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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    Ok, I'm being obtuse here. What's CYA?
    *cover your a$$*


      Originally posted by TameFarrar View Post
      This is probably my biggest annoyance with the situation. JM used his personal blog to publically ridicule GW and by extension the owner and editor of GW.
      You think that what he said is called ridiculing Gateworld? To summarize, he said he finds it annoying that he gets misquoted and fans draw bad conclusions from it. In itself, that's a fair enough thing to say. Next, he complains that it shows up on Gateworld as being attributed to him. At most that's a criticism of the reporting standards on Gateworld, not a tarring and feathering. If what he says is true, that GW did publish something without checking the facts, then it's a perfectly legitimate thing to say. Haven't you ever seen how celebrities publicly respond to untrue statements in news articles? In addition to contacting the news source in question, they also make a press release.

      And believe it or not, perfectly mature people criticize each other all the time, sometimes even publicly. Listen to the news: you find people publicly criticizing private citizens, politicians, reporters, CEOs, charity managers, dumb people, smart people, professors, students, scientists, professionals, et cetera. Sometimes it's better to let everyone know about something than to privately discuss it behind closed doors. That's why court proceedings are usually public. It's also why scholarly discourse is published or discussed in an open forum.
      Last edited by 1138; 16 February 2008, 08:56 AM.


        All I know this is one big mess up, but this is what happens on the internet, you get spoiled. The average viewer/fan has no idea Carson is even returning next season.

        As per The Kindred, It is one of the most anticipated episodes imo, and with so much excitement it is hard to keep spoilers from leaking. I just wish fans on this site would be a tad more careful where they hear their spoilers, and if it has NOT been approved by SCI FI, MGM, or the producers it should be not allowed to be posted, imo. We had that issue on SCI FI, and since the executive producer of BSG posts there, it doesn't make it easy to let them slide by when they are not approved spoilers. Sadly this info about Carson was thought to be a source from Joe M which is an allowed/approved spoiler, but it was misquoted by accident.

        Hey we are all human and we make mistakes. All I know is the next 3 eps of this season are likely going to be some of the best of the entire series, imo. Spoiled or unspoiled.
        Last edited by Briangate78; 16 February 2008, 09:02 AM. Reason: To bold and color IMO! Because...


          Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
          All I know this is one big mess up, but this is what happens on the internet, you get spoiled. The average viewer/fan has no idea Carson is even returning next season.

          As per The Kindred, It is one of the most anticipated episodes imo, and with so much excitement it is hard to keep spoilers from leaking. I just wish fans on this site would be a tad more careful where they hear their spoilers, and if it has NOT been approved by SCI FI, MGM, or the producers it should be not allowed to be posted. We had that issue on SCI FI, and since the executive producer of BSG posts there, it doesn't make it easy to let them slide by when they are not approved spoilers. Sadly this info about Carson was thought to be a source from Joe M which is an allowed/approved spoiler, but it was misquoted by accident.

          Hey we are all human and we make mistakes. All I know is the next 3 eps of this season are likely going to be some of the best of the entire series, imo. Spoiled or unspoiled.
          You know? Have they been leaked like Midway? Seriously.


            Originally posted by silly sally View Post
            You know? Have they been leaked like Midway? Seriously.
            Chill, relax, Geez, I said Likely, and it's my opinion.


              Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
              Chill, relax, Geez, I said Likely, and it's my opinion.
              I was serious I thought they leaked and hoped to see Beckett sooner


                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                Ok, I'm being obtuse here. What's CYA?
                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                I've honestly never seen that abbreviation before. Thanks for that!
                Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
                *cover your a$$*
                Yup, that's the one (or more politically correct people would call it 'damage control.' I first heard back when military lingo from 'Nam was making its way into movies and such.

                Originally posted by Melora View Post
                Yes, but when JM goes after certain fans/fan groups, it is almost always b/c they are attacking him personally or being overly rude (or have been so in the past). In such cases, they get as good as they give. If you don’t want JM to be rude to you, don’t be rude to him. And this is the only type of situation where I have seen fans on this thread "join in with him."

                He did go over the line once before as I recall. I remember when he singled out you and Shadowmaat for personal criticism b/c of some things you said on this thread. As in this case, a lot of fans (including many of the mods) noted that his behavior was inappropriate and criticized him for it. I don’t remember anyone here saying either you or Shadowmaat deserved being singled out like that, but you probably can remember better than I about what was said. (
                Actually, there were a couple of fans who were rather immature about the whole thing.

                Originally posted by Melora View Post
                It seems to me GW/Darren made a minor mistake that was not malicious in intent. He wasn’t misquoting JM on purpose. He wasn’t misquoting JM to make JM look bad. It was an honest mistake and those do happen from time to time. I’m sure it has happened before at GW, but it hasn’t happened very often. I have seen many other sites make worse mistakes time and time again and, in one case, JM politely corrected those mistakes without trying to make the site or the reporter look bad.

                Still I can sympathize with JM, b/c I’m sure it’s frustrating and sometimes you just need to have a good rant. But there were better ways to handle it. As it stands, no one comes off looking good and the whole situation has shone a light on a big, huge spoiler. I read the article and I didn’t even notice the mistake until I read JM’s blog and then re-read the article. I agree with many others here – had JM simply emailed Darren, the situation could have been taken care of quietly and without the majority of fans (including me ) even knowing.
                Hmm, how to put this delicately... after years of seeing his blogs (this and his previous ones), posts on lists, posts on usenets, he isn't any different than a fan. He's made testy (for lack of a better word) posts about TPTB (in this case, not movies but comics), flamed at least one critic who didn't like SG1, etc.

                The thing is that if JM had emailed GW with the correction, then there was the potential for a huge spoiler to get out. So, like I said earlier, CYA. So when the fur potentially hits the fan after the episode airs, he doesn't have to deal with any backlash from what was not his mistake.

                I did notice that he stopped putting through comments after only a dozen or so, so perhaps his board was flaming a bit for what he posted.


                  Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                  I was serious I thought they leaked and hoped to see Beckett sooner
                  Sorry, I thought you were being rude to me, my apology. No I am just speculating they are going to be great eps. No leaks.


                    Originally posted by prion View Post

                    I did notice that he stopped putting through comments after only a dozen or so, so perhaps his board was flaming a bit for what he posted.
                    I think he just went to sleep. There are 150 comments there now.


                      Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                      I think he just went to sleep. There are 150 comments there now.
                      Yeah I wrote a very supportive comment which is still awaiting approval, so I doubt he would not approve mine, he likely has been occupied or forgot.


                        Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                        I think he just went to sleep. There are 150 comments there now.
                        I skimmed through 'em. Best comment ever: "Blergh." Not sure what it meant, or about what, but it sorta sums up a lot


                          Originally posted by prion View Post
                          Yup, that's the one (or more politically correct people would call it 'damage control.' I first heard back when military lingo from 'Nam was making its way into movies and such.

                          Actually, there were a couple of fans who were rather immature about the whole thing.
                          Ah damage control! I've not heard that terminology for a while I think personally everyone has an off day where we're a bit ratty and need to have a good rant. I was like that yesterday, maybe there was a full moon last nite

                          Hmm, how to put this delicately... after years of seeing his blogs (this and his previous ones), posts on lists, posts on usenets, he isn't any different than a fan. He's made testy (for lack of a better word) posts about TPTB (in this case, not movies but comics), flamed at least one critic who didn't like SG1, etc.
                          You know I really don't like critic's to be honest because let's face it there is no objective critic and it's one person's view and people will either agree or disagree with that one person who has the power to write an article. So for me, if the critic can't assess the show objectively, then sorry for me it doesn't carry any more weight that someone posting on here. Take it for what it is, someone's point of view.

                          The thing is that if JM had emailed GW with the correction, then there was the potential for a huge spoiler to get out. So, like I said earlier, CYA. So when the fur potentially hits the fan after the episode airs, he doesn't have to deal with any backlash from what was not his mistake.

                          I did notice that he stopped putting through comments after only a dozen or so, so perhaps his board was flaming a bit for what he posted.
                          Oh I understand if he'd emailed Darren it would have tipped them off. I've no idea what relationship they have with each other, but i'm sure it's normally very professional. So while I do understand the dilemma and the rant. Personally i'd have never noticed if a quiet word had been said and it resulted in a change, and people such as me would never have noticed. Now though cans are open worms flying!

                          I think he must have been out or something and got a life as there's about 150 posts in there. Note I said about? Wouldn't want to be misquoted.

                          Edit: I think the blerg was something to do with the 'after birth' stuff and ummmm

                          Yukkiness ahead.

                          Eating it


                            Originally posted by TameFarrar View Post
                            This is probably my biggest annoyance with the situation. JM used his personal blog to publically ridicule GW and by extension the owner and editor of GW. Whereas on the other hand GW doesn't allow that. We take great pains to ensure JM himself is not disrespected here.

                            Had JM said..."Dang it GW has some facts messed up and that needs to be rectified* then went to deal with Darren privately I would have at least had some respect for that. JM would have been criticizing the actual reporting and not the site/editor itself/himself and shown a loyal fansite/fan a modicum of

                            Calling someone *out* is a school yard bully tactic that one wouldn't expect from a highly respected TV show exec...JMO.....
                            I agree with you whole heartedly, there were several ways to make his displeasure known without publicly calling out Gateworld.

                            He's done it before, he'll do it again. He was wittering on about the Save Daniel Jackson lot last year and I've not heard hide nor hair of them for years. But that didn't stop him pointing the finger at them for something, I forget what, even if most of the posters on his blog had no idea what he was talking about.

                            But I came here from Trek fandom and TPTB over at Paramount would never let one of their staff have the kind of interactions we have with Bridge. So it's swings and roundabouts; we get the insider info from Joe but we have to put up with Joe's own issues.



                              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                              Ah damage control! I've not heard that terminology for a while I think personally everyone has an off day where we're a bit ratty and need to have a good rant. I was like that yesterday, maybe there was a full moon last nite

                              You know I really don't like critic's to be honest because let's face it there is no objective critic and it's one person's view and people will either agree or disagree with that one person who has the power to write an article. So for me, if the critic can't assess the show objectively, then sorry for me it doesn't carry any more weight that someone posting on here. Take it for what it is, someone's point of view.

                              Oh I understand if he'd emailed Darren it would have tipped them off. I've no idea what relationship they have with each other, but i'm sure it's normally very professional. So while I do understand the dilemma and the rant. Personally i'd have never noticed if a quiet word had been said and it resulted in a change, and people such as me would never have noticed. Now though cans are open worms flying!

                              I think he must have been out or something and got a life as there's about 150 posts in there. Note I said about? Wouldn't want to be misquoted.

                              Edit: I think the blerg was something to do with the 'after birth' stuff and ummmm

                              Yukkiness ahead.

                              Eating it

                              At the end of the day, JM was accidentally misquoted. It was a mistake. JM was probably tired and fed up and blogs are for expressing our feelings, and how we feel at the time we post them. If we're peed off, then I guess it's ok for us to post our annoyance on them - I mean has anyone read Cheeky lil devil's blog? It might have been diplomatic to not mention GW by name though, especially because spoilers have now been confirmed for me! HEEEE! I don't care though. My fault for reading them.


                                Originally posted by Linzi View Post

                                At the end of the day, JM was accidentally misquoted. It was a mistake. JM was probably tired and fed up and blogs are for expressing our feelings, and how we feel at the time we post them. If we're peed off, then I guess it's ok for us to post our annoyance on them - I mean has anyone read Cheeky lil devil's blog? It might have been diplomatic to not mention GW by name though, especially because spoilers have now been confirmed for me! HEEEE! I don't care though. My fault for reading them.
                                I read it once. I think we found someone to match Peg's level of insanity. Maybe we can give JM pork chops from a flying pig.
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

