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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by Deevil View Post
    They so should not take the criticism on board! A fan run show is not something that would be good in any way.
    Might be a bit of a laugh though!

    And honestly, for every complaint there is someone praising it (maybe not as vocally and in 1000 different threads)... so really should they actually listen to the complaints more then the praise?
    I think it might be wise if they give them some thought...yes.

    Or should they keep on making the show they are, with ratings that reflect that it is being well received?
    Well it's still new. We'll see how things pan out further down the line.


      Originally posted by Elinor View Post
      Might be a bit of a laugh though!
      By laugh, you mean nightmare - right?

      I think it might be wise if they give them some thought...yes.
      What, the complaints more then the praise? Because that would be a rather unbalanced view of the series.

      The complaints deserve no more gravity then the praise.

      Well it's still new. We'll see how things pan out further down the line.

      By this time, people would have moved on if they didn't like it... that's what casual viewers do. And yes, that's where the majority of the numbers come for the ratings.

      That's not to say things can't change .

      RE: Endless complaints ... I just want to throw this out there, because I do know it is true, complaints like SGU has been getting, and the negativity surrounding it often leads people to leave the online fandom. People join fandom for a good time, and to surround themselves with like-minded people. When it turns bloody, as this has done, it's no longer fun so people can - and do - withdraw. This is despite of their love for the show.
      Last edited by Deevil; 01 November 2009, 06:35 AM.
      Disclaimer: All opinions stated within this post are relevant to the author herself, and do not in any way represent the opinions of God, Country, The Powers That Be or Greater Fandom.

      Any resemblance to aforementioned opinions are purely coincidental.


        Originally posted by sblade View Post

        The point is, that's not the kind of behavior to be expected from an officer tied to Stargate Command. As O'Neill said in Proving Ground, "not everyone is cut out to go off world." Is Stargate Command accepting anyone these days?
        Like FOB said how many officers do you know? If they decided that every promiscuous person wasn’t to be in the SGC they'd have a very small candidate list, the majority of young officers tend to be interested getting drunk and bonking. Hell most of the military is this way.


          Originally posted by sblade View Post
          She bonded alright, and just a couple of days after her father committed suicide. I think that qualifies as easy, not to mention insane.

          The point is, that's not the kind of behavior to be expected from an officer tied to Stargate Command. As O'Neill said in Proving Ground, "not everyone is cut out to go off world." Is Stargate Command accepting anyone these days?

          Link, please?
          Scott is obviously a very capable officer. He's also very 'laddish'. Laddish traits have NEVER stopped someone from advancing in the military unless they've had consequences (CO's daughter...)...

          You need to see that Chloe is in a delicate state and probably NEEDS affection and somone to cling to. That doesn't make her easy. You can not say she's easy till you've seen more of her behaviour. What it does mean, is that she's become attatched, wrongfully or rightfully.

          "Five Rounds Rapid"



            Originally posted by The Mighty 6 platoon View Post
            Like FOB said how many officers do you know? If they decided that every promiscuous person wasn’t to be in the SGC they'd have a very small candidate list, the majority of young officers tend to be interested getting drunk and bonking. Hell most of the military is this way.
            To put this as diplomatically as I can, I really think some just do not understand that there are many out there in the real world who actually do get ones that do not exist on air alone. I mean if the U.S./UK armies weeded out promiscuous soldiers in WWII, we would all be speaking German now. My god people, even Eisenhower and Patton slept around!


              Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post
              Scott is obviously a very capable officer. He's also very 'laddish'. Laddish traits have NEVER stopped someone from advancing in the military unless they've had consequences (CO's daughter...)...
              Hell some of the stories you here, even from (or rather especially) elite units like SAS, and their “laddish” behaviour are almost unbelievable. Take Sir Ranulph Fiennes, when he was in the SAS he did things like release a live pig covered in grease at a Army Staff College Ball, or deciding that it be good fun to use explosives to blow up some of a film set. He got discharged from SAS after that time but it certainly goes to show that officers are often not the best behaved even in elite units.


                I wonder if David Blue and Brian J Smith are going to pull a Jay and Silent Bob....

                Brian Smith : *rings door bell of house* "Hi, are you "Handlename" on the Gateworld forums?

                Kid at door: Yes!

                Brian Smith: Did you say this about David Blue and and Brian Smith

                Kid at door: LOL, yes I did.

                *Brian Smith and David Blue throw down their notes and kick the @#$%, out of the kid*


                  Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                  I wonder if David Blue and Brian J Smith are going to pull a Jay and Silent Bob....

                  Brian Smith : *rings door bell of house* "Hi, are you "Handlename" on the Gateworld forums?

                  Kid at door: Yes!

                  Brian Smith: Did you say this about David Blue and and Brian Smith

                  Kid at door: LOL, yes I did.

                  *Brian Smith and David Blue throw down their notes and kick the @#$%, out of the kid*
                  I'd green you for this if it let me!


                    It's very well known that people with something bad to say are much more vocal than those who have something good to say...and they can be louder. That doesn't necessarily mean they are more numerous.

                    Even the poll that appears each week to rate the episodes has been pretty consistent week after week. A little it under 10% have been rating every episode a "1" and a little under 15% are rating every episode below a "5". As far as I know, the poll doesn't allow double-voting, but I could be wrong.

                    Personally, I think Mallozzi needed to say what he said, but I wonder if people are really reading what he said. There's a way to express your criticism that will get listened to and there's a way to express it that will get dismissed.

                    I think that if a columnist like Maureen Ryan expressed criticism for a TV show, it would get listened to. But, not just because she is employed by a major newspaper and has a great reputation. But, I think's it because they way she would express her criticism. I wouldn't expect her to call characters "whores", for example.

                    There's a way to express criticism that reveals an emotionally mature person and a way to express it that makes one sound immature or worse.

                    That's what Mallozzi has said, IMO.

                    There are many of you out there who I believe really want to influence the show. If you do, you should take his advice to heart.


                      Originally posted by sblade
                      Oh, I believe you when you say the majority of military personnel are lowlife scum. The thing is, Stargate Command has always selected the best and the brightest to send off world. Again, when did that change?

                      When the program went beyond just the SGC. Suddenly the standard for best and brightest gets lower.
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        When the program went beyond just the SGC. Suddenly the standard for best and brightest gets lower.
                        Also best and brightest doesn't necessarily mean keeping it in your pants.

                        What you do in your time, as long as it doesn't obviously affect your job, doesn't matter.
                        Disclaimer: All opinions stated within this post are relevant to the author herself, and do not in any way represent the opinions of God, Country, The Powers That Be or Greater Fandom.

                        Any resemblance to aforementioned opinions are purely coincidental.


                          Originally posted by sblade
                          Oh, I believe you when you say the majority of military personnel are lowlife scum. The thing is, Stargate Command has always selected the best and the brightest to send off world. Again, when did that change?

                          Thanks for insulting me and Flying Officer Bennett. As someone in the military I happen to know that just because someone is a bit of a rogue when it comes to chasing women and going to bars, doesn’t make them the bravest, best damn soldiers in the world. Like I said if you were looking for chaste, constantly sober people, the military is not a good place to look.

                          Originally posted by Deevil View Post
                          Also best and brightest doesn't necessarily mean keeping it in your pants.

                          What you do in your time, as long as it doesn't obviously affect your job, doesn't matter.
                          Course Scotts love, life, as seen in Water has been getting in the way slightly. Again thats not suprising however, like I said bad behaviour happens even in elite units and Scott was not in a combat situation.


                            Originally posted by The Mighty 6 platoon View Post
                            Thanks for insulting me and Flying Officer Bennett. As someone in the military I happen to know that just because someone is a bit of a rogue when it comes to chasing women and going to bars, doesn’t make them the bravest, best damn soldiers in the world. Like I said if you were looking for chaste, constantly sober people, the military is not a good place to look.

                            Course Scotts love, life, as seen in Water has been getting in the way slightly. Again thats not suprising however, like I said bad behaviour happens even in elite units and Scott was not in a combat situation.
                            I think some only know the 'military' by what they see on TV, by watching cookie cutter versions of people who have been put on a pedestal of perfection. Characters that simply do not exist in the real world.


                              Originally posted by SBN View Post
                              I think some only know the 'military' by what they see on TV, by watching cookie cutter versions of people who have been put on a pedestal of perfection. Characters that simply do not exist in the real world.
                              This is true, films and tv have either portrayed the military as either baby killers or 7ft tall fighting machines who dont put a foot wrong. The truth is that mistakes are made, people have problems outside of work, a lot of us spend our offduty hours drinking and chasing skirt, but when it comes to the crunch, most people in the military will pull together.


                                Mallozzi and any other person writing/deciding/editing whatever involved with SGU have all the right to do whatever they please with the characters.

                                BUT (and it's a big one) if they are producing SGU for their own pleasure that's one thing, on the other hand if they want MANY viewers on board then they should want to be aware of EVERYBODY'S comments!

                                They can ignore some and consider others, but to imply that fans are irrelevant is a mistake, i.e. without the "NUMBERS" there might not be an SGU.

                                Also people who dislike a character, e.g. Scott and or Chloe, or anyone else,, it's their right not to like that character, why should they be put down for that?

                                I doubt the SGU writers/producers expect us to love everything about SGU, although I must say I do love everything about SG1. I'm sure they are aware that there will be people who are not pleased with the new style of SG.

                                In reference to Mallozzi's blog about people not reading it any longer because they don't like all the negativity, well,,, just cause Smith is a nice guy in real life, doesn't translate that everyone is going to love the character, Scott, and the same goes for the character Chloe.

                                Viewers have a right to like or dislike whoever.

                                I am still watching SGU because although I do not "warm up" to the Scott and Chloe characters (and I'm putting it mildly), I do like the other characters, I love Eli, I love Rush, and many of the others but alas I would not miss either of the Scott or Chloe characters (as they are portrayed right now) if they were written off the show. Of course if they start to behave differently my opinion would change.

                                Also it seems to me that it's not just a handful that dislike the S/C characters, IMO it seems to be a bit more than that.

                                About Mallozzi complaining about too much negativity? well maybe he is taking it a bit too personally, after all people are disliking the characters not the actors.

                                Before I go (sorry I know this is long) what I would love to see change (besides Scott and Chloe "growing-up" a little) is the following 3 things:

                                too many close face shots,
                                too many dark lit scenes
                                too much jiggly camera.

                                For me I find the many close face shots and the camera jiggling a bit stifling, I wish the camera would move back more often, and the lighting also be brighter on at least half the scenes. Also a still camera more often to give my eyes a rest.
                                General Jack O'Neill, still HOTTer than ever!

