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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Yep, amounts to the same thing because Kevin Sorbo was also one of the Executive Producers and according to him, they (he and the other EP's) agreed that RHW's vision was too complex for the casual viewer.

    I stopped watching after the first few episodes of Season 3 because I was so confused that I couldn't take it anymore. At first, I thought it was because I hadn't seen all the Season 1 and 2 episodes. However, after visiting the messageboards, I realized that even those who had seen every episode had no idea where the new headwriter was trying to take the series.

    Originally posted by ussrelativity View Post
    Flawless silver ships!

    I hope this is what I think it is....
    What do you think it is?
    Last edited by maxbo; 13 June 2007, 12:26 PM.
    Sig by Luciana


      Originally Posted by maxbo
      Yep, amounts to the same thing because Kevin Sorbo was also one of the Executive Producers and according to him, they (he and the other EP's) agreed that RHW's vision was too complex for the casual viewer.

      I stopped watching after the first few episodes of Season 3 because I was so confused that I couldn't take it anymore. At first, I thought it was because I hadn't seen all the Seasons 1 and 2 episodes. However, after visitiing the messageboards, I realized that even those who had seen every episode had no idea where the new headwriter was trying to take the series.

      I thought I'd read somewhere that Kevin Sorbo became EP sfter Majel Barrett-
      Roddenberry stepped down as EP due to either personal/health reasons. I could be wrong thou.

      I also stopped watching too in s3 due the same reasons you gave. The only episode that I watched was the one where James Marsters (Spike) played in and that was it.


        Werewolf McKay? I've read every spoiler I could find and this is the first I've heard of this.

        Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
        I thought I'd read somewhere that Kevin Sorbo became EP sfter Majel Barrett-
        Roddenberry stepped down as EP due to either personal/health reasons. I could be wrong thou.

        I also stopped watching too in s3 due the same reasons you gave. The only episode that I watched was the one where James Marsters (Spike) played in and that was it.
        I don't remember when he became one of the exec producers, but I do remember that Majel liked him and trusted his judgment - poor woman. It's a shame that in their efforts to recreate the success of Hercules by making Sorbo's character, Dylan, the focus - they ended up damaging his character the most.
        Sig by Luciana


          Originally posted by maxbo View Post
          Werewolf McKay? I've read every spoiler I could find and this is the first I've heard of this.
          Uhhh... I'm pretty sure that's just Joe winding us up....


            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            Uhhh... I'm pretty sure that's just Joe winding us up....
            That's what I thought at first, but then some seem to be taking him seriously so then I started wondering... hmmm, Werewolf McKay, interesting...
            Sig by Luciana


              Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
              Someone on another forum, said that Joe M in his blog stated that Weir is confirmed for 4 episodes for Season 4. Is this true or not? If so, only 4? Well hopefully Martin Gero is writing those eps.
              Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
              Yup, it's sad but true. She's only confirmed for 4 episodes and he won't reveal the name of the 4th episode. But he has said that all 4 episodes are in the first half of S4.

              Not quite. JM confirmed the 4-ep figure when they were only done writing the first half. There is no confirmation either way whether Weir will appear in the second half or not.


                Four eps... Adrift, Lifeline, Miller's Crossing?, This Mortal Coil. Could be a minor role in Reunion. What's the airing order again?
                Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                encounter on the strange journey.


                2 Cor. 10:3-5
                3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  Uhhh... I'm pretty sure that's just Joe winding us up....
                  THe werewolf McKay? SOunds like a joke to me...

                  Originally posted by Ltcolshepjumper View Post
                  Four eps... Adrift, Lifeline, Miller's Crossing?, This Mortal Coil. Could be a minor role in Reunion. What's the airing order again?
                  Hm, if Weir's last episode is "Mortal Coil," that might not bode well considering the significance of the title...


                    Originally posted by prion View Post
                    THe werewolf McKay? SOunds like a joke to me...

                    Hm, if Weir's last episode is "Mortal Coil," that might not bode well considering the significance of the title...
                    Oh he better not!!! :



                      June 13

                      Photos: Continuum! Pics include Amanda and Michael chillaxin' in desert camo (I think); Paul Mullie and Brad Wright looking at the footage; the frozen sets, it's the boat scene ages ago, but now sprayed with fake snow/ice; and Martin Wood directing in a big wooley coat (and shorts, I'm sure).

                      Write-Up: Joe and Lawren wished to take photos of the frozen ship while filming for Continuum took place, and got their chance when everyone left for lunch. However, as they say, be careful what you wish for...


                      M writes: “I wonder, are there any plans for you to "guest star" perhaps in a small role in SGA?”

                      Answer: Eventually, but I’m holding out for a bigger part.

                      Promogirl writes: “Did Amanda Tapping have to lobby you guys to let her keep the longer hair?”

                      Answer: She did come in at the beginning of the season and make the pitch for longer hair. Paul and I reserved judgment until we could see what the hair department had in mind. She’ll be mixing it up - lots of pig tails and beehive dos.

                      Anonymous #1 writes: “Back in May 4's blog you were confronted about the same thing and you didn't deny it. Your answer was you're just not interested.”

                      Answer: You mistook my complete lack of interest for tacit approval. Happens to me all the time.

                      Patricia writes: “1)What year were you born? 2)Does Bam Bam have pugs because you talked him into them? 3)Have you ever traveled across Canada by car? 4)Have you ever done your own home renovations or are you stuck paying for them like I am?”

                      Answers: 1) 1965. 2) Don’t think so. 3) Nope. I’m not a road trip kind of guy although Lawren and I had a great time on our recent road trip to Norco Studios. 4) I get Fondy to do them. She’s quite the handiwoman.

                      Camy writes: “Not much has been mentioned for Ronon besides his big role in Reunion, can you share any additional tidbits or developments for Ronon's character in Season 4?”

                      Answer: There are some nice character moments for Ronon throughout the season, but Reunion and Quarantine stand out in particular in this regard.

                      Anonymous #2 writes: “When Carter goes out on missions with the team, Sheppard will have to take orders from her. Will there be any clashes between them considering his history of disobeying the chain of command?”

                      Answer: Her history of disobeying the chain of command? Ah, please do tell. What hilariously creative reinterpretation of past events do you have to offer?


                      Anonymous #4 writes: “Will Jack make an appearance in S4 ?”

                      Answer: Probably not.

                      Anonymous #5 writes: “So, has the "hidden clue" aired yet or is it coming up?”

                      Answer: The clue is in one of the final three episodes.

                      Anonymous #6 writes: “If the Ori storyline is rapped up in the first movie then will you explain why Daniel wouldn't permanently take off for Atlantis?”

                      Answer: It would make sense for Daniel to visit Atlantis. If the right story comes along and Michael Shanks is game and available to make an appearance, we’d love to have him stop by.

                      Lisa Gabi Marie writes: “When the shows are all over and done with,(I hope some day not soon) what one piece from the show will you want to keep, and why?”

                      Answer: I can’t decide between Carl and Marty G. Either would look great in my living room.


                        Anonymous #4 writes: “Will Jack make an appearance in S4 ?”

                        Answer: Probably not.

                        LOL, we all think we know how JM feels about RDA based on our own interpretations.
                        Last edited by Briangate78; 13 June 2007, 06:06 PM.


                          No, "we" all think we "know" how JM feels about RDA based on our own interpretations.

                          There, fixed.


                            Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                            Anonymous #4 writes: “Will Jack make an appearance in S4 ?”

                            Answer: Probably not.

                            LOL, we all think we know how JM feels about RDA based on our own interpretations.
                            not a fan i take it


                              Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                              not a fan i take it
                              If Joe M gets our show to a season 5 then i will have total respect for him.

                              Spoilers for Season 4..

                              Well He did do good with Carson, but lets hope its a more real and permanent thing which can make a great season 5 ark.


                                Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                                Anonymous #6 writes: “If the Ori storyline is rapped up in the first movie then will you explain why Daniel wouldn't permanently take off for Atlantis?”
                                Did anyone take this as literally as I did? 'Cause, ya know, if that's what they want to do, DH is the man for the job...

                                /is looking forward to those Ori rappers
                                "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                                My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art

