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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
    OMG Ali! Votre français est vraiment excellent
    Tu pense? Tbh, I had a moment of confusion/terror at the prospect of a subjunctive verb in that sentence (not to mention the future conditional!) but I threw caution to the winds and just went for it... and all without the safety net of my trusty verb tables (which are at work!)... and no doubt got it completely wrong anyhow... but it was good enough to fool Joe!


      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      Tu pense? Tbh, I had a moment of confusion/terror at the prospect of a subjunctive verb in that sentence (not to mention the future conditional!) but I threw caution to the winds and just went for it... and all without the safety net of my trusty verb tables (which are at work!)... and no doubt got it completely wrong anyhow... but it was good enough to fool Joe!
      LOL! J'en suis certaines Tu parles superbement bien. I think he was a bit shocked And yes, your french is probably better than his but we won't say that out loud bc he's THE SHOW RUNNER NOW!


        Maybe Alipeeps has been practicing, for the chance to speak to Joe F in French

        my fanfic


          Originally posted by PG15 View Post

          June 25

          Anonymous #6 writes: “How much say do female Guest Stars have in their wardrobe? If they are uncomfortable in a revealing outfit, will the costume department make it more conservative? Or will TPTB say "we need that male 18 to 25 year old demographic," get another actress?”

          Answer: The costume department designs and makes the wardrobe for a given episode and will make whatever necessary alterations to ensure the actor or actress is comfortable. We have never made any costume decisions based on any desire to appeal to a certain demographic, nor have we ever replaced a performer for as silly a reason as you’ve suggested.

          Something tells me this won't be enough evidence to disuade some fans...
          I think a lot of fans, me included sometimes, think actors and actresses have similar likes and dislikes that we do. Because we wouldn't dress that provocatively or liberally, we think the actors and actresses we like should have the same attitude and blame TPTB. But that is an illusion.

          I don't think many actors/actresses would be in the business if they did not like the attention that being a performer brings to them. Thus, most dress less conservatively than the average person to get attention.

          That being said, I think the costumes of some guest stars don't make sense in the larger picture. The one example I can think of right now is the first officer of the Aurora. If you watch the episode again, none of the other female Ancients has a similar no-sleeve top/tunic whatever, just her. Why? Although I am using our militaries' idea of regulation uniforms onto the Ancient's military, I think this principle still applies to them. I just think that more attention should be brought to those inconsistancies, because it messes with my sense of order. Of course other fans are probably thinking, huh? But that is my somewhat long-winded opinion about why this question was asked to Joe.


            Originally posted by PG15 View Post
            Shep and McKay's bedrooms!! Yes, that's an "s" at the end, they do have separate bedrooms.

            Sorry slashers.
            Well of course they have separate rooms! Have you seen John's hair? He needs a room all his own just for the hair products! McKay doesn't have that problem. *sorry David* Mind you McKay may need a separate room for his ego *eg Degrees*


              Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
              Well of course they have separate rooms! Have you seen John's hair? He needs a room all his own just for the hair products! McKay doesn't have that problem. *sorry David* Mind you McKay may need a separate room for his ego *eg Degrees*
              Very good!


                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                Maybe Alipeeps has been practicing, for the chance to speak to Joe F in French
                Maybe Ali can wow Joe with her French and ask a really cool and spoilery question, and he'll be so blown away by her mastery of the language that he'll accidentally answer it! I live in hope...


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                  Maybe Alipeeps has been practicing, for the chance to speak to Joe F in French
                  Or.... she stayed out till 5am on Friday night drinking and speaking French with the boys from the Strasbourg office following the annual company party... does that count as practising?


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    Or.... she stayed out till 5am on Friday night drinking and speaking French with the boys from the Strasbourg office following the annual company party... does that count as practising?
                    That sure sounds like a fun way of practicing to me

                    my fanfic


                      Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                      LOL! This one's gonna be funny to translate ( I'll try my best )

                      Anonymous #5 a ecrit: “Qui choisiriez vous shep/weir ou shep/teyla ou shep/mckay ou sheppard tout seul?”

                      "Anonymous #5 writes: “Which pairing would you choose between Shep/Weir, Shep/Teyla, Shep/McKay or would you have Sheppard remain single?”

                      Reponse: WA.

                      Answer: Je ne répondrais pas.

                      OMG Ali! Votre français est vraiment excellent

                      Edit : LMAO! Pegasus_SGA Impressive Bien joue.
                      Merci buckets! As my dad used to say.

                      Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                      Well of course they have separate rooms! Have you seen John's hair? He needs a room all his own just for the hair products! McKay doesn't have that problem. *sorry David* Mind you McKay may need a separate room for his ego *eg Degrees*
                      So true

                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      Or.... she stayed out till 5am on Friday night drinking and speaking French with the boys from the Strasbourg office following the annual company party... does that count as practising?
                      I think it might. It sure beats studying with the books


                        Originally posted by Redhooks View Post
                        I think a lot of fans, me included sometimes, think actors and actresses have similar likes and dislikes that we do. Because we wouldn't dress that provocatively or liberally, we think the actors and actresses we like should have the same attitude and blame TPTB. But that is an illusion.

                        I don't think many actors/actresses would be in the business if they did not like the attention that being a performer brings to them. Thus, most dress less conservatively than the average person to get attention.

                        That being said, I think the costumes of some guest stars don't make sense in the larger picture. The one example I can think of right now is the first officer of the Aurora. If you watch the episode again, none of the other female Ancients has a similar no-sleeve top/tunic whatever, just her. Why? Although I am using our militaries' idea of regulation uniforms onto the Ancient's military, I think this principle still applies to them. I just think that more attention should be brought to those inconsistancies, because it messes with my sense of order. Of course other fans are probably thinking, huh? But that is my somewhat long-winded opinion about why this question was asked to Joe.
                        I think the question was asked simply because the women apparently have their tops unzipped quite a bit in some of the promos, which we haven't seen before the show except when a phermone-addled Weir was affected by Lucius
                        Last edited by prion; 26 June 2007, 11:51 AM.



                          June 26

                          Photos: The Digital Media Press Tour is on!! Pictured today is Rachel Luttrell looking...mmm...mighty fine. Oh yeah. Also, Leah Ehman, the Atlantis Make-Up Department Head; Brad Wright, looking stern; David Hewlett sipping coffee with a 5-o'clock shadow and messy hair; the Sci-Fi guys arrive; David smiling creepily (like in "Home"); Producer John Lenic; Mars, of A Dog's Breakfast fame; and finally, the panel gathered in Atlantis's Gaterium.

                          Write-Up: Hmm...let's should I put this? Should...I, perhaps, savor the moment, or...nah, nah, I shouldn', perhaps I should, because

                          I WON THE FLOCKING!!

                          Haha! I've never won anything in my life!! This is a great day!! Now, screw you all, I'm done with this job! Me and my priceless piece of flocking will now go live in the tropics, in my own gold-encrusted house, along with seven cars and many bikini babes! So long suckers!!


                          What? The flocking is basically worthless? What do you mean? It's from the set of Stargate Contiuum for cryin' out loud! Nothing? Seriously? Gary Jones touched the box...5 dollars for it? But...the flocking's been touched by Joe Mallozzi AND Ivon Bartok! What do you mean it's worth even less now?!

                          Pfft, they're just jealous! Ok...moving on.

                          But seriously, what else did Joe talk about today that's as important? Oh...right, the Digital Press Tour of course! Yes, today, reporters from UGO, IGN, TeeVee, Shakefire,, TV Gasm, TV Squad, SyFy Portal, GateWorld, TVAholic, CHUD, Video Detective, ACED Magazine, Twitch film, DVD Verdict, Sci fi Meshes, Monsters and Critics, Media Blvd., Eclipse Magazine, The Movie Reporter, Yahoo, AOL, Below the Line, The TV Addict, Zap2It, and even more dropped by the Atlantis sets! Entertaining them were David Hewlett, Rachel Luttrell, Paul Mullie, and of course, Joe Mallozzi.

                          There is so much to cover here, so I'll just quote some passages from the blog directly:

                          I got to the office a little after 9:00 a.m.the lovely Rachel Luttrell already there, the equally lovely Leah Ehman (our Atlantis make-up department head) on hand to give Rachel the approving nod and then turn her proficient skills to salvaging what she could of the boys. David, who arrived soon after, was greeted by our publicist with an: “Are you going to change?” “Should I?”asked David. Nah. I thought he looked roguish. Paul rode in on his bike soon after. “What do you need?”asked Leah as I hopped onto the chair. “Make me look like her,”I requested, pointing at Rachel. Well, Leah is an accomplished make-up artist, but she can’t work miracles. Still, a little sponging here, a little brushing there, the application of some of that copper cream and I was camera-ready.


                          The panel went very well, both Rachel and David offering up some very funny anecdotes - that I won’t go into here, instead allowing you to read all about them when the stories are filed. While Mars, David’s dog, ambled up and around (“Please, God, don’t let this dog sniff my crotch while the cameras are rolling?”), we fielded a bevy of Stargate-related questions.


                          I also hear that we’ve more or less finalized the SG-1 and Atlantis panels for this year’s Comic Con. The panels will take place Friday afternoon and the traditional Sci Fi party will be held on Saturday night. The party, I’ve been told will be a co-hosted by one of our most ambivalent critics, none other than Entertainment Weekly, who are no doubt delighted by the opportunity to fest BSG even at the prospect of suffering our incidental but annoyingly necessary presence. We’ll try not to crowd the bar, guys.

                          Oh yeah - the ratings. They were great! Here’s hoping that the all-new episodes of Atlantis (premiering only on Sci Fi this September) perform just as well.


                          Propagandor writes: “Are those Becketts turtles in McKay's room?”

                          Answer: They be them.

                          Imitation Tofu writes: “Joe, do you have access to those numbers? If that's true then the reported ratings + tivo and dvr later run ratings should = higher, more stable numbers throughout the season. Is that the case or are you going on assumption?”

                          Answer: The article in question seems to reinforce this assumption. Of course we’re caught in a bit of a squeeze between the entrenched system of gathering ratings numbers and our fast-developing technology that should be forcing us to rethink said system. Throw into the mix the fact that while Tivo and DVR seems to influence ratings, it isn’t a simple matter of factoring in this recorded programming because most viewers fast forward through the commercials, something they can’t do while watching something live.

                          Anonymous #1 writes: “So the possibility of Daniel doing a guest spot on Atlantis in season 4 - is that an ABA question, a CA question or a we're not sure yet question?”

                          Answer: That falls under the IP (It’s Possible) category.

                          Ltcolshepjumper writes: “Will we EVER see bathrooms, showers, or sinks in Atlantis?”

                          Answer: I mentioned in an earlier post that Carl Binder was working on the big Atlantis Toilet three-parter. According to Carl, however, he’s “having trouble with part two”.

                          You mean...episode number two?

                          Knightowl writes: “In Duet, there is a picture of the cat, but its a completely different cat than the one McKay gave to his neighbour. Has he had more than one?”

                          Answer: Yes. Also, he was taking to dying his cat for special occasions (like, for instance, the day that particular picture was taken).

                          Dajaje writes: “So how come McKay gets a patio and Sheppard doesn't?”

                          Answer: He likes to barbecue.

                          Anonymous #2 writes: “I found a fabulous post on the TWoP forum that sums up what a lot of Weir fans…”

                          Answer: With all due respect, all that post does is sum up with said fan feels based on his/her assumptions of what went on behind-the-scenes, nothing more.

                          Andrew writes: "Will iTunes sales have any effect on whether or not we get a season 5?"

                          Answer: Not form a network standpoint.

                          Anonymous #3 writes: “And the reason for the 25 year old CMO? Work experience week perhaps?”

                          Answer: First of all, when we were looking to cast the new CMO, we knew we wanted to cast a woman because we wanted another strong female character on the show. Secondly, when it came time to cast the part, we chose based on talent - and based on everything we’d seen of Jewel, we knew she was extremely talented (and has even exceeded our expectations in season four). As for her age - the entire Atlantis expedition is made up of geniuses, those at the top of their respective fields, yet those with the physical capability and mindset to be able to travel to another galaxy and leave everything they knew behind. Face it. At the end of the day, any casting decision we made (male, female, young or old) would have been met with derision by certain fans. And I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess you for one.


                          So yeah...I won!! Look for a new sig in the coming days.
                          Last edited by PG15; 26 June 2007, 03:58 PM.


                            PG15 - Check your PMs and go to JM's blog!

                            edit: nup nevermind
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              Woohoooo! Congrats PG! Finally, your obsessiveness dedication in stalking Joe's blog for updates so you can share the snark here for folks to enjoy is rewarded!


                                Congradultaions PG15

                                I can't wait for all those previews from various news outlets to start pouring in. Also how good is good in regards to the latest Atlantis ratings?

