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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by leiasky View Post
    I'm thinking they've moved the SGC to Icarus so there won't be any need for the SGC as we knew it any more.

    I'm totally excited about seeing Homeworld Security/Command, tho! We're heard about it for years but have never seen it.
    Yeah, me too!! It'll be good to see Jack in his new working environment and the people he deals with on a day-to-day basis.

    K-9, CLASS and much more...


      Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
      The producers have said they would use CGI.
      Did they? When did they say that? I've read that the set can be put back up in a couple of weeks...


        Originally posted by jenks View Post
        Did they? When did they say that?
        During the set tours and some discussion at the convention. Not everyone spews what they hear over the internet.


          Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
          During the set tours and some discussion at the convention. Not everyone spews what they hear over the internet.
          ^^Just most people...


            As they should...

            ...unless forbidden by the set tour people, I guess.


              Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
              The producers have said they would use CGI.
              Ah, it will fit into SciFi / SyFy just perfectly. Could even be on Saturday night then!



                May 4, 2009

                Photo: Ashleigh's office

                Video: Dogs

                This morning, I received a gentle reminder from my editor that the deadline is looming on that short story I’ve been working on for, what, it feels like three years now. Well, actually, more like 6+ months, but still. As luck would have it, we’re on hiatus and I had set aside this entire week for one thing, and one thing only: finishing said story. So, this morning, I woke up, sat myself down in front of my laptop, and re-read what I had, tweaking as I went along, then revising, then reworking. By the time I’d finished my late dinner, I only had the final scene to write. I was pretty happy with what I’d accomplished and considered setting it aside for tomorrow but ultimately decided, the hell with it, had three shorts of Amarula, then sat back down and wrote it. And - done! I’ll go over it tomorrow, and email it to Kellie for some input. Once I’ve received her scathing critique, I’ll follow up on her suggestions (hopefully they don’t involve me burning every hard copy and then deleting the original file) and then send it my editor’s way. After that - well, who knows what the future holds?

                Yes, I applied myself today. And I accomplished much. It’s a testament to the power of procrastination and solitary drinking. It was an all-day affair, but I did take the occasional breaks to eat, shower, feed the dogs, and, of course, perform coupage on my French bulldog Lulu. Coupage, you say? Why, yes. After two days at the vet’s, Lulu is back home, recovering from a bout of aspiration pneumonia. Besides hand-feeding her a dog food slurry and medicating her, I have to perform something called coupage which involves me clapping on Lulu’s sides with cupped hands - sort of like playing an instrument except that instead of an instrument, it’s a dog. Oh, and instead of trying to play a tune, you’re actually loosening up the phlegm in her lungs. Good times, good times.

                Hey, apparently Ashleigh is back in the office after her Mexican getaway, holding down the fort while we’re all away. By all reports, she had a great time and returned happy and, most importantly, healthy and flu virus-free. Just in case, however, Lawren saw fit to drop her a gentle reminder to perhaps avoid any contact with the public until she is absolutely sure…

                I’m just waiting on the High Council of Official Appovers to sign off on the next batch of photos and then we’ll continue our sneak peek of Icarus Base. While we’re waiting, let’s hit the mailbag -

                VOOK writes: “1. Doesn’t Icarus base get destroyed thus making all this work now redundent…

                2. What about the SG1 Movie? We can’t not have the SGC in it :/”

                Answers: 1. It gets destroyed?

                2. There’s no reason why we can’t.

                BillieO writes: “I would like to ask if you will be twittering any time soon along with Martin Gero and Carl Binder and the rest???”

                Answer: I can assure you that I will never, ever twitter.

                Me writes: “Out of curiosity, do you see directing in your future, Stargate or otherwise? And for kicks, how easy is it for a writer on the show to get a spot as director?”

                Answer: First of all, I have no desire to direct. Second of all - if the writer in question has already directed (ie. Martin Gero directed YPF before directing Brain Storm) and is on staff, then they would be given serious consideration.

                Looby writes: “So with Atlantis being based on earth at the moment, are you saying that they won’t be using the SGC Gateroom at any time in the movie or is the SGA movie back on the shelf?”

                Answer: I’m saying neither. Just because the SGC isn’t there now doesn’t mean it can’t be for the movie. As for the SGA movie - full steam ahead!

                PG15 writes: “1. What is episode 8 of SGU?

                2. What is episode 7 of SGU?”

                Answers: 1. 8 = Time.

                2. 7 = Earth.

                Daniel Willis writes: “I have no idea if this question has been asked, but is the SGA movie set straight after the series finale?”

                Answer: Yes, it is.

                AndreaFWhite writes: “Hello Joe, can you answer my question about whether Torren or Kanaan will be in the SGA movie?”

                Answer: Yes, they will.

                Alex writes: “Hey - congrats on the upgrade! Have you considered which charity your going to give the money Syfy pays you for your blogs?”

                Answer: The money SyFy pays me for my blog? Is gratitude tax deductible?
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                  May 5, 2009

                  After yesterday’s entry in which I expressed my, uh, concern about Ashleigh’s return to the production offices following her Mexico getaway (at the height of the pandemic hysteria no less), I found the following comment awaiting moderation:

                  “Hey Joe!

                  Am back safe and sound! Hope you had a good week. Listen, I was speaking to Lawren outside your office and had this strange coughing fit. I had to duck into your office so I wouldn’t spread it down the hallway, don’t worry though, I closed your door right away so none of the germs would be able to seep out.

                  While I was in there I thought what a great place to sit and relax while the guys are away, so I am now working out of your office.

                  Hope you don’t mind!

                  Boy, I hope this sore throat goes away soon….”

                  I called up the production offices and was transferred to Ashleigh who informed me that, for the time being, she’d be working out of my office. “Are you touching anything?”I asked, my voice edged with apprehension. She assured me that she was touching EVERYTHING.

                  A reminder to all you voracious readers, occasional readers, and those possessed of the ability TO read - this month’s book of the month club discussions fast approaches.


                  Discussion begins the week of June 1st when we’ll be joined by author Conrad Williams.

                  Finally, thanks to everyone who took the time to post their condolences and well-wishes for the DeLuise family. Peter is understandably preoccupied right now but when he comes back to Vancouver, I’ll be sure to direct him to your kind thoughts. Although I never got to work with Dom (Urgo was before my time on the show), I had the pleasure to meet him at Peter’s wedding. He was an incredibly warm and gracious man. His hilarious impromptu speech that night had everyone on the floor and, as I told Peter, upstaged him at his own wedding! It’s nice to see he has so many fans.

                  Today’s mailbag:

                  Daniel Willis writes: “Will sgu have a long, catchy beginning like sg1 and atlantis?”

                  Answer: Joel Goldsmith is working on the theme as we speak. No word yet on actual length.

                  David writes: “ I was just wondering as official blog person for SGU why you did not get to go to new Mexico to get those behind the scenes photos for the blog or have you or MGM/scifi assigned someone else to that job.”

                  Answer: I’m “official” insofar as I’m the one person with extensive behind-the-scenes access and information who maintains a regular online presence. It isn’t a job - more a fun extra I do here and for the SciFi site.

                  David also writes: “ Why I am grateful for the behind scenes shots of the icarus set, loving it, but do you know when you be allow to post pictures of the destiny set or perhaps even some of the other random sets.”

                  Answer: MGM wants to hold off on the Destiny set pics because they have something special in the works. As for the other sets - I’ve already forwarded the network some more pics and am waiting for them to sign off on the shuttle.

                  David also writes: “ About this short story, do you know how widely it will be able for sale and can you tell us any of the other authors taking part in the anthology.”

                  Answer: It will be published in an anthology that will be widely available. I’ll be sharing the book with a lot of experienced and supremely talented writers in the field of prose fiction - as well as experienced and supremely talented writers working in a, uh, another field of writing.

                  David also writes: “Any chance of the new cast doing a question and answer session anytime soon on the blog.”

                  Answer: Why, yes. I’ve asked a bunch and they’re all eager to make a guest visit. But they’d like to settle into their characters first.

                  David writes: “A friend and I was just wondering what is the most expensive shoot stargate SG1/Atlantis has ever done and how far up the list does new mexico shooting come up the list.”

                  Answer: I’d say Vegas was probably our most expensive episode to date.

                  BlondieChemGirl writes: “Where do you get your Amarula? Do they sell it in the states?”

                  Answer: Not sure if they sell it in the U.S., but I can pick it up at my local liquor store.

                  PG15 writes: “1. Who does Brie belong to?”

                  Answer: Not me.

                  PG15 also writes: “2. Who is/will direct Justice?”

                  Answer: Off the top of my head - I don’t know.

                  PG15 also writes: “3. On February 17th, you wrote:

                  Today was “spin and break” day with one of the new writers. We bounced around a bunch of ideas, came up with an intriguing backstory for Wray (but not before some vehement disagreement on her first name), and, ultimately, fleshed out what promises to be yet another story chock full of wonderful little character moments. And we even managed to come up with an episode title. We are on fire!

                  So what episode was this about?”

                  Answer: Life.

                  PG15 also writes: “4. And while I’m at it, on March 16th, you wrote:

                  Brad then pytched out hys revysed notion for an ydea he’s been battyng around for a whyle now. A great premyse wyth an yntryguing mystery at yts core, a wonderful opportunyty for one of our characters, all wrapped up in a an ultymately touchyng theme.

                  What episode was this about?”

                  Answer: A still-untitled story in the back half.

                  PG15 also writes: “5. Finally, on March 24th, you wrote:

                  We talked Tekkonkinkreet, Takashi Miike, and Minister Faust before I was called into the writer’s room to help spin a new story on another freelance script, this one a wonderful exploration of the Rush character. By lunch, we had the story broken

                  What episode was this about?”

                  Answer: Another story for the back half, this one is being scripted by a freelancer.

                  Trish writes: “Will ANY of the SGU epi titles be more than one word?”

                  Answer: For season one - unlikely. Come around season 10, you’re likely to get titles like “The Team Gets Stranded On A Planet With No Sun”.

                  F-fae-Glasgow writes: “You have probably answered this before however, has the SGA gate become the main gate for Earth?”

                  Answer: This question will be answered in the SGA movie.

                  Jenny R. writes: “Good on you for refusing to twitter. I think it’s slightly ridiculous myself. It’s sort of like the annoying parts of facebook on speed. I really don’t need to know what a person is doing all the time.”

                  Answer: Here are my twitter updates for the day. Enjoy -

                  - I like bananas.

                  - I’m looking at the thesaurus sitting on my bookshelf.

                  - How do you pronounce Totoro anyway?

                  - I went outside and accidentally swallowed a bug.

                  - I think I’ll throw out my old business cards.

                  - I need new socks.

                  - The dogs are hungry.

                  - The dogs are always hungry.

                  - Hey, I can hold my breath past sixty seconds!

                  - 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time is 7:00 p.m. Pacific.

                  - When I was a kid, I had a bike with a banana seat.

                  - My sister had a bike with a basket in the front.

                  - Hey, where’s my blackberry?

                  - Never mind. Found it!

                  Check in tomorrow for the latest fascinating updates.

                  Banderas writes: “1. What is this Homeworld Command you talked about on the blog yesterday. Is this the Headquarters of Homeworld Security?
                  2. So there won’t be any SGC in future movies and in SGU. Is there any chance that you will use the new sets as the SGC(at least the Gateroom) for a scene?
                  3.Is the uniform Col. Tellford wearing, a unique uniform for the Icarus base or it will be a new kind of SG uniform?
                  4. Is there any Alien+Alien ship concept art already behind the scenes or will you do that later? If yes, does the art department enjoy this “new-kind” of task(at least for SG)?
                  5. Will we can get some new information about the “Pre-Atlantis” Ancients in SGU?
                  6. Will there be any Ancient handheld-weaponry on the ship?”

                  Answers: 1. Yes.

                  2. I never said there wouldn’t be any SGC in future moives.

                  3. It’s an Icarus Base uniform.

                  4. Lots of alien and alien ship concept art that I’ll eventually showcase. And, yes, the Art Department loves this kind of stuff.

                  5. Some.

                  6. Remains to be seen.

                  Major D. Davis writes: “1. Do you like cats? Would your dogs like it if you got a cat? Would they get along? Do you even want to buy a cat?

                  2. Will the Odyssey be involved in the premier of SGU (Cause Caldwell said something about the Odyssey in Eatg)?

                  3. I was reading over the Brad Wright Q&A that was in January and he said the SG-1 movie would be made in the spring. Why would he say that, i mean, we already know Martin and Amanda would be busy with Sanctuary and you guys would be busy with SGU.:

                  Answers: 1. I like cats but have no plans to get one.

                  2. No comment.

                  3. He said that because, at the time, the plans were to shoot it in the spring. Regardless of who is busy when, we have to choose a time that is most convenient for the production. And, keep in mind, we were producing Atlantis when the first two SG-1 movies were being shot.

                  Hugh writes: “I was just wondering, do any of you spin an episode and begin to write it before realising half way through that it jsut won’t work?”

                  Answer: Off the top of my hand, I can’t remember a story we ever took the time to spin that wasn’t written.

                  MightyStarGazer writes: “So Joe, will we Wraith Fans *waves to Das* ever know more about them? Will we ever learn if they do have a homebase-planet, if the kiddie-wraiths are born or hatched or both (well, except for the drones, obviously they are hatched), and *blush* if the wraiths are… hrmm… compatible, with humans…?”

                  Answer: Hopefully this is something we could explore in a future Atlantis movie.

                  PoorOldEgarDerby writes: “ Please settle a bet. Which would receive an incoming wormhole: the Atlantis gate whilst in San Francisco Bay or a pre-existing Tauri gate connected to a DHD?”

                  Answer: If the Atlantis gate was properly calibrated and synced to the Milky Way network, then it would become the default gate.
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                    LOL at "properly calibrated and synced" - I'm thinking of them as iGates now. I am guessing they don't get as many software updates as Apple products, though.



                      May 6, 2009

                      Photos: Ashleigh

                      My writing partner Paul gave me a call this afternoon to go over the game plan for tomorrow’s conference call. As I mentioned in a previous post, Paul and I have an awesome SF series idea (complete with accompanying pilot script) we’ve been dying to go out with but, because of our continuing commitment to the Stargate franchise, have been unable to pursue. So what’s the next best thing to producing your own t.v. series? Why, producing your own comic book series of course. One of the things I’ve always loved about comics is that they afford writers a certain creative latitude denied them in film and television. You tell the story that’s in your head without worrying about things like the visual effects budget or whether the average audience member is going to understand what the hell a “liquid-shifting nanite construct” is. The series runs for as long as it takes you to tell the story. And, hey, if it garners a respectable fan base then, a couple of years down the line, all the more reason to turn it into a t.v. series.

                      Anyway, Paul and I discussed and agreed that I would lead the pitch. I know the concept backwards and forwards, having run the various arc and character details through my head endlessly over the past couple of years. All the twists, turns, shocks, surprises, exhilarating developments, and bittersweet revelations - ready to go. Paul is really looking forward to it I think, more than anything, for the change of pace after finally completing work on his Stargate Universe, Divided. He’s apparently been going into the office every morning to get in a couple of hours solitary writing time.

                      “Have you seen Ashleigh?”I was almost afraid to ask. Ashleigh, the show’s executive producer’s assistant just got back from a holiday in Mexico and I’m understandably a little nervous about her spreading any potential germs around the workplace.

                      “Yeah,”replied Paul. “She’s been around.”

                      By “around”, I assumed he meant “in her office with the door closed” and didn’t think anything of it. Until later today when I received the following email from our script coordinator, Lawren:

                      “Just so you know I caught Ashleigh in your office. I don’t know how long it takes to book the CDC to come do a cleanup but you might want to look into it.


                      Caught? In my office?! I tried to calm myself. How bad could it be? Well, there were pics attached to the email. I clicked on the first one and this came up -

                      That’s my office! I recognize my supervillain statues! It looks like she’s about to sneeze on my desk! “Calm down,”I told myself. Maybe she’s just meditating. Or chanting. She went into my office to drop something off and no doubt left immediately. I clicked on the next image -

                      WTF?!!! She took a freakin’ nap! With her face resting on a script! I may need to read that script at some point!! I made a mental note to trash all the documents on my desk and have Lawren print up new copies of everything. Relieved, I clicked on the next pic. Surely, it couldn’t get any worse -

                      Oh, come on! Not my Gordon Ramsay Sunday Brunch cookbook! And my couch! There are occasions when I sit on that couch!

                      Fine. Lose everything on the desk. Lose the cookbook. Lose the couch. Guess I’ll have to make do with just my desk and phone.


                      Forget it. Let’s just move on to the mailbag -

                      Trish writes: “So only one word titles for season 1. Interesting. Hey… maybe season 2 epis can use two words, season 3 can use three words and so on!”

                      Answer: If I have my way.

                      Thornyrose writes: “You’ll have to make your twitter updates a regular feature. and I think I may have to organize an Ashleigh fan club.”

                      Answer: Don’t encourage her.

                      And today’s twitter updates -

                      Lulu’s dog food smells like dog food.

                      I stopped to get gas today.

                      They should spell it Wensday, like it sounds.

                      “Packing cashews” would be more appropriate than “packing peanuts” because they look more like cashews.

                      Why do so many sun hats have that big honking sunflower on top?

                      I don’t regret never learning to juggle.

                      I saved a worm yesterday by flicking it off the dry pavement and onto the grass.

                      I like mahogany.

                      PG15 writes: “1. Again, alluding to the past, you once said that you guys were discussing making Rob’s pitch for Episode 17 into the season finale (March 10th entry). Did you guys end up doing that, or is that pitch still for episode 17?

                      2. How far are you guys along on series planning? How much of Season 2 do you guys have mapped out?”

                      Answers: 1. The story that formerly occupied the 17 slots is now the season finale.

                      2. Brad and Rob have a rough idea where they want the series to go, however we won’t start fleshing out season two until we’ve completed script work on this first season.

                      DasNdanger writes: “Hey - any consideration to my suggestion about inviting Mr. Moorcock into the book of the month suggestion?”

                      Answer: I’m a big fan of his work (I read the Elric saga ages ago). He seems like a very busy man but, hey, it wouldn’t hurt to send out an invitation. Which of his books are you thinking of?

                      Ytimyona writes: “I’m so intrigued by the whole “shooting on location” thing. Is this a permanent location, where they will be shooting several times a year, or is the NM location for one or two episodes only?”

                      Answer: For now, it’s a one-time distant location shoot for one episode - Air III.

                      Ytimyona also writes: “Ashleigh is awesome. She should do a guest blog…”

                      Answer: What did I say about encouraging her?!

                      Jarnin writes: “Back when Atlantis first started up and we got to see the new gate, there was always something that bothered me about it: It only had 36 symbols on it, or rather, it could only display 36 symbols when lit up. The gate used in the Milky Way had 39 symbols on it, so I was hoping you could answer a couple questions:

                      1. Technically speaking, would this cause problems now that Atlantis is on Earth? One would think it would be like trying to use a phone that is missing a few numbers on the keypad.

                      3. Do you know why the Atlantis gate prop was designed with only 36 symbols? I know they redesigned it from scratch, but was it a symmetry thing or logistics?”

                      Answers: 1. Good question. The Pegasus symbols are different so the gate and DHD would have to be synced to the Milky Way system. Such an “upgrade” would have to account for the lack of symbols.

                      2. I’m not sure why it was designed this way.

                      Tim Molter writes: “How is Stargate Universe going to be different from Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, or the Star Trek series?”

                      Answer: Let’s see…by being a completely different series.

                      Major D. Davis writes: “1. Has Fire become a two parter?

                      2. Is the special project that MGM is creating a trailer? If so when will we get to see it. If not, when will we get to see the next SGU trailer(Its been about a month)?

                      3. Have you seen West Wing before? Do you like it?

                      I am still pretty new so bear with this q please

                      4. When a episode’s credits include You and Paul as writers, does that mean that both you and Paul wrote the episode. If not why are your names always together in writing credits?

                      5. What SGU episode(besides Air) are you most psyched about?(Its ok if you say Space, You’re a fantastic writer)”

                      Answers: 1. Boy, not giving up on this one, huh?

                      2. I have no idea what this is a reference to.

                      3. Never watched it.

                      4. No. Paul and I haven’t co-written an episode for years although we did co-write the SGA movie.

                      5. Right now, I’m psyched about the show in general.

                      Jenazz writes: “Re the Atlantis gate on earth - given that the gate symbols/constellations on the Pegasus gates are completely different from those on the Milky Way gates, however could it be compatible?”

                      Answer: As I said above, the Pegasus gate would need to be recalibrated to sync with the Milk Way gate system.

                      PG15 writes: “Hey Joe, looks like Craig Engler at SciFi beat you to the punch in the “showing new pics of SGU” department.”

                      Answer: Hey, aint that a kid in the head. Guess he’s got better connections.

                      Workin’ Hard writes: “Off topic, I was wondering if y’all over at SGU (on the writing staff) use a script formatting software. If so, which one(s)?”

                      Answer: Movie Magic Screenwriter.

                      Narelle from Aus writes: “I was wondering, do you enjoy being on the end of the Stargate battering ram?”

                      Answer: Yep. It offers no end of amusement.

                      DasNdanger writes: “We know Wraith see such emotions as mercy, fear, compassion, etc., as weaknesses, and will do their best to suppress those feelings. But - in your mind - do you think Wraith still feel such things as guilt, regret, compassion, doubt, and other ‘angsty’ emotions inside, though not allowing them to show on the outside? Or are such emotions totally foreign to them?”

                      Answer: They certainly do “feel” all those emotions but have matured in a social hierarchy that forces them to suppress them.

                      Jedi Master writes: “an as far as the “promise” of an Atlantis movie well, its off, its on, it’s a maybe, its off due to financially reason, its back on again !!!”

                      Answer: It was never “off again”. It’s status never changed from “on”. It’s always been a matter of nailing down a production date. My advice to you is not to jump on every rumor you hear and accept it as fact.

                      Jedi Master also writes: “An WHY is a SG1 movie being done first!!!”

                      Answer: Actually, we don’t have a firm production date for that either.

                      Jedi Master also writes: “An the hype about the SG1 appearing in the show was just that hype, we really are NOT that stupid, this was a desperate attempt to get back lost viewers…”

                      Answer: It’s interesting to note that those of you who take this view about members of SG-1 appearing in the SGU premiere conveniently forget that both Richard Dean Anderson and Michael Shanks guested in the Atlantis premiere. What’s with that?
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                        Answer: It’s interesting to note that those of you who take this view about members of SG-1 appearing in the SGU premiere conveniently forget that both Richard Dean Anderson and Michael Shanks guested in the Atlantis premiere. What’s with that?
                        Ahh, I love Joe. Nice and direct and - people will still whine. But now its even more humerous.
                        Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!



                          nicely put joe at first i didn't like the idea of anyone from sg1 appearring on sgu but now weeks since the announcemeant now i'm fine with it



                            May 7, 2009

                            Photos: the dogs, Kim, dinner

                            Fantastic. That’s how today’s phone pitch went. I started off by talking a about what the hell Paul and I have been up to for the last ten years, then went over some of the reasons why I thought the comic book medium would be the perfect home for our little SF series. Then, I launched into our opener – essentially the pilot script – and, from there, the overall concept and character arcs. The response was very positive. Next step – some conversations on their end and, if all lights go green, we can actually start mapping out those first issues.

                            After a quick lunch, I packed up two of my dogs (Lulu the frenchie and Jelly the pug) for a visit to the vet’s. Lulu was battling aspiration pneumonia last week and x-rays reveal she is on the mend. Jelly has been feeling under the weather of late and a cursory examination revealed she has a heart murmur. She’ll require an ultrasound but the radiologist is all booked up tomorrow so we’re on a waiting list.

                            Tonight, I had dinner with the lovely Kim Cowan, former publicist on SG-1 until the show’s fifth season. We had a great meal at Tojo’s – plenty of sushi, sake, and fond reminiscences. Hopefully, it won’t be another five years before we do it again.

                            Received an email from Ashleigh today informing me: “Too bad you aren’t in this week, I brought in fresh cookies today J ”

                            Now come on! That’s just downright cruel! Why the hell would she bring cookies in on a week when nobody else is there? I mean, seriously!

                            Today’s pics: The dogs. And Kim.

                            Today’s mailbag:

                            Major D. Davis write: “You had said a couple days ago that the reason we could not see the destiny set pics was because MGM had something special. Is the special thing a trailer?”

                            Answer: At present, I can’t comment on what it is exactly, but it’s even more special than a trailer.

                            PoorOldEdgarDerby writes: “Does Paul have any non-show projects of jis own, like you with your short story?”

                            Answer: Yep. Several kids.

                            Mix-Martes86 writes: “I’m not much into the “know your dog” stuff, but since my bro is quite the bugger with the issue, I thought I might ask a veteran dog owner like you some questions, to check how much truth is in some of his statements.

                            First, he says that if we feed our dog chocolate (I love pure black chocolate, by the way… liked it even more since my trip to Belgium), he’ll become blind.”

                            Answer: Though more likely dead. Do NOT feed your dog chocolate.

                            Silversi writes: “Hey Joe…do you think we’ll ever learn in a future SG-1 movie why Mitchell needs to remember to ‘cut the green one’ ?”

                            Answer: Hey, if Paul and I write the fourth SG-1 movie, I’ll explain it then.

                            Maddog1995 writes: “According to IMDB, you’re listed as a consulting producer. What are the differences between , executive, consulting and just plain old producer?”

                            Answer: I’ve already answered the producer question. This year, as consulting producers, Paul and I are in the offices reading scripts and outlines, spinning stories, watching cuts, etc. However, unlike previous years, we are not producing our own episodes (overseeing prep, dealing with the network, doing out own cuts, etc.).

                            Major D. Davis writes: “1. Will you promise to at least check out the pilot or the first few episodes of west wing? I really think you will love it.

                            2. Can you give me all the stuff on your desk that you are going to throw away?

                            3. So if you and Paul never write anything together, why are you credited together?

                            4. When will fans get to see the new SGU trailer?

                            5. Are you still filming life or have you moved onto time yet?

                            6. Do you find it supprising that I got the nckname 20 questions at a summer camp?”

                            Answers: 1. Sorry, no promises. My t.v.-watching dance card is pretty full.

                            2. For obvious health reasons, no.

                            3. We are still a producing team. Also, he tends to do a lot of the heavy rewrites on other scripts (which I don’t do) so things even out.

                            4. No idea.

                            5. We’re actually in New Mexico shooting Air III now.

                            6. Actually – no.
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                              May 8, 2009

                              Photos: Ghost Rider, Secret Six, Ultimatum, Unknown Soldier, Jelly

                              Whoa! I’ve heard of companies going to high uncharacteristic extremes to help offset the effects of the ongoing economic downturn, but this is truly shocking. Taking a page out of competitor WestJet’s playbook, Air Canada, this country’s biggest airline and flag carrier, is adopting a more customer-friendly approach. In the words of one Air Canada official, the new company CEO “wants to reverse customer-unfriendly policies that have been instituted over the last few years” (Brent Jang – “Air Canada goes soft, woos travellers with pillows, pets” – Report on Business – May 8, 2009). Weird. Next thing you know, Iran will be abandoning its nuclear ambitions and Kim John Il will be hosting meet ‘n greet potlucks with his southern neighbors! According to the Report on Business article, there are plans in place to, among other things, “pare some extra fees and bring back pillows and blankets.” More importantly, so far as I and many pet owners are concerned, it’s looking to ease its restrictions on in-cabin pet travel, letting “dogs, cats, rabbits and birds back in the cabin, as long as the weight of the container and pet is less than 10 kilograms and fits under the seat in front of the pet owner”. Yeah, good – but they can do better. How? Well, how about dropping the restrictions on in-cabin pet travel entirely, losing the weight restrictions, but charging a premium? I know a lot of pet owners who would sooner skip a trip than submit their pets to the horrors of traveling cargo. So why not tap into this potentially lucrative market and offer seat sales to animals? What the hell difference would it make whether they’re on the seat or under it, so long as they’re firmly secured? It doesn’t take a brainiac to figure out that selling a couple of tickets to a Lhasa Apso and her live-in companion Dalmation is preferable to allowing those seats to fly empty. Just something for the gang at Air Canada to consider as it works to, in the words of another article that appeared on Reuters today, “avoid filing for bankruptcy protection, a move that analysts had speculated the country’s largest airline would need as it faces a raft of challenges.” (“Air Canada says aims to avoid bankruptcy filing” – May 8, 2009 – Reuters: Business and Finance). Honestly, nicer blankets and fluffier pillows are only gonna get you so far.

                              So, hey, I’ve almost made my way through the 100+ comic book titles I picked up at my local shop as I continue to drop the many that failed to hold my interest, and make mention of the ones that did…

                              Honestly, I’m not exactly sure what’s going on here. Something to do with devils who turn out to be angels and the fate of the world hanging in the balance. Ghost Rider was never among my favorite of comic book characters. In truth, he ranked among my least favorite. And while this book hasn’t exactly won me over, it’s proven entertaining enough to keep me around for now. A lot of it has to do with writer Jason Aaron who is looking like THE hot new up-and-comer.

                              In much the same way that Aaron made the usually unpalatable Ghost Rider a bit of a treat, writer Gail Simone made Wonder Woman intriguing. Imagine what she does with characters I actually like! Well, no need to imagine. Just pick up Secret Six a book that, like Dark Avengers and Thunderbolts, focuses on a team of villainous mercenaries. What truly distinguishes this title, however, is fully on display in issue #8 which delves into the oddball personalities, quirky relationships, and team dynamics in an off-beat story involving an awkward double-date, affairs of the heart, and revenge. Love it.

                              Sorry. I’m not really up on the seemingly endless parallel realities that seem to typify most comic book universes but it’s fairly apparent that this limited series takes place in one of those alternate Earths, I believe fans refer to it as the Ultimate Universe? Anyway, great art and a terrific script make for an alternately gripping and horrifying ride in a story that sees New York inundated by a tidal wave, killing millions, including several A-list superheroes. The remaining scramble to help the survivors, then set their sights on the individual responsible for this disaster of biblical proportions: Magneto

                              Those who think comics are for kids should really check out this title, a shocking and sobering account of the ongoing upheavel in Uganda as seen through the eyes of the Unknown Soldier, a pacifist and doctor who is violently thrust into the heart of the conflict during its height in 2002. An impressive and well-researched series that does a better job of depicting the brutality and senselessness of war than anything that has come out of Hollywood in recent memory.

                              Today’s entry is dedicated to Shiningwit.


                              AussieSGFan writes: “I’m sorry to hear about Jelly. It’s not too bad, is it?”

                              Answer: Hey, thanks for asking. I got the call early this morning that a spot had opened up, so I rushed her to the vet today for her ultrasound. Apparently, she has mild endiocarditis (sic?), something not uncommon in older dogs. The vet suggested we keep an eye on her and continue testing over the next couple of weeks. “Poor girl!”said Fondy when I told her. “Now she’s going to have to take it easy.” I pointed out that it’s going to be tough for Jelly to take it anymore easy than she has been…

                              Morticae writes: “I like your Buddha statue. Does it bring you good luck?”

                              Answer: No doubt. Look at all the fantastic regulars who frequent this blog.

                              Mishmee writes: “I’m confused, if you are on Hiatus, why are they filming in NM?”

                              Answer: The local crew and the production offices are on hiatus because the show is shooting in New Mexico for the week.

                              Mishmee also writes: “Scripts have some information regarding setting and props. How do you communicate the details?”

                              Answer: At the script stage, we try to offer a detailed description of what we envision, ie. “Scott puts on an auburn wig with long, flowing tresses, takes the stage, and starts singing I Will Survive.”. Then, during prep week, the producer will get together with the show’s prop master to discuss, look over, and decide on the auburn wigs with long, flowing tresses available.

                              Mishmee also writes: “Do you have a separate document with the information for set design and wardrobe and prop people? If so, who writes it and what would it look like? And what do you call it?”

                              Answer: The writers/producers don’t have a separate document, but the props department certainly keeps a list of the specific props required for each episode. I’m not exactly sure what they call it, but my guess is a Wozzledy-Goggleboo.

                              Paloosa writes: “Are Lulu’s & Brie’s ears naturally straight?”

                              Answer: Yep.

                              Suziesbluefeather writes: “Hey Joe does it make you a bad person if you go on 2 dates in one day with different people?”

                              Answer: Only if you make them go to the same movie knowing the second time around that it was crap.

                              Fsmn36 writes: “Hey, Joe! Got to see Star Trek tonight and I totally let out a little fan squeal for Paul’s cameo. Will you be checking it out, or is it another wait-and-rent-it for you?”

                              Answer: I’ll wait for the Eberts at the office to weigh in with their opinions, then possibly pick up the DVD down the line.

                              Nadine writes: “Do you take more pics of the dogs, or of Stargate/food-related stuff?”

                              Answer: I definitely take more Stargate pics, but I post much more dog and food-related photos simply because the approval process is a lot less strict.

                              Mackenzie’s Momma writes: “Okay I have to pipe up on the Dogs and chocolate thing. I recently took a pet first aid class through my veterinarian’s office and was informed that while YES chocolate is deadly that it takes far more than people think to kill a dog.”

                              Answer: Sure, but tell that to Bubba who ate a bag of milk chocolate-covered almonds and suffered explosive diarrhea for the better part of two days.

                              Luis writes: “Have you heard from Gero in the Big Apple???? hows he doing ???”

                              Answer: I spoke to Martin the day after my chocolate party. He seems to be doing very well. And very busy apparently as he’s failed to respond to any of my emails. Well, busy or kidnapped without access to his iPhone.

                              PG15 writes: “Congratulations on a successful Comic Book pitch! Still, what does this mean with regards to Stargate? Are you guys going to leave it when this thing takes off?”

                              Answer: Even if the comic book series was a spectacular success, I highly doubt it would prove as lucrative as our positions with the Stargate franchise. Let’s just say we’re not giving up our day jobs.

                              JoanieC writes: “Hi Paul,

                              A SGA question please:- Right from the pilot Shep was the natural ATA gene carrier. If a 2nd movie is made is there any chance he might meet an “ancient” relative?”

                              Answer: Interesting you should ask that question because in the Atlantis movie Sheppard does…uh, wait a sec. Who’s Paul?

                              Shirt ‘n Tie writes: “Re: BOTM. Any chance of FF2 with Lou Anders?”

                              Answer: Not FF2 as I already read it, but certainly any of Lou’s forthcoming anthologies would be worthy candidates.

                              JimFromJersey writes: “So Joe, spill on Brie! Are you babysitting? Thinking about welcoming a new member to the family? Having um…doggie play-dates? What’s the scoop on that adorable little pooch?”

                              Answer: Let’s just say she visits a lot.

                              Robin writes: “Sounds like you’re going to be a busy boy this year, Joe. What’s the matter? Do you miss the non-stop excitement of being a showrunner and have to fill up your newly acquired free time with other projects? Or are you just having fun stretching your non-Stargate-related wings?”

                              Answer: The latter. Being less involved in the production’s day to day operations has allowed me the freedom to pursue some other projects – like the short story and the comic book series.

                              AVEddy writes: “ If you were going to be graphically represented as a dog, and your choices were a pug or a French bulldog, which one would you choose?”

                              Answer: I’d have to go with the far lazier, food-loving pug.

                              acting chick writes: “I have two friends who are not into scifi at all, but they read your blog for the dog pictures and stories. They started talking about Brie the other day, and I’m like, what are you talking about? I’ve been very busy lately (I’m going to acting school) and I haven’t been keeping up with your blog as much as I’d like, and they got on my case because I wasn’t reading your blog.”

                              Answer: They were right to do so. Thank them for me.

                              Major D. Davis writes: “Now that we have a entry with doggy pictures, can we get a entry with SGU pictures?”

                              Answer: Would love to, but thinks have reached a bit of an impasse with the High Council of Official Approvers.

                              Chevron7 writes: “1. Which character is the most resourceful, quick thinking?

                              2. Is there one particular threat, not necessarily an enemy, that hangs over their heads throughout the season?”

                              Answers: 1. I think they’re all fairly resourceful in their own ways – although certainly Rush is more likely to consider options the others might dismiss.

                              2. There’ll be plenty of threats hanging over their heads, from without and within.

                              Toby writes: “p.s. it’s my 21’st birthday today (Friday)”

                              Answer: Remind me next week and I’ll drop you a blog dedication.
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                                Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
                                The producers have said they would use CGI.
                                So much CGI on celuloid these days that it's a fixture. I doesn't hurt the final outcome from what I've seen and often allows them to go where no man can go physically.

