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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    March 3, 2010

    Photos: Stargate Atlantis concept arts - Lucky Rollers Motor Hotel Awning Sign, Exterior Desert Highway Signs, Vehicle Placement, Exterior Police Station, Wraith Device, Vehicle Placement

    I was going through my office desk today and came across a slew of supporting material from the last two seasons of Stargate: Atlantis – concept art, sketches, designs, schematics, art department packages. I uploaded many over the course of the past few years, but just as many have remained secreted away in my bottom drawer alongside a bottle of multi-vitamins, a box of pecans, and a package of unsweetened shredded coconut. There’s plenty of stuff here that may, or may not intrigue so, at the risk of boring you, I’ll just post a couple of items for starters and gauge your interest in these glimpses of way-back-when. If you want to see more, let me know. And, if you’re all extra nice, in the lead up to the April premiere of the back half of Stargate: Universe (April 2nd, Space), I could be convinced to organize these items by episode and then award the various packages as prizes. Again, if you’re interested, let me know…

    Speaking of Atlantis, word is the complete five season box set of the series will be released on March 23rd. The collection will include all 100 episode and oodles of extras:

    A gentle reminder to get your questions in for Cherie Priest soon as I’d like to send them her way Thursday. Not so gentle reminders to follow…
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      March 4, 2010

      Photos: Elyse Levesque, Jamil Walker Smith, Patrick Gilmore, Will Waring, Carl Binder, Brian J. Smith, Louis Ferreira, Rob Cooper, veal tongue, Kaleena Kiff, Alaina Huffman, sablefish, Julia Benson, saffron risotto, porchetta, Jennifer Spence, Michelle and Paul Mullie, dessert

      BEST – CAST DINNER – EVER! And I’m not just saying that because I ended up sitting at a table with Alaina Huffman, Elyse Levesque, Jennifer Spence, and Julia Benson.

      Okay – maybe that had a lot to do with it. They were lovely company and, as an added bonus, were completely stuffed after the pasta course, leaving me to tackle the entire pork platter all by my lonesome.

      And finally – Hey! The new network trailer for the back half of SGU’s first season is up at SyFy. Head on over to the SyFy website to see out and check out the other goodies ( or scroll down to the bottom of this blog’s right sidebar.

      MGM studio trailer to follow.

      Tomorrow will be your last day to get your questions in for Cherie Priest! Post ‘em if you got ‘em.

      Today’s entry is dedicated to our friend and blog regular MaggieMayDay.
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        March 5, 2010

        Photos: Headsman’s Axe, James Robbins, Cliff Build, the actualy "cliff", Cliff Build, Profile, Stokes Pit, Probe Gak Box, working prop

        Poor Akemi isn’t enjoying Perth. Following her ten-day vacation in Vancouver (check out what an affable host I was in previous entries), she returned to Tokyo, unpacked, re-packed, then jetted off to Australia for six weeks of intensive English immersion. Well, one week in and neither the food nor the weather agree with her and she’s considering bailing and finding somewhere else to study English. Somewhere else like, say…Vancouver? I suggested she stick it out. It has only been about a week. Any of you Aussies have any interesting Perth recommendations for a first time visitor? An interesting sight or shop or perhaps a place that apparently serves the world’s best pizza:

        The other day I was going through some of the art department output that has crossed my desk over the years and wondered if any of you might be interested in catching a glimpse (or in some cases a re-glimpse) of the various sketches and designs put together for Atlantis in its later seasons. Well, apparently, yes, many of you are very interested. So, picking up where I left off in that enormous pile…

        Yesterday, we did a walk-thru of the new, raised set in Stage 5. So far, so cool. Then, this afternoon, we watched the Day 2 Mix of Incursion I. Action! Suspense! Cameos! And a most atypical death! Paul has finished a first draft of episode #6 which comes in at a whopping 57 pages. He’ll spend the weekend trimming. Carl continues prep on episode #4 (Pathogen), in addition to working on that outline for episode #7. Rob is off on a “distant location” scout for episode #8, but returns to Vancouver Sunday night. Remi is working on an outline for episode #9 while I begin tackling the freshly-broken story for episode #10. Linda and Brad, meanwhile, have started mulling over their fledgling stories. Our first cast read-thru early next week to be followed by our first day of principal photography on Pathogen (Yes, it’s episode #4, but it’s shooting in the #1 slot) and the start of prep on Intervention (Episode #1).

        Today’s entry is dedicated to blog regular Deni. Happy Birthday!
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          March 6, 2010

          Photos: Master Sergeant Ronald Greer (Air III), The Somnambulist, by Jonathan Barne, Just After Sunset, by Stephen King, The Death of Grass, by John Christopher, Teddy Bear cufflinks!

          Yes, you read correctly. Actor Jamil Walker Smith, Stargate: Universe’s explosive Master Sergeant Ronald Greer, has kindly agreed to swing by the blog and field your questions – in exchange for my recommending him a couple of good local French restaurants with the understanding that if they fail to impress, he plans to call me out during his Q&A.

          I’ll be gathering questions for Jamil over the next few days and plan to send him the batch sometime next week so that he’ll have something to do…besides learning his lines. Oh, and acting!

          For a while there, I lost my reading mojo – and just when it seemed like it was gone for good came a succession of pretty damn fine books that restored my mojo AND ensured many more nights would be spent finishing “just one more chapter” instead of getting some much-needed sleep. So what follows are my stand-out reads of the past month (excluding Book of the Month Club picks I’ve already covered), titles I would STRONGLY recommend to all you avid readers out there…

          The Somnambulist, by Jonathan Barnes

          One of the things that makes such a terrific site is that it is entertaining yet informative across a broad spectrum of genres and works, offering everything from articles dealing in science fact to feature op. ed.’s from some of the most fascinating people working in SF, Fantasy, and Horror today. One of the latter – specifically, SFSignal’s ongoing Mind Meld – is a terrific source for book recommendations, like Jonathan Barnes’ The Somnambulist which would have never made my reading radar had it not been suggested by Eos’s Executive Editor Diana Gill.

          Edward Moon, a former grand illusionist suffering through the ignoble tail-end of his career, is enlisted by dark forces in London’s shadow authority to investigate a conspiracy hatched by even darker forces in London’s underbelly. With the help of his hairless, seemingly indestructible stage assistant, The Somnambulist, Moon must save the city from a nefarious plot that threatens to overturn established society and usher in a horrific new order.

          At turns macabre, bizarre, thrilling, and hilarious, Jonathan Barnes’ first book is a superb read. It’s weird yet wonderful, one of those books that’s so much fun it keeps you up into the wee hours of the early morning. The unique nature of the narrative makes for some surprising and rewarding developments although, ultimately, the unreliable narrator also yields some unsatisfying returns. Still, a book head and shoulders above most first-time novels. Devilishly witty.

          Just After Sunset, by Stephen King

          In my opinion, Stephen King is under-appreciated. “What’s that?”you say. “Under-appreciated?!” Yes, under-appreciated because despite the innumerable awards and the 350 million + books sold worldwide, I still run into people who dismiss him as a hack for no other reason than the fact that the man is prolific. I say “no other reason” because if anyone has ever read Stephen King, they’d be hard-pressed to deny he is an incredibly talented writer. Granted, his work may not be to everyone’s tastes (I, for one, didn’t like his Dark Tower series), but you’ve got to give credit where credit is due and King deserves credit for crafting some of the best fiction being written today.

          Just Before Sunset is a change of pace for King, his first collection of short stories since 2002’s Everything’s Eventual. Surprisingly, the first tale off the top, Willa, is the weakest of the bunch, but the ensuing stories go from strength to strength. The Gingerbread Girl focuses on a woman’s harrowing encounter with a potential serial killer. Harvey’s Dream is a disquieting peek at one family’s potentially prophetic experience. The Things They Left Behind is a touching story that focuses on a survivor of the 9/11 attacks who must come to terms with the haunting memories of his deceased former colleagues while, in a similar thematic vein, The New York Times at Special Bargain Rates tells the tale of a recent widow who receives a phone call from beyond the grave. Capping the collection is my favorite of the bunch, A Very Tight Place, that delivers a terrifying account of the ordeal suffered by a man trapped in a toppled outhouse. Not for the faint of heart!

          A marvelous collection.

          The Death of Grass, by John Christopher

          Probably the most frightening dystopian novel I’ve ever read owing not so much to the hardships faced by the survivors of a global catastrophe but the lengths these people will go to in order to survive, sacrificing their very humanity to ensure the safety of their loved ones. Published back in 1956, the book paints a scenario so deeply unsettling that it rivals any contemporary work of apocalyptic fiction.

          A virus has wiped out grass and crops in Asia leading to mass starvation and civil unrest, but the English authorities appear to have things under control, assuring the populace that they are close to perfecting a counter-virus that will leave them unscathed. But when those best-laid plans come for naught, panic sets in. As the government wrestles with the ethical dilemma of bombing major cities in order to pare down the population and ensure food and social order for the survivors, a desperate group, tipped off to the looming danger, escape London in a bid to reach a distant farm in a remote, defensible valley.


          This morning, I swung by the post office to pick up a package. I was surprised to discover that it was from my friend and former house-guest Akemi (presently in Perth studying English), then even more surprised to discover the contents: a very heartfelt card thanking me for being such a wonderful host and – these…

          Teddy Bear cufflinks!

          I love ‘em!

          The package also contained business cards for the Hotel Okura – conveniently enough located in Akemi’s hometown of Osaka, should I just happen to find my way to Japan later this year. I’d say chances are good.

          What a sweetheart!
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            March 7, 2010

            Photo: Author Cherie Priest

            Today, it is with great pleasure that I turn this blog over to Nebula-nominated author, horror aficionado, and self-admitted urban explorer Cherie Priest. Check out the Q&A for some entertaining insight into the woman behind Boneshaker, some early rumblings of a Boneshaker movie, and the word on not one but two upcoming sequels: Clementine and Dreadnought.

            Over to Cherie…

            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              March 8, 2010

              Photos: Food, Jelly, Lulu, Maximus, Bubba

              You know the great thing about power windows? You can raise and lower them with the push of a button, dispensing with that troublesome and annoying manual crank.

              You know the terrible thing about power windows? You can’t raise OR lower them if the button stops working. Furthermore, the fact that you’ve dispensed with that manual crank ensures that you may be driving to and from work with your driver’s side window down for days until the Audi dealership can pencil you in for a service appointment. This is not only troublesome and annoying but very uncomfortable – especially on really chilly occasions. Like, say, this morning.

              As part of my plan to eat more weird fruit this year, I picked up these two interesting looking items from my local supermarket last week:

              In addition to eating more strange fruit, I’m cooking more. Or less. I was watching Food Network the other day and caught an episode of Throwdown with Bobby Flay in which the factions faced off in a grilled cheese battle – which prompted me to make one of these…

              Then, this weekend, I made a terrific barbecue-less New Orleans Barbecue Shrimp -

              We broke my next story last Thursday (I’ve landed the first part of the mid-season two-parter) and planned to work through the weekend, but hit an impasse about halfway through the second act and ended up setting it aside on Saturday. Then, last night, I decided to take advantage of all those leftover Lush products from Akemi’s visit and settled into a nice, relaxing bath – and ended up working through those second act problems. I completed the outline today. Paul, meanwhile, put out the first draft of episode 6 which, in my opinion, is one of the best scripts he’s ever written. Some wonderful exchanges and great, great character moments. And some pretty crazy action.

              Breaking down the next five episodes for you:

              #6: ***** *** ***** – written by Paul Mullie

              #7: *** ******* **** – written by Carl Binder

              #8: ****** – written by Robert Cooper

              #9: ??? – written by Remi Aubuchon

              #10: *E******** – written by Joseph Mallozzi

              I know, I know. They aren’t all one-word titles, but I think that makes guessing them all that much easier.

              By the way, the dogs say hi -
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                March 9, 2010

                Pictures: SGU concept art and schematics

                Thanks to all of you who took the time to suggest a possible solution to the problem I’ve been experiencing with my Audi’s power window. Alas, the child lock is NOT on so, in this rare instant, the problem isn’t a result of my personal ineptitude but an actual mechanical issue with the car itself. Weird, huh?

                Wow! Just watched the studio promo for the fast-approaching back half of Stargate: Universe. Shortly after the first cast read-thru of the season, we all crowded into the writers’ room to watch the 90 second trailer – and were blown away. Patrick Gilmore, aka SGU’s Dale Volker, actually had goosebumps (he showed me). Plenty of glimpses at what we have in store for SGU’s return including action, adventure and – wait for it…aliens!

                Not exactly sure when the trailer will hit the net, but if you’re curious, ask the mastermind behind it:

                As we speed toward the April 2nd premiere of the second half of SGU’s inaugural season, I thought it might be fun to dip into the archives and take a peek at the Art Department packages assembled for what has come before. Check out the concept art, the schematics, and build your own Destiny! First up, the three-parter that kicked off the series: Air…

                Tomorrow, we explore the shuttle and Icarus Base.

                And finally, let the guessing continue…

                Episode #6: **** *N* *****

                Episode #7: T** ******* ****

                Episode #8: *A****

                Episode #9: ???

                Episode #10: *E********


                  Originally posted by EvilSpaceAlien View Post
                  Plenty of glimpses at what we have in store for SGU’s return including action, adventure and – wait for it…aliens!
                  No watching trailer for me, then. I'd prefer to keep the surprise to the episode we see aliens.



                    March 10, 2010

                    Photos: Joe Mallozzi, SGU concept art

                    According to the call sheet I discovered sitting in my mailbox early this morning, we have apparently started shooting Stargate: Universe’s second season. This is exciting for many reasons, the chiefest, of course, being the return of the catering truck. Alas, we’re on location until Friday and, thus, won’t see our lovable cast and crew (and Anthea’s equally lovable desserts) until Monday. In the meantime, we’re keeping busy on the home front. Paul has wall-to-wall meetings as prep begins on Intervention, while Remi, Linda, and I muse over our respective outlines. I also get to ponder the batch of notes I received on my first script, Awakening, as it heads toward Blue Draft status.

                    Well now, this is cool. Angela Beamer’s zombie-comedy-romance, The Loving Dead (one of I09’s “20 Books We Can’t Wait To Read in 2010) will be hitting bookshelves in July…BUT you don’t have to wait until July IF you have a computer. The novel will be serialized online, starting with the first four chapters, then a chapter a week until the official release date.

                    And what, exactly, is the book about? I’m glad you asked: “It tells the story of Kate and Michael, twenty-something housemates working at the same Trader Joe’s supermarket, who are thoroughly screwed when people start turning into zombies at their house party in the Oakland hills. The zombie plague is a sexually transmitted disease, turning its victims into shambling, horny, voracious killers after an incubation period where they become increasingly promiscuous. Thrust into extremes by the unfolding tragedy, Kate and Michael are forced to confront the decisions they’ve made, and their fears of commitment, while trying to stay alive. Kate tries to escape on a Zeppelin ride with her secret sugar daddy — but people keep turning into zombies, forcing her to fight for her life, never mind the avalanche of trouble that develops from a few too many innocent lies. Michael convinces Kate to meet him in the one place in the Bay Area that’s likely to be safe and secure from the zombie hordes: Alcatraz. But can they stay human long enough?”

                    Start reading it here:

                    Also, our friends over at PYR are celebrating their fifth anniversary by holding an essay contest.

                    The theme? Five reasons why science fiction and fantasy is important to you.

                    The rules? Alas, the contest is only open to U.S. residents. Full list of rules, regulations and PRIZES available here:

                    Now, where did we leave off yesterday? Oh, yeah. We were perusing the Art Department package for SGU’s three-part opener, Air, and were about to get into Icarus Base, Homeworld Command, and The Hammond

                    Okay, tomorrow I’ll post design work and schematics of the Destiny shuttle. Promise!

                    In the meantime, for those of you still playing along with the second round of Guess the Episode Titles…

                    Episode #6: **** *N* *R***

                    Episode #7: T** ***A*** ****

                    Episode #8: *A****

                    Episode #9: ???

                    Episode #10: *E*****N**

                    Today’s entry is dedicated to Shaggygirl. Happy Birthday!
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                      March 11, 2010

                      Video: MGM SGU 1.5 trailer

                      Photos: Destiny shuttle designs and schematics

                      I’m sure most of you have already seen it but for those who haven’t, here’s the awesome SGU 1.5 trailer courtesy of Grey Munford and the gang at MGM:

                      For more vids, pics, and behind-the-scenes scoops, check out:

                      Now, I believe I promised you some designs and schematics of the Destiny shuttle…

                      Congratulations to Chevron7 who was correctly guessed one of the new episode titles…

                      Episode #6: **** AN* *R***

                      Episode #7: T*E *R*A*** ****

                      Episode #8: *A****

                      Episode #9: ???

                      Episode #10: RESURGENCE
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                        March 12, 2010

                        Photos: Joe Mallozzi, Ashleigh, Erika Kennair, Carl Binder, Linda McGibney, Remi Aubuchon, Kate, Jamil Walker Smith

                        Yesterday, we received a visit from our friends at Syfy, Exec. VP of Original Programming Mark Stern and Director of Development Erika Kennair, who dropped by to talk travel, television and, oh yeah, Stargate: Universe. We spent the afternoon discussing the first five scripts of season two and beyond – character developments, story arcs, and surprises in store for the not too distant future. It was a pleasant and ultimately fruitful sit-down that yielded some terrific ideas that I was quite excited about… until I sat down in front of my laptop this morning and realized I would now have to incorporate these terrific ideas into the rewrite of Awakening. Don’t get me wrong. I really do like the notions we came up with. They’ll help clarify some of the character motivations and offer up interesting revelations about her heroes. I just hate rewrites. Even more than I hate writing first drafts.

                        Paul, meanwhile, is hip-deep in prep on Intervention while Rob and Carl have spent the past couple of days on the set, watching Director Robert Carlyle work his magic. Back on the office front, Remi and Linda are hammering out their stories as I try to figure out a sciFIentifically sound idea for my Resurgence outline (thank you, SGU Creative Consultant John Scalzi).

                        I brought a pear in to work yesterday that has mysteriously gone missing. Either somebody took it, or I’ve really got to clean my desk.

                        I’m always interested in where the kitchen staff of my favorite restaurants go eat on their days off. In much the same way, I’m always interested in what people who work in the television industry are watching. I’m sure many of you have not wondered what we at Stargate are watching when we’re not watching our own show – which is, admittedly, on very rare occasions. Well, wonder not no more. What follows is a list of the shows we’re watching, compiled in a most unscientific manner: I basically kept a running count of the shows we either discussed during lunch, in our respective offices waiting for a meeting to begin, or over the course of our morning pep talks. So, in other words, the series must have been watched by at least two people. Ashleigh, for instance, may love Gossip Girl, but if no one else watches the show and can engage her in a spirited debate about what exactly Chuck was up to in last night’s episode or those gorgeous shoes Blair was wearing in the premiere, then it doesn’t make the list. These shows, however, did -

                        House: There are those who’ll claim the show is formulaic, but I’d argue that the medical mysteries of the week, while interesting, are secondary to the show’s wonderful character dynamics. In its sixth season and as great as ever.

                        Glee: A prime time song and dance show? I honestly thought I’d hate it. How wrong I was. Clever, colorful, and gloriously un-PC.

                        The League: I’ve yet to check it out but this FX series about a fantasy football league has received a lot of writers’ room buzz.

                        American Idol: Some seasons I’ll watch; others I’ll miss. This season I’ve decided to skip, but there are a few diehard fans in the office who are tuning in.

                        The Office: It’s a comedy with heart and boasts a wonderful ensemble cast from Steve Carell’s clueless Michael Scott to Leslie David Baker’s perennially disinterested Stanley Hudson.

                        Big Love: A show I enjoyed despite the fact that our protagonist is a polygamist, but as the seasons have come and gone, I’ve really grown to hate Bill Henrickson. My distaste for the character and his bizarre choices has reached the point where I don’t know if I’ll be tuning in next season.

                        30 Rock: The gags fly fast and furious and while a some may not their mark, more than enough do to make 30 Rock show must-see-t.v. And Adam Baldwin is brilliant.

                        Survivor: I know, I know. It’s reality t.v. and I shouldn’t be watching but I am – an enjoying this season immensely. Go villains!

                        The Amazing Race: Carl calls it the fastest hour on television and he’s right. Time flies when you’re racing across the globe. Although this season hasn’t captured my interest like past installments, I’m still watching.

                        South Park: Next to The Simpsons, one of the most oft-quoted shows in the writers’ room. Wickedly funny.

                        Spartacus – Blood and Sand: Although it lacks the scale of HBO’s Rome (as well as its sense of humor), Spartacus has proven itself a well-written bloody good time.

                        Oops. No wonder you’ve been having so much trouble guessing the episode titles. I gave you the incorrect number of letters in the first word of episode 6’s three-world title. Oh, and we have multiple winners who guessed correctly on episode 7.

                        Episode #6: ***A* AN* *R***

                        Episode #7: THE GREATER GOOD

                        Episode #8: *A****

                        Episode #9: ???

                        Episode #10: RESURGENCE
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                          Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                          No watching trailer for me, then. I'd prefer to keep the surprise to the episode we see aliens.
                          Brave decission!!


                            Originally posted by kusanagi View Post
                            Brave decission!!
                            Brave and stupid. Because I didn't leave GW and hope to stay spoiler-free.


                              Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                              Brave and stupid. Because I didn't leave GW and hope to stay spoiler-free.


                                Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                                Brave and stupid. Because I didn't leave GW and hope to stay spoiler-free.
                                trailers are the most spoilers i get involed with other then that i have no idea what's going to happen in season 1.5 or 2.0.

