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Cancelled are the Ori??? (some spoilers)

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    Cancelled are the Ori??? (some spoilers)

    Come on people. Look at this, witness their sheer power....

    Does this look like an enemy that you can beat in 2 seasons and 1 movie???? HELL NO!!!

    If anything that so-called "climax" in the 2 SG1 movies, should be a TURNING POINT, rather than an END to the Ori story. It's just such BS if the Ori and/or the Ancients are no more... Those races belong in the StarGate universe. They fricken created the StarGates!

    Originally posted by Peoples_General View Post
    Come on people. Look at this, witness their sheer power....

    Does this look like an enemy that you can beat in 2 seasons and 1 movie???? HELL NO!!!

    If anything that so-called "climax" in the 2 SG1 movies, should be a TURNING POINT, rather than an END to the Ori story. It's just such BS if the Ori and/or the Ancients are no more... Those races belong in the StarGate universe. They fricken created the StarGates!
    I tend to agree with you on that one. It would sad to see the Orii totally defeated in just 2 season & 1 movie; although Earth & her allies should at least break even, or find some other way besides Merlin's anti-Orii weapon to combat the Orii.

    The major threat should be diminished - say the Orii themselves are wiped from existence using Merlin's weapon - but the threat their followers pose should remain. Yes, resolve the storyline, but don't leave with a sense of 'that was too convieniant'. The Orii are the most powerful enemy ANYONE has EVER faced; they cannot simply be swept under the carpet in one movie (@ least not IMVHO).

    Look @ the Goa'uuld - it too the SGC & it's allies 8 years to defeat the System Lords, topple the (collective) Goa'uuld Empire & help set free the galaxy - & they are STILL around causing havoc & meddling in everyone else's affairs (ableit on a much more limited scale than they used to). We now have the Lucian Alliance to contend with, as well as other races such as the Aschen, etc still out there making mischief; as well as the uber threat of the Orii.

    Hopefully either one of the two direct-to-DVD movies will set the stage for a third spin-off series (or even better - rebranded STARGATE COMMAND ); but I for one refuse to see 10 years of the greatest, highest-qaulity sci-fi entertainment go down the preverbal toilet due to possible budgeting restrictions for these two movies, &/or because Sci-Fi cancelled SG-1 in the manner that they did.


      The Ori are small fry!
      Baal already knew what to do to defeat these lizards of hell!
      Toast them!
      What I can't figure out is why Carter didn't catch the clue or even why everyone failed to consider that the killer satellite Ori generated would be the kind of technology that they would have to face.
      Maybe gate travel does something to the brain???
      Like diffuse it?


        Originally posted by Peoples_General View Post
        Come on people. Look at this, witness their sheer power....

        Does this look like an enemy that you can beat in 2 seasons and 1 movie???? HELL NO!!!

        If anything that so-called "climax" in the 2 SG1 movies, should be a TURNING POINT, rather than an END to the Ori story. It's just such BS if the Ori and/or the Ancients are no more... Those races belong in the StarGate universe. They fricken created the StarGates!
        I'm with you on that one. No matter how I think that sometimes they're a bit Goa'uld 2.0, or how they were awkwardly introduced, I still find them very interesting, very cool, and with plenty of potential.
        The Al'kesh is not a warship - Info on Naqahdah & Naqahdria - Firepower of Goa'uld staff weapons - Everything about Hiveships and the Wraith - An idea about what powers Destiny...


          Originally posted by Peoples_General View Post
          Come on people. Look at this, witness their sheer power....

          Does this look like an enemy that you can beat in 2 seasons and 1 movie???? HELL NO!!!

          If anything that so-called "climax" in the 2 SG1 movies, should be a TURNING POINT, rather than an END to the Ori story. It's just such BS if the Ori and/or the Ancients are no more... Those races belong in the StarGate universe. They fricken created the StarGates!
          I totally agree with you. They and the Ancients were one race. The Ori are more advanced than the preascended Ancients would be. Since the Ori gave their followers some of the knowledge they gained when they ascended. Also, they would have had 10,000 years to advance their technology. They are a warring race, unlike the Ancients.

          Long story short, an enemy this advanced and powerful can't be defeated in 2 years and 2 movies. It did take them 8 years to defeat the Goa'uld didn't it.
          Originally posted by Rainbow Sun Francks
          Live within the moment. There is only now, ENJOY.

          Proud F.O.R.D. Member My LiveJournal Rainbow/Aiden Ford Thunk Thread


            I liked the Gou'ald as an enemy because they weren’t homogeneous. You could pit one against the other - wheel and deal with them. Besides they dressed funny and spoke in terms of "I AM YOUR GOD! BOW DOWN TO ME!" Great stuff.

            The Wraith are never funny or off message - "You are food to me!" No intricate alliances or other dealings with them. I've only seen one episode with the Ori (no cable) but from what I've read they are like white male Christians. People often turn to sci-fi and fantasy to get away from to days ugly realities. A fanatical religion threatening death to non believers is a bit too close to the real world.



              I prefer avoiding any comparisons of real world religions and the Ori. We need to stay on topic please. But, since these comparisons are being made, it can only make the Ori that GOOD of an enemy.

              Goa'uld can be thought of as harsh egotistic dictators like Kim Jong Il, Saddam, or Pol Pot. As far as I see it the Ori are more like the Soviet Union with a religious twist than anything else in the real world.


                Oh, here we go again. Fans condemning stuff before they even know anything but the barest details. Typical.

                Look, all we know is that this movie ends the Ori story (and even THAT is debatable), we have no idea how it ends. Do we kill the Ori, or convince them (somehow) to leave, etc. WE DON'T KNOW.

                Geez, how many times of being proven wrong does it take for some fans to realize that they are not as omnicient as they think?


                  No, they don't look like an enemy that can be defeated in three years in a "realistic" way.

                  But decision's been made, so we have to get over it.

                  Well, not anymore... Good bye Atlantis!


                    The only way for SG1 to be totally gone is if SG1 itself is ohh.. I dunno killed off or maybe split up?

                    Thats the only reason why SG1 would be gone and the need for a new team.

                    They could continue with new actors, but keeping Vala and Mitchell, and maybe Teal'c (the new "Bratac" type character, as Bratac himself could be killed by the Ori) around.

                    Then continue the Ori story (somehow they are crippled and their advance stops). Maybe a gate-dialling program that blocks Priors from coming in, that way they can also prevent the formations of new SuperGates? That way they are only limited to travelling around in Ori ships or ships of subjugated races.


                    Yup, PG15, I was proven wrong about the Ori ships being able to tear through a whole fleet the same way that a Borg Cube could rip through Starfleet ships. Do you remember me drawing comparisons between Camelot and and the Battle of Wolf 359 weeks before the S9 season finale aired?

                    Was I also wrong of comparing Vala and Adria to Gabrielle and Hope from the show Xena: Warrior Princess? Not to mention as to how both were conceived... a flaming Ori hovering over Vala, while you have the God of Evil Dahak also in fire-form enveloping Gabrielle?


                      Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                      Oh, here we go again. Fans condemning stuff before they even know anything but the barest details. Typical.

                      Look, all we know is that this movie ends the Ori story (and even THAT is debatable), we have no idea how it ends. Do we kill the Ori, or convince them (somehow) to leave, etc. WE DON'T KNOW.

                      Geez, how many times of being proven wrong does it take for some fans to realize that they are not as omnicient as they think?
                      Please read before posting.
                      The Al'kesh is not a warship - Info on Naqahdah & Naqahdria - Firepower of Goa'uld staff weapons - Everything about Hiveships and the Wraith - An idea about what powers Destiny...


                        The Goa'uld story has not ended, only lessened. You still have Ba'al and others still running around somewhere. When you END a story, that means you finish off the enemy. Look what happened to the REAL Replicators, that ENDED their story. Oh and Asurans don't count, as they are totally different. They replicate using organic matter, whereas the original Replicators replicate using non-living matter.

                        Ending the Ori story by setting the clock back is soooooo retarded. It cheapens them as a threat, IMO. And what of the lovely Adria? That means she would never have been born... if SG1 never met the Ori with a new timeline.

                        I just hope they don't do that...


                        If anything they should have the Ancients stepping in... or the Ori plan could backfire. The "worship energy" inadvertently going into the Ancients instead of the Ori. Maybe SG1 can convince them to say Hallowed are the Ancients instead of the Ori. Afterall, they have the same writing and are basically the same race anyway... lol!

                        PG15, you are aware of these things called FAN SPECULATION, right? I can't make a close-to-accurate guess unless we've seen some of the 2nd half of S10 being played. That way I and others here who love to speculate can have a better gauge as to where the writers are taking this story. Right now it's too far off, but with the whole CLIMAX story can go either way.

                        An end to the Ori storyline, or a TURNING POINT, as in we actually find a way to slow them down. Then the 3rd series can all be about kicking them out of the Milky Way and liberating our fallen allies from Ori oppression.


                          Originally posted by Mister Oragahn View Post
                          Please read before posting.
                          Assumptions are easy to make aren't they?

                          Originally posted by Peoples_General View Post

                          Yup, PG15, I was proven wrong about the Ori ships being able to tear through a whole fleet the same way that a Borg Cube could rip through Starfleet ships. Do you remember me drawing comparisons between Camelot and and the Battle of Wolf 359 weeks before the S9 season finale aired?

                          Was I also wrong of comparing Vala and Adria to Gabrielle and Hope from the show Xena: Warrior Princess? Not to mention as to how both were conceived... a flaming Ori hovering over Vala, while you have the God of Evil Dahak also in fire-form enveloping Gabrielle?
                          I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. I was more aiming my comments at doom-and-gloom predictions with almost zero evidence.

                          I mean really, why worry yourself over it? Why not have some optimism?

                          Originally posted by Peoples_General View Post

                          PG15, you are aware of these things called FAN SPECULATION, right? I can't make a close-to-accurate guess unless we've seen some of the 2nd half of S10 being played. That way I and others here who love to speculate can have a better gauge as to where the writers are taking this story. Right now it's too far off, but with the whole CLIMAX story can go either way.
                          I'm sorry, I had been under a particularly heavy Stargate coverstone for the last 10 years, so I have no idea what this "fan spekulasion" is about.

                          Anyway, all I'm saying is that it's useless to worry over these possible, crappy story developments when it's probably be healthier to have faith that, come next fall, you'll get some satisfying entertainment.


                            I do agree that the Ori Story Ark is far to great of a Story Ark to let go so soon . Then need at least 2 more seasons to get the Ori down to a level they could stand up against .

                            But as far as the movies go , Well i havnt read or heard anything about the Storylines and what they are going to fully contain ... It could be that the First Movie is mroe about the END of the Ori in are Galaxy . A Battle between two Galaxies , and the life forms that live in these galaxies ... Not the TRUE End of the Ori ...

                            The Second movie i heard has soem time travel in to it , im not a fan of the TIME TRAVEL theme in STARGATE , but at the sametime i dont know what the Storyline is fully about , so it could have something to do with SG-1 going back in time to get help from the Ancients to defeat the Ori , or could be sent back in time to keep the Peace between the Ori and the Ancients at bay , Could also be about not letting the Ori gain the power in the first place ...

                            Then there was something about a 3rd movie , with i love the idea , and hope they do , and with it they make a 2nd Spin Off series of STARGATE ...


                              Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                              Oh, here we go again. Fans condemning stuff before they even know anything but the barest details. Typical.

                              Look, all we know is that this movie ends the Ori story (and even THAT is debatable), we have no idea how it ends. Do we kill the Ori, or convince them (somehow) to leave, etc. WE DON'T KNOW.

                              Geez, how many times of being proven wrong does it take for some fans to realize that they are not as omnicient as they think?
                              Agreed. Some fans can't take the hint that they have been wrong so many tiimes. We have no idea what the movies will contain or how the stories will be told. I agree that the Ori are a great enemy and shouldn't be finished off in just two seasons and a movie but unfortunatly the series itself is over. I have great faith in TPTB ending the Ori storyline in a great way. They have always come through for me in the past and I have no doubt they will now.
                              Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                              "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                              Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.

