back issues of The Avengers and Thunderbolts. Oh, and sign some copies of Dark Matter!
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                          July 15, 2012

                          Photos: Comic Con, Joe Mallozzi, Patrick Thorpe, Aub Driver, Kari Yadro

                          I’m pleased to report that the Dark Matter signing was a rousing success. I actually made it to the booth on time, people actually showed up, and nobody standing in line stepped up to my counter to order a milkshake and fries. I met some great fans, chatted Stargate and Dark Matter, signed a few comic books, and gave away some swag. The winners...

                          Eagle-eyed viewers may recognize Tiffany and David from their visit to the set of SGU back in November of 2010:

                          And some of the others who swung by to say hi -

                          Apologies to those whose pics I failed to snap (or whose photos didn’t do them justice). And thanks to everyone who came by. Also, a big thanks to the following people -

                          After the signing, Akemi and I walked the floor one final time.

                          Some of my favorite sights of my last day at Comic Con:

                          You can check out his amazing work here: Dave . Image Junkie . The Art of Dave Seeley

                          We ended up back at Nobu for dinner where we were seated next to the friendliest family. We ended up striking up a conversation and chatting up through most of the meal. Husband David is a former professional basketball player now in business with mom, Estela (who, upon hearing I liked tongue tacos vowed to make me the best lengua I’ve ever had!), and wife Sofia who owns her own fashion boutique in town.

                          Whew! I’m wiped. Now onto Vegas for some R&R!
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                            July 16, 2012

                            Photos: Vegas, Starbucks, Akemi, dinner at Scarpetta

                            Apologies to those tuning in for Cookie Monster’s review of the movie Steel, part of our ongoing Supermovie of the Week Club discussions. Unfortunately, he called in sick this week. It may have been the movie, but given the fact that I snapped him partying in the streets of San Diego during the Comic Con -

                            I suspect the culprit was more likely the beer and tequila shooters.

                            We’re in Vegas! After a fabulous flight on Southwest Airlines (Honestly. It was on time, smooth, and the cabin crew were courteous and professional. The best part was the pre-boarding policy that required passengers to line up according to their assigned boarding number. Genius.) we checked into our hotel.

                            It’s my first time staying at The Cosmopolitan and, I have to say, I’m not loving it so far. After some minor frustrations with the in-room safe, Akemi and I headed over to Joe’s Stone Crab for – what else? – stone crab. And three kinds of pie: banana cream, key lime, and dulce de leche. All winners.

                            On our way back to the hotel, we happened to pass by a sandwich place called “The Earl of Sandwich” which, of course, led me to tell Akemi about the Earl’s creation of the handy culinary treat – how he and his friends used to be served meat during their marathon card-playing sessions and he, tired of greasy fingers, suggested the meat be served between two slices of bread and, voila, the sandwich was born.

                            “He must be so rich,”Akemi marvelled.

                            “Well, no,”I said. ”He lived three hundred years ago.”

                            “So his family is rich.”

                            “No, they’re not rich either.”

                            “Oh,”she said. ”Is it a rights thing?”

                            I had to admit that, in away, it kind of was.

                            For dinner, we went to Scarpetta. The Toronto location was only blocks away from the condo I was living in last year and it was one of my go-to restaurants whenever someone visited from out of town (ie. Alaina Huffman, Mike Dopud, Michael Shank, Erika Kennair). There are two items on the menu that never fail to impress: the spaghetti with tomato and basil, and the coconut panna cotta. And, after tonight’s meal, their streak continues.

                            Some notable Vegas sights:

                            I’ve noticed that, o far, Vegas has few drunken zombies than San Diego, but a lot more drunken women in bikinis staggering about.
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                              July 17, 2012

                              Photos: The Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas, Akemi, lunch at Bobby’s Flay’s Mesa Grill in Caesar’s Palace, Serendipity, dinner at Jaleo

                              This is the first and probably the last time I’ll be staying at the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas. In addition to the trifling annoyances (in-room safe not working, housekeeping skipping our room today, being told I could leave my valuables at the front desk only to be told by the front desk that I had to leave them with the Bell Captain only to be told by the Bell Captain that they had to be in an enclosed piece of luggage (forcing me to lug my laptop around with me all afternoon) only to later be told by someone else at the front desk that I could leave my valuables at the front desk, etc.) is the one big annoyance of being charged for in-room wifi. It feels so nickel and dime, well beneath a hotel of its supposed stature. Next thing you know, one of maids is going to stop by to ask if I’d like to pitch in for fellow employee Anita’s going away party. Akemi, on the other hand, likes the Cosmo just fine. She finds the bed incredibly comfy (I have to agree) and loves the patio...

                              I’m not a patio (or standing on anything more than three feet off the ground) guy, so “nice patio” lines up in neither column so far as I’m concerned.

                              Today was our big walking day. Lots of walking punctuated by excessive bursts of eating...

                              For lunch, we headed over to a place I mean to try out every time I’m in town. This trip, we finally got there: Bobby’s Flay’s Mesa Grill in Caesar’s Palace.

                              For her main, Akemi ordered a shrimp dish that came with a cilantro sauce. I requested the cilantro sauce on the side because she isn’t a fan. When the dish arrived, I couldn’t help but notice the shrimp were swimming in the cilantro sauce. I asked the (different) waiter who served us: “Is that cilantro?”. And he replied: “No cilantro.”

                              Akemi took a bite. As it turned out, either the waiter serving us desperately needed to brush up on the menu or the parsley on the plate was doing a bang-up imitation of cilantro. Akemi resigned herself to eating it but I wouldn’t allow it. I called over our original waiter and pointed out the cilantro. He tried to sidestep the issue by saying he had served the “chili oil on the side” as I’d requested. Even if that were true and I had asked for “chill oil” on the side (which I didn’t), the fact that the chill oil was also served IN the sauce as evidenced by the photograph makes his point moot. He then suggested Akemi try the dish and if she still minded the cilantro, he would exchange it. No pressure. We asked to exchange it. So he presented us with the menu. Again, I had to point out there had been some sort of miscommunication. We didn’t want another dish. We wanted THAT dish with the cilantro sauce on the side. Our waiter informed us this was impossible. Somehow, between the time I placed the initial order and fifteen minutes later, it had become impossible. So Akemi settled for a chopped salad.

                              We ended up trekking all the way over to the Wynn Hotel in search of a fantastic dessert place I swear I remember visiting once – only to come up empty. We trekked all the way back and, by the time we were within visual range of our hotel, we were hot and exhausted. So I suggested a little pick-me-up in the form of a sundae at Serendipity.

                              She had the frozen hot chocolate. I did the amaretto-almond hot chocolate. AND the carrot cake sundae with vanilla and butter-pecan ice cream.

                              Properly recharged, we had plenty of energy for what lay ahead: Dinner at Jaleo...

                              Akemi loved dinner and we would have gone back for a return visit – if not for the fact that we’d already booked Michael Mina at the Bellagio.

                              One more night and I’m Vancouver-bound!
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                July 18, 2012

                                Video: Akemi's Xtreme Twirling routine

                                Photos: Las Vegas, Akemi, lunch at Joe’s Stone Crab, dessert at Jean-Philippe Patisserie, dinner at Michael Mina

                                Yesterday, we were up early so that we could do a little more strolling and try our luck against the scorching heat.

                                We headed over to Caesar’s for another lunch at Joe’s Stone Crab. We were a little early and Akemi needed to use the facilities. I consulted the handy mall map and their directions to the restrooms led me here:

                                Then, it was off to the Bellagio for dessert at Jean-Philippe Patisserie...

                                Akemi works off lunch and dessert with her Xtreme Twirling routine:

                                We capped off our day with a great dinner at Michael Mina in the Bellagio. Some of the highlights:

                                Special mention should also be made of the heavenly succotash and exceptional service.

                                Spoke to my agent today. Looks like Paul and I are L.A.-bound in a couple of weeks. Apparently, we’ve got shows to pitch!
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

