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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
    Already, finally read the Q&A.

    Hehehe...I love the Joe-Rob team-up there; twice the snark, none of the mess.

    I dream of the day when every producer gets to weigh in on an extra-long Q&A.
    Read the the Q&A and freaked the cats out with my snorting. It really wasn't ladylike.

    I know Mr M, an be a pain in the ass at times, but credit to him that he takes the time to do this for us, and last nights blog was ver squee worthy. A director and a producer on one blog! Fab, it gave us the opportunity to see things from both sides. Luffed it! Some great Q&A stuff in there. Bless Mr F for thinking of us fangirls. That shirt still needs to come off though. I'm pretty sure the forum could cope with squee overload... we might need to let Greg know in advance though, just in case we overload GW.


      Sarah writes: "Oh, Joe! I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to fangirl Robert Cooper now, because Doppelganger was the best thing ever! I think only dogs could hear the squeeing sounds that episode caused."

      RCC: Thanks for fangirling me. I think. You know when I sat down to come up with an episode for this season I started as I usually do by saying to myself, what do people like? Easy answer! Joe Flannigan. What do people like more than Joe Flannigan? Two Joe Flannigans! Beating the crap out each other!!!! This show writes itself.
      See, gotta love RCC, he does know his fans. As a sworn Sheppard-hater, I had loads of fun seeing a fight where no matter what happens, Sheppards get the crap beaten out of him!
      Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
      Yes, I am!
      Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
      Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
      Peter Pan R.I.P


        New post:

        Food talk and a mailbag. No video, food pics.

        Well, having Robert Cooper swing by to do a guest Q&A was evidently as much a treat for you as it was for me - for you because it was a nice change of pace from my usual yammering, and for me because it gave me a much-needed break from my usual yammering. And so a big thanks to Rob for taking time out of his busy weekend to come hang out. Rob, should you ever feel in an answery mood, we’d love to have you back.
        Today’s mailbag: the half-dozen or so questions that weren’t addressed to Robert Cooper…

        Irulan writes: “You said something last month about no romance outside of McKay/Brown. Care to take that back?”

        Answer: Nope.

        Elizabeth writes: “ 1) Have you ever eaten kishka? If you have, did you like it? 2) Who is your favorite Star Wars character?”

        Answers: 1) I have. 2) I did. 3) Han Solo.

        Teyilia writes: “I take it you don't want me to write the story then?”

        Answer: By all means, write away, but I can’t offer creative input.

        Kurt writes: “ Is it true that "Flightless Dove", "Bridge to Forever" and "Mr. Poopy Pants" are episode titles for the upcoming season?”

        Answer: No, but I’ve followed up on the suggestion of a recent dinner companion and will be changing the title of our season finale, The Last Man, to A Very Wraithy Summer.

        Ademaro writes: “How lovely, I'm glad you have brought some of the Hungarian culture into your life.”

        Answer: I had no choice. Both Martin Gero and Ivon Bartok have Hungarian blood in ’em. In Ivon’s case, it is partially diluted with Jack Daniels.

        Anonymous #1 writes: “would you mind answering some questions about Reunion that have been brought up by fans and a t.v. reviewer in North Carolina.
        1.Why don't the Atlantis writers move the series along in each episode?
        2.Instead of starting at the beginning of the village scene, why don't you start in the middle. You know, cut to the chase?
        3. How is the audience supposed to know that several weeks have passed since Lifeline?
        4. Even though Ronon made the decision to go with the Satedans, the decisioned was nulled by them being traitors. Your response to this?
        5. Why bother with a second jumper when the first jumper is cloaked?
        6. Doesn't Carter going off-world make Sheppard redundant?
        7. Why is Sheppard so stupid that he releases the replicator?
        8. What do you say to people who say this was a mined-out premise?”

        Answers: 1. We always try to offer a mix of arc-driven and stand-alone episodes although, in the case of season four, we definitely will be seeing more of the former. As for the complaint that there is nothing in Reunion that “moves the series along” - Carter’s assuming command of the Atlantis expedition, the episode’s B story, is a huge development that has ramifications for the series as a whole. 2. You mean why not cut into the middle of a scene and start from there? More often than not, that’s exactly what I do, but I also like to offer up these smaller moments as it’s the small moments that go a long way toward developing our characters and their relationships with one another. 3. It’s never spelled out but is strongly suggested in Sheppard-Carter scene when Sheppard refers to the I.O.A. stonewalling his attempts to mount a rescue op for Elizabeth. 4. At the end of the day, the audience knows he will not be leaving Atlantis. No surprise there. What’s surprising is that he does make a choice - and it’s not the one we expected. 5. The wraith are expecting a rescue mission so, even if Carter and co. are cloaked going in, their entry to the facility will be no less easy. However, by having the second jumper do the fly by, it not only leads the perimeter defenses away form the facilities, but lulls the interior defenses, allowing our team to take them by surprise. 6. No. Carter’s military and science background will allow her to contribute in many areas, but off-world ops and science & technology still remain Sheppard and McKay’s areas of expertise. 7. He doesn’t. When Carter leads the team in, Zelenka zeroes in on a power conduit that is immediately targeted. Once this is done, the power to the whole facility ebbs (thus the dimming lights and the flickering force shield surrounding the replicator), weakening the force shield and, ultimately, allowing the replicator to escape. 8. One could argue that scifi in general is mined-out. Yet another time travel story. Or another AU story. Or another alien invasion story. The key is finding what makes this particular story special for your characters. Take Window of Opportunity for example. One could argue that it was a mined-out story and yet, it turned out to be a fan favorite.

        Anonymous #2 writes: “The reason the whole Ronon/Keller romance is turning stomachs is because right out of the gate they seem to be shoved together…”

        Answer: True. Adrift, Lifeline, Reunion, and Doppelganger have been veritable Ronon/Keller lovefests.

        Twolly writes: “ Will the outtake you described (Joe F. taken by surprise), be on the S4 DVD's?”

        Answer: Maybe.

        Anonymous #3 writes: “What's with the weak writing and shoving Keller into every single situation?”

        Answer: Yeah, what’s with shoving the Chief Medical Officer into every situation that deals with a medical emergency? Can’t Zelenka do that?

        Crazymom writes: “Who played the clown?”

        Answer: The individual playing the clown was none other than………………………………................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ actor we hired! Surprised?
        Last edited by wurlitzer153; 21 October 2007, 03:45 PM.


          You know Joe is back when the comments getting snarky. I had to re-read the previous page and go oh thats not Joe thats Coops replying. Hehe.


            Originally posted by morjana View Post
            Wonderful dream, PG15!

            The blog was enjoyably snarkastic yesterday.

            I noticed on another blog I read daily (totally unrelated to Stargate), the blogger has attempted snarkasticy in the last couple of replies to his comments, and he's totally un-snarkastic.

            It's a talent!


            for me, i don't mind the joe snarkiness, but cooper's...




              OCTOBER 22nd


              Dog talk J Book talk.

              And speaking of sending - I finally sent Pauline off her 500 000th visitor prize: that sample of sand from the set of The Last Man. Accompanying the sand (which comes in its very own eye-catching test tube) is an Unofficial Certificate of Authenticity for immediate framing. Actually, that's not entirely true. I didn't send it. I had Lawren do it. He was still filling out the special sand custom form when I strolled by him this afternoon. "Value of item,"I overheard him murmur. "One dollar." One dollar! How can you put a price on happiness? Especially after you learn - as I did today - that this sand was re-used from the Ark of Truth set. Wow! Two shows in one. Don't you feel special, Pauline?

              Today’s pics
              : ditraveler's doggy masterpiece, The Last Man sand and accompanying unofficial certificate of authenticity, Hey! Check out Marty G.'s Stargate SG-1 The Complete Series boxset (with new and improved gate symbols!).

              Today’s video: Click on the link to see Lulu’s first day at daycare.

              Today’s mailbag:

              Zabadoo writes: “So, four great episodes in a row and counting, are you surprised of the positive fan reaction to them or were you expecting it?”

              Answer: I never know what to expect. I will say that I thought the first four were strong episodes, and feel the same about this week’s episode: Travelers.

              ARF writes: “I think it sounds like a poor defense/excuse for unoriginality.”

              Answer: I see it as an evolution of a concept created for the show - like the goa’uld, the wraith, or any other elements that have been revisited and developed over time.

              Bekki writes: “What do the Stargate Atlantis crew do with all their trash?”

              Answer: It is beamed onto hive ships. That’s why the wraith hate us so much.

              Anonymous #1 writes: “In Progeny, Niam wanted to ascend. So, is it possible for machine like him reach ascension?”

              Answering: Interesting question.

              Anonymous #2 writes: “I just wanted to ask if the enormously awkward chitchat Keller had with Carter after she announced Heightmeyer's death was an emergency medical situation?”

              Answer: Yeah, I told Robert to run any use of the Keller character by you first, but he evidently forgot to do so. I’ll have to have a talk with him.

              Anonymous #3 writes: “Just what does Keller bring to SGA that Beckett could not?”

              My Name is Scott answered: “HOW MANY times to people have to be told that Weir and Carson were NOT gotten rid of FOR Carter and Keller. The decision to bring Carter and Keller was made AFTER the decision to rid Weir and Carson... why is this hard to get?? Wow!”

              Anonymous #4 writes: “This is not an attack on jewel Staite, casting her as a junior doctor or a junior scientist or junior archaeologist may have worked but this is frankly ridiculous.”

              Answer: So, you buy the near-instantaneous travel through a wormhole? You buy the life-sucking aliens? But you have a hard time accepting the possibility of a young virtuoso?

              Kdvb1 writes: “If we want to send something to one of the main actors, would it still get to them if we send it to the studios?”

              Answer: Sure. Send it to: Stargate Atlantis - 2400 Boundary Road, Burnaby, B.C., V5M 3Z3.

              Anonymous #5 writes: “what are the best and worst aspects of working in the Sci-fi industry?”

              Answer: Best - You can be as imaginative as you want to be when coming up with new worlds, races, and situations. Worst - As a genre, it is afforded little respect from the general public


                PG15 Should Be VERY Afraid

                As for Joe's Book Club, it's actually sounding interesting. I've heard mixed reviews about Niven (big Niven fan here) and Pournelle's "The Legacy of Heorot" but from reading the premise and now from Joe's review, I'm really interested.
                Folding@Home|Babylon 5 Canon Guide

                Delenn: This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw,...or be destroyed.
                Earth Captain: Negative. We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.
                Delenn: Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.
                --Babylon 5 - "Severed Dreams"


                  Originally posted by prion View Post
                  Anonymous #4 writes: “This is not an attack on jewel Staite, casting her as a junior doctor or a junior scientist or junior archaeologist may have worked but this is frankly ridiculous.”

                  Answer: So, you buy the near-instantaneous travel through a wormhole? You buy the life-sucking aliens? But you have a hard time accepting the possibility of a young virtuoso?
                  Reminds me of the end of Ghostbusters when everyone is covered in exploded marshmallow, except for Bill Murray. In the commentary the director says how everyone (myself included) says it's totally unrealistic, and he's like, "The movie has ghost and gouls running through New York, there's a gigantic Marshmallow man, and that's the thing you find hard to believe?"


                    Oh, we're looooong past that. If it was fatal, I'd've been dead 5 times over by now.


                      I don't even want to begin to imagine the visuals to that....

                      I am so blessed! Cherriey made this cool sig; scarimor made this great Dr. Lee smilie and Spudster made another neat one Dr. Lee RULES!

                      Myn's fabulous twilight bark smilie:


                        Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                        Oh, we're looooong past that. If it was fatal, I'd've been dead 5 times over by now.
                        I think you developed imunity.
                        My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                        Sig and avi by me


                          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                          Oh, we're looooong past that. If it was fatal, I'd've been dead 5 times over by now.

                          Who says you're not?

                          I\'m for asking Darren to change your SN to "PG15's Ghost"!
                          Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                          Yes, I am!
                          Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
                          Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
                          Peter Pan R.I.P


                            Blog is up. Where are our usual suspects?

                            OK, here goes.


                            No video today.

                            Pics of the dogs and food.

                            A bit about a doctor's visit and comments from The Sopranos creator.

                            Charles Schneider writes: “How do you feel about eating fish? Any favorite in particular?”

                            Answer: I’m all for it. I’m a big fan of skate, sea bass, monkfish, and crispy trout.

                            Dustin writes: “are you not allowed taking them to work or is it just ezyer if you have to work in the office for a day doing book work writing ext to not have to look after them?”

                            Answer: Oh, I can take them to work but that would mean I would have to keep an eye on them all day long to make sure they stay out of trouble (chewing things, having “accidents”, making long-distance telephone calls, etc.)

                            Alipeeps writes: “I guess I like my high fantasy a little less wordy and with a bit more pace. Ironic, perhaps, given that, as a writer, I am terribly wordy!”

                            Answer: So what would you recommend among the high fantasy titles out there?

                            Cathain writes: “This has been bothering me, is there a reason why MGM spells Ronon's name as Ronan?”

                            Answer: Yes. It’s because they are spelling it incorrectly. I prefer Row-none myself.

                            Jill E. writes: “Was Lulu ok with all those big dogs?”

                            Answer: Yep. Although she prefers the company of small dogs, her best friend at daycare is a four month old Great Dane puppy.

                            Anonymous #1 writes: “Tabula Rasa: More humorous, or more serious and angsty?”

                            Answer: More serious. And perspirey.


                            Inpa writes: “1. If sci fi do choose to not renew the show, or to renew it how will that decision be made public? Will you mention it on here first or will Sci fi release a statement of some kind?
                            2. Do you ever consider getting famous actors (as in not just within the genre) more often to see if interest in the show or episode would be boosted?
                            3. And do you sometimes scroll around different stargate fan sites in order to get a wider perspective of the reception to the episodes or just stick to the one or two?”

                            Answers: 1. I’d wait for the official SciFi release. 2. We’re always considering atypical scifi guest stars. 3. Since I started this daily blog, I don’t have as much time to check out the different fan sites.

                            Wonder how long it will take SciFi to release....

                            Ditraveler writes: “Glad you liked it! hope Fondy liked it too.”

                            Answer: As predicted, she loves it. Thanks again.

                            Arctic Goddess writes: “Would you consider living in the United States if an American series offered you a writing position?”

                            Answer: Of course.

                            Just in time for that strike.

                            Tesajb writes: “Speaking of, have you checked your Cookie Monster email lately?”

                            Answer: I did. He wrote you back but had the email bounce back.

                            PG15 writes: “The amount of time I've spent with that flocking by my side […] it has not damaged me one bit with its fatal poisonousness or in anyway attempted to kill me…”

                            Answer: When you least expect it…

                            Is that what happened to you tonight?

                            Rebecca writes: “So, on to The Legacy of Heorot. It's interesting you mentioned Alien, because my first thought on reading the book was Alien meets Robinson Crusoe. I wonder how much of the book was influenced by that movie, at least as far as the monster goes.”

                            Answer: I don’t know but that’s a very interesting question. I believe the book came out a year after Aliens was released.

                            Anonymous #2 writes: “Have you ever tried hot chocolate?”

                            Answer: I do enjoy chili chocolate.

                            Cat4444 writes: “I also thought it was interesting that Sheppard would be getting himself pounded into the pavement by the entity, despite it being "him", but I figure it was more the "guilt" than anything and it took McKay's appearance to show him that he's not the one to blame for what happened -- “

                            Answer: That’s a great interpretation of the scene.

                            Anonymous #3 writes: “I was just curious if you'd read The Doomsday Book by Connie Willis?”

                            Answer: I haven’t although it is on my to-read list. I read To Say Nothing of the Dog an I understand that many of the same characters appear in Doomsday which is a decidedly bleaker book.

                            ZoniDuck writes: “I'm curious Joe, does SGA require a lot of ADR work, or would you say it's pretty average by industry standards?”

                            Answer: Many shows do significantly more ADR than we do.

                            Beckett Fan writes: “She 'acts' too young and insecure to have such a high position, IMHO.”

                            Answer: Keller’s insecurities stem not so much from the position but from the fact that she is the CMO of an off-world expedition.

                            Stivaria writes: “Who builds the ZedPM and Ancient Personal Shield type props, a group within the studio or an outside contractor…”

                            Answer: They were built in-house.

                            Rich S. writes: “Anyways, sorry you didnt enjoy, not every book is for everyone!”

                            Answer: True enough. I’m pleased you enjoyed it though.

                            Anonymous #4 writes: “I think the only modern writer of fantasy who does manage to maintain my interest is Clive Barker. His horror is a little too hard core for me but his dark fantasy is often brilliant.”

                            Answer: I do like his stuff. I remember reading Weaveworld and The Books of Blood ages ago.

                            Iamza writes: “So, the miraculous lifting of his symptoms, the regeneration of his nerves, the return of his sexual potency, these are things that make Thomas angry because they're indicators that he is losing his battle for sanity.”

                            Answer: That does explain why he lashes out at the his allies over the course of the adventure but, like you said, I don’t think it excuses his actions - or makes him any more sympathetic.

                            Archana S. writes: “1) How do you feel about Indian cuisine? 2) How many languages do you speak?”

                            Answers: 1) Love it. 2) 3 and some.

                            Firefly827347 writes: “I also wanted to ask if you'd like to stop by your thread on Gateworld once in a while?”

                            Answer: Awww, you shouldn’t have. I’m blushing.

                            S.B. writes: “ What do you think about Dumbeldore being gay?”

                            Answer: Meh.

                            Wolfen writes: “Hmm, I'm trying to think of fantasy books that stay far enough away from the usual formulae that you might enjoy them…”

                            Answer: Thanks for all of the recommendations. As for Jim Butcher - I’m not familiar with his work but word from the people who worked with him on Dresen is that he’s a very nice guy.

                            SciFi Slacker writes: “are we going to be seeing much of major lorne this season?”

                            Answer: Yep.

                            Irmo writes: “Do you always take a camera with you when you go out to eat?”

                            Answer: Yep.

                            Anonymous #5 writes: “And just because I can't resist please name me five 'child (or young person) genius's that have actually been successful and popular is Sci-fi?”

                            Answer: Why would whether or not another scifi show has done it before be a good argument for doing it or not doing it on our show?

                            BoomerGoodHeart writes: “Canneloni is a tube of pasta stuffed with a meat mixture, Manicotti is a tube of pasta stuffed with a cheese mixture.”

                            Answer: Hmmm. Whenever my mother made cannelloni, it was always a thin, crepe-like covering as opposed to a firmer tubular pasta shell.

                            Atlantisfannew1 a ecrit: “Je vais vous écrire une autre lettre ce week end. Il serais possible que vous me répondiez et que vous me donnez votre autographe?”

                            Reponse: Bien sur.

                            Sorry. Don't speak French.

                            Anonymous #6 writes: “Out of curiosity, now that the show is done with production, will you be taking any time off from the blog? Like a day of rest?”

                            Answer: No plans to.

                            WingedPegasus writes: “By the way, is there any chance I could have today's blog dedicated to me? It's my birthday.”

                            Answer: I advance-dedicate tomorrow’s blog to you.

                            Happy Birthday WP!
                            Sig by Luciana
                            My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                              Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                              Atlantisfannew1 a ecrit: “Je vais vous écrire une autre lettre ce week end. Il serais possible que vous me répondiez et que vous me donnez votre autographe?”

                              Reponse: Bien sur.

                              Sorry. Don't speak French.
                              Here's my rough translation (corrections welcome, I haven't taken a French class in seven years!):

                              Atlantisfannew1 wrote: I am going to write you another letter this weekend. Would it be possible for you to reply to me and send me your autograph?

                              Response: Of course.
                              "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                              My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                                Nope, no flocking deaths just yet! I just had a lab session today (Physics lab).

                                And I'm ALWAYS expecting the unexpected, so I'm safe.

