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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Definitely "Malice" unless it's retitled at some point. see edited entry.
    The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


      March 17, 2010

      Photos: SGU's Earth Art Department Package

      Today, we spent the morning beating out Remi’s script – episode 9. Alas, no title as of yet but I’m sure Remi will come up with something truly inspired in the next couple of days. We’ll finish up by filling in the missing moments tomorrow after which I hope to receive notes on my outline for episode 10, Resurgence. The nameless episode 11 has been beaten and it remains to be seen who’ll be assuming scripting duties on that one. Linda, meanwhile, gets her turn at the whiteboard in the coming days when we’ll spin and break her eppy.

      Huge college basketball scandal on the eve of the NCAA March Madness tip-off:

      Something for the man (or woman) who have everything. Whaddya mean you already got one?!

      Monkey Snowball Fight!!!! lists its Top 10 Hottest Aliens:

      It’s bad enough you have to watch out for deer leaping onto the roadway. Now this!
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        March 18, 2010

        Photos: Dinner

        “You have to guess what it is,”said my dining companion as my hand probed the contents of the brown paper bag. Inspired by my recent blog posts about sampling new, exotic fruit, Denise had gone through the trouble of picking me up a couple of worthy candidates. I’d failed to guess the first one , mangosteen, but this one felt oddly…familiar. I stroked its rough exterior. ”It gave me an allergic reaction,”she informed me, perhaps by way of a hint. Which brought my groping to a sudden halt. What? ”Yeah. My hands turned red.”And suddenly, I recognized the mystery contents of the paper bag – and the fact that what she suffered WASN’T an allergic reaction. ****! I took a peek. Sure enough, it was a prickly pear.

        You may wonder why they call ‘em prickly. Well, apparently by handling them you run the risk of being stuck by hundreds of tiny fiberglass like shards. No, not apparently. You do. Last week, when Ashleigh found out I’d be eating one, she cautioned me against touching it, giving me detailed instructions on how to peel the fruit with a knife and fork. And here I was, a week later, petting one as if it were a particularly adorable hamster.

        Needles to say, soon after, I too developed “an allergic reaction”.

        On the brighter side, we enjoyed a fiery good meal at Peaceful Restaurant...

        Today, between follow the various NCAA match-ups (Curse you, Georgetown and Marquette!), I managed to squeeze in some Stargate-related business. In addition to further discussion on Remi’s episode and a meeting on a couple of the HUGE sets being built for the show’s second season, I took part in an audio commentary for Space with Director Andy Mikita and Visual Effects Supervisor (and birthday boy!) Mark Savela. Boy, does this episode move! It’s a visual feast and I look forward to hearing the fan reaction. I also think that, given the episode’s spectacular visual effects, it’s high time Mark made a return visit to this blog for another guest Q&A. Whaddya think?

        Last night, editor Lou Anders sent me the final proof pages of the upcoming superhero anthology With Great Power.. (available for pre-order ici: which includes a modest contribution, Downfall, from yours truly. Lou instructed me to review my story and inform him of any requested changes by April 1st. Sure, sure. I’ll get to it. Eventually. But my story is over on page 227. Between it and page one, stories by Matthew Sturges, James Maxey, Paul Cornell, Mike Carey, Mike Baron, Daryl Gregory, Gail Simone, Stephen Baxter, Chris Roberson, Peter David and Kathleen David, not to mention the wonderful Introduction by our fearless editor. I spent last most of last night and early this morning reading the terrific contributions, then took an hour to re-read Downfall and, ultimately, limit myself to a mere dozen requested changes. Between the end of my story and the last page of the collection, stories by Mark Chadbourn, Marjorie M. Liu, Ian McDonald, and Bill Willingham. Looks like I’ll be busy again tonight!
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          March 19, 2010

          Photos: Ashleigh, Joe Mallozzi, Atlantis designs and schematics

          The other day I was walking down the corridor when I happened upon a sight so depressing, so altogether heartbreaking, that I almost burst into tears on the spot. Almost. Instead, I pulled out my camera and took a picture of THIS…

          Fearing she would suddenly turn on the radio and start dancing with her imaginary friends, I hastened down the hall and vowed I would find a way to inject some happiness into her lonely existence. And find it I did this morning when I invited her to take a stroll with me down to catering truck for breakfast.

          Mission accomplished! Look at the sparkle in her eye, the warm glow of gratitude at the prospect of enjoying a meal in the company of someone, anyone, willing to take the time to say: “Hey, you’re special! Who’s the champ? You are!”. It really warmed my heart.

          Got most of the notes for my Resurgence outline (episode 10) and, while I’m still a little leery about the third act, I’m just going to forge ahead. I feel it might be a little short but Brad was quick to point out that I thought Incursion would be short – and it turned into a two-parter.

          VFX Supervisor Mark Savela came by the offices today to solicit our opinions on the fast-developing new aliens. Paul felt the hands were two large, the fingers too pointy, while my main concern was the potential expressiveness of the face (or, at this point, lack thereof). Mark assured me that they were in the early stages and, as things progressed, they’d be adding layers (ie. musculature and flesh) that will address my concerns.

          Second cast read-thru today. It included regulars and a few recurring including that Prison Break veteran I mentioned in a previous entry. Very nice guy – unlike the character he plays on SGU. Or Heroes for that matter.

          Sadly, it looks like my NCAA bracket has been busted. First Georgetown is upset, then Marquette gets bounced, then the Texas Longhorns snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by taking an 8 point lead in overtime – and losing! At this point, the only thing that will save me are some major upsets. So – Go Ohio U! Gonzaga! Xavier! And Wake Forest!

          More goodies from the Stargate: Atlantis Art Department archives:
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


            I think I know the Prison Break veteran is he's talking about......that's awesome if it's who I think it is.....I don't know if I should say or not though.
            ^sig made by Laura


              Originally posted by PrincessJ88 View Post
              I think I know the Prison Break veteran is he's talking about......that's awesome if it's who I think it is.....I don't know if I should say or not though.
              I have an idea who it is also...



                March 20, 2010

                Photos: Time designs and schematics, Rob Cooper, Carl Binder, young squiggler

                I’m considering doing something a little different from the five star, fine dining culinary pilgrimage I take to Tokyo every year. No, I don’t intend to replace my annual Japan trip, just supplement it with a more casual, down home excursion – perhaps a trek across the U.S. in search of the best American eats. I want to be like that guy on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives minus the peroxide hair. Yes, I’m thinking…Road Trip! Minus the driving of course. I’m putting together a list of must-visit cities (and their must-visit restaurants) so if you’ve got any suggestions, I’d love to hear ‘em.

                To those of you requesting a Q&A with my office arch-nemesis Ashleigh:

                Which reminds me. Guess who’s leading the SGU NCAA Office Pool? Yep, just as I predicted, Ashleigh has taken the early lead. But it’s early and I still have faith in both the Ohio State Buckeyes and West Virginia Mountaineers to make me look good. Or, at the very least, better than Ashleigh.

                Check out the Art Department Package and pics from my favorite episode of the first half of season one...

                Today’s entry is dedicated to birthday individual Gen!
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                  March 21, 2010

                  Great news for fans of the 1987 movie Overboard. Apparently, there’s a remake in the works. The role of the wealthy socialite, portrayed by Goldie Hawn in the original, will purportedly go to the equally hilarious Jennifer Lopez. Now if they can only sign the charming Eminem to step into Kurt Russell’s shoes, we’ve got ourselves a movie! If the right decisions are made (and casting Lopez is a great start), I can’t help but foresee a repeat of the warm critical and audience received by another remake starring a singer-wanna-be-actress: Swept Away.

                  That one was originally a foreign film that got the Hollywood treatment. In a similar vein, Tinseltown has come to the rescue of illiterate movie-goers (or those simply too lazy to read subtitles) by embarking on a remake of the terrific Swedish vampire film Let the Right One In. And they’re also remaking one of my favorite movies, Park Chan-wook’s Oldboy. I can’t wait to see the creative re-imagining of that one, especially the original shock ending which will no doubt prove far too unpalatable for North American audiences who typically prefer their movies as mundane and inoffensive as Justin Bieber. For an example of this, one need look no further than the remake of the Dutch film Spoorloos (aka The Vanishing). The original was harrowing, with an unflinching ending that stayed with you long after those final credits had rolled. The remake substituted a insultingly lame happy ending that, coincidentally, also lingered – but more like a bad smell.

                  Of course it’s not always bad. Just mostly bad. For every John Carpenter’s The Thing (incidentally, also about to be remade), there are countless King Kongs, Planet of the Apes, Psychos, Godzillas, and Rollerballs. Still, as much as one can debate the artistic merits of these remakes, there’s no denying that some have fared well at the box office. Which is why we’ll no doubt why we’ll be seeing more of them in the near future. Some already in the works or supposedly being considered include:

                  Tim Burton is eyeing The Addams Family (in 3D!) and Dark Shadows.

                  Warner Bros. is reportedly considering a remake of The Wizard of Oz (in 3D!).

                  Will Smith’s son will be starring in the Karate Kid remake.

                  Clash of the Titans – opening soon!

                  Hey, remember that 1980’s comedy Monster Squad? Yeah, me neither. They’re remaking it.

                  Chloe, which opens this Friday, is a remake of the French Thriller “Nathalie…”

                  Gilligan’s Island, Pet Sematary, Police Academy, Midnight Run, Honey I Shrunk the Kids, Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Ghostbusters, Big, Excalibur, A Nightmare on Elm Street.

                  All well and good, but when are they going to remake the movies that really need a contemporary re-imagining? The North by Northwests? The Raging Bulls? The Maltese Falcons? What follows is my list of the top ten movies that desperately need an upgrade – and how I would improve upon the sorely lacking originals:

                  10) Chinatown: So depressing. And confusing. And who cares about water rights anyway? Lose that angle and replace it with a mystery involving an attempt to spike the city’s water supply with a drug that addict people to a specific soft drink. Our intrepid P.I., played by Taylor Lautner, investigates the manufacturer and discovers it is a subsidiary of a foreign conglomerate with terrorist ties. He takes down the operation and, in a much more upbeat ending to the original, saves the kid, gets the girl, and KICKS SOME ASS!

                  9) The Sound of Music: Pretty much the same movie except all of those lame old songs have been replaced by far cooler tunes like Beyonce’s If I Were A Boy, Jeremih’s Birthday Sex, or anything by Brokencyde. How is it possible for people living in pre-WWII Austria to be singing contemporary tunes? Let me answer that question with a question: How was it possible for two fat guys in early 20th century Paris to be singing Like A Virgin in Moulin Rouge? Or better yet, let me answer both questions with a “Shaddup!”.

                  8) Up: I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for them to remake this one. Edward Asner would be perfect as the old guy.

                  7) The Wizard of Oz: Oh, Warner Bros. is already working on a remake? Okay then.

                  6) Gone With The Wind: Okay, first of all nobody knows anything about the American civil war because it happened so damn long ago. Outside of the fact that the west beat the east, I know very little about it myself. In a bid to make it more topical, we’ll set the film during the Ugandan civil war. Scarlett (played by Mariah Carey) is a wealthy heiress to a coffee plantation who crosses paths with Rhett, a dashing solider of fortune played by Taylor Lautner. As the movie draws to a close, Rhett utters the soon-to-be-memorable parting: “**** you, *****. I don’t give a ****.” before making his exit, thereby setting up the sequel.

                  5) Casablanca: Can you imagine how much better this movie would be if a) it were in color instead of dreary black and white and, b) starred some actors with actual depth like, say, Carmen Electra and Taylor Lautner. Bogart and Bacall? What will they be remembered for outside of To Have and Have Not, The Big Sleep, Dark Passage, Key Largo, Angels With Dirty Faces, High Sierra, The Maltese Falcon, The African Queen, The Caine Mutiny, Sabrina, and a few other movies, most of which were in black and white anyway.

                  4) Citizen Kane: Another classic that would benefit from the color treatment. And Taylor Lautner. And a car chase involving an experimental jet pack. And at the end, we find out that Rosebud is actually the name of the murderer.

                  3) Star Wars: More epic space battles and visual effects sequences, dreamier young leads, lose the high adventure fun in favor of earnest dialogue, add romance and more annoying side-kicks.

                  2) 2001: A Space Odyssey: First, if I wanted to watch accurate depictions of space exploration, I’d watch old NASA documentaries. Second, if your movie is going to include alien contact, the let’s see the alien. And shoot lasers at it. Finally, when you end your movie, leave nothing to the imagination because the audience doesn’t like to think for itself. Keep the closing montage but add an extra scene that DISSOLVES from the embryo to a EXTREME CLOSE UP of our hero’s eye. We hear him say: “What happened?” Then we PULL BACK TO REVEAL he is a baby. He screams: “Nooooooooooooooo!” and we FADE OUT.

                  1) Dances With Wolves: Give it a SciFi spin by transposing the story to an futuristic setting. Make it 3D.
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                    March 22, 2010

                    Photos: Stewie, Atlantis schematics and designs

                    WTF? I am suddenly beset by a host of discomforting aches and pains – not enough to cause me major concern, mind you, but more than enough to really annoy the hell out of me. I can’t remember awkwardly twisting it but my hand is certainly doing its best to remind me of the incident. I’ve switched off dumb bell training in favor of crossfit but that hasn’t stopped me from continuing to experience a sensation akin to what an elderly arthritis sufferer must no doubt contend with on a daily basis. Special Features Producer Ivon Bartok assured me this sort of thing happens to him all the time and it may take a while for such an injury to fully recover. Like, say, the seven months it took for his twisted finger to heal. Seven months!

                    Of course that’s one of the best case scenarios. Another possible explanation is that I’m just getting old and the injuries I sustained in my youth (double compound wrist fracture in fourth grade while setting up the school trampoline for gym class, wrist fracture in high school while playing pick-up football on cement) are finally catching up with me. A hand massage would probably do me some good but Ashleigh, our Exec. Producer’s Assistant, feels it doesn’t fall under her job description. This, by the way, is the same Exec. Producer’s Assistant who put the kibosh on my idea to purchase a producer’s rickshaw to transport us to and from set. The same Exec. Producer’s Assistant who, just today at lunch, laughed at me when I dropped my piece of tropical cake AND then laughed again when I spilled my cream of mushroom soup attempting to wipe away the cream from the tropical cake I dropped. The same Exec. Producer’s Assistant who was disrespectfully gloating about her standing lead in the office NCAA office pool. And this was all today! I’m not even going to bother mentioning the fact that she promised to bake us chocolate chip cookies last year and never followed through. Nope. Not going to say a thing about it because I’m not that type of guy.

                    Even thought she IS that type of girl.

                    Who promises cookies and then doesn’t follow through.

                    Just not saying.

                    Anyway, thanks to those of you who offered up links to and suggestions for potential dining targets I should hit on my forthcoming road trip. It looks like I should be setting aside more time for this little culinary excursion than I’d originally planned. Say, two months more time.

                    Looks like Jelly, Maximus, Bubba, and Lulu now have a distant cousin (and Brie has a little brother). The latest addition to the extended brood = Stewie.

                    More goodies from the Stargate: Atlantis Art Department archives…

                    Today’s entry is dedicated to Jordan’s mom Sophie. Bonne Fete!
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                      March 23, 2010

                      Photos: Dinner, Tom Doughty and Phil, Paula, Food, SGU's Life ddesigns and schematics

                      This morning, I met the positively delightful actress who’ll be playing the role of Ginn in season 2. Loved her in Mad Men. Apparently, she’s already worked in Vancouver (most recently on Supernatural), loves the city, and already has plans to hit some of her favorite food spots. After her wardrobe fitting and a visit to hair and make-up of course.

                      At lunch today, Paul pointed out that we have a lot of “horse television” experience on the SGU writing staff. Brad got his start on Black Stallion, Remi and Linda worked on Wildfire, while Carl also worked on Black Stallion in addition to spending a few seasons on the equine-friendly set of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. So why, may I ask, hasn’t anyone come up with a good horse-based episode yet? Great question that I, being more of a cartoon jungle animal guy, am unable to answer.

                      The other day, I received a text message that read: “Want to have king crab lunch today?”

                      Alas, I was busy and texted back, suggesting we reschedule for later in the week. And then, several hours later: “BTW – Who is this?”

                      As it turned out, the texter/crab-hankerer was Tom Doughty, owner of Refuel and Campagnolo. After some back and forth, we solidified dinner plans and headed to Sun Sui Wah on Main Street for king crab three ways…

                      During dinner, Tom described a special dish Refuel has served in the past: a whole confit pig’s head that is carved table-side, allowing the diners to select their favorite parts be they the succulent cheeks, the crispy ears, or the oft-ignored snout. He offered to serve one up – if I was interested. Well, I like to live life by the simple precept WWABD = What Would Anthony Bourdain Do? What WOULD Anthony Bourdain do? He’d eat him some pig head! It’s going to make for a very interesting blog entry.

                      A peek at the Art Department Package for SGU’s 9th episode, Life…
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                        Looks like it's Julie McNiven.


                          Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
                          Looks like it's Julie McNiven.
                          another actress i don't know



                            Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
                            Looks like it's Julie McNiven.
                            Or Katherine Boecher



                              March 24, 2010

                              Photos: Peter and Marilyn, Alannah and Bugsy, Julia Benson, Jamil Walker Smith, SGA's Ghost in the Machine pics

                              Hey! Look who dropped by the production offices today! Bugsy and Marilyn! And, oh yeah, Peter Kelamis (SGU’s Adam Brody) who tagged along with his lovely wife Alannah.

                              Today, we broke Linda’s story (episode 13), which explores the relationship of two of my very favorite characters, and also discussed the Awakening blue draft. I had a major breakthrough on that tricky opening scene and finally got some work done on episode 10, Resurgence. I would have accomplished more but was forced to leave early after receiving several complaints that my boisterous disposition was interrupting the hallowed solemnity of the DVD commentary being recorded down the hall. On my way out, I poked my head into Ashleigh’s office to say goodnight and she responded with a whisper so hushed you’d think she was hiding out from a serial killer. Honestly, is this what our work environment has come to? A place where the production of DVD extras takes precedence over artistic expression, animated debate, and uproarious laughter at a video of Jean Claude Van Damme’s futile attempts to hide his untimely erection on Brazilian t.v.:

                              And what did you accomplish today?

                              Fellow SGU Exec. Producer Carl Binder offers up a suggestion for a future Book of the Month Club. It’s called The Ghoul: http://the-haunted-closet.blogspot.c...our-sleep.html

                              I love spicy peppers. Let’s hope Indian protestors do too:

                              Staying with India – Indian guru tries to kill skeptical t.v. host with the power of his mind.

                     presents the Do’s and Don’ts of Cosplaying:

                              On the NBA front, a ref officiating a Denver Nuggets game calls the rarely called traveling-through-time foul:,17057/

                              Over at, 10 Meals That Make Your Heart Scream Redrum: I want me some of that Guinness chocolate pudding!

                              A trip down memory lane with the Atlantis gang and an episode called Ghost in the Machine…

                              Back by popular demand – the mailbag…

                              RebeccaH writes: “Do you ever wonder if human beings got smarter because they ate smart animals?”

                              Answer: No, but there is anecdotal evidence that suggests certain animals got smarter because they ate humans. Apparently, scientists have discovered a cluster of wicked scrabble-playing komodo dragons in Indonesia.

                              Maggiemayday writes: “The pig’s head probably tastes better than it sounds.”

                              Answer: Guess I’ll find out tomorrow night.

                              tiki god writes: “is there any hope for a stargate tech manual or blueprint set?”

                              Answer: There’s always hope – especially if the studio feels there’s a market for it. Let ‘em know you’re interested!

                              Charlene writes: “I’m sure SGU will do wonderfully and find an audience all it’s own but I will miss the others and will hold out hope that some new show will come on that captures the essence of what the SG1 and SGA characters did.”

                              Answer: Looking forward to hearing your opinion after the back half has aired.

                              crazymom1 writes: “Did you see Bourdain’s “Obsessed” episode? I think the two of you should get together and eat pig sometime.”

                              Answer: Sure. Have him drop me an email the next time he’s in town.

                              K8T writes: “I don’t usually eat the crab or lobster when we go out for family dinner, IMO it’s too much work for the reward.”

                              Answer: Ah, but the beauty of ordering the king crab at Sun Suit Wah – as you can see by the photos – is that they cut it up for you before serving. All you have to do is scoops and eat.

                              Jadeski writes: “Is Akemi still in Perth? If so, how’s she surviving?”

                              Answer: Akemi is eating a lot of pizza and, apparently, weathering a recent rainstorm. She’s settled in, made friends, but is looking forward to making a return trip to Vancouver in the coming months.

                              Rich S writes: “People used to eat that in the past because they had to and couldnt afford to waste anything, you dont have to any more, we are affluent Westerners

                              Answer: So maybe stick to hot dogs?

                              Thornyrose writes: “And have you by chance any idea of when you might do your road trip, and which part of the country/countries you may drive through?”

                              Answer: Nope, it’s still up in the air – as is my annual Tokyo trip since production will take us to the end of November.

                              Major D. Davis writes: “1. Is Rob directing Aftermath?

                              2. Is Will directing Awakenings?”

                              Answer: No and no.

                              Gen writes: “Making the rounds today is a memo written by David Mamet from when he was executive producer on “The Unit”, addressed to the writers on the show:

                              Was just wondering if you had seen it, and had any thoughts.”

                              Answer: Love it. I’ve always been a firm believer that, when it comes to writing, “less is more” and that the audience doesn’t need to be spoonfed every detail of a story in order to enjoy it. Viewers are much smarter than most give them credit for and they enjoy the challenge of a developing storyline.

                              DasNdanger writes: “1. Did you ever check out that cheeseburger site? If not, you gotta!

                              2. How’s the aches and pains today?? I’ve noticed that you didn’t start complaining about pain until you amped up your workout. Have you taken it down a notch, just to see if that helps?

                              3. How’s mom and sis?

                              4. How’s Carl?

                              5. Refresh my memory – what are the flavors you do NOT like? I know mint is one, and I thought maybe lime/citrus…but I’m drawing a blank on the rest.

                              6. A loooooong time ago I asked if you would share your baby/childhood pics with us…any chance of seeing one or two anytime soon?

                              7. Do you like the smell of puppy feet?”

                              Answers: 1. Yes, I did. And I’ve bookmarked the site. Thanks. This weekend, I’m making me a Miss Daisy.

                              2. I’ve switched up my workout, focusing more on cardio and losing weight training entirely in favor of bodyweight crossfit training. Still a little achy.

                              3. Sis is fine. Mom is back in the hospital (as of last night) dealing with an ulcer.

                              4. Carl is well. He handed in his first draft of The Greater Good this afternoon. I invited him out for pig head tomorrow night but he refused. You think he’s mad at me?

                              5. Flavors of what exactly? If it’s chocolate, I steer clear of mint and anything with fruit or liquor filling. If it’s ice cream, same thing – except for the liquor part.

                              6. I’ll have to dig some up next time I’m in Montreal.

                              7. Sure. Jelly’s feet smell like Doritos.

                              Narelle from Aus writes: “Ever made/had Blue Swimmer Crab Spaghettini?”

                              Answer: I haven’t. But I want some now.

                              Harold writes: “are you guys ever looking for suggestions for the show?”

                              Answer: If you’re asking whether we’re looking for new writers, the answer is no, we’ve got a pretty full roster this season.
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                March 25, 2010

                                Photos: Food, SGU's Justice designs and schematics

                                As most of you know, I’ve been doing a fair amount of cooking of late, all thanks to Gordon Ramsay, the good people at America’s Test Kitchen, and the fact that I’ve lost both of my go-to culinary wingpeople. A couple of recent at home meals…

                                No cooking for me tonight. I’m off to enjoy some pig head. Tune in tomorrow for a blow-by-blow account. Something to look forward to.

                                Or avoid.

                                Hey, check out the Art Department Package for SGU’s 10th episode, Justice

                                Dr. Rush needs your help!
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

