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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    i mostly look at the pics always fun. who knows he might have fallen asleep watching the dailys
    Last edited by Pharaoh Atem; 30 May 2007, 07:47 PM.!/Solar_wind84


      But they're new footage!!


      May 30

      Photos: Chocolate truffles and the people (Martin Gero, Joe Mallozzi, Carl Binder, and I'm sure many who weren't shown) who enjoyed them. Also, a big thumbs up from Chris Heyerdahl (sp?), who is getting his make up adjusted.

      He played the Common Ground Wraith, by the way.

      Write-Up: A tribute to those who gave Joe the chances for him to become the Executive Producer that he is today; also a good look at Joe's history in the entertainment business.

      In addition, Joe's foray into Facebook (and the ensuing misunderstandings), along with a big THANK YOU to Lorr54 for the chocolate truffles.


      Anonymous #2 writes: “Do you konw if any of the SG-1 actors will be going to Comic Con this year to promote the two movies?”

      Answer: At present, I’m not sure who will be joining us from the SG-1 contingent.

      Michelle writes: “How have the read-throughs worked out in terms of reducing on-set script change requests? Aside from being shown up by the producers acting-wise , are the actors finding the reads useful? How about the writers?”

      Answer: The read-throughs have been useful. They’ve allowed the actors to pinpoint any script concerns early enough for the writers to address them. They’ve also given the writers the opportunity to hear their words spoken aloud in the event they want to dialogue changes prior to shooting.

      Anonymous #4 writes: “With all the top executive shuffling at Uni lately, as a producer, are you concerned how that may affect programming decisions at SciFi Channel?”

      Answer: Nope.

      Luis Jr. writes: “Does Ivan Bartok have a Blog site??”

      Answer: He used to have a blog on Gateworld. I believe he still does.

      Breeze writes: “Joe is your job always as exciting as you put it?”

      Answer: My job is exciting? Are you sure you’ve been reading the right blog?

      Zabadoo writes: “1.)If Atlantis gets cancelled, do you think it will go on with movies like SG-1 is getting? 2.)How about a trilogy of movies in the theater that combine Atlantis and SG-1 into three huge movies? 3.)In the episode Prototype, was Khalek ever planned to be a major villain?”

      Answers: 1) Cancelled? So pessimistic! We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it - hopefully in another five years or so. 2) Sounds good. 3) Nope.

      Hannah writes: “Did you intend to have Daniel and Vala interact so much when Claudia Black first came on, or did it just develop from seeing their chemistry? Combination?”

      Answer: A little of both. The intent was always there, but the obvious chemistry between the two made writing for them all that much more interesting.

      Anonymous #6 writes: “A couple of days ago, you mentioned yet ANOTHER possible first name for Major Lorne. Hadn't it been decided it was Evan, or was that changed?”

      Answer: I mentioned this in the writers’ room and no one can remember ever having ever given him the name Evan. Is this the stuff of legend or is it based on fact and if it is based on fact, please direct me to the episode in which he was so christened.


        I don't know why but the Evan part seems sort of familiar.

        The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


          It was Kavan Smith, he mentioned it in an interview.


            Originally posted by PG15 View Post
            It was Kavan Smith, he mentioned it in an interview.
            Was that the GateWorld one? I think he said something in that about a name or David Reed did, I think.

            I still prefer Marcus, he just looks like a Marcus...

            Joe's blog had me wondering if he was leaving or something. What's with all the thank yous? Did I miss something?


              I feel kinda sheepish--I always thought his first name was Lorne....

              I am so blessed! Cherriey made this cool sig; scarimor made this great Dr. Lee smilie and Spudster made another neat one Dr. Lee RULES!

              Myn's fabulous twilight bark smilie:


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                it would take me longer to type otu a text than it would to pick up my cell, call and hang up

                my cell is a tool, not a toy. i've never sent a text message, nor do i feel the need to
                sms is great for when you can't be arsed talking to the person you're sending it too, or they can't/not answering their phone for whatever reason


                  or you live in New Zealand, where the concept of free minutes has yet to permeate, and it costs $1.20 per MINUTE, while text can be free or next to it

                  Re: Lorne, I have to say I like Marcus much more than ANY of the "W" names mentioned...

                  And, those truffles have set off some MAJOR chocolate cravings!


                    Originally posted by rarocks24 View Post
                    I don't know why but the Evan part seems sort of familiar.
                    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                    It was Kavan Smith, he mentioned it in an interview.
                    Another site scooped that news.


                    Linda Craddock: Still no name for Major Lorne?
                    Kavan Smith: Evan. It’s a done deal.

                    Maybe Joe M needs to get the memos?


                      May 31

                      Photos: Food, a...thingy episode (probably This Mortal Coil", but I'm not sure; the part of the episode title that's shown at the corner of the pic is...puzzling), a Wraith Bench for "Spoilers of War", and a script for the episode after: Quarantine, written by Carl Binder.

                      Oh, I do hope we get to meet the king of the potato people.

                      Write-Up: What PotC has taught young children, a typical writer's room discussion (I would imagine), this...well, I can just say is probably the funniest thing Joe has put on his blog for some time now:

                      But the truth is that modern kids are alarmingly well-insulated against the potentially bad influences of t.v. and film. As someone who worked in the field for many years, I am all too aware of the saccharinization of animation. Remember the good old days when shotguns, cannons and dynamite were both deadly AND hilarious? When plummeting off a cliff resulted in little more than a bruised ego and an accordion body? When electrocution was an acceptable means of getting back at someone? Geez, when did we get so uptight as a society? Somewhere between the 1966 finale of The Flintstones and the 1981 premiere of The Smurfs, television animation lost its soul. Yogi Bear is a perfect example. The original was an arrogant glutton who spent the greater part of his day stealing from unwary picnickers. Fifteen years later, he’s riding around on a magic ark with his buddies “searching for a paradise to call home, a place without pollution or crime” (Wikipedia). I mean, what the ****? I’m surprised they never did a series about Electro and Doctor Octopus from the old Spiderman cartoon joining forces to travel the globe and teach underprivileged kids the merits of proper hygiene. Along the way, they'll search for the true meaning of love. And Christmas. And non-GMO soybeans for the big-ass friendship cake they’re going to bake for all the world’s children to enjoy, including those with food sensitivities that preclude them from eating anything containing refined flour, sugar, chocolate, nuts, or any other flavor-possessing ingredient.
                      Try to read it and not laugh; I dare you!

                      Also, this bit about mean, Evan Lorne. Yes, it's canon now (actually, it's been canon for some time...since February):

                      Oh, so Evan it is. Evan Lorne. In all fairness to Alan who was anoint everyone’s favorite Major with the Wesley moniker, no one could remember naming the character. But after some not-so-gentle fan prodding, Alex Levine dug up the truth. He was never actually called Evan at anytime, but in First Strike, he did wear a flight suit and said flight suit did require a name. So, Evan it is. Or, rather, Evan it still is. Hey, I can’t recall, but did we ever give Ronon a last name? I’m thinking Vanderberg. Does anybody have a problem with that?

                      Anonymous #1 writes: “1. How did the Wing Commander (Flanagan) come up with the script for "Epiphany?" 2. Following up with your last answer, I understand what you mean. I just wish there was a way. 3. My friend is interested in Sailor Moon. If it is your cup of tea, can you recommend any episodes?”

                      Answers: 1) Actually, Joe was credited with the story, not the script. He came up with an idea that Brad spun out in a different direction than the original idea. 2) ? 3) Not a Sailor Moon fan.

                      Anonymous #2 writes: “Just thought I'd let you know that there is now an "appreciation" thread for you over on Gateworld. Doesn't it make you feel special?”

                      Answer: I always feel special. Now I feel extra special.

                      Lisa Gabi Marie writes: “How to you feel about livejournal? Do you have a secret blog there? Have you seen any of the Stargate communities?”

                      Answer: I don’t really know much about live journal.

                      Primate-Studios writes: “Is there a new direction that you'd like to take with Stargate?”

                      Answer: The Stargate franchise is Brad and Rob’s baby, so this is a question for them.

                      Arctic Goddess writes: “As a Canadian writer/producer, is it harder to get accepted as a writer for U.S. television, or are you accepted as easily as an American writer would be?”

                      Answer: At this point in my career, it doesn’t make that much of a difference.

                      Anonymous #2 writes: “IMDb claims that Season 4 will air in July. Is this true?”

                      Answer: Nope.

                      Stargate groupie writes: “Do the actors have much say regarding clothing or props that their character might wear or use? For example, did Joe decided that Sheppard would wear the black wrist band or was it you guys, also, the stuff in Sheppard’s room like the Johnny Cash poster, was that Joe Flanigan or the set design guys?”

                      Answer: On occasion, they do. That Johnny Cash poster in Sheppard’s room was a Joe F. request.

                      Tanis writes: “I want to try if it is possible to send my resume to Stargate series, but I don’t know, to who and where I must to send my resume... do you know it? Are you sure that the “gatekeepers” will read all the resumes?”

                      Answer: It depends on the gatekeepers. In the case of Stargate, however, the gates are locked because we already have a full staff.

                      Smiley_face06 writes: “Any chances that you'll make your facebook account so that it is not private?”

                      Answer: Hmmm. I’m already regretting this Facebook thing. I didn’t realize it would require all this attention and decision-making. I take pride in being friendless and Facebook actually works against that.


                        see, for me, i have hundreds of free minutes a month...but it would cost me an extra $5 a month to text

                        so i talk )
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Phew! Dodged that bullet! Evan's a good name. Not as good as Marcus, IMO, but hella better than Wesley.


                            Hmm, nope I don't like it. I don't know any Evan's but it sounds pretentious *not that Wesley doesn't* why not Bob, Bob is a good solid name.

                            Oh well, we probably won't even hear it, I mean McKay still hasn't said John's name! Not once... ooh finally a question I can ask Joe! "Why doesn't McKay call Sheppard, John?".

                            *dam, no time to submit it*


                              Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                              Phew! Dodged that bullet! Evan's a good name. Not as good as Marcus, IMO, but hella better than Wesley.
                              Wesley is so star trek it makes you cringe. It would be like naming a female character Vanna after Vanna White (how many girls got stuck with that name??) Anyway, Evan is the best of the bunch. Alas, Marcus is the name of a big dairy farm around here so if they'd used that, I'd just keep thinking cows....


                                with rod, it's probably a guy thing. gotta call folks by their last names cause....well, cause
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


