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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by prion View Post
    actually, there was a case of a woman who did respond to one of those nigerian emails - got the FBI involved and they busted the guy!
    Really, I didn't know that. I guess that makes 2 people.


      i know folks that respond to the phising ones....and give them fake info just to screw with thier heads
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        July 15

        Photos: All the books Joe has read since Hiatus started.

        Write-Up: Joe lends a hand to the fans and attends "The Timeless Legendary Gathering of Fans and Friends", formerly "Timeless Destinations", formerly Gatecon, the first Stargate Convention; created by fans FOR the fans. It had to scale back due to poor attendance, so it might disappear in a few years. Catch it while you still can.

        Also, Joe finishes the hiatus with a final book count, a thought of Stargate-things to come, and of course, the hope of that one special new book coming out on July 21st. Oh yes.

        Oh, and another book, I suppose.


        Anlaria Onyx writes: “Do you know what kind of extra features Season 3 of SGA will have? And does buying the seasons help ratings?”

        Answer: I don’t and while buying the DVD’s doesn’t help ratings, it certainly motivates MGM to keep producing the show.

        Crazymom writes: “Who was Vala's father referring to when he told Landry he had a friend who spoke highly of them?”

        Answer: Just one of the many off-world victims of the goa’uld SG-1 has helped over the years.

        Karen writes: “How do the episodes get matched to a director?”

        Answer: At the beginning of the year, we set the directors schedule and then, as scripts are written, they are slotted into that schedule. It has less to do with marrying a specific episode to a specific director as it does timing related to construction and actor availability.

        Anonymous #1 writes: “Who is Fondy's favorite character on Stargate Atlantis?”

        Answer: Rodney McKay.


        Anonymous #2 writes: “Is it true that Carter takes command again of SG-1 as the actor that plays Mitchell won't be around for any future movies?”

        Answer: Nope.

        Where the hell do they come up with this crap?!

        JohnManzione writes: “Joe, It seems as though my questions are being passed over of late. I hope I didn't ask anything that ticked you off.”

        Answer: No, nothing personal. It was probably a question I couldn’t answer or wasn’t in a position to answer.

        Anonymous #3 writes: “Have you read any of the essays in “Reading Stargate SG-1”?”

        Answer: I haven’t. Anything of interest?


          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
          Anonymous #1 writes: “Who is Fondy's favorite character on Stargate Atlantis?”

          Answer: Rodney McKay.

          The woman has class!

          Anonymous #2 writes: “Is it true that Carter takes command again of SG-1 as the actor that plays Mitchell won't be around for any future movies?”

          Answer: Nope.

          Where the hell do they come up with this crap?!
          Wishfull thinking, I guess!
          Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
          Yes, I am!
          Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
          Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
          Peter Pan R.I.P


            Woah, what's happening at Joe's blog today? A half-a-dozen comments were deleted after they got posted, by Joe.


              Originally posted by PG15 View Post
              Woah, what's happening at Joe's blog today? A half-a-dozen comments were deleted after they got posted, by Joe.
              Very interesting....



                July 16...Back to work!

                Photos: None today, sorry.

                Write-Up: A little confusion of Gatecon's identity, but problem solved; back to work schedule: Prepping for The Kindred, Part 1:

                1400: Concept Meeting for Atl. Ep. #414 “The Kindred Pt. 1”

                1530: Art Department Meeting for Atl. Ep. #414 “The Kindred Pt. 1”

                1630: Costume Meeting for Atl Ep. #414 “The Kindred Pt. 1”

                1715: Props Meeting for Atl. Ep. #414 “The Kindred Pt. 1”
                And, as I predicted, spoilers, spoilers, and more spoilers:

                The morning was mercifully free and clear, allowing the writers plenty of time to debrief one another on our respective vacations. We watched the director’s cut of Spoils of War (I’m so glad I ate my breakfast before sitting down to watch that wraith birthing scene), then gave/got notes on The Kindred Pt. 1 (just a few page notes and a suggestion for a Caldwell scene), which took us to lunch.


                The concept meeting was fabulous - as far as concept meetings go. First A.D. Bill Mizel was at his curmudgeony best, leading us through the narrative masterpiece, occasionally stopping to interject his misgivings about fire gags, background extras, and the confusing misuse of the term “CG wraith” which it turns out does NOT stand for Computer Generated.

                The Art Department meeting was rescheduled to tomorrow morning and the Props meeting moved up. As usual, Evil Kenny did the honors promising knives, bantos rods, and plenty of bling.

                We took a break so that I could sign off on the new opening credit sequence (everyone else had already given Zoic the thumbs up), and then it was back to the boardroom for the Costume meeting. Val brought in photos of Rachel modeling Teyla’s new off-world outfit. Unfortunately, the lighting downstairs is terrible and made the long coat look like a garish pink and purple crocodile skin. “Geez,”he muttered, “this looks like something David Arquette would wear!” But I’m pleased to say that, by meeting’s end, we’d got it all sorted out.
                Also, Jewel Staite may be coming to Comic Con, so sayeth Joe. Oh, and how I can I forget this:

                Between all of the first-day-back madness, I did manage to get some mailing done (PG15, your package is on its way) and did find time to unpack the gift awaiting me: one plush pug compliments of Kath from Baltimore. Thanks Kat from Baltimore.


                Zabadoo writes: “1.)Will we ever see Jack O'Neill retire? 2.)Are there any plans to bring Maybourne back into the picture in any of the SG-1 movies? 3.)Are we going to see any crazy awesome x-302/wraith dart fights in the near future? 4.)Do the Asurans have small ships like Wraith darts or X-302's?”

                Answers: 1) Not any time soon. 2) Not at present. 3) That remains to be seen. 4) Possibly.

                Keirberos writes: “Are there any projects you've worked on over the years and looked back on as being decidedly odd? The kind that might leave SG fans blinking a few times as your name pops up?”

                Answer: Paul and I wrote a couple of episodes for a show called The Lost World. I remember reading years ago that producers of the show had planned a third season of the show, a third season which would be comprised of “the best of seasons one and two”. I found that to be a very interesting marketing spin. I didn’t hear anything about a season four, but I suspect it was comprised of “the best of season three and whatever was leftover from season’s one and two”.

                Desertrose writes: “I don't understand how you people, TPTB of Stargate, don't love all the characters you write for and were created by you equally. Everybody always says Rodney McKay is their favorite (…) know other show creators/producers/writers who love all the characters they've created equally, show respect to every one of them (…) Maybe you people could bond with producers of other shows to see how it's done.”

                Answer: Um, someone asked me who MY WIFE’s favorite character was. She said Rodney McKay. But thanks for playing.

                Anonymous #1 writes: “Have tried to talk to him about my concerns and why you can't write like that, but the considered answer I received was summed up as "Everybody else does it"…”

                Answer: I think it may be best if he just finds out for himself. It will be a humbling but very valuable experience.


                Anonymous #2 writes: “ I had a question about how much leeway, in terms of time, do you give a guest star to be able arrange their schedule in order to be in an episode?”

                Answer: We try to be as flexible as possible given the fairly tight production schedule we have to work with. In instances where the actor will simply be unavailable to us, we rewrite the script.

                Siba writes: “Who bestows the titles upon the episodes? Who has the last word??
                and: Do you watch Sanctuary?”

                Answer: The writer comes up with the title for the episode he is writing. Occasionally, if he has a hard time, we all chip in. And - haven’t seen it.

                Anonymous #3 writes: “Will this change Rodney's relationship with Katie?”

                Answer: Rodney’s relationship with Kate will evolve in season four.

                Uber writes: “I apologize for causing you problems on your blog. I enjoy confronting people who I see as being fairly rude with a reasoned response, seasoned with a little snark…”

                Answer: No apology necessary. I try to include a variety of opinions on my blog but all too often it’s a slippery slope. Fans criticize characters causing other fans to criticize the critics causing the critics to criticize a certain fan base causing members of that fan base to criticize members of the other fan base causing members of the other fan base to criticize certain posters causing certain posters to defend themselves and take shots at their critics who take shots back. After a while, it just gets tiresome so I ended up deleting a bunch of posts making up part of that general debate.


                  I'm surprised that Joe didn't respond to the comment about Sheppard getting a regulation haircut now that Carter is in command of Atlantis. The Shep Whumpers sure pounced on that suggestion fast with their funny picture about "teh hair." If this was real life, Sheppard would need a haircut, but this is a fictional show and if Joe Flannigan doesn't want a brush cut, he isn't going to get one. It was funny to watch the cheeky lil' devil whumpers come out though.


                    Originally posted by Redhooks View Post
                    I'm surprised that Joe didn't respond to the comment about Sheppard getting a regulation haircut now that Carter is in command of Atlantis. The Shep Whumpers sure pounced on that suggestion fast with their funny picture about "teh hair." If this was real life, Sheppard would need a haircut, but this is a fictional show and if Joe Flannigan doesn't want a brush cut, he isn't going to get one. It was funny to watch the cheeky lil' devil whumpers come out though.
                    Even us whumpers won't whump his hair.
                    My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                      Originally posted by Redhooks View Post
                      I'm surprised that Joe didn't respond to the comment about Sheppard getting a regulation haircut now that Carter is in command of Atlantis. The Shep Whumpers sure pounced on that suggestion fast with their funny picture about "teh hair." If this was real life, Sheppard would need a haircut, but this is a fictional show and if Joe Flannigan doesn't want a brush cut, he isn't going to get one. It was funny to watch the cheeky lil' devil whumpers come out though.

                      the confusing misuse of the term “CG wraith” which it turns out does NOT stand for Computer Generated.
                      I thought the CG Wraith was in BAMSR. Does this mean he's back?
                      Sig by Luciana
                      My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                        Originally posted by NowIWillDestroyAbydos View Post
                        With today's blog post, I think can safely say that Joe is a nut case (because he's the only person I know who responds to spam e-mails)

                        "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                        My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post

                          I thought the CG Wraith was in BAMSR. Does this mean he's back?
                          I've asked Joe about it; hopefully he'll answer it.

                          But really, by the really really not-subtle hint of Joe's line about "CG" not being Computer Generated, I think we can be pretty damn sure that the Common Ground Wraith is back.


                            Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                            I've asked Joe about it; hopefully he'll answer it.
                            I keep asking him if the Travelers will be back later in the season too. But, he won't answer my question. If they are supposed to be a big, new race, they should be in at least another episode. Maybe the finale or the story that hasn't been decided on yet? I can only hope.


                              Originally posted by Redhooks View Post
                              I'm surprised that Joe didn't respond to the comment about Sheppard getting a regulation haircut now that Carter is in command of Atlantis. The Shep Whumpers sure pounced on that suggestion fast with their funny picture about "teh hair." If this was real life, Sheppard would need a haircut, but this is a fictional show and if Joe Flannigan doesn't want a brush cut, he isn't going to get one. It was funny to watch the cheeky lil' devil whumpers come out though.
                              Eek, wash your keyboard off with soap! If I want reality, I'll turn on the news... The hair stays. Must stay. 'Teh hair," as some call it, is, er, appealing.......



                                July 17

                                : Restaurant and food.

                                Write-Up: Restaurant review.


                                Firefly827347 writes: “Was just wondering if we'll be seeing much of Chuck Campbell in season 4?”

                                Answer: He’ll still be around.

                                Uber writes: “I remember you saying awhile back that you believed the credits would be similar stylistically to the one used the last two years. Were there any surprises (pleasant ones, of course) or did it turn out pretty much like you expected?”

                                Answer: There were no surprises because we were the ones to suggest the shots changed and added.

                                Uber also writes: “Is there a chance that we'll be able to see it prior to the new season?”

                                Answer: Sorry. At present there are no plans to release the new opening credit sequence early.

                                PG 15 writes: “Oh, and I can't wait for that package!! Just a note poisonous is it, exactly? I mean, the actors would have to act near them, so I'm thinking breathing a lot near it is not a problem?”

                                Answer: It’s of minimal poisonosity, but it really depends what you mean by “a lot”.

                                PG15 writes: “As you said, Season 4 is more arc-based (ok, you may not have said that, but it was implied); how arc-based is it? For instance, if I miss an episode, would I be lost come the next one?”

                                Answer: You wouldn’t be lost. We still try to keep the episodes as self-contained as possible. That said, we’ll be making use of the “previously on” feature whenever necessary.

                                Redhooks writes: “Will the Travelers appear in a third episode near the end of the season?”

                                Answer: You’ll have to watch BAMSR to find out.

                                Promogirl writes: “Many times the directors talk about the difficulty in keeping scenes in the briefing room fresh (from a shooting perspective). Was there ever any talk of replacing it with a new set? Any chance it was replaced for the movies?”

                                Answer: No and no.

                                Glennh73 writes: “Are we going to see the gate malfuction anytime soon,I always enjoyed those episodes.”

                                Answer: One gate malfunction coming up. Check out This Mortal Coil.

                                M writes: “Do the actors/cast of SGA ever have clauses that say that they should 1) avoid certain strenous exercise 2) keep certain appearances (eg hair length etc)? I guess I've just been curious since Mr Flanigan has hinted that he's not supposed to do extreme sports etc.”

                                Answer: It’s funny you should mention this as Mr. F. is presently suffering from a sprained wrist that may curtail his bantos swinging.

                                Woah...Seaon 3 Arrested Development flashback!

                                Anonymous #1 writes: “Is there any story you wished could of been told that wasnt or any storyline you wish you could of added too? Like Daniels Grandpap or the Ashen?”

                                Answer: Nothing really comes to mind.

                                Zabadoo writes: “1.)What was the worst thing about working in children's television? 2.)Are there any drawbacks on writing for Stargate? 3.)Will there be even any mention of Ford in the next season? It just seems that not only is he in any other episodes, but he also isn't spoken of. 4.)Will fourth season episodes dealing with the Wraith or the Asurans be mainly dialogue-based or action-based? Any "Reckoning" style episodes in the near future for Atlantis?”

                                Answers: 1) Being forced to dumb down scripts because producers generally underestimated the intelligence of children. 2) Not sure what you mean by drawbacks. 3) No mention of Ford so far. 4) More weighted toward action but studded with scintillating dialogue. BAMSR.

                                MsStargate writes: “Which episode will Amanda be making her debut?”

                                Answer: Episode #1 - Adrift.

                                Kath writes: “ 1.Have you ever brought the pugs to work? 2. How long have you and Paul been writing partners, and how did you meet?”

                                Answers: 1. If my dogs came to work, I’d be constantly worried about them wandering off. Once, way back in season four, Jelly made a run for it. I chased around the parking lot for a good ten minutes before Rick strolled over, scooped her up, and handed her over. 2) Seems like forever. We met in a creative writing class.

                                Anonymous #2 writes: “I was curious why Brad isn't joining Rob at Comic Con, or having a separate Continuum panel?”

                                Answer: Ark of Truth will be released first so the focus of the pnale will be on the first movie.

                                Agent Dark writes: “Just curious as to why Carter wears an Atlantis expedition uniforms rather than her Air Force dress uniform?”

                                Answer: She wears an Atlantis uniform because she will be a member of the Atlantis possessing both military and civilian authority.

                                Atlantisfannew1 a ecrit: “Dans la saison 4 ont verra beaucoup les geniis??”

                                Answer: Pas beaucoup. Mais peut-etre un peu.

                                Rough translation:

                                Atlantisfannew1 writes: Are we going to see a lot of Genii in Season 4?

                                Answer: Not much, but maybe a little

                                Kiwigater writes: “Does it feel weird not having SG1 up and running around you now that you're back from hiatus?”

                                Answer: It does. Especially when lunch time rolls around and we no longer have a choice between TWO catering trucks.

                                Anonymous #4 writes: “ Is the Sam Carter that's going to be on Atlantis in season 4 an AU Sam?”

                                Answer: Uh, no.

                                Anonymous #5 writes: “When will you know for sure if Atlantis will have a season 5?”

                                Answer: Anytime between now and this this winter.

                                Alipeeps writes: “If I beg really pitifully could you cheer me up with some enticing Season 4 gossip?”

                                Answer: Hmmmm. Gossip? Well, we were just watching a scene in which Sheppard and Teyla have a bit of a heated exchange. Interesting, no?


