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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    May 9, 2009

    So they were like “Woohooo!”

    And I was like “Huh?”

    And they were like “Yeaaaahhhh!”

    And I was like “Uhhhh…”

    And they were like “Huzzaaaaah!”

    And I was like “Yeah?”

    And they were like “Wheeeeee!”

    And I was like “Er…wooooo?”

    And they were like “Eeeehaaaa!”

    And I was like “Wazoooooo!”

    And they were like “Waaaaheeeee!”

    And I was like “Yahahahahoooeeeeeee!” and was halfway over the hill, waving my arms in celebration when they cleared their throats and asked “Uh, what’re you doing?”

    “Waheee?”I asked.

    They stared back at me.

    “Huzzaah?”I tried.

    A stony silence.


    Nu unh.

    So, in a nutshell, that’s why I won’t be posting anymore behind the scene pics for now. Hopefully things can get straightened out quickly and we’ll be back on our way. “Yahahahahooooeeeeeeee!”

    Hey, I’ve finally joined twitter revolution so that I too can assail you with the clipped, flip, and generally uninspired minutia of my daily existence. Or, more to the point, my dogs can – as the twitter account is in their names. So, rejoice! Every day, one of them will update their twitter by strolling across the keyboard and leaving a message. Tell your friends! Sign up to follow JellMaxBubLu! Feel free to leave questions but be sure to specify which dog (Jelly, Maximus, Bubba, or Lulu) you’re addressing. It all kicks off today with a message from Bubba:

    Jason Sizemore over at Apex Books directs me to a recent interview they did with Michael Shanks:

    To those of you Mark J. Ferrari fans, signed copies of The Book of Joby will be going on sale May 15th over at Conlan Press:


    Chevron7 writes: “Re: pets in cabin? Ah the lovely aroma of cat pee and dog poop mixed with the sounds of birds tweeting and parrots chatting. Maybe it will take our minds of the turbulence etc. What next? Bring your pet to work day for the pilots?”

    Answer: Ever had the pleasure of sharing a flight with a baby? My sister’s ex was on a flight on which the lady in front of him changed her overripe little darling right on the service tray. I don’t think it would be that hard to simply designate certain flights as pet-friendly, that way pet-owners can fly with their buddies while pet-haters (and, generally, borderline serial killers) can fly animal-free.

    Chevron7 also writes: “How do you stay focussed working from home?”

    Answer: At home, the only distractions are the dogs. And they don’t spend a lot of time sitting in your office, talking about golf.

    Bailey writes: “ If you want to keep in touch with Martin Gero, follow him on Twitter.”

    Answer: Twitter is the devil’s work. Not THE devil but one of the minor, significantly less interesting devils. You know, the one who invented baked soy chips.

    Louis writes: “I was actually just curious though, is the weird food segment going to be coming back, or is it retired permanently?”

    Answer: It’ll make it’s eventual return – once I find a weird enough food worth sampling.

    Marsha R. writes: “Does Brie perhaps belong to someone who was in NM this week?”

    Answer: No.

    AussieSGFan writes: “Aww, how old is Jelly? And the others?”

    Answer: Jelly is 10, Maximus is 9, Bubba is 7, Lulu is almost 2. Brie is about 3 months.

    Kanadra writes: “I see you are talking about a doing a comic book searies. will you be doing the art work as well?”

    Answer: Nope. Neither Paul nor I can draw.

    Arctic Goddess writes: “ 1) Do you follow anyone else’s blog?

    2)Why are you so opposed to sites like Face Book and Twitter?

    3) Have you ever eaten Prairie Oysters, Dolts or Fiddle Heads?

    4) Do you have a favorite Canadian actor of the caliber of Graham Greene, Paul Gross, Dan Akyroyd, or Gordon Pinsent?”

    Answers: 1. I do check on some blogs on occasion.

    2. Do a search for facebook on this blog and you’ll be directed to my facebook rant. As for twitter – Really? Does the world need to know every time you change your shoes or spot a brown-headed cowbird? Unlike blogs which, for the most part, require an individual put in SOME effort in their bid to entertain or inform, the aptly named TWITter is little more than lazy a info-dump – DUMP being the operative word. This does not, of course, apply to animals twittering because their updates are the deepest and most meaningful of all.

    3. Never.

    4. Nope.

    Eve28 writes: “by not answering my last question, do you mean there is no possibility or hope?”

    Answer: I don’t even remember what your last questions was.

    Anais33 a ecrit: “1) Quand son vos prochaines vacance?
    2)Croyez vous que vous avez beaucoup de fan dans le monde?
    3) Le Destiny posséde des drônes pour attaquer ou d’autre arme?”

    Reponses: 1) En Juillet.

    2) Je ne sais pas.

    3) D’autre armes.

    Translation: 1) Next production hiatus is in July.

    2) I have no ideas if I have many fans.

    3) Destiny’s weapon systems do not make use of drones.

    Major D. Davis writes: “1. Did you actually watch that 13 second video that had me in it(I had given you a link).

    2. So the only reason we can’t see SGU pictures is because of MGM’s “Special Project”?

    3. Speaking of the Special Project, when do you think we will see it?

    4. Any new SGU episdoe titles you would care to share with us?

    5. What is your favorite and least favorite food(please bear with me i am still pretty new)?

    6. When do you think your short story will be released?”

    Answers: 1. Yes. I was glued to my laptop screen through most of it.

    2. No. That’s the only reason we can’t see Destiny pics.

    3. No idea.

    4. Nope.

    5. I really have no favorites. I hate tart.

    6. 2010.

    MightyStarGazer writes: “In the SGA-movie, will there be any hand to hand combat-scenes?”

    Answer: Yep.
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      May 10, 2009

      My dogs were up at 7:00 a.m. this morning, excitedly bounding about the bed and all over me. I figured it was because they needed to relieve themselves. Or maybe they were hungry. As it turned out, it was neither. My pug Bubba informed me (Via telepathy. Duh! How else do dogs communicate with humans?) that they were ecstatic because their new twitter account had garnered a little over 100 followers overnight (130 last time they checked). Maximus was so thrilled that he had to get online and leave a message thanking all of you who signed up to get your up-to-the-second canine insights into everything from wacky stuffed chicken toys to the struggles of the auto giants in their respective bids to fend off bankruptcy. However, as I was approving comments this morning, poster Margaret directed me to two pre-existing pet twitter accounts. The first, presumably written by a cat called Sockington, is clearly somebody impersonating a cat. What this means for the actual Sockington, I’m not sure. The second account is more problematic in that it is written by a dog (né: Wesley Von Spears) and makes use of the same M.O. as my dogs. My other pug, Bubba, was understandably crushed. So, after much discussion, we figured we’d differentiate their twitter account by not only offering written updates but the occasional pics as well. I went out and purchased a lipstick camera that I incorporated into a hat which any one of my dogs will be wearing on a given day. It’s been set to snap a pic every twenty minutes. At the end of the day, the dogs will go through the photos and upload the one that does the best job of encapsulating their day and general mood. Head on over and check out today’s entry: ( And tell your friends, family members, and strangers you meet on public transport to sign up. The dogs are aiming for 1000 followers before month‘s end!

      Hey, I spoke to Robert Cooper this morning. He’s back from his week in New Mexico which he described as “Hot!”. He’s incredibly happy with the footage they got and made special mention of the cast who maintained a positive and professional attitude throughout despite the eyeball-sizzling/shoe-melting/hair-igniting conditions.

      Today’s entry is dedicated to blog regular for the love of Beckett.


      Major D. Davis writes: “ Speaking of the video, what did you think of it? Did you like it?Did I look at all like you thought I would?”

      Answer: It was truly inspirational. And you looked exactly like I imagined you would.

      GatFanSamJack writes: “What will be the word count on your short story?”

      Answer: It comes in at a little over 40 pages, so I guess it’s novella-length.

      Kanadra writes: “So if you two are only going to write the story line who will be doing the art work any ideas yet??”

      Answer: No idea. Hopefully if and when it’s a go, the publisher will recommend some artists.

      Kanadra also writes: “Ho I almost for got did you see the story on T.G Fridays.. Some one put a snake head in the veggies.”

      Answer: Sounds terrifying. Yet potentially tasty.

      Amy Lynn writes: “ Curious here but what is your idea of a perfect crepe? Sweet or savory?”

      Answer: Nutella. That’s it.

      Quade1 writes: “Joe what breeds are Bubba, Jelly, Maximus, Lulu, and Brie? Do their breeds have anything to do with their ears? And did you get them all around the same time or are you slowly building up your army over the years?”

      Answer: Jelly, Maximus, and Bubba are pugs – droopy-eared. Lulu and Brie are French bulldogs – bat ears. Jelly is 10, Maximus is 9, Bubba is 7, Lulu is almost 2, and Brie is 3 months old. Army? Yes. I plan to train them in blade work, small weapons fire, and the ancient art of karate.

      Eve28 writes: “Is there a possibility that teyla and John become a couple?”

      Answer: Sure. All Sheppard has to do is off Kanaan and make it look like an accident.

      Artdogspot writes: “Glad we’ll be seeing SG1 folks in the premier episodes of SGU. Any news from Chris Judge these days?”

      Answer: He dropped by the production offices last month. All seems good on his end.

      Vincent92 a ecrit: “1) Avez vous un Mac ou un PC ?

      2) Aimez vous Nicolas sarkozy ?

      3) Connaissez vous Avignon en France ?”

      Reponses: 1) PC.

      2) Je ne le connais pas.

      3) Non.

      Translations: 1) I work on a PC.

      2) I can’t say whether or not I like Nicolas Sarkozy because I don’t know him.

      3) I’m not familiar with Avignon, France.

      Trish writes: “Also, it seems like we’ve been waiting 5 years for SGU. TPTB act as if ANY info gets out about the show it will tear a hole in the fabric of space/time thus ending the world and univers in which we live. But ONCE it (finally) airs will they relax and let you happily post pics again?”

      Answer: Hopefully before then.

      Arctic Goddess writes: “Studios are cutting the number of writers on shows next season. Apparently, it is the most likely and easiest cost cutting area of a production. Do you expect that this will affect StarGate and therefore, you, Paul or Carl in any way next year?”

      Answer: Doubt it.

      Tammy Dixon writes: “I went to the Memphis Zoo today. I still don’t understand why anyone would get into the polar bears exhibit.”

      Answer: Ours is not to question why but to laugh about it later.

      JediMaster writes: “ 1) Unless I’ve been reading a lot of incorrect things from Cooper/Wright, was it NOT stated that there will BE NO cross overs and will BE NO contact with earth in SGU, so NOW there’s been a MAJOR U TURN, that was the point I WAS MAKING!!!!”

      Answer: I don’t recall anyone ever stating there will be no crossovers or no contact with Earth.

      JediMaster also writes: “2) AND SG1 WAS NOT CANCELLED IN FAVOUR OF SGA, that’s another MAIN POINT!!!!!!!!!!”

      Answer: If you can point out the article or quote that confirms SGA was cancelled in favor of SGU, I’d love to read it.

      JediMaster also writes: “ 3) AND searching for Atlantis WAS a major plot line for SG1 and for Jackson.

      4) AND HOW WOULD THE EXPEDITION HAVE GOTTEN TO ATLANTIS, if not through the SGC THEREFORE CALLED ME STUPID, WOULDN’T ONE OR MORE OF THEM HAVE BEEN THERE. In fact it would have weird if one of them WASN’T there!!!!! “

      Answer: So you’ve already read the script for the SGU pilot and feel the guest appearances weren’t logically motivated?
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        May 11, 2009

        Photos: Joe Mallozzi, Ashleigh, the gals from accounting

        They say it is better to give than to receive, and this is true provided they’re talking about criticism or roundhouse kicks. In most cases, however, it is actually better to receive than give. Take today for instance, a day in which I received not one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE unexpected gifts. The first was sitting in my mailbox when I got in this morning. Compliments of blog regular and wraith-worshiper DasNDanger (Thanks, Das!), it was a beautiful pewter and leather book I can use to write down my own daily affirmations (ie. Nothing can surpass the loyalty of a true friend. Except for a really well-trained baboons.). Then, on my way down the corridor, I popped into Ashleigh’s office to welcome her back – and noticed a package sitting on her shelf with a familiar PYR Books label. She noticed me noticing and quickly informed me: “Oh, yeah. That’s for you.” Right. I returned to my office and opened it up to discover the latest book in Mark Chadbourn’s Age of Misrule trilogy (Thanks Lou and the gang!). After lunch, I received another package, this one from the gang at SyFy. Qu’est ce que c’est?, I wondered. I opened it up and discovered a brand spanking new camera inside – perfect for taking non-blurry on-set behind-the-scene blog pics (Thanks, gang at SyFy!). As I settled in to review my last pass on Space, Ashleigh walked in with yet another little something – a bottle of New Zealand Pinot Noir compliments of two visitors from the land of the hobbits (Thanks! I forgot your card at the office but will check it tomorrow so that I can actually mention your names!). Paul was positively jealous. And then, to cap off the day, Exec. Producer Rob Cooper gifted me a pair of Cole Haan dress shoes that he picked up but can’t wear on account of their being cursed (or something). Thanks, Rob!

        Well, in addition to the gift-getting, I did manage to squeeze in some Stargate-related work. Read Paul’s first draft of Divided (loved the Eli-Rush head-to-head) and Brad’s pass on Justice (He dedicated the opening scene to me since, as Paul pointed out, it’s something would do. I’m touched.), then went over the Atlantis movie script with Paul. He wants to make a few dialogue tweaks but is otherwise very happy with what we’ve got. “It aint cheap!”he said, stating the obvious. No, it certainly isn’t. Paul also pointed out that we still need to come up with a title, something better than Stargate Atlantis: The Movie. Working on it.

        I swung by Stage 4 and said hi to Robert Carlyle who is happy to be back in cooler climate, then warned David Blue that my dogs were hot on his twitter heels. Last time I checked, 212 followers and counting! If you haven’t already signed up, head on over and bring your friends ( My dogs want to reach 1000 followers before month’s end. Help make their dream a reality.

        Hey, got a call from actor David Nykl today. He just got back from L.A. and is checking in. It’s always nice to hear from him. A hardworking guy with a terrific attitude, he’s a real pleasure to work with. We talked SGA movie and I warned him that Zelenka could look forward to a fairly busy outing. He seemed pleased to hear it.

        Also heard from actress Sharon Taylor. I let her know that Amelia would be making an appearance in the movie as well. Another Atlantis alum I look forward to working with again.

        Finally, Kirsten asked me to mention the little Star Trek convention – Khan Con – happening here in Vancouver Saturday, May 18th.


        Karen MT writes: “I find it quite hilarious that your dogs are on twitter when you are so against it.”

        Answer: So long as they’re happy, I respect their life choices.

        PG15 writes: “Now that the production is back at Bridge Studios, what episode is going under the cameras next?”

        Answer: Next up is Time.

        Jedi43 writes: “Question for you, since Ronon was on the run for 7 years how did he keep his gun charged for so long?”

        Answer: He made sure to plug it in every night before bedtime.

        MyNameIsNada writes: “I’m slowly piling together books for summer reading, and wanted to know if you have any suggestions for apocalyptic lit?”

        Answer: Check out Octavia E. Butler’s Parable of Sower and Parable of the Talents. Also, Walter M. Miler Jr.’s A Canticle for Leibowitz, and Paul Auster’s In the Country of Last Things.

        Michael A. Burstein writes: “Sounds more like novelette length, but it depends on what definition you’re using. In the SF world, the usual definitions are the ones given for the Hugo and Nebula awards, in which Short Story is anything up to 7500 words, Novelette goes from there to 17,500 words, and Novella goes from there to 40,000 words. Above that, it’s a Novel.”

        Answer: Egads! It’s longer than I thought. That’s 42 pages single-spaced. At about 500 words a page, that’s more Novella length. Not my intention when I first started writing it but, as I told my editor – It‘s somewhat longer than I‘d originally envisioned but, fro the get-go, I knew where I wanted to end up and these were all the steps I had to take to get me there.

        Eve28 writes: “Mayby Kanaan could die of an strange illness or from a broken heart?”

        Answer: Don’t think so. He seemed pretty happy last time we saw him and he just passed his annual physical with flying colors.

        JoanieC writes: “Do the dogs watch T.V?”

        Answer: Bubba does.
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          May 12, 2009

          Photos: Lawren, Kerry

          Hey, I’m turning into “that guy”. You know who I’m talking about. The guy who assumes that anyone under 18 out after nightfall is “up to something”. The guy who chases those kids out of that jello tree. The guy who (as our annual Stargate security memo urges) “challenges strangers”.

          Hey! Hey, you! What’re you doing near my car?

          Uh, filling the gas tank. You said unleaded, right?

          Hey! Police! There’s a guy standing on my lawn waving a weapon! Shoot! Shooot!

          No, please! I’m the gardener! These are my hedge clippers!

          Hey! HEY! How’d you get inside my house?!

          Er, your wife gave me the extra key. I’m your sister-in-law.

          Yeah, THAT guy. You’re crazy uncle, his once supple outlook hardened by life’s calloused massage fingers (

          Take this morning for instance. I was out front, in the process of buckling the dogs into the back seat of the car, when a white van slowly rolled by. My spidey sense (aka paranoia) was tingling! I suspiciously eyed the driver. Mid-30’s. Darkhaired. And mustached! He had a freakin’ moustache! Hell, he may as well have been flashing a bumper sticker that read “LOSE WALLET. ASK ME HOW!”. After he took the next corner and motored off, I finished belting the dogs in, locked up the front gate, and did what any sane individual in my position would do: I spent the next twenty minutes driving aimlessly around the neighborhood, looking for him.

          Well, it took about twenty minutes but I eventually did cross paths with the guy – three blocks down and four blocks over. I was heading one way, he was heading the other – back toward my house! Ho ho! Clever! But not clever enough! From my rearview mirror, I saw him turn left three blocks up. I took my next right and shadowed him for several blocks, saw him hang a right, then another right. I followed, briefly lost him, then eventually found him again, parked, three blocks down and one over. I rolled by, taking mental note of his license plate. We made eye contact. Yeah, I thought. You just try and use that ladder affixed to the roof of your van to crawl into someone’s second floor bedroom window. Go on.

          He didn’t. Instead, he just sat there, no doubt stunned by my resolve. Or – mayhaps – waiting for back-up, some accomplice who’d be breaking into my home while he kept me busy, a witness to corroborate his alibi. Damn, this guy was good!

          I briefly considered taking the day off so that I could stay home and lie in wait but ultimately decided to go to work and let the professionals handle it. As soon as I got into the office, I called the police and gave them a detailed account of the whole suspicious proceedings -

          While presumably, on some other line, another cop was receiving a detailed account of similarly suspicious behavior in the same neighborhood: “I was on my way to fix some guy’s roof when I got lost. Suddenly, I realized this weirdo with a car full of small dogs was following me. I was really scared and tried to lose him but I couldn’t shake him so I pulled over and phoned for help…”

          Hey, after hearing from Paul McGillion last week, then David Nykl and Sharon Taylor yesterday, I got a call from the big guy himself today, Jason Momoa. He’s in usual high spirits, enjoying life, and, looking forward to reprising his role as the terrifyingly lovable Ronon for the movie.

          I was testing out my new SyFy camera today. Check out some of the pics I took around the office.

          Oh, and thanks to Nadine and Andrew for the bottle of wine they dropped off for me yesterday. I polished it off at lunch then went down to Stage 4 and punched out an extra. Thanks again.

          Don’t forget to head on over to my dogs’ twitter account ( They’re looking to gather 1000 followers before month’s end so that they can start their own political party. So if you love dogs, updates, and the flat tax system, head on over and sign up.


          Jedi Master writes: “In the real world WE ALL KNOW THAT SGA WAS AXED IN FAVOUR FOR SGU, you can deny that till the cows come home, I personally don’t care. The facts are as the facts are you don’t need to have the smarts like Mckay to figure that one out!!!!! ” ha ha” “

          Answer: Actually, you don’t know. You can certainly surmise that – and you are free to do so – but I’m sorry to say that doesn’t make it fact. That makes it conjecture. Also, congratulations on breaking this blog’s record for use of the term “ha ha” in a post. The record to beat is now 9!

          Major D. Davis writes: “Oh and can I buy you a gift. What do you want? Seriously. As long as it is not to expensive. I am actually being serious.”

          Answer: Your continued support on this blog is all I need.

          Pol writes: “Oh, and wasn’t Bob Picardo great on ABC’s Castle? He’s so good.”

          Answer: Better than good. He’s great!

          TwiceBorn writes: “So is sCIfI planning on letting you post any of the pictures you take with said camera they gave to you?”

          Answer: Eventually, yes. That’s the plan.

          Susiekew writes: “For your comic series – do you get to “audition” several artists to find one that comes closest to bringing to paper your concepts of the characters?”

          Answer: We’re a long way from bringing an artist on board. The initial phone pitch went well. Now let’s see how things progress from there.

          Montrealer writes: “Speaking of the wager. Have Kerry selected the musical yet?”

          Answer: Yes, she has.

          Susan the Tartan Turtle writes: “Do any of your dogs go for ‘real’ walks – walks of several miles either pounding the streets or in the countryside?”

          Answer: They’re not built for long hauls.

          Major D. Davis writes: “1. Has anyone ever recognized you on the streets of Vancover?

          2. How much time is between the final draft to the prep of an episode?

          3. Do you have to wait a week to prep time or is it ready to shoot?

          4. Should i buy the complete series of SG-1? I already have seasons 9 and 7 but i am considering selling them and buying the complete series. Any advice?

          5. Was the special project the upcoming episode of the Jace Hall show?( I believe he tours the sets of Stargate Universe)”

          Answers: 1. As hard as it is to believe – no.

          2. That’s entirely dependent on when the final comes out. A final may come out weeks before prep or sometimes days.

          3. Every episode gets a week of prep.

          4. Trust the force.

          5. No, it wasn’t.

          Cheekylildevil writes: “I hear reading is a good way to relax. Any recommendations? I like Dean Koontz types of books, something a little spooky is always a plus.”

          Answer: The Church of Dead Girls by Stephen Dobyns, Children of the Night by Dan Simmons, Necroscope by Brian Lumley.

          Farrah writes: “1) Will Stargate: Universe show in Australia? (It’s obvious I am Australian, and that’s why I’m asking.)

          2) Do you have other projects coming up asides from your Stargate Franchise? Would you like to write something asides from Stargate?

          3) Have you ever thought about playing an evil, saracstic character on any of the Stargate shows? ‘Cos I agree that Villains are awesome and some ought to live. Then maybe perish in like the very last finale.”

          Answers: 1) Sorry. No idea.

          2) Yep. I hope to have a (not so short) short story published as part of an upcoming anthology and Paul and I have set our sights on writing a comic book series.

          3) Yes, but I’m holding out for the right part.

          Annie from Freemantle writes: “Got a question for you which had been on my mind whilst enjoying SGA.. why didn’t McKay try to mass produce Ronon’s kick arse gun?”

          Answer: McKay had his hands full with the seemingly endless Ancient tech at his disposal.
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            May 13, 2009

            Photos: Ashleigh, Carl Binder

            Ashleigh, our Exec. Producer’s Assistant, was incredibly cheerful today. Unnervingly so. “Good morning, Joe!”she greeted me as I rolled in this morning, a huge smile plastered across her face.

            “What’s up?”I asked, instantly suspicious. “Why are you so happy?”

            “No reason,”she replied with a shrug. “I’m just happy.”

            Un huh. I headed down the corridor and approached my office, careful to check it for any hidden boobytraps – springloaded darts and the like – before unlocking the door and peeking inside. Hmmm. Nothing seemed amiss. But, of course, appearances can be deceiving. I set down my briefcase, swung around, and pulled out my chair. I nudged it, gently at first, then with a little more force, half-expecting it to fall apart at the slightest provocation. Nope. I exerted some pressure on the seat, first with one hand, then two, then sat down. Nothing. I checked my desk drawers for the hidden catfish or hunk of limburger. Still nothing. I checked the phone, my bookshelves, even my recycling box. All normal. Somewhat relieved, I settled in -

            But not really, because “settling in” would imply a lowering of my guard, relaxing. There was none of that today. I was alert, like a rabbit being stalked, its senses heightened, its body rushing with adrenaline, prepared to bolt at the slightest hint of danger. No, scratch that. More ninja than rabbit, my body poised to launch into action. Who is that outside my office? What was that sound?! What’s that smell?!!

            I kept one eye on the door throughout the morning as Paul and I tried to come up with a title for the Atlantis movie. We threw out ideas, narrowed down our choices, and eliminated those that had already been used by either Star Trek or SG-1 – which left us with approximately 0 to choose from. Carl popped in and rather unhelpfully suggested “Dark Gambit”, his way of letting us now that he can’t very well come up with a freakin’ title to a script he hasn’t even read yet! Paul assured him that he would get a copy soon, soon.

            We had pizza for lunch and I made a point of selecting the unobvious slices (This is the piece she wants me to take!), then positioned myself in such a way that I could eat at a 45 degree angle to both entrances to the writers’ room. I was, of course, hyper-vigilant throughout the notes session on Carl’s outline and Paul’s first draft of Divided, then while we watched Brad’s cut of Water (Awesome episode with, again, some really wonderful character moments and performances. Young-Scott, Young-Rush, Greer-Tamara, Chloe-James, Eli in general), I cast quick glances at either door throughout. Just in case.

            As it turned out, my vigilance paid off. I got through the day unscathed. And as I was heading out the door, I heard Ashleigh call after me: “Have a safe trip home!”

            Safe trip! Aha! I knew it! Lull me into a false sense of security, then sneak outside and sever my brake lines. Well, ha ha! The jokes on her! Rather than drive home tonight, I took the bus instead! Who’s laughing now, huh?

            Hey, the initial response to my short story has been very positive. Got some great input from Kellie who took the time to read it and provide notes. Then, heard from my editor who, I‘m thrilled to report, neither threw it across the room, vomited, nor immediately flagged my email address as spam after reading it. In fact, he gave it a much-appreciated thumbs up and had very nice things to say (and not just “You‘re a terrific speller!” or “I loved your font!”). Despite coming in at a whopping 18 000 words (I know, I know. Pretty damn presumptuous for my first professional sale.), it will make it into the anthology. To all those wanting to know what the anthology is about and when it’ll hit bookstores – well, I leave it to my illustrious editor to break the news over on his blog. And, when he does, I’ll provide a link that will include all the pertinent info including my highly-esteemed company on this literary venture.

            A reminder to finish up Michael A. Burstein’s I Remember The Future. Discussion begins on Monday after which we will be joined by the author (and blog regular) for a Q&A.

            Today’s entry is dedicated to belated birthday gal Sherwood Forest Maiden.

            Today’s mailbag:

            Narelle from Aus writes: “Where has Jedi Master been posting their observations/rants/batpoo crazy assumptions? I saw the first one earlier in May but haven’t seen any since. Or didn’t they make it through moderation?”

            Answer: It’s over on the same thread/entry. The big head-scratcher for me is the intimation that I was part of some grand conspiracy to cancel a series I’d been co-show running for the past two years. Don’t see the logic.

            Ponytail writes: “What did Jason say? (this is serious). How is he feeling? How is his eye? Did he get all healed up? Will his hair be short for the Atlantis movie?”

            Answer: He’s doing great. Apparently, he’s been working out like crazy and is the fittest he’s ever been. He says that with a little make-up, you wouldn’t even know the scar was there. As for the length of his hair – didn’t ask him but whatever do he’s sporting when he finally comes up for the movie will be a-okay with us. Oh, if you remember many entries back my mentioning that the crew is a great barometer for judging what certain people are like “behind the scenes“? Well, you’d be hardpressed to find a bigger sweetheart than the big guy. The crew loved him!

            PoorOldEdgarDerby writes: “Joe, did any cast or crew ever go back to do commentaries for seasons 1-3?”

            Answer: Not that I know of.

            Daniel Willis writes: “Quick question to anyone, what happened to Mckays girlfriend, the one from the plant lab?”

            Answer: They broke up in the episode Quarantine.

            Ascended Tauri writes: “Suppose two wormholes travelling through subspace at the same time intersect eachother while on rhoute to two different Stargates, what would you suppose the result would be once the two wormholes were re-integrated on the other side?”

            Answer: Not sure. Possibly havoc. A similar scenario lead to all sorts of tomfoolery in a little episode called Ripple Effect back on SG-1.

            Nadine writes: “I’m pretty sure you’ve mentioned this at some point, but have you watched Full Metal Alchemist? If so, what did you think? Where did it rate among your animes, and are there any you’d recommend?”

            Answer: Yes, I watched it. And, while I did like it, it doesn’t place in my top 25 alongside the likes of: Cowboy Bebop, Berserk, Noir, Now and Then Here and There, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Kino’s Journey, Samurai Champloo, Infinite Ryvius, Azumanga Daioh, GTO, Excel Saga, Boogiepop Phantom, Trigun, Video Girl Ai, Last Exile, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Rurouni Kensin.

            Narelle from Aus writes: “By the way, what Title is on your business cards?”

            Answer: Consulting Producer/Know-It All

            SebiMeyer writes: “Uh, oh. You took a photo of a person thinking about SGU. Sure SyFy allows that?”

            Answer: Please don’t report me.

            Littleravenhawk writes: “Did I miss you talking about The Last Unicorn??? Did you like it?”

            Answer: I did like it.

            Michael A. Burstein writes: “Joe, regarding the guy in the van: do you have some sort of neighborhood watch set up in your community?”

            Answer: I’m it!

            GateFanSamJack writes: “Will there be dune buggies or monster trucks in SGU?”

            Answer: None of the above. Instead, when off-world, the gang will drive around in a purple van dubbed The Mystery Machine and solve crimes. Cool, huh?

            Jenny Robin writes: “It’s official. You’re a nut.”

            Answer: Where the hell have you been, stranger?

            Mike writes: “I dropped you a line about a year ago about doing an interview for (we’re big Stargate fans over here).”

            Answer: I dropped you a line back. Check your email.

            SiskoFreak writes: “ I’ve just started exploring the Stargate franchise (I’m about halfway through season 2 of SG-1) but I’m intrigued by the premise of Stargate Universe and the new direction it will take the franchise. I’m also an aspiring screenwriter looking for TV work…are you still looking for staff writers or freelancers? If so, who should I contact for consideration?”

            Answer: Alas, we’re not currently looking for writers. All of season one’s story slots have been filled except one – and it’s being scripted in-house. Sorry, SF.
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              May 14, 2009

              Photos: Elric: The Stealer of Souls by Michael Moorcock, Blood of Ambrose, by James Enge

              Let’s kick off today’s entry with some BIG book of the month club news. There will be one, and only one, selection for June’s BOTMC discussion:


              The stills gallery shoot is tomorrow and then – the long weekend. With the short story delivered, the Space rewrite done, and the SGA script complete, this is the first in a long time that I have nothing on my plate. Well, with one episode slot still up for grabs, I guess I’ll try to come up with a story idea – something topical that incorporates the hottest of today’s trends like vampires and dance competitions (Maybe a vampire dance competition? Is this too similar to a Star Trek episode?).

              Went by Stage 4 today to pay Director Peter DeLuise a visit and ended up chatting with actor Lou Diamond Philips who called me out on my three-piece suit and tie attire. Despite his long and accomplished career, Lou remains an incredibly down-to-earth and genuinely appreciative individual. A class act, a great guy and, an equally great actor. His performance in Earth had the producers’ offices abuzz.

              Oh, we finally have a working title for the Atlantis movie. Top secret for now. Maybe not so much later this weekend…
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                May 15, 2009

                Photos: The Drowned Life by Jeffrey Ford, The Unwritten #1 by Mike Carey And Peter Gross

                I was crossing the parking lot, my arms laden with almond milk (Capers was having a sale!) when an elderly woman approached and asked: “Did you vote for me?”. I stopped and eyed her uncertainly. Now whenever I’m approached by strangers, my first instinct is to either a) ignore them or b) feign some pressing commitment that prevents me from engaging them in conversation (“Gotta get this liver to the transplant bank pronto!”) – unless, of course, she’s cute in which case I have all the time in the world for idle chit-chat. Well, while the elderly woman in this instant wasn’t exactly cute (okay, maybe in that adorable old granny way), I did break with protocol to respond with a: “Pardon me?”

                “Did you vote for me?”she repeated.

                She certainly didn’t look familiar. I tried to place the face – and came up empty. “Uh, what party were you running for?”

                “I wasn’t running,”she informed me. “I was walking!” She guffawed, slapped my arm, then ambled off, chuckling to herself.

                What the hell -? I kept an eye on her, half-expecting her to start up a conversation with some passersby or begin rooting through the contents of a nearby garbage can. Nope. She simply grabbed a seat on a nearby bench and quietly waited for the bus.

                Hunh. Maybe she wasn’t crazy after all, just some incredibly affable local/eccentric who elected to approach me because…I seemed friendly and/or approachable, a caring and kind-looking individual who instantly put her at ease with my palpable sincerity and obvious warmth?


                Nah. If she wasn’t trying to distract me while her partner lifted my wallet, then I’m going with crazy.

                Tonight, I watched a Frontline report on the Bernie Madoff affair. Fascinating- and, frankly, more than a little scary for anyone who invests (which is pretty much everyone but Carl who keeps his cash in the shoebox buried in his backyard). Madoff is accused of running one of the biggest Ponzi Schemes in history. To those of you who don’t know what a Ponzi Scheme is, it’s essentially a scam that pay out investors with monies from subsequent investors. So long as new investors are brought in to replenish the cash pool, the system works and all those who came before keep getting paid and are non the wiser – but eventually, the system grows too top heavy and collapses. Coincidentally, we were talking about this very subject at work the other day and my writing partner Paul was quick to point out that, even though the Madoff is reputed to have cost investors upwards of 65 billion dollars, it cannot be considered the biggest Ponzi scheme in history. According to Paul, that honor belongs to Social Security.

                Hate to say it but he may be proven right.

                Some recommended reading -

                The Drowned Life, by Jeffrey Ford

                Blog regulars know that I’ve been a big fan of author Jeffrey Ford since discovering him, alongside many of you, through a former Book of the Month Club selection: The Empire of Ice Cream. I have yet to read a Ford book I haven’t liked – and that’s saying a lot. His latest collection of short stories, The Drowned Life, is no exception. Some beautifully told tales headlined by the surrealistic opener concerning a regular Joe who can barely keep his head above water and ends up going under – both figuratively and literally. Interestingly, this one struck me as Ford’s most personal collection to date.

                The Unwritten #1, by Mike Carey and Peter Gross

                Tom Taylor, son of the late author Wilson Taylor whose wildly popular children series (that, amusingly enough, bears more than a passing resemblance to the tales of a certain bespectacled boy wizard), has it good. The inspiration for his father’s literary hero (Tommy Taylor), the adult Tom enjoys a sort of cult status among the books’ many fans. Until, that is, evidence surfaces suggesting he may not be the son of the late author after all. As his one-time fans turn against him, a flustered Tom scrambles to make sense of the baffling turn of events – only to have things go from worse to weird when elements of his father’s book series begin to take on a life of their own. A whole mess of fun.
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                  Shouldn't someone start a JellMaxBubLu Twitter thread? Especialy considering the fact that they've just snapped an undercover pic of JM's pc screen and thus revealed the name of the Atlantis movie.
                  Stargate: Extinction

                  I would also love to hear various peoples interpretations of the dogs day-to-day messages.



                    May 16, 2009

                    Photos: Suspects, stuff, Stargate Extinction

                    So not cool, guys. Not cool at all. Bad! Bad dogs!

                    I suppose I should have learned my lesson the first time. The first time, of course, being last year when I taught the dogs how to dial 911 in case of emergency. They proved quick learners, managing to negotiate the dial pad with surprising nimbleness despite their pudgy paws. All well and good – until a couple of months later when our phone bills came in. Turns out that, instead of only using the phone for emergencies purposes as instructed, they’d been making long distance calls to various sports tip lines, a Joke-of-the-day service in Osaka, and a coquettish French poodle in Georgia whose owner had recently been transferred out of Vancouver. Anyway, suffice it to say that they were given a stern talking to and their phoning privileges revoked.

                    I thought they had learned their lesson. How wrong I was. Assuming it might be a good idea to educate them on proper computer use (A guy I know at work bought his wife a laptop and, a year later, she was raking in the cash as a computer wizard. Who wouldn’t want that for their pets?), I signed them up for a twitter account, gave them the briefest of tutorials, then left them to their own devices. Well, in no time, they were twittering away and uploading their own photos. I assumed they’d be posting pics like this -

                    I wasn’t even aware of it until someone on my blog commented on the working title of the upcoming Stargate Atlantis movie! The news was broken on my dogs’ twitter page!

                    Apparently one of them, I’m not sure which, uploaded a pic of the title page earlier today. When I learned about it, I quickly went over to twitter and deleted the offending pic. I headed downstairs, completed my work-out, then came back upstairs to discover fans were still discussing the picture. I went back to the twitter account and saw the pic was still up. Apparently, the guilty party had uploaded more than one copy as a way of throwing me off. Well, I deleted that pic, then had breakfast, took a shower, and came downstairs to discover – yep, there was a third pic. By this point, there was no sense in deleting the picture as it had already been copied and uploaded to various sites including Gateworld.

                    Clearly, in a bid to entice fans to sign up and follow them on twitter, the dog (or dogs) in question decided they could do so by scooping me on the reveal of my own script title. I cannot condone such action so I’m asking you all NOT to sign up (here: and follow my dogs on twitter as doing so will only encourage such future behavior. I repeat: Signing up to follow my dogs on twitter (here: will only lead to more unsanctioned spoilers. Seriously. More followers will only embolden them and then rather than patiently wait until next year for the official release, fans will find out details about the movie beforehand. And that’s the last thing any of us want, right? So, remember, do not go here - - and sign up to follow the dogs.

                    Anyway – yeah. Stargate Extinction. It’s the working title but I kind of like it because a) it’s story appropriate, b) a dynamic title, and most importantly c) not “Dark Gambit”.

                    Let the wild speculation begin!
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                      Oh please please don't sign up for those horrible dogs' twitter! It would be such a horrible horrible thing, filled with all those nasty spoilers and such.
                      - Life after Stargate -
                      Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                      Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                        Cheers for the heads up on this once again, Jumper -

                        Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post

                        May 16, 2009

                        Photos: Suspects, stuff, Stargate Extinction

                        So not cool, guys. Not cool at all. Bad! Bad dogs!
                        Good dogs! Good doggies! Someone give those dogs some bones ASAP!

                        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                        K-9, CLASS and much more...


                          Ah ha! So.... STARGATE EXTINCTION IS a working title. does raise a few questions....thoughts and ideas. What does "Extinction" mean? Is an asteroid gonna hit Atlantis? Is something gonna happen to Atlantis? Assuming Atlantis is still in San Francsico Bay.....will they sink it? Is it just Atlantis....or the whole Stargate System?

                          Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


                            Originally posted by Sue_Jackson View Post
                            Ah ha! So.... STARGATE EXTINCTION IS a working title. does raise a few questions....thoughts and ideas. What does "Extinction" mean? Is an asteroid gonna hit Atlantis? Is something gonna happen to Atlantis? Assuming Atlantis is still in San Francsico Bay.....will they sink it? Is it just Atlantis....or the whole Stargate System?

                            maybe the wraith get what's coming to them finally


                              Originally posted by Sue_Jackson View Post
                              Ah ha! So.... STARGATE EXTINCTION IS a working title. does raise a few questions....thoughts and ideas. What does "Extinction" mean? Is an asteroid gonna hit Atlantis? Is something gonna happen to Atlantis? Assuming Atlantis is still in San Francsico Bay.....will they sink it? Is it just Atlantis....or the whole Stargate System?

                              Well I certainly don't want anything to happen to the city. A Stargate: Atlantis movie without the Atlantis city just wouldn't be the same.

                              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                                Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                                maybe the wraith get what's coming to them finally
                                Oooh....extinction of the Wraith! May be! Good thought!

                                I don't think the Wraith worshipers would be happy about that.
                                Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!

