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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    But what flavor Joe.

    The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


      June 4

      Photos: The Richmond Night Market, and the food there...

      Write-Up: ...which sucked, leaving Joe mighty cranky. Good luck questioners...


      Susan the Tartan Turtle writes: “Have you ever thought of writing a Sci-Fi book yourself?”

      Answer: Depending on how things shake out, I may just do that next year.

      Uh oh...

      Vaberella writes: “Okay if Teyla doesn't go to Earth in MC, is there a chance of her character going to Earth in the second half?”

      Answer: Highly unlikely.

      M writes: “ Does Martin Wood ever wear "wintery" looking clothes? He seems to be perenially in shorts and tshirt?”

      Answer: The city can be battling a snowstorm and Martin Wood and Dan Shea will show up for work in their shorts. In fact, if someone told me that Martin wore shorts under his special cold weather gear while he was filming in the Arctic, I wouldn’t be surprised.

      Anonymous #2 writes: “ Are you really going to ship Carter and CG Wraith? Is this a joke?”

      Answer: I never joke. We’re planning a hilarious two-parter where the CG wraith brings Carter home to meet his strictly traditional and very Catholic parents.

      PG 15 writes: There is the notion in the storytelling world that there are only a few original ideas out there, and that it's the execution of those ideas that really makes for the entertainment. As a writer yourself, do you agree with this, or do you think that there are always original ideas?”

      Answer: I think there are plenty of original ideas out there waiting to be discovered. However, I would agree that, generally speaking, every story has been told and what makes them original is in the storytelling and, specifically, how they relate to the characters in your world.

      Paula writes: “Does Chris have his own card table? Or is that one of those table top things?”

      Answer: We’re actually playing on his pool table.

      Klemen writes: “At the beginning of EP The Game Rodney talks about a runaway train and whom to save ,the 10 people or the one baby. I was wondering what would you do?”

      Answer: Probably take the bus instead.

      Benjamin writes: “Was the story of the mythological Incubus an inspiration for upcoming episode "Doppelganger"?”

      Answer: Nope.


        When did he say they were going to ship the CG Wraith and Col. Carter? I must have missed that?

        The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


          weeks ago...nd it's about as likely as the s4 finale of atlantis having jack show up to take over hte city with his wife by his side who's expecting their twins to be named Jacob and others words, Joe snarked off
          Where in the World is George Hammond?




            June 5

            Photos: DOP Jim Menard being thiev-ish; the new office...along with new artifacts and pictures (is that Cassie?); Andy Mikita in the new office; and fuzzy picture of David Hewlett's and Amanda Tapping's chairs in front of the Gate. What a pair!

            Write-Up: Join the P.U.S. campaign to send Joe Flanigan to space! Seriously!

            Also, editing's a *****:

            Besides chatting with Joe for the most of the day, I did get down to editing and get to work on This Mortal Coil, doing a little act end shifting while I was down there. The end of the Tease is no longer the end of scene one but the end of scene four. The first act end shifts to several scenes later, more definite in its ominosity (Yeah, it’ll become a word eventually. After all, “hoodies” did). The end of act two also shifts, from the surprise entrance to the revelation. Third act end shifts as well, causing the fourth act to shift leaving us with a thirty-three second fifth act. Hmmmm. I may have to rethink this tomorrow.

            Tom Foolery writes: “Does this mean you don't think Atlantis will get another year??”

            Answer: I’ve ceased making predictions and/or worrying about a prospective next season.

            Stargate Groupie: “Have you ever had a guest star come on to the show and just blow away your expectations by taking a character you created to a level that you didn’t expect with their amazing acting abilities?”

            Answer: Bob Picardo did such a terrific job as Richard Woolsey in Heroes I and II that he was invited back. And keeps getting invited back.

            Patricia writes: “When you have guest stars in Vancouver and they have to be there for a while, do you generally look after them over a weekend, or do they do what ever they want?”

            Answer: I’ll usually provide them with a list of my restaurant recommendations and send them on their way.

            Yasmin writes: “Do you pay any attention to fan fiction?”

            Answer: Nope.

            Phil writes: “Do you ever read any of the stargate books, and wonder can be adapted to the TV series?”

            Answer: And never read a Stargate book either.

            Ben writes: “Is there ever going to be an explination behind the history of the 5th member of the SGA team, Ronan's gun?”

            Answer: Check out an early season four episode for a reference to this.

            Me thinks 'tis Reunion

            Johnny E! writes: “Not that they would be as good as yours, but does anybody else on the show blog?”

            Answer: I believe David and David blog as well.

            And that's Hewlett and Nykl folks


              "the new office...along with new artifacts and pictures (is that Cassie?)"

              I certainly like what Sam has done with the place! And yes, I think that is Cassie (but I am not 100% sure...). Who is that in the picture next to her?


                Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
                "the new office...along with new artifacts and pictures (is that Cassie?)"

                I certainly like what Sam has done with the place! And yes, I think that is Cassie (but I am not 100% sure...). Who is that in the picture next to her?
                Yep the pic is of Cassie, and the others are Daniel and Sam and Jack fishing *tries to reign in her squee*

                No Teal'c though? Hmmm...strange.


                  Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
                  "the new office...along with new artifacts and pictures (is that Cassie?)"

                  I certainly like what Sam has done with the place! And yes, I think that is Cassie (but I am not 100% sure...). Who is that in the picture next to her?
                  I rather liked the Weir decor better (and this is just on general home decorating principle).


                    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                    Yep the pic is of Cassie, and the others are Daniel and Sam and Jack fishing *tries to reign in her squee*

                    No Teal'c though? Hmmm...strange.


                      Originally posted by prion View Post
                      I rather liked the Weir decor better (and this is just on general home decorating principle).
                      You know I can't even remember Weir's decor now, I guess I never payed that much attention to that room I will have to keep an eye out for it when I watch older episodes again

                      And did't they just have to re-decorate this after The Return? Well, the Asurans any way. Then, it gets damaged again in First Strike, and the cycle continues

                      I feel Sam's is very personal, and I like the items at the back too


                        Originally posted by prion View Post
                        I rather liked the Weir decor better (and this is just on general home decorating principle).
                        as opposed to... people getting the wrong idea?


                          Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
                          You know I can't even remember Weir's decor now, I guess I never payed that much attention to that room I will have to keep an eye out for it when I watch older episodes again

                          And did't they just have to re-decorate this after The Return? Well, the Asurans any way. Then, it gets damaged again in First Strike, and the cycle continues

                          I feel Sam's is very personal, and I like the items at the back too
                          The Asurans have no sense of style (gads, look at their outfits!) <G> so they stuck everythign back status quo. After "First Strike," they blew up a lot, but I don't believe Weir's office took a hit.

                          I suspect the photos will probably get the most talked-about as some fans will go 'eh, pictures of friends' while others will go 'THey're a couple! they're married! yes!" and stuff like that


                            Or, alternatively, both the SGA purist fans and the SG1 purist fans will rant and rage about a seemingly innocent (but apparently hideously portentous) photograph of two chairs that - allegedly - is incredibly hurtful to their sensibilities and is a deliberate attempt by Joe to rub the fans noses in aspects of the show they are less than happy with....



                              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                              Or, alternatively, both the SGA purist fans and the SG1 purist fans will rant and rage about a seemingly innocent (but apparently hideously portentous) photograph of two chairs that - allegedly - is incredibly hurtful to their sensibilities and is a deliberate attempt by Joe to rub the fans noses in aspects of the show they are less than happy with....

                              Well, the thing that really ticks me off about that photo is (insert hysterical screaming) is that it's out of focus. I mean, hello? Stationary objects? Use the flash? Come on, let's have a redo of that shot!


                                Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
                                You know I can't even remember Weir's decor now, I guess I never payed that much attention to that room I will have to keep an eye out for it when I watch older episodes again

                                And did't they just have to re-decorate this after The Return? Well, the Asurans any way. Then, it gets damaged again in First Strike, and the cycle continues

                                I feel Sam's is very personal, and I like the items at the back too
                                Weir had stuff collected from missions. I looked at the new layout and instantly thought, 'someone been shopping at Pier One???'

