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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
    What does this mean? I am thinking either something to do with cannibals or reading. Or both!
    Um, hmm... not sure, but I think any 'homages' to Hannibal Lector are pretty much done and over with with in the media... or at least I hope they are...


      Originally posted by prion View Post
      Um, hmm... not sure, but I think any 'homages' to Hannibal Lector are pretty much done and over with with in the media...
      When has that ever stopped TPTB from trying something?


        Maybe a Wraith will feed on another Wraith...and we get to see it?


          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
          Maybe a Wraith will feed on another Wraith...and we get to see it?
          I don't want to see that!


            Originally posted by prion View Post

            Anonymous #2 writes: “Hmmm. I guess we'll know when we see how many episodes Torri's in. I'm still betting that the information certain people have is accurate.”

            Answer: Again, with all due respect, the fact that Weir is not a regular would suggest that she will be appearing in fewer episodes in season four. As for any presumed knowledge of the exact number of episodes the character will be appearing in - that’s quite a trick considering we haven’t even sat down to discuss the back half of the season.

            So maybe the four episodes rumour means 4 episodes in the first half of the season


              Originally posted by PG15 View Post
              Maybe a Wraith will feed on another Wraith...and we get to see it?
              We sorta kinda saw this...
              in Allies, when the queen fed on the humanized wraith.
              Keep Carson. Keep Elizabeth.
              Keep Atlantis.

              Lemming #14
              -Clueless Lemming Cretin-

              Image by Cailliath


                If this looks like it's misssing answers, it's because they weren't on the blog itself.


                Anonymous #1 writes: “After SG1's cancellation, Mark Stern made an announcement that one or more characters would move to SGA. That tells me "X marks the spot" where it was decided to dump Weir.”
                Answer: It breaks my heart to do this, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to burst the idealized notion you have of the magical nature of this business. Simply put “t.v. don’t work that way”. As much as I’d love to say that we were a well-oiled machine making snap decisions and moving forward two, three, sometimes four steps ahead, the truth is, at the time in question, we were scrambling. We were focused on the SG-1 finale - much, much, MUCH less on any creative impacts that would impact the following year’s Atlantis. I appreciate the compliment, but you give us way too much credit. As for the quote from Sci-Fi - this may come as a shock to some but SciFi has always liked the idea of a character from SG-1 crossing over to Atlantis as it gives them the best of both worlds. In fact, it’s common knowledge that we even considered crossing Carter over as far back as a year ago. But having a notion is one thing; actually following through to make it a reality something completely different. Of course the network would have loved to have “one or two” SG-1 characters cross over but, if this was a done deal at this point (which you seem to suggest), then why be so vague and not name the character making the move? Moreover, I’m very curious about this potential second character. Who was he/she?

                Anonymous #2 writes: “So if it wasn't Amanda Tapping, then we'd have seen Michael Shanks or Chris Judge? […] For curiosity's sake, who else were you considering besides Carter?”
                Answer: Many, many years ago, I attended “a special evening with Sherwood Schwartz and Bob Denver”. Sherwood was, of course, the creator of Gilligan’s Island and Bob it’s star. It was an fun and informal opportunity for fans to hear about some of the behind-the-scenes goings-on, discuss burning issues such as The Professor’s spectacular ability to cobble most anything together EXCEPT a sea-worthy boat, and answer trivia questions for prizes (Quick! What was the name of Gilligan’s favorite band?). One of the questions that came up during the Q&A touched on the actors originally cast in the pilot - who didn’t end up making the cut when the show went to series. Sherwood refused to answer the question out of respect for said actors. Even though there was no audition process in this case (in fact, the other performers we considered didn’t even know we were considering them), it would be bad form for me to name names.

                Anonymous #3 writes: “Is that midseason two parter a crossover episode with SG-1?”
                Answer: Nope.

                Anonymous #4 writes: “What does the sarcastic 8-ball say about the chances of seeing Kinsey in a movie?”


                Anonymous #5 writes: “And do you think you'll ever get the chance to write an SG-1 movie?”
                Answer: If these two movies prove successful and we get future orders for more and provided I’m not busy with another production - I’d love to.

                Anonymous #6 writes: “Did the news that SG1 is canceled affect in any way the decisions you are making about the stories in Atlantis?”

                Shawna writes: “What comic book supervillains' powers would the main Atlantis characters have?”
                Answer: I’ll pair the characters with their supervillainish counterparts and you can figure out the powers yourselves. Sheppard = Deadpool, McKay = Brainiac, Ronon = Kraven the Hunter, Teyla = Elektra.

                Iamza writes: “Of all the Stargate Atlantis scripts (all seasons) you've been involved with, which has been your personal favourite so far?”

                Linzi writes: “Adrift (desperation), Lifeline (gamble), Reunion (roots), Travelers (rivalry), Missing (missing). Is that the order you expect the episodes to air in?”Answer: Yes.

                Ankhmutes writes: “I was wondering if there were any plans to continue the Ford story arc.”
                Answer: No Ford stories in the works so far.

                Grey writes: “I had a costume question, mostly because it was the only thing that was visually irking me in "First Strike", are the SG-1 type uniforms here to stay?”
                Answer: Check out the new and improved Atlantis uniforms in season 4. As for the jalapeno jelly you mentioned - I love jalapeno AND habanero jelly.

                NightSpring writes: “I know you must be tired of hearing questions about Weir by now, but can you at least tell us if we will be seeing her at all in the first half of S4?”
                Answer: Yes, she will.


                  Originally posted by prion View Post
                  Anonymous #1 writes: “After SG1's cancellation, Mark Stern made an announcement that one or more characters would move to SGA. That tells me "X marks the spot" where it was decided to dump Weir.”
                  Answer: It breaks my heart to do this, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to burst the idealized notion you have of the magical nature of this business. Simply put “t.v. don’t work that way”. As much as I’d love to say that we were a well-oiled machine making snap decisions and moving forward two, three, sometimes four steps ahead, the truth is, at the time in question, we were scrambling. We were focused on the SG-1 finale - much, much, MUCH less on any creative impacts that would impact the following year’s Atlantis. I appreciate the compliment, but you give us way too much credit. As for the quote from Sci-Fi - this may come as a shock to some but SciFi has always liked the idea of a character from SG-1 crossing over to Atlantis as it gives them the best of both worlds. In fact, it’s common knowledge that we even considered crossing Carter over as far back as a year ago. But having a notion is one thing; actually following through to make it a reality something completely different. Of course the network would have loved to have “one or two” SG-1 characters cross over but, if this was a done deal at this point (which you seem to suggest), then why be so vague and not name the character making the move? Moreover, I’m very curious about this potential second character. Who was he/she?
                  I like this response. Answers three of my questions.

                  And although I can already hear some Weir fans inferring from this, that indeed Weir was always going to be replaced by Carter; I read it to mean they (tptb) wanted to have their cake (Weir) and eat it (Carter) too.

                  I think people should really be refocusing their ranting voices at SciFi, it would seem from this that unless you would rather no Atlantis at all that the cast changes start and possibly end with what the network wanted not so much with what tptb at Bridge Studios wanted. *but I guess we will never fully know*



                    NightSpring writes: “Carter's a done deal. […] On the other hand, we could possibly handle that if we weren't also losing Torri. Why is there not room for both of them to do 14 or so episodes??”
                    Answer: At the risk of repeating myself, it’s not an either or situation. The addition of Carter wasn’t the reason we decided to take Weir in a new direction.

                    Anonymous #1 writes: “Basically, we're getting Carter on Atlantis because Scifi wanted a crossover. That is what you're saying, right?”
                    Answer: Wrong. That isn’t what I’m saying. If you’re wondering whether the only reason we’re bringing Carter aboard because SciFi requested it, the answer is no. If you’re wondering whether SciFi and the production both support the idea of bringing Carter aboard, the answer is yes.

                    Anonymous #2 writes: “What kind of ratings numbers do you think the last half of season three needs to get in order for season five to go ahead?”
                    Answer: No idea.

                    Kellie writes: “ When writing about a subject matter or culture that isn't highly familiar to you (excluding made-up aliens for whom you can call all the shots) what sort of research do you do to lend its expression an authentic voice and avoid clichés?”
                    Answer: Our meticulous research involves hours of online investigation, countless library visits, and the occasional necessity to ship office assistant Lawren Bancroft-Wilson to distant lands so that we can experience exotic, often alarming, customs vicariously through him.

                    Ankhmutes writes: “According to Hewlett's blog, the team is wearing leather in S4. He may have been teasing us... but those of us in the shallow end of the pool are hoping he isn't.”
                    Answer: He isn’t.

                    GrapsofWraith writes: “Also, have you ever thought of making lyrics to the Atlantis theme?”
                    Answer: Paul was working on them. I remember him getting as far as: “Weee’re in Atlaaantis. Wee’re under waaaater….”

                    Anonymous #3 writes: “Are there any gate stories in the works for Season 4?”
                    Answers: Gate issues complicate matters in the first two episodes.

                    Anonymous #4 writes: “What does your sarcastic 8 ball say about the possibility of the Trust/exNID in Atlantis (again)?”
                    Sarcastic 8 Ball says: Not a chance.

                    Anonymous #5 writes: “Since that was the first any fans had heard of a move of character, and since the Beckett and Weir "going" rumors didn't surface until fall, everyone pretty much assumed the command to bump the two and replace them came from Skiffy execs (in their infinite wisdom).”
                    Answer: Right. And, as I pointed out in yesterday’s response, it was an erroneous assumption. Glad I could clear that up for you.

                    Anonymous #6 writes: “Will there be any McKay whumping or angst in season 4?”
                    Answer: No season would be complete without some McKay whumping. And you can count on some McKay angst as well, compliments of Pretty Boy Gero.

                    Anonymous #7 writes: “So I have to ask if are we going to see Morena Baccarin (Adria) in the first movie? And are there also plans for the Doci appearing in this movie?”
                    Answer: It’s possible. And - it’s possible. Not necessarily in that order.

                    Anonymous #8 writes: “If you don't know how many episodes Weir will be in because the back half of season 4 hasn't been written yet, how do you know that Amanda will be in 14 episodes?”
                    Answer: I know because Amanda has a series deal for season four.

                    TauriSith writes: “Is Elzabeth going to be horribly injured, ascend, and then be a recurring character?”
                    Answer: No.

                    Anonymous #9 writes: “1) Will be seeing more of Michael and 2) Will that Common Ground Wraith be returning?”
                    Answer: Looking good.

                    Think the Weir/carter questions are done to death (alas) and answering them just avoids answering other questions


                      *throws hands up in the air* I give up I have no idea what the frak is going on anymore with this show. So Joe is basically saying although it (Carter to Atlantis) was a SciFi idea it still has 100% backing from tptb at Bridge? Or is he saying it was a mutual decision in the first place but has nothing to do with Weir being written out differently for season 4? *I'm so confused* Or is it a case of not biting the hand *cough* SciFi *cough* that ultimately feeds you?

                      As for more McKay whump/angst! Jeez why don't they just have done with it and kill him already.... B******s!!


                        Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                        *throws hands up in the air* I give up I have no idea what the frak is going on anymore with this show. So Joe is basically saying although it (Carter to Atlantis) was a SciFi idea it still has 100% backing from tptb at Bridge? Or is he saying it was a mutual decision in the first place but has nothing to do with Weir being written out differently for season 4? *I'm so confused* Or is it a case of not biting the hand *cough* SciFi *cough* that ultimately feeds you?
                        I think it went something like this:

                        [at the beginning of / during SG-1's S9]

                        SCIFI: "Hey, we'd really love to have an SG-1 character on Atlantis one day."
                        TPTB: "Yeah, we've been thinking about that also. Who would you like to see?"
                        SCIFI: "Carter seems to be a perfect fit to the McKay character."
                        TPTB: "Yeah, sure, AT is is easy to work with. Once we decide how we can justify her not being on SG-1 anymore."

                        [several months pass]

                        SCIFI: "Hey, our market research shows that Weir is not liked very much. How hard would it be to write her out of the show?"
                        TPTB: "Yeah, we tried but we still don't really know how to include the Weir character better into the show. We can have a reasonable way to get rid of her at the end of S3."
                        SCIFI: "Great."

                        [some weeks/months later]

                        SCIFI: "Hey, we cancel SG-1."
                        TPTB: "What a great idea! (snort)"

                        [some weeks later]

                        SCIFI: "Let's come back to AT. She still has a contract so now would be a fine time to write her into Atlantis."
                        TPTB: "Nothing easier than that. The fans are going to love this."

                        [several weeks with major fan complaints later]

                        JM in his blog: "The decisions have been made a long time ago. The decisions are not linked. We like your [the fans'] input but it's too late for that. We still think it's a good idea, and only time will tell."
                        No, 'Eureka' is Greek for 'This bath is too hot.'

                        "Because only an extremely deranged individual would think of doing what we're doing."
                        (LOST producer Damon Lindelof, May 2007)


                          relevant stuff

                          March 8

                          We had our second read-through today. Jason was feeling under the weather and unable to attend, so I had my sights set on playing the part of Ronon. Unfortunately, I was called out of the room just as everybody was settling and, by the time I returned, director Martin Wood had stolen the role. All in all, I thought he did an alright job but lacked some of the rough passion and underlying pathos I would have undoubtedly brought to the role. Best impromptu line during the read came from Jewel who, in response to David Hewlett’s “You’re not a real doctor”taunt, countered: “I’m a mechanic, not a doctor.”

                          John Treman writes: “Will Vala be used to the exclusion of everyone else in the movies? I've really grown tired of seeing her front and center so much these last two years. No one else even has any story or part in the show.”

                          Answer: You’re right. With the exception Morpheus, Pegasus Project, Insiders, Uninvited, 200, Counterstrike, Company of Thieves, Quest I and II, Line in the Sand, Road Not Taken, The Shroud, Bad Guys, Bounty, and significant chunks of Flesh and Blood, season 10 was all about Vala. Expect more of the same in the movies.

                          Vaberella writes: “1)Are we going to find out more on Wraith children? 2) Is it possible that Teyla's dad was macking a Wraith Queen?”

                          Answer: 1) We may. 2) Unlikely.

                          Anne writes: “Is creative control mostly left to the show's production staff?”

                          Answer: Yes.

                          Prior_of_the_Ori: “I was wondering whether the creatures of Micheal in Vengeance will make an appearance in season 4? Also, will we find out the 'Plan' the Asurans had in 'dealing with the Wraith' that was mentioned when the Atlantis Expedition first encountered them? Or any possible Wraith and Asuran encounters happening?”

                          French 8 Ball says: C’est possible.

                          Night Spring writes: “Hi! First, you attributed a question to me that was posted by someone else. Second, I've been wondering about the different uniforms on Atlantis. Who decides when to change them, and is there any rhyme or reason to the changes?”

                          Answer: First - sorry about that. Second - they are simply streamlined versions of the existing uniforms.

                          Foolishpleasure writes: “If SG1 had been renewed, what would have happened to Carter? […]Would Weir still be a reg on SGA, or would she have been dumped no matter what?”

                          Answer: Re: Carter - not sure. Re: Weir - we would have made the same decision.

                          Anonymous #1 writes: “In Damien Kindler's interview at GateWorld he was reluctant to offer his opinion on Unending. Is there something to be worried about in it, and more importantly, what is you opinion on SG-1's last episode?”

                          Answer: I don’t think there’s anything to be particular “worried” about. As for my opinion - I liked it a lot.

                          Iamza writes: “Any chance that the next few seasons of SGA could have more than just the twenty episodes apiece?”

                          Answer: Nope. That’s SciFi’s call.

                          MaryBeth writes: “You've pretty much confirmed that Torri is without a contract for season four. So why doesn't someone with the guts to make a decision do something about that?”

                          Answer: Uh, we did make a decision. You simply disagree with it.

                          Anonymous #2 writes: “Rob Cooper is coming to the Vancouver Creation Con in a couple weeks. Any chance you'll stop by as well?”

                          Answer: No. The other writers and I are very busy with the show and couldn‘t possibly find the time to attend. Also, we weren’t invited.

                          Anonymous #2 also writes: “Will he be able to spill the beans on RDA being in the movies?”

                          Answer: If he has any information to relay, I’m sure he will.


                          Well, as to the most-asked question about Torri, it's now "we would have made the same decision." instead of "a decision was made." so it [I]sounds[I] like the decision came from the production staff.


                            Originally posted by prion View Post
                            relevant stuff


                            Well, as to the most-asked question about Torri, it's now "we would have made the same decision." instead of "a decision was made." so it [I]sounds[I] like the decision came from the production staff.
                            JM could quite easily be using the collective 'we' here. We still don't know a lot about anything, so it's just speculation!!!It could well have been decided because of a number of factors. Don't forget the network has a big input into decisions concerning the show. So, even if they didn't come up with the idea, and we don't know for sure they didn't, they obviously agreed and supported the decision anyway. We really don't know any more than we did previously as to the reasoning behind 'the change of direction' for Weir. We may never know either. Maybe Torri doesn't want anyone knowing too. Who knows?


                              Originally posted by prion View Post
                              Best impromptu line during the read came from Jewel who, in response to David Hewlett’s “You’re not a real doctor”taunt, countered: “I’m a mechanic, not a doctor.”
                              Cool Firefly reference. I googled this term, and it seems to come from Star Trek, although I could have sworn JS (as Kaylee) said it on Firefly once. I could imagine some kind of subtle Firefly reference like this in S4. I'd even welcome it.

                              MaryBeth writes: “You've pretty much confirmed that Torri is without a contract for season four. So why doesn't someone with the guts to make a decision do something about that?”

                              Answer: Uh, we did make a decision. You simply disagree with it.
                              We know Weir is going to be in at least one ep in S4, but after the many Torri questions I'm still wondering why Joe is so reluctant to say, "Okay, it looks like she'll be in only [insert number] episode(s) in the first half of SGA." I don't care much for Weir, but I'm still completely in the dark of what to expect. (On the other hand, I'll survive not knowing. And I won't bug JM as he won't/can't give answers.)


                              Well, as to the most-asked question about Torri, it's now "we would have made the same decision." instead of "a decision was made." so it [I]sounds[I] like the decision came from the production staff.
                              IMO, the subtext of those answers could also be reversed to say

                              "we would have made the same decision" (because that's what SCIFI suggested and we agreed with them, or because they are the money source and have the final say)


                              "a decision was made" (by us and only us, the creative producers).

                              I'd still go with that JM+gang interchanged ideas with SCIFI (and maybe MGM) with where to take SGA in S4, and what we have now is a kind of final consensus. If you(gen) hate the new direction, you'd have to hate TPTB *and* the network and also the viewers offering their opinions in market research.
                              Last edited by sgeureka; 09 March 2007, 04:42 AM. Reason: clarification
                              No, 'Eureka' is Greek for 'This bath is too hot.'

                              "Because only an extremely deranged individual would think of doing what we're doing."
                              (LOST producer Damon Lindelof, May 2007)


                                Originally posted by sgeureka View Post

                                We know Weir is going to be in at least one ep in S4, but after the many Torri questions I'm still wondering why Joe is so reluctant to say, "Okay, it looks like she'll be in only [insert number] episode(s) in the first half of SGA." I don't care much for Weir, but I'm still completely in the dark of what to expect. (On the other hand, I'll survive not knowing. And I won't bug JM as he won't/can't give answers.)
                                I think you've hit the nail on the head here. JM obviously doesn't want to or is legally obliged not to divulge the reasons why. For example, if market research showed Weir to be a generally unpopular character, and it was decided by whoever to axe her, wouldn't you try and protect your actor from the world getting to know that? Because I would, if I were producer. I genuinely believe JM doesn't know exactly how many episodes Weir will be in altogether. Obviously he knows how many Weir will be in for the first 10 episodes, but he can't or won't say. It is pretty obvious to me, that it's not going to be many episodes by the fact that she's been demoted to recurring. Certainly, the episode being filmed at the moment doesn't appear to have Weir in it, but that's an episode that's scheduled to be shown later in the season anyway.
                                Originally posted by sgeureka View Post
                                IMO, the subtext of those answers could also be reversed to say

                                "we would have made the same decision" (because that's what SCIFI suggested and we agreed with them, or because they are the money source and have the final say)


                                "a decision was made" (by us and only us, the creative producers).

                                I'd still go with that JM+gang interchanged ideas with SCIFI (and maybe MGM) with where to take SGA in S4, and what we have now is a kind of final consensus. If you(gen) hate the new direction, you'd have to hate TPTB *and* the network and also the viewers offering their opinions in market research.
                                I think that's a logical deduction.

