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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

    *ears perk up* season 5? Does Joe know soemthing we don't? For his sake and ours we'd better get a S5 now Those whumpers are like a dog with a bone when they get their teeth into something. And I mean that in the nicest possible way!

    *waves to her fellow whumpers*
    I think Atlantis S5 is a given just like S10 was for SG-1, 'cause Sci-fi wants the 100th milestone. And just as S10 was the last SG-1, so S5 will be the last for Atlantis...


      Spent the day spinning - Alan’s story which is looking more like a third part to the mid-season two-parter. Another revelation in a season full of surprises, an unlikely alliance, and things develop for Teyla. We also discussed Carl’s new story which we’ll probably break next week - potential for a lot of nice character moments in this one. And for those of you asking - after much heated discussion, it was decided that the story Joe Flanigan pitched had elements that were too similar to stories already in the works. As a result, this story will be pushed to season five.

      I can already hear the Shep Whumpers sighing (ok, part of that sighing comes from me, I'll admit).

      Yup. This is why I don't jump for joy on anything posted on the blog. But, bet they'll have time to recopy an SG1 script!
      Last edited by prion; 21 April 2007, 05:31 PM.


        Originally posted by PG15 View Post

        April 20

        Write-Up: relatively short restaurant review, and this behind the scenes bit:

        Spent the day spinning - Alan’s story which is looking more like a third part to the mid-season two-parter. Another revelation in a season full of surprises, an unlikely alliance, and things develop for Teyla. We also discussed Carl’s new story which we’ll probably break next week - potential for a lot of nice character moments in this one. And for those of you asking - after much heated discussion, it was decided that the story Joe Flanigan pitched had elements that were too similar to stories already in the works. As a result, this story will be pushed to season five.
        I can already hear the Shep Whumpers sighing (ok, part of that sighing comes from me, I'll admit). Can't win 'em everyday guys, sorry
        He mentioned a story for Season 5? Season 5?! Whoa, that's new. Last I heard he thought it was much too soon to even think about the possibility of a fifth season.
        Sig by Luciana


          Originally posted by maxbo View Post
          He mentioned a story for Season 5? Season 5?! Whoa, that's new. Last I heard he thought it was much too soon to even think about the possibility of a fifth season.
          Well, that's probably wishful thinking. The decision for a renewal is many months away. However, if we don't get a season 5, we lose what sounded like a potentially great storyline. Many producers talk about 'next season' but it's not up to them whether the show gets renewed; it's the TPTB above them with the $$$ who make decision


            PG15 where are you???!!! JM's blog is up to date


              LOL at latest entry



                has photos.

                Andrew Timson writes: “From the sounds of things here, you and Paul generally write your scripts separately, yet are still credited as if they were cowritten. Is there any particular reasoning behind this that you can share?”

                Answer: Paul and I used to write scripts together, usually in the same room throwing dialogue back and forth, or working individually but passing the script back and forth so that we could write one another as we advanced scene by scene. As we grew busier with production (particularly the fact that we were suddenly producing 40 episodes of television) we found it easier to write scripts individually. We still maintain the co-written credit out of fairness as Paul does most of the uncredited rewrites on scripts.

                Anonymous #1 writes: “Will we also see something like the EMH from star trek voyager but the a asgard?”

                Answer: I haven’t a clue what an EMH is.

                Anonymous #2 writes: “Do any of the writers have such different styles or use the same dialog that would make them easily recognizable as writing an episode?”

                Answer: I’m sure we do, although I’ve never stopped to really think about it.

                Anonymous #3 writes: “Also because of the wraith's technology being based on mainly of an organic nature, does it have to be grown? and if so would you be willing expand this with an episode?”

                Answer: That’s something we just so happen to have discussed Thursday and Friday. We’ll see if some of what we talked about makes it into an upcoming episode.

                JohnManzione writes: “ Has anyone suggested that MGM put out a 10-Season deluxe DVD package for all SG1 seasons? ?

                Answers: Sorry, I don’t know whether this has been discussed.

                Shelley Templar writes: “if you could create a charcter or race tat could appear in *Atlantis*, what/who would they be and what would they be like?”

                Answer: Check out seasons four’s Travelers for the answer to this question.

                Sheppard’s Delight writes: “Oh I am also sorry to hear that JF's idea has been put back to s5. For some reason I had assumed(probably incorrectly) that this may have included some of the back story for Shep that we so crave.”

                Answer: Although we never got around to actually spinning it in great detail, there were no plans to include backstory elements in this particular story.

                Obsessed1 writes: “ Who will have the most character growth over season four?”

                Answer: I think all of our characters will see some growth. But if I had to pick one, I’d choose Teyla as she has been underdeveloped in previous seasons and will be playing some catch-up in season four.

                Rebecca writes: “Don't you ever get tired of all the negativity in SG fandom?”

                Answer: Not really. Fans are entitled to their opinions and its always nice to see they are passionate about the show. The fact that they take the time to comment and critique is what makes them fans. For the most part. There are, of course, a very small minority that I would hesitate to call fans at all, simply because they little more than unhappy, bitter complainers who never have anything positive to say about Stargate and yet, from what I can tell, spend the better part of their days posting ad nauseum about all of the things they hate about the show. It’s a little sad and I wonder if perhaps it isn’t a symptom of some deeper-seeded issue (I don’t know, maybe their mommies didn’t love them enough when they were kids). Inevitably, fans who must put up with their terminal grousing pose the obvious question: “If you hate the show so much, then why bother watching and complaining?” Naturally, this elicits indignant outrage from the gripers who assert they have every write to complain if they want to, citing the first amendment as if they were some political prisoner being denied their basic human right. Seriously, any three year old can vomit up a crayola pastiche and call it free speech, and said output wouldn’t be all that different from the pointless, occasionally amusing, usually just plain sad “opinions” of this minority of oxygen-wasters. By the way, if you swing by the Gateworld forums, say hi to Shadowmaat and Prion for me. J

                Miles writes: “You mentioned that Ark of Truth was going to start filming this past week... did they get started on time? Is filming on Contiuum wrapped?”

                Answer: Check previous blog entries for pics of Art of Truth. Continuum doesn’t start shooting for a while.

                Brazil_nut writes: “Mr. Mallozzi, why do you believe that the early online availability of Atlantis episodes has a significant effect on ratings now? The percentage of viewers who download episodes is very small. The percentage of viewers who are part of the ratings system is also very small. Multiply that together and the percentage shrinks.”

                Answer: You just made my point for me. There’s no way to tell how online availability will effect the ratings. However, since ratings are gathered via a random sampling of the viewing public, all it would take is a small number of individuals to fall into this category to effect the show’s ratings.

                Anonymous #4 writes: “1. I was wondering if you can tell us the exact size of.
                2. Will we see Atlantis on the move in later eppys in season 4, kind of like Progeny and First Strike, Adrift. 3. Am I right to assume that Zpms are not going to be consequential to Atlantis in season 4 as they were in the past seasons.

                Answer: 1. Again, off the top of my head, I don’t know. 2. Depends what you mean by later eppies. 3. The ZPM’s will always be a much sought after piece of technology.
                Last edited by prion; 21 April 2007, 05:21 PM.


                  Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                  LOL at latest entry
                  LOL !

                  Well thx Prion Joe says hi btw


                    I can already hear the Shep Whumpers getting excited about this pic:

                    *squee* blood collector!

                    ...I would so love to work as a concept artist on Stargate. *Imagines briefing* 'Ok people, today your task is to design a techy looking bloody collector that will make the Shep whumpers go squee' ahh it's love

                    livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                    ~You are who you choose to be~


                      Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                      LOL !

                      Well thx Prion Joe says hi btw
                      PG15 and I sorta share the posting duty. whoever sees it first. JM posted the 21st entry pretty early.


                        Well, no offense to Prion (who does a heck of a lot of work for fandom!) but I do join Joe in wondering why people pour so much energy into writing about something they don't/no longer/are sure they won't like... Personally if I ever get to that point I'll be off reading fan fic until I find a new show to love.


                          Sorry guys, I had a thing (read: final exam + reunion party).

                          But anyway, prion had kindly posted the Q&A, so I'll elaborate a little on the photos and write up:

                          Photos: Martin Gero and Carl Binder bemused by their make-shift DHD; Bam-Bam says hello, a few concept drawings: an "alien slug" for "Missing", a "Bola Kai Throwing Star" (not sure about the spelling there), also for "Missing", and the aforementioned "blood collector" for "Travelers". Also on the menu; Wraith sets for "Reunion".

                          Write-Up: A marvelous, artery-clogging invention, and some preparations for the Chocolate party!


                            Originally posted by Michelle05 View Post
                            I do join Joe in wondering why people pour so much energy into writing about something they don't/no longer/are sure they won't like... Personally if I ever get to that point I'll be off reading fan fic until I find a new show to love.
                            *shrugs* Human nature; people love to complain about things. Pity some choose to complain to the one person who *by now* everyone knows will not take them all that seriously but that is a little of the old human nature at work too.

                            Maybe some don't read fanfic, they need something to occupy their time while the *new* happy shiny show fandom turns up.

                            NOT that there is anything wrong with complaining, I just don't see the point of doing it to the one person who will eat them alive and laugh while he does it. The indigestion must be a *****


                              Originally posted by SazZat View Post
                              I can already hear the Shep Whumpers getting excited about this pic:

                              *squee* blood collector!

                              ...I would so love to work as a concept artist on Stargate. *Imagines briefing* 'Ok people, today your task is to design a techy looking bloody collector that will make the Shep whumpers go squee' ahh it's love
                              You are not wrong there!!!!


                                Originally posted by prion View Post
                                PG15 and I sorta share the posting duty. whoever sees it first. JM posted the 21st entry pretty early.
                                Oh, I didn't know that. Sorry. -PG15 you're fired ( like I have any authority, lol ! )

                                Thx again then ( both of you )

