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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    Again, I agree. I'm sick of this 'you're not a real fan' rubbish. It doesn't surprise me that some would say if you don't participate in a Save campaign you're a second class fan. Personally, even if my favourite character got axed, I wouldn't get involved. I just couldn't be bothered, when I wouldn't be able to change anything anyway. However, the SCB's seem to have had much fun, and I really admire that.
    They have had fun, and as someone who has been on the periphery of the SCB campaign all along, I have seen not a whiff of that "you're not a real fan if you don't jump on board" from them. They've done a great job of keeping things positive and focused on the campaign's goal--and having a great sense of humor about everything.

    Yeah, Mallozzi used them, but I think he got used as well. And he has publicly expressed what amounts to his respect for the campaign, saying that they've been creative, inventive, and that he's underestimated them at least twice. So I think in the long run what matter less is who used whom, and more that Carson is back, and TPTB just got a bandwagon or two's worth of folks who are going to be a heck of a lot more interested in Season 4 than they had been. So it's a win all the way around.

    "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
    ~~Friedrich Nietzsche


      Originally posted by xfkirsten View Post
      I wholeheartedly agree that TPTB had already planned to bring back Carson anyways... but you know what, I think it worked out well for everyone, regardless. The show got free advertising, and the fans had a chance to get out there and have fun. IMHO, that's what really counts. TPTB and the fans worked together and had fun with it. I have a huge amount of respect for that.
      I agree. Whatever TPTB had planned for Carson, everyone involved got something out of this. I'm especially impressed with the way the Save Carson fans handled this because they launched a passionate, yet humorous, campaign. Even before this Season 4 news, I considered the Save Carson campaign a success because they had fun and because they showed Paul McGillion how much he was appreciated.
      Sig by Luciana


        That is ancient design yes? But not like that of an Aurora class?

        Is this more proof that the new ship will be of a different class?

        (snipped with the reminder that any inline pics MUST be less than 700 pixels wide and hotlinked iwth permission)
        Last edited by Skydiver; 11 April 2007, 06:02 PM.


          Allison writes: “You do realize that because of your aforementioned awesomeness, you now have an entire Scot-loving army at your beck and call?”

          Answer: Awesome. Let’s invade Wales!

          Anonymous #1 writes: “ Gee. I remember a bunch of people telling you they'd heard Torri was going to be in four episodes, and you ridiculed them. Looks like they were right all along. Their sources must be good.”

          Answer: Given the law of averages, everyone eventually gets it right with a little luck - or in this case the proper timing. Last month, when rumors were flying that Weir would be appearing in four episodes, she had actually only been signed for three. Imagine if I’d made that announcement then? The fourth episode became a reality a couple of weeks ago after I pitched Torri the story and she agreed to come back do it. So, for now, four episodes as of the officially done deal - which closed yesterday.

          Anonymous #1 writes: “If you've revealed it now because you think it looks good compared with Beckett, think again.”

          Answer: Actually, I revealed it because, again, we had finally closed the deal on that fourth episode and, given the recent confirmation of Beckett’s return, I thought it might be nice to make a similar confirmation with regard to Weir. Regardless, thanks for the nitwit response.

          Anonymous #1 writes: “ Since you said "so far", I presume that you mean the first half of the season. Have you looked at the second half yet?”

          Answer: Interestingly enough, I just answered this a couple of questions back but, given your presumptuous tone, I went back and deleted my response. So feel free to make use of your magical source on this one.

          Lizzyshoe writes: “If scripts in normal television usually run about a page/min, and if SGA eps are 40-odd minutes long, do the extra pages all end up crammed into McKay's dialogue? Hewlett does tend to speak, um, insanely fast.”

          Answer: David Hewlett is the fastest talker on television. Michael Shanks is a close second.

          MS writes: “Since you guys get the ratings way before we will, is there any chance you could let us know on your blog what the ratings are for SG-1 and Atlantis when they air in the next few weeks?”

          Answer: Sure.

          Prior_of_the_Ori writes: “Will we see some Asuran warships this next season?”

          Answer: Depends. Will you be watching Stargate: Atlantis? If yes, then the answer is yes.

          Anonymous #2 writes: “Can you tell us if Michael will be come back in season 4 of Atlantis?”

          Answer: It’s very possible.

          Anjirika writes: “So basically that means yes, bringing Carson back was in the plans all along.”

          Answer: The potential for a return was discussed and set up early on, but the decision to bring the character back was only made recently.

          Madalyn writes: “When you are writing an episode do you start with an outline? Do you start with the first scene and go through the script in a linear fashion or do you go back and forth through scenes?”

          Answer: We come up with an idea, discuss it with the other writers, then produce an outline which is critiqued and revised before going to script. I go through the script in a linear fashion, writing the first scene before moving onto the second, then going back and revising the first two scenes before moving onto the third, then back to the beginning to polish the first three scenes before moving onto the fourth, and so on.

          Anonymous #4 writes: “Did Martin Wood wear his shorts up in the Arctic?”

          Answer: Find out in the Stargate: Continuum tease Ivon Bartok has put together for the season 10 dvd release.

          Dee in South Africa writes: “"Wil and DOP Jim Menard testing the force field on their cell."

          You can let them out now. They must be hungry and have suffered enough…”

          Answer: Only once they’ve finished shooting the episode.

          Anonymous #5 writes: “You have promised some Shep whump - which I am assuming is physcial - can we expect any emotional whump or team angst.”

          Answer: Joe Flanigan pitched out an idea for a very angst Sheppard episode that the fans are going to LOVE and that Carl Binder will be writing. It’s a terrific idea and Carl is the perfect person to write it. Very, very, very cool. And, incidentally, it will address an issue fans have been discussing since - well, the late back half of season three.

          Propagander writes: “Regarding Beckett's return - your not going to pull a Dallas on us are you? Someones not going to wake up and find him in the shower and the past season was all a dream are they?”Answer: Damn, you’ve figured it out! The team wakes up after a looooong nap on the mist-shrouded world from season one’s Home to discover they never left the planet and the past two and a half seasons have all been a hallucination.

          Ses110 writes: “Daniel/Vala Fans got there Ship in Unending and Beckett is coming back in Season 4.What can Sam/Jack Fans do to get a resolution in the Movies?”

          Answer: Write to the movie’s writer-producers - Robert Cooper and Brad Wright, c/o The Bridge Studios.
          Last edited by prion; 11 April 2007, 06:08 PM.


            Don't just love those gutless"Anonymous" posters.

            Does this: {quoting Joe M} "well, the late back half of season three" mean we get to see Sheppard's
            ex- wife? Now that would make for some emotional whump. Can't see it being his dad, although maybe... it also sounds like the stuff Joe F would pitch, if Epiphany is anything to go by. You know more about the emotional then the physical side to Sheppard.

            Lets hope it all goes a heck of a lot better then that ep.


              Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
              Don't just love those gutless"Anonymous" posters.

              Does this: {quoting Joe M} "well, the late back half of season three" mean we get to see Sheppard's
              ex- wife? Now that would make for some emotional whump. Can't see it being his dad, although maybe... it also sounds like the stuff Joe F would pitch, if Epiphany is anything to go by. You know more about the emotional then the physical side to Sheppard.

              Lets hope it all goes a heck of a lot better then that ep.
              Well, sorta wonder why we post any spoiler tags here since JM's blogis the place to go for spoilers. sorta silly.

              Anyway, I don't consider all anonymous posters to be 'gutless.' I've posted anonymous cuz I was lazy (but no, not being snarky either). You might wasn to amend that to 'some' anonymous posters.

              I'm only happy that Carl Binder is writing the potential Shep angst episode. The rest of the writers really aren't that good with character development. Binder's delivered some of the better dialogue.
              Last edited by prion; 11 April 2007, 06:14 PM.


                Ah, looks like I was late tonight.

                I guess I'll point out that there is a pic of Joe Flanigan along with the usual food pics, and Joe gave out this gem:

                But since I’m out of chocolate and back to irritable again, I’d like to take this opportunity to weigh in on some of the comments I saw on Gateworld regarding the decision to bring Carson Beckett back and the Save Carson Beckett campaign specifically. I find it truly astonishing that some serial whiners are directing their criticism at a group of fellow fans who worked so hard on behalf of the Beckett character. While the SCB supporters were out rallying the troops, organizing demonstrations on both coasts, hiring a pipe band to offer a creative but wholly appropriate expression of their passion for Paul, even braving Vancouver’s torrential downpour - these constant complainers were planted in front of their computers gathering seat sores, watching it all from the sidelines. And now that the campaign has proven successful and the organizers and fans who participated are feeling good about their accomplishments, these envious little gripers feel the need to undermine any feeling of celebration or fan empowerment by crapping all over them and placing doubt on said accomplishments. Truly astounding.
                I'm sure a few fans must be confused right about now.!


                  He's also implying that the SCB people really ARE the ones who brought Carson back. Interesting. In a Chinese curse sort of way.


                    Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                    Don't just love those gutless"Anonymous" posters.

                    Does this: {quoting Joe M} "well, the late back half of season three" mean we get to see Sheppard's
                    ex- wife? Now that would make for some emotional whump. Can't see it being his dad, although maybe... it also sounds like the stuff Joe F would pitch, if Epiphany is anything to go by. You know more about the emotional then the physical side to Sheppard.

                    Lets hope it all goes a heck of a lot better then that ep.
                    IMO I don't think we will be seeing Sheppard's ex. I think it may be one of the following:

                    Putting in spoilers since some people haven't seen second half of S3 yet.
                    1. Something to do with Carson.
                    2. Weir's injury
                    3. Something to do with Michael/Vengeance

                    JM did say it was something in the back half of the season and these are the only real stand out episodes that I could think of that could have possible repercussions on Sheppard.

                    Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                    AVI by *ERIKA*


                      Originally posted by prion View Post
                      Anyway, I don't consider all anonymous posters to be 'gutless.' I've posted anonymous cuz I was lazy (but no, not being snarky either). You might wasn to amend that to 'some' anonymous posters.

                      I'm only happy that Carl Binder is writing the potential Shep angst episode. The rest of the writers really aren't that good with character development. Binder's delivered some of the better dialogue.
                      Thank you Prion, hopefully Willow will amend the post, or I might have to get on my soapbox again...and i'm sure no one wants to hear me rant

                      And as for your second point, i'm all for character development, not to mention angst and hopefully the long awaited backstory


                        Originally posted by prion View Post
                        Anyway, I don't consider all anonymous posters to be 'gutless.' I've posted anonymous cuz I was lazy (but no, not being snarky either). You might wasn to amend that to 'some' anonymous posters.
                        Don't care, the tone of the poster was one I consider to be antagonistic, so if you cannot sign a known user name to it; it is IMHO gutless. If they were being nice I wouldn't mind but really it read like just another poster trying to bait Joe.

                        Maybe you go on other people's blogs and post like that I do not, not even with my known user-name.


                          Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                          Don't care, the tone of the poster was one I consider to be antagonistic, so if you cannot sign a known user name to it; it is IMHO gutless. If they were being nice I wouldn't mind but really it read like just another poster trying to bait Joe.

                          Maybe you go on other people's blogs and post like that I do not, not even with my known user-name.
                          That's it. You said the tone of "the" poster, so please don't lump ALL fans, anonymous or otherwise, as gutless. besides, I could easily type in anybody's name. There is no verification. And I've noticed posts signed by some folk that were just as antagonistic as those under 'anonymous' and that, it seems, is the crux of your complaint. Antogonistic posts. The thing is that Joe LETS these through. He's a big boy and he can easily just put through simple questions, but chooses not to. His amusement factor, I assume.

                          But back to the actual blog, and not fans.

                          But since I’m out of chocolate and back to irritable again, I’d like to take this opportunity to weigh in on some of the comments I saw on Gateworld regarding the decision to bring Carson Beckett back and the Save Carson Beckett campaign specifically. I find it truly astonishing that some serial whiners are directing their criticism at a group of fellow fans who worked so hard on behalf of the Beckett character. While the SCB supporters were out rallying the troops, organizing demonstrations on both coasts, hiring a pipe band to offer a creative but wholly appropriate expression of their passion for Paul, even braving Vancouver’s torrential downpour - these constant complainers were planted in front of their computers gathering seat sores, watching it all from the sidelines. And now that the campaign has proven successful and the organizers and fans who participated are feeling good about their accomplishments, these envious little gripers feel the need to undermine any feeling of celebration or fan empowerment by crapping all over them and placing doubt on said accomplishments. Truly astounding.

                          I find this soooo funny. Who said JM can't write comedy? Yes, he loves to bait the fans. Plus in his usual style, he manages to say a lot without really saying anything
                          Last edited by prion; 12 April 2007, 03:53 AM.


                            Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                            He's also implying that the SCB people really ARE the ones who brought Carson back. Interesting. In a Chinese curse sort of way.
                            A pre-emptive "If you don't like it, it wasn't our fault Skiffy the fans made us do it"?

                            JM's having trouble sticking to his own canon. Before it was "don't bother writing you have no effect on our decisions", now it's all "how wonderful the letter writing campaign was". Bread and buttered comes to mind.


                              Originally posted by smurf View Post
                              A pre-emptive "If you don't like it, it wasn't our fault Skiffy the fans made us do it"?

                              JM's having trouble sticking to his own canon. Before it was "don't bother writing you have no effect on our decisions", now it's all "how wonderful the letter writing campaign was". Bread and buttered comes to mind.
                              If you actually took the time to go back and read everything he's posted on his blog, well, yeah, there are some pretty holes in logic - Wait, wait, he needs a writer's bible for the blog, so he doesn't contradict himself


                                Well, his stories aren't consistent so why should his blog be any different?

