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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    May 21, 2011 - Part 1

    Video: Cyril Raffaelli

    Photos: Transporter: The Series, SG-1 Season 7

    Thought I’d kick off today’s blog with a little Transporter: The Series Q&A...

    Lou Zucaro writes: “Also…please tell me that Tarconi is going to be in the series. I really like that character”

    Answer: Tarconi WILL be in the series. We’re all huge fans of the endearing Inspector played by the brilliant François Berléand.

    Winst writes: “Joseph……what type of run times are you aiming for with Transporter scripts/episodes?”

    Answer: We’re aiming for a little under 50 minutes an episode.

    Winst also writes: “Any plans in place to have some fun with the opening credits for each individual episode? …maybe something interesting, amusing and unique?”

    Answer: We’ve talked about a variety of recurring themes and fun signature visuals for the show but have yet to sit down and discuss the opening credit sequence. Stay tuned.

    Randomness writes: “Must admit though, the name Chris Vance was the last I was expecting from a series like The Transporter, but am happy he got the role.”

    Answer: His audition was a home run, everything from his look to his mannerisms to his delivery. We wanted someone who could do tough and charming, and Chris is both. He’s got a terrific screen presence, as I’m sure you’ll agree once you see him in action as Frank Martin.

    sparced writes: “Can’t wait to see the guy in action. I have to imagine you guys are sending him off to some seriously heavy martial arts training to fit the part.”

    Answer: Yes, he is in training. He also has the benefit of working with one of the best stunt coordinators out there in Cyril Raffaelli.

    dioxholster writes: “I agree with you on this though, we were introduced to the character as a loner so seeing him now in a team might upset some fans. “

    Answer: There is no team. In addition to his uncertain but ever-entertaining friendship with Inspector Tarconi (as established in the movies), we also established the character of Carla exactly because Frank IS a loner. Looking back over the movies, it didn’t make much sense that a guy with a strict adherence to rules like “No names” and a desire to know as little as possible about the people he’s working for would work alone. How do people contact him? How does he screen them? How is payment arranged? The Carla character effectively acts as his agent, doing all that for him and then simply forwarding him the coordinates of his next transport. Once the package has been delivered, the balance of the payment is made to one of Carla’s offshore accounts and she sees to it that Frank gets paid. This set-up is a lot less complicated for Frank and requires next to no contact with the client. His only contact is with Carla, someone he trusts, who simply supplies coordination and support from her office in Nice.

    masterchief writes: “it basically says that Luc Besson will be showrunner of the series which will be produced by RTL, HBO, HBO Canada and M6″

    Answer: It does? Great! I guess my work here is done. Vancouver, here I come!

    Ponytail writes: “It looks like Transporter: The Series will bring a “whole new breed” of fan to your blog.”

    Answer: Hopefully, yes!

    Michel Cardoso Teixeira writes: “I’m gonna follow the Transporter series as soon as it arrives in Sweden. I don’t think that particular type of TV-show would be something I’d ordinary watch if it wasn’t for you and your dedication to the fans (and the fact that you’re somewhat talented as well… ).”

    Answer: Thanks. Somewhat talented is what I strive for! When the show does air in your neck of the woods, check it out (and bring your friends and family along for the ride). I have a feeling it’ll fast become one of your favorites.

    So, getting back to my Stargate reminiscing – I believe I was halfway through SG-1′s seventh season. Michael Shanks had returned, Daniel Jackson was back, and it was just like old times. Except, of course, for RDA’s reduced participation. After many years on the show, Rick had decided to take a step back to spend more time with family and we were faced with the challenge of finding increasingly creative ways to write him out of episodes. Easier said than done. After the third “Hey, O’Neill says he’s stuck in traffic and we should just go ahead without him” excuse, you kind of begin to stretch credulity. Still, I think we did alright as O’Neill’s diminished role allowed us to shift focus to the other members of the team.

    EVOLUTION I (711)

    The first part of our mid-season two-parter (Hey, remember the days when the 11th episode was the midway point of the season?) introduced a fearsome new enemy with an equally fearsome codpiece. Yep. Whenever the deadly super soldier strode onto the scene, all I could think was “I wonder if that’s where they keep it’s battery pack?”. The idea of an almost indestructible enemy was a good one and, on paper, it certainly sounded cool but the finished product was more likely to trigger laughter than any feelings of foreboding.

    Note: For what it’s worth, the Asurans were similarly/mysteriously well-endowed.

    EVOLUTION II (712)

    Enrico Colantoni guests as Burke, a former black ops buddy of O’Neill’s, and does such a formidable job that, for months later, we’re still talking about the fact we have to bring him back and give him his own team. Like so many of the show’s creative good intentions, it never comes to pass – but things worked out for Enrico all the same. Last I hear, he’s tearing it up on Flashpoint.

    As much as I didn’t love the super soldier, I was all over the zombies that stalk the jungles of Nicaragua (Vancouver woods with a little help from our Greens Department). Speaking of tearing it up, Director Peter DeLuise does a brilliant job here with the action, particularly one shot that sees the Zombie Chalo blown apart. The other guys felt it was too visceral (“Pretty damn goopy!”) but I didn’t see the problem. It was a zombie after all, not a human being. I mean, it’s perfectly acceptable to decapitate robots onscreen. I think the same logic would apply. I was overruled.

    GRACE (713)

    While I, admittedly, would have liked to see the Sam-Jack arc culminate in their finally settling down together, I wasn’t a fan of the dream flash in this episode in which the two lock lips. My problem with it was not so much the content of the sequence as the fact that it was confusing – a hallucination within a greater hallucination. That said, I quite liked the episode that, in its early outlining, jumped back and forth between Carter actually boarding the alien vessel and coming face to face with its crew. In the end, it was decided the story would work better as a self-contained narrative.

    FALLOUT (714)

    Actor Corin Nemec pitched this story and wrote the original outline for an episode that brings back Jonas Quinn and explores his new life on Langara. The original title of the episode was Turn of Events which, we couldn’t help but note, was a title applicable to every episode we’d ever done. It would have been akin to titling an episode Off-World Adventure or Fourth Act Twist! It was a lot of fun although one element in the story didn’t quite pan out – specifically, Jonas Quinn’s love interest, a fellow Langaran named Kianna. On the day the first dailies came in, we were horrified to discover that both actors had unnervingly similar hairstyles that, as a result, made them look like they were related. Which, in turn, made some of the romantic scenes a little…weird?
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      May 21, 2011 - Part 2


      zenophite writes: “Still hanging on to the question of whether Rhona Mitra’s Kiva was originally intended to get more airtime in season 2…”

      Answer: The plan going into the Incursion two-parter was to set up a difficult situation that would not be so easily resolved. No matter how things resolved themselves, we wanted to have consequences that would shake up the shipboard dynamics – and that meant having some members of the Lucian Alliance remain on Destiny once the dust settled, initially as prisoners but hopefully, down the line, as new crew members. At the time I was writing Incursion I and II, I had no idea who would be sticking around in season 2 with the exception of Varro. After shooting the final two episodes of season one, we elected to focus on stories that didn’t involve the Kiva character. And, bonus – her death allowed for an unnerving scenario in the season 3 premiere.

      Lady A writes: “Does the fact that you did intend to try to restart the storyline in Season 6 mean that you were prepared to stop dragging it out and finally give a conclusive ending to the storyline as both Torri and the fans have wanted from the beginning?”

      Answer: I beg to differ. The reason we brought back the Weir character was in order to tell a story – potentially a series of stories – that fans of the character would enjoy. While I think closure it certainly nice, I’d argue that fans would have preferred to leave the door open and seen the character make multiple reappearances rather than ending Weir’s story. For instance, the scenario you pitched “Team Sheppard successfully rescues Weir and brings her home to Atlantis to recover and rejoin the team?” is not a conclusive end to the storyline but a continuation in a different creative direction.

      In my mind, the original Weir was not destroyed (as the human form replicators would have us believe). Her body was kept “on ice” somewhere to serve as a prototype for future study. At the time I wrote This Mortal Coil, I imagined a future storyline that would have involved the team learning of Weir’s fate and launching a rescue op. They would have retrieved her and, in the end, Elizabeth would have headed back to Earth for some R&R, leaving the door open for future guest appearances.

      Greg S. writes: “I was wondering, what did you have planned for Earth and Atlantis 3 years later? Is there a new threat Earth is facing? Also, did Woolsey come to an agreement with the Langarans for gate usage?”

      Answer: Had we gone with the “3 years later” scenario over m preferred “100 years later” scenario, then, yes, Woolsey would have negotiated for access to the Langaran gate which would have been used to mount a rescue mission. As for the fate of Atlantis – had the movie, Stargate: Extinction, been made, Atlantis would have found its way back to the Pegasus Galaxy within a month of Enemy at the Gate.

      dioxholster writes: “What happened back then? why did you disagree with Michael? He didnt like the script? I don’t get it, hes an actor, you a writer, what possible disagreement could happen?”

      Answer: It’s not that uncommon. Occasionally, the actor may disagree with the direction of the show or a particular character arc. Other times, the actor may feel his character isn’t receiving enough screen time or story emphasis.

      kimmy writes: “I wondered if you could convince Carl to do a spot on your blog to fill in questions about some of his episodes on Universe.”

      Answer: I plan to. But only after he’s finished his next script for Transporter: The Series. First things first!

      kimmy also writes: “why did writers: 1) choose such a devastating disease (ALS) for TJ”

      Answer: Exactly for that reason. The disease is devastating. We wanted to put her in the toughest of situations, facing certain death at the hands of a disease that she knows, as a trained medical professional, is relentless and incurable.

      “2) why didn’t Young allow any of the descendants to stay aboard Destiny as crew replenishment?”

      Answer: I think he was concerned about resources, being able to feed and provide water for the extra mouths. Perhaps the timing wasn’t right. Perhaps it was a matter of fairness – being able to offer crew positions to some but not all of the descendants was to difficult a decision.

      “3) Since the Novans knew there planet was dying, wouldn’t they have managed to take copies of their history over time to their new ‘expedition’ planet? Aside from on the ships I mean.”

      Answer: Presumably if they’d had the time to make those copies, yes.

      Penny writes: “Also lived Michael Welch as young O’Neil was always hoping he would make a return. Did you ever have a story idea as to how that might have happened?”

      Answer: Having him return wasn’t the problem. He may be a teenager, but he’s still got all the skills and savvy of our Jack. It would have been a simple matter of being faced with a situation that required Jack’s expertise – and making the original Jack incapable of offering his assistance. What, exactly, that “situation” was is the question that stumped us.

      majorsal writes: “you’ve stated recently that when mgm decides to continue the stargate franchise, you don’t believe it’ll include our sg1/atlantis/sgu mythology.

      is this still true?”

      Answer: Yes. Again, this is simply my opinion.

      majorsal also writes: “there’s some shows that you just know is ready to go (i’m there with ‘house’ right now), but this is not the case with sg1/atlantis/sgu. their stories are not finished. they need closure. we need closure. please, what’s your opinion?”

      Answer: I agree.

      libkat writes: “What was the part you were going to write for Ben Browder on Atlantis? (I had read gossip somewhere that he was the original frontrunner to play Sheppard, but the Farscape mini-series intervened.)”

      Answer: True. Ben would have made the perfect John Sheppard as originally envisioned in the Atlantis pilot – a Southern cowboy with swagger. The fact that he was shooting the Farscape miniseries took him out of the running. As for the part I’d written for Ben – that of Colonel Dillon Everett in Siege I, II and III. Needless to say the character’s arc would have been significantly different had Ben been available to take the role.

      Dr. D writes: “Do you know of anyone at MGM who might have a blog or offers Q&A? Any word yet on if/when Brad and Robert will offer a Q&A? Any recommendations on blogs to visit?”

      Answer: First, congrats on the doctorate. Second – no knowledge of any MGM-related blogs. Third – no idea if and when either Brad or Robert might come by for a final all-Stargate Q&A. Fourth – As for blogs you should visit, I highly recommend the philosophical musings of Jocelyn TestesHarder over on Her site (and accompanying twitter account) is replete with brilliant insights (ie. “You remember that guy who was always flipping the bird, even in his online profile pictures? He died as he lived.” and “It’s my turn to make the snacks for my daughter’s class this week. I just hope they like 4-day-old Papa John’s pizza crusts.”

      Escyos writes: “1. I heard somewhere that Lord Yu, despite being stabbed through the chest by RepliCarter actually survived and is still out there. Kind of fits with what Osiris said in that he simply refuses to die. Do yu (lol) think that he is still around?”

      Answer: He was one of my favorite system lords so I’m going to sat yes.

      “2. Whats Teal’c up to these days, is he Jaffa President yet?”

      Answer: Or the Jaffa equivalent.

      “3. Was Destiny, and the seed ships, built on Earth, in orbit, on the moon, mars, nearby etc?”

      Answer: I would imagine they were built on Earth, way back when.

      “4. Is there anything left by the Ancients elsewhere in the solar system, perhaps a moonbase?”

      Answer: Definitely not a moonbase. With the city of Atlantis presently sitting there, it might get a little crowded.

      James writes: “Reminder about the SGU soundtrack.”

      Answer: Already sent. Awaiting a response.

      James also writes: “Your love of anime is well documented; what series are you following at present?”

      Answer: Haven’t started one yet. I’m eyeing Gintama vol. 2 but also considering Darker Than Black.

      dasNdanger writes: “I have this image of Joe and his date going back to her apartment, where she excuses herself to change into something ‘more comfortable’. As soon as she disappears down the hallway…”

      Answer: I wish to subscribe to your fan fiction feed.
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        May 22, 2011

        Photos: SG-1 Season 7

        As we headed toward the conclusion of SG-1′s seventh season, we did so with pride for all we had accomplished over the show’s and a certain amount of sadness that it would finally be over. After seven glorious seasons, Stargate: SG-1 would be coming to an end. Still, we were going out on top, with our ratings strong and dvd sales just as impressive. Sure, given the strong numbers, we were somewhat disappointed it was coming to an end but, for my part, I couldn’t really complain. I’d joined the production with the assumption we’d go two years and, instead, ended up staying four. I’d had a great time and now, it was time to end the series in style by wrapping up loose ends and finishing strong.

        Which we did. And then, as we were finishing up production, learned we’d be coming back for an unbelievable eighth season! But, in retrospect, not so hard to believe. Like I said, our ratings were strong and our dvd sales just as impressive. Why the hell NOT do another season?

        CHIMERA (716)

        The things that stands out for me about this episode was the title which, over the course of prep, production, and post, was pronounced anyone of about a half dozen ways: Ki-mera, Kee-mera, Kee-meera, Chi-mera, Chy-mera, Chy-meera – and variations thereof. Damian Kindler was the king of the obtuse episode titles and, after following Ethon with Talion, I decided to call my next script Futtock (One of the curved timbers that forms a rib in the frame of a ship.) but was overruled by my writing partner, Paul, since he’d be sharing onscreen credit with me on this one. Anyway, Damian did a great job on an episode that provides a rarity – actual closure to a storyline! Daniel saves Sarah and, with the help of the Tok’ra, restore her to her former self.

        This episode also continues the Sam’s romantic arc with a fellow fandom coined “Stalker Pete”. The role was played by David DeLuise, brother of Peter DeLuise. His appearance marked the fourth appearance by a member of the DeLuise family (Dom guested in Urgo, Michael guested in Wormhole Xtreme, David guested in several episodes as Stalker Pete, and, of course, fan favorite Peter DeLuise wrote, directed, produced and had cameos in episodes too numerous to mention).

        DEATH KNELL (717)

        Bit of a nitpick, but if the Alpha site had been wiped out by the self-destruct, it would have been one massive blast crater instead of a clearing littered with spot fires. Realistically, however, a massive blast crater would have been a huge expense that wouldn’t have added much to the episode. The Jaffa, M’Zel, was a tip of the hat to Stargate long time AD Bill Mizel who provided us with many an entertaining concept meeting with his spirited renditions of the scripts – and also showed off some killer dance moves during the shooting of SGU’s Earth.

        HEROES I (718)

        This one was planned as a two-parter but, after going through all the footage and assembling his first producer edit, Robert Cooper decided he would need more time to tell the story. And so, additional scenes were written and additional footage shot. No padding here, however, but some fantastic action sequences on the planet’s surface. Many guest stars of note in this episode: Adam Baldwin as Colonel Dave Dixon, Saul Rubinek as Bregman, and, of course, Robert Picardo as the pencil-pushing Richard Woolsey who makes his first Stargate appearance in this episode. What a run for Bob who goes from pain-in-the-ass bureaucrat in Heroes I to the lovable commander of the Atlantis expedition in SGA’s fifth season. And speaking of SGA and its cast connections to this episode, Adam Baldwin was another actor who so impressed that his name was at the top of our list for possible lead role on Atlantis. Sadly, we couldn’t make it work but Adam has (to no one’s surprise) kept busy and successful, most recently in the role of Chuck’s John Casey.

        HEROES II (718)

        The hearbreaking conclusion to the Heroes two-parter sees Stargate Command suffer a huge loss. The writers’ room was divided on the death of Janet Fraiser, the SGC’s long-time CMO, but, after much heated debate, it was decided that since this was going to be the final season anyway (!), it was the perfect time to tell this story – a salute to our armed forces, those who fought, and those who’ve lost their lives in the service of their country.

        Keep those Stargate and and Transporter: The Series questions coming. I intend to hit the mailbag again once things quiet down – which, hopefully, will be sometime this week. With Carl in town, I’ve got my hands full spinning stories and hosting schnitzel outings and dinners at Lonestar.
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          May 23, 2011

          Photos: Carl Binder, SG-1 Season 7

          Nothing kills creativity and story momentum like:

          a) An ether leak

          b) A 48 hour Who’s the Boss? marathon

          c) Three successive blows to the back of the head with the butt of a gun

          d) A two and a half hour discussion on script notes

          e) All of the above

          With Carl in town, we made terrific progress on Friday, spinning a new story and almost beating it out fully by day’s end. I woke up this morning, raring to go, figuring we’d finish up and move onto the next one. I was feeling good. Feeling confident! Hell, with Carl only in town until Thursday afternoon and things zipping along, I was certain we could get three stories broken this week. I rolled out of bed, got ready to take the dogs out for their morning walks when – BING! – my iPhone alerted me to two new messages. The first offered up some gorgeous pics of Place de la Concorde, gare de l’est, and potential police stations in Marseilles. The second was from our script coordinator, Trevor, contained notes on the last two scripts. Honestly. The least he could have done was wait until I’d had breakfast and then just broken a chair over my head and had done with it.

          The notes were, uh, thorough, and we spent the morning going over them, deciding how best to address them. By the time we were done it was lunch-time. We grabbed some burgers, then headed upstairs to finish up Carl’s episode, then move on to a new story, spin it out, board it, and, hopefully, finish it.

          Well, finish up Carl’s episode, then move on to a new story, spin it out, and board it.

          Actually, finish up Carl’s episode, then move on to a new story, and spin it out.

          In reality, finish up Carl’s episode and move on to a new story.

          Okay, finish up Carl’s episode.


          But I’m confident that, tomorrow, it’ll be smoooooooooooooooth sailing!

          To those of you asking, the Transporter: The Series writer’s room looks like this: Robert Cooper, Alexander M. Ruemelin, Paul Mullie, Carl Binder, and yours truly. In addition, designated hitter Ben Sokolowski has come in to pinch hit for us, delivering on what is going to be a terrific episode. And that’s it. No super-intelligent monkeys or trained Kodiak bears or highly advanced computers running virtual script software programs or writers from an alternate world who have already worked on the show in their universe and know which scripts were fan favorites so they’re going to go ahead and write them for us.

          Okay, I’ve really got to find a new place to live. The top floor of the apartment we’re in now is unbearably hot – but, in all fairness, only at night when we’re trying to sleep. The main floor is actually quite cool, thanks to the air conditioner that is on its lowest setting and running full blast 24/7 despite the fact that it’s actually quite cool outside. On the bright side, come summer, I’ll probably be able to bake tandoori chicken in the comfort of my own bed.

          When last I left off my Stargate: SG-1 musings, I was discussing our ramp up to the big series finale! We’d wrapped up the Sarah Gardner storyline, killed off a series regular, and written the scripts for the final four episodes. At which point we learned we’d be coming back for an eight season!

          RESURRECTION (719)

          Written by Michael Shanks and directed by Amanda Tapping, this one was all sorts of fun at almost every stage – pre, prep, production, and post. The episode finds the N.I.D. screwing up yet another experiment, leaving Stargate Command to pick up the pieces (and dispose of the bodies). Fans have long speculated on the full name of the nefarious organization and I’ve read some pretty good guesses: National Intelligence Directorate, National Intelligence Division, Next In Defense. All great. All wrong. What it actually stands for is Not a Real Department. N.I.D. Simple, no? Oh, right. Well, it WAS originally N.R.D. but we changed into N.I.D. because it sounded better.

          INAUGURATION (720)

          When Paul and I learned the show was going to be doing another clip show, we lobbied hard for the opportunity…Oh, you’ve heard this one before. Never mind. Actually, as far as clip shows go, this one was a lot of fun, mainly because it afforded us the opportunity to throw in a twist at episode’s end by having company man Richard Woolsey actually demonstrates surprising strength of character by turning his back on the conniving Senator Kinsey and doing the right thing. It’s the first step in the rehabilitation of a character who would eventually become one of my favorites to write for. Terrific performances all around by Robert Picardo, Ronny Cox, and William Devane who had the gals in the production office all a-flutter after taking the time to autograph some pictures for them between scenes.

          LOST CITY I (721)

          The plan (actually “plans” since it was fast becoming a habit) was to wrap up the show and then cap it with a movie. Lost City was going to be that movie – until we got the eighth season pick-up, at which point it was rewritten and turned into our two-parter season finale. This episode saw the introduction of Dr. Elizabeth Weir. Blonde in Lost City I and II, she goes brunette by the time the Atlantis expedition gets underway in Rising I and II (In case you failed to notice).

          One of my favorite moments of this season comes when all of SG-1 gathers for what they think may be the last time. With Jack facing an uncertain future, Sam unexpectedly drops by for a visit. As they sit down for a beer, there’s a knock. O’Neill opens the door to discover Daniel at his front door. Not long after, Teal’c comes a-calling. As much as I enjoyed the show’s high-adventure, I especially enjoyed these scenes – moments that brought the team together, demonstrating that they weren’t just teammates but good friends as well.

          LOST CITY II (722)

          A great series-ender that sets the stage for game-changing events, particularly with regard to Anubis’ destruction of an aircraft carrier. I mean, holy smokes! How the heck is the government going to cover something like that up?! Great, great question. Guess we’ll find out next season!

          Or not.

          Making a special appearance in this episode is General John P. Jumper, former Chief of Staff of the United States Airforce. I remember running into him in the production office the day before he was to shoot his episode and asking whether he had any plans to explore further acting opportunities in the near future. He chuckled and assured me his Stargate appearance was a one-time-only thing. ”You sure?”I asked. “Next week, I better not turn on the t.v. and catch you on Moesha.”
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            May 24, 2011

            Video: Michel Julienne stunt video

            Photo: Carl Binder

            No turning back now! The production machine is rolling along and picking up steam, speeding, faster and faster, toward the precipice that will launch us into glorious flight! Provided the mechanical wings on this contraption hold firm. Our European team is gearing up to start shooting in Paris, Berlin, Nice, Marseilles, and the south of France. To that end, we had a conference call this morning to go over the storyboards for the early episodes. The guys in France have come up with some terrific car action sequences that, like the ones in the Transporters film series, are fun, inventive, and holy-smokes-impressive! I suppose this shouldn’t come as a surprise since a number of the key people on our car and fight stunt teams are the same ones who worked on the movies.

            When car stunt coordinator extraordinaire Michel Julienne gets into town, I’m just going to start catching a lift with him in the morning.

            I figure that’ll allow me to shave about fifteen minutes off my twenty-two minute travel time.

            Every so often, I like to check out my site stats – Top Referrers, Top Posts, and, my favorite, Top Search Engine Terms that directed new readers to this blog. I always find it very interesting. For instance, here’s a sampling of the Top Search Engine Terms over the past six months...

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            joe flanigan 51
            stargate atlantis gate 50
            jaffa stargate 50
            julia benson picture 48
            florida state cowgirls 48
            dr rush 48
            leaves 48
            butterscotch liqueur 25
            snow monkeys 19
            fedora hat 15

            More people searching the internet came here looking for “Julia Benson” than “Joseph Mallozzi” and “Joe Mallozzi” combined. Searches for “Batman” (2914) beat out searches for “Patrick Gilmore” (882), “Stargate Atlantis” (693) doubled “mint leaves” (313), while “Joe Flanigan” (51) was trounced by “Brad Wright” (101), “Robert Picardo” (101), and “viscous” (109).

            Even more interesting are the daily single digit search engine terms that range from the obscure to the downright bizarre. Today’s stats yield a unique mix:

            Search Views

            sucking pig 3
            brian j smith girlfriend 2
            godzilla tokyo 2
            mallozzi fondy divorce 2
            janina javankar married or single 1
            raccoon lottery 1
            leon with pig puppet 1
            psych symptoms include speaking in accents 1
            confit brain 1
            bermuda trapezoid 1

            I would assume the first one was supposed to be “suckling pig” rather than “sucking pig”, but the fact that three different search attempts went with “sucking” gives me pause. It’s nice to know there are people searching for love on the internet, doing their research to ensure their prospective future partners are indeed single: Brian J. Smith, Janina Gavankar, and my ex wife. Also, I sincerely hope that whoever searched for “psych symptoms include speaking in accents” found the sound medical advice they were looking for here on this blog. Finally, what the hell is a “raccoon lottery”?
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              May 25, 2011

              Photos: Francois Berléand, Delphine Chanéac, Cark Matter, Stargate Atlantis

              Sacre bleu! Two more casting announcements for my new show, Transporter: The Series!

              As most of you already know, actor Chris Vance (Prison Break, Mental, Dexter, and Burn Notice) will be donning the driving gloves in the role of Frank Martin, the Transporter who delivers anything, anywhere – for a price. Andrea Osvart will play his handler, Carla, an ex-CIA agent who deals with the details so Frank can concentrate on the job. Also joining the cast...

              Who better to play the role made famous by actor Francois Berléand in the Transporter films than, well, actor Francois Berléand. That’s right. Inspector Tarconi makes the transition from the big screen, bringing his charming, world-weary self to series television. And joining him...

              Actress Delphine Chanéac (who you genre fans may remember from the movie Splice) has been cast in the role of the mysterious Olivia. What makes Olivia so mysterious? Well, you’ll have to tune in to find out. Mysterious,no?

              On the comic book side, my upcoming series for Dark Horse – Dark Matter – continues to come together. I’ve been working with artist Garry Brown and editor Patrick Thorpe on the layouts or issue #1. I am very, VERY happy. Check out the prelim character design for the singular seventh member of the crew -

              Chotto sinister, no?

              Finally – by now, I had hoped to hear back on the ultimate faith of Stargate: Extinction (Novel? Comic book? Radio play? Performance art piece?) but, alas, it’s been very quiet. I will say that when Paul and I set out to write the script for the proposed Stargate: Atlantis movie, we did so in the hopes that, ultimately, it wouldn’t be produced as a movie at all but as the first two episodes of SGA’s sixth season. Codenamed “Project Twilight”, it would have focused on the city of Atlantis, its personnel, and the journey back to home to the Pegasus Galaxy. Ideally, that would set the stage for the thrilling 18 episodes to follow – or, at the very least, the jumping off point for future SGA movies.

              The movie would have picked up not long after the events of the season 5 finale, Enemy at the Gates. In the opening scene, two astronauts (who turn out to be a couple of familiar faces – Amelia Banks and Major Lorne) take a walk on the surface of the moon, their lunar stroll ending with a reveal of the city of Atlantis. A shuttle carrying Sam Carter and a group of dignitaries sweeps overhead and lands.

              Within the city’s atmospherically shielded confines, Carter and her guests meet up with the science team headed by – who else? – Rodney McKay. Frustrated by the interruption to his ongoing research, McKay demonstrates a certain impatience with the whole dog-and-pony show, running through standards explanations, overviews, questions, and answers until – an alarm suddenly sounds. The bewildered dignitaries are ushered out, leaving McKay, Carter, and Zelenka to investigate.

              An examination of the city’s systems reveal the worst. A self-destruct has been initiated – a safeguard, Rodney surmises, put in place by the Ancients in the event Atlantis was ever removed from the Pegasus Galaxy. And, once triggered, it cannot be disabled. Nothing short of a return to the Pegasus Galaxy will save the city from certain destruction.

              Of course, getting it there is easier said than done...

              Anyway, that was the basic premise: A seeming new beginning. A threat to the city. And a desperate bid to outrace a deadly countdown.

              But who would join the journey? How would they get back to Pegasus? And what challenges would they face along the way?

              More on that in the coming days.

              Today’s blog entry is dedicated to birthday gals Chevron7 and SarahL.
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                An examination of the city’s systems reveal the worst. A self-destruct has been initiated – a safeguard, Rodney surmises, put in place by the Ancients in the event Atlantis was ever removed from the Pegasus Galaxy. And, once triggered, it cannot be disabled. Nothing short of a return to the Pegasus Galaxy will save the city from certain destruction.
                That sounds so stupid.


                  Indeed. Surely, Janus wouldve removed that safeguard after meeting Wier 10,000 years ago.


                    Originally posted by KEK View Post
                    That sounds so stupid.
                    I agree.


                      Me four.

                      Just looks like McKay has ANOTHER problem to fix!

                      Although i am kind of intrigued about the whole 'Transporter' Series. (wwweeeeaaaakkkkkk )
                      [''... I laugh at your reality..''][ STARGATE FAN COMIC: 'Hallowed Turf' ] [-DeviantArt-] [ ".... and a seagull."]



                        Originally posted by Choo1701 View Post
                        Me four.

                        Just looks like McKay has ANOTHER problem to fix!

                        Although i am kind of intrigued about the whole 'Transporter' Series. (wwweeeeaaaakkkkkk )
                        Someone is going to air a "Transporter: the series" but Stargate got cancelled?
                        Todd: Fish in a pond, busy busy, lots to do, here and there. Dry as a desert outside, no place to go. Eat up, get stronger, think and hope, think and hope. Don't look now! Oh, keep dreaming. There must be some other reason for your existence. Defiance tastes like life itself. No river. No water. Die in the desert. Dirt is all around. The harvest moon is rising. Wraith are never-ending. I know the future. Come inside. I'll show you your Destiny... John Sheppard.


                          Originally posted by Onealwasoverrated View Post
                          Someone is going to air a "Transporter: the series" but Stargate got cancelled?
                          After seeing what Sky are showing here in the UK (5 minute trailer for a documentary about those crazy, crazy dog owners. In High. Definition.) i'm VERY annoyed SG got cancelled.

                          But at the same time i'm a guy so car chases, explosions, gun fu and shifty spy like stuff = WIN!!!
                          [''... I laugh at your reality..''][ STARGATE FAN COMIC: 'Hallowed Turf' ] [-DeviantArt-] [ ".... and a seagull."]



                            Originally posted by Choo1701 View Post
                            After seeing what Sky are showing here in the UK (5 minute trailer for a documentary about those crazy, crazy dog owners. In High. Definition.) i'm VERY annoyed SG got cancelled.

                            But at the same time i'm a guy so car chases, explosions, gun fu and shifty spy like stuff = WIN!!!
                            The first Transporter was good but after that it got bad.
                            Todd: Fish in a pond, busy busy, lots to do, here and there. Dry as a desert outside, no place to go. Eat up, get stronger, think and hope, think and hope. Don't look now! Oh, keep dreaming. There must be some other reason for your existence. Defiance tastes like life itself. No river. No water. Die in the desert. Dirt is all around. The harvest moon is rising. Wraith are never-ending. I know the future. Come inside. I'll show you your Destiny... John Sheppard.


                              I loved the trilogy of Transporter movies and had high hopes for a fourth movie. I'm absolutely appalled that a TV show is being made though. I'm not going to be watching it.

                              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
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                                Originally posted by Onealwasoverrated View Post
                                The first Transporter was good but after that it got bad.
                                Im a guy and I think that the Transporter is stupid!

