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Humvees and other wheeled transports through the gate

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    Humvees and other wheeled transports through the gate

    I'd love to see humvees being used for travel on other planets
    i think the gate is big enough for a humvee to fit, and it provides cover for when they're attacked by jaffa or ori soldiers
    plus it lets the teams move quickly and retreat quickly at the expense of a few thousand dollars (better than losing a pj)

    I've wondered that before myself. At the very least useing motorbikes or quadbikes, as it would allow them to explore much further than they could by walking. You do have the problem of fuel, but I'm sure they could be converted to run on solar power or something.

    The only problem would be that they probably couldn't use something like that if they were going to a planet with a less advanced society, and only use them on planets that look abandoned or population free. You wouldn't want to introduce too much advanced tech to lesser societies. It's a bit like the prime directive, they should try and have the least affect possible on those they do meet up with (Unless they are trying to free them fromthe Gou'ald or Ori of course)


      Originally posted by o-0
      I'd love to see humvees being used for travel on other planets
      i think the gate is big enough for a humvee to fit, and it provides cover for when they're attacked by jaffa or ori soldiers
      plus it lets the teams move quickly and retreat quickly at the expense of a few thousand dollars (better than losing a pj)
      I refer you to this thread: Why isn't there any tanks in SG

      There is the same discussion going on there, and your right they would be very effective anti-infrantry plus they would be able to serve as long-range scouts to go out from the immediate gate area.


        Originally posted by wolfax
        I refer you to this thread: Why isn't there any tanks in SG

        There is the same discussion going on there, and your right they would be very effective anti-infrantry plus they would be able to serve as long-range scouts to go out from the immediate gate area.
        Don't we already have a thread about those vehicles being used by SG teams? I happen to remember to be one of those posting about how they can be used....


          a dirt bike would be cool riding round shooting people doing drive bys

          or make a hover vechicle for a person to use


            #1 Problem, gotta get the Tanks/Cars/Bikes in the gate room first


              Combat motorcycles and Humvees are the only ones that can fit into the gateroom. They would have to be lowered via crane through the silo tube.

              Remember that the Puddle Jumper is much bigger than a Humvee and those can fit in the Gateroom.


                Quads and bikes would be pertty good for further exploration of a planet, but in most cases, all the settlements they find are pretty darn close to the gate, so there has never been a whole lot of need for any vehicles.
                I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.


                  Originally posted by Peoples_General
                  Combat motorcycles and Humvees are the only ones that can fit into the gateroom. They would have to be lowered via crane through the silo tube.

                  Remember that the Puddle Jumper is much bigger than a Humvee and those can fit in the Gateroom.
                  Yes, a PJ can fit, but it can also fly. Lowering a humvee into and out of the gate room everytime it is used will cause many problems, especially if multiple vehicles are returning at the same time.


                    You also have the problem of it not fitting on the gate ramp, not just Earths, but other worlds.
                    All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

                    The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

                    Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu


                      I bet my honda civic could fit thru the gate.....


                        Originally posted by Mousie
                        The only problem would be that they probably couldn't use something like that if they were going to a planet with a less advanced society, and only use them on planets that look abandoned or population free. You wouldn't want to introduce too much advanced tech to lesser societies. It's a bit like the prime directive, they should try and have the least affect possible on those they do meet up with (Unless they are trying to free them fromthe Gou'ald or Ori of course)
                        how is that a problem for planets like that they can just use horses... sure mitchell love playing a cowboy... and it would still get them around faster then on foot
                        jennie: what have you gotten your self involved in here Meredith?
                        : Meredith?
                        It's a long story...
                        Jeanie: It's his name.
                        Your Name is Meredith Mckay?
                        It's Meredith Rodney Mckay yes, but I prefure to go by Rodney... Look could we just stick to the point here... look out the window... must more interesting then my name...
                        Your name is Meredith...?!?!?!

                        Hah Mckays Life is ruined


                          Originally posted by Mckay_DK
                          how is that a problem for planets like that they can just use horses... sure mitchell love playing a cowboy... and it would still get them around faster then on foot
                          Well the problem of using horses would be the maintainance of them Is the airforce just going to open a stable outside of Cheyenne? And how would you get them into the gate room. Quads and stuff can be dismantled but try getting a horse into a lift! Also in a firefight a motorbike doesn't die if you shoot it.


                            Originally posted by wolfax
                            I refer you to this thread: Why isn't there any tanks in SG
                            Eh...they don't usually drive those inthe Air Force!

                            Originally posted by jds1982
                            You also have the problem of it not fitting on the gate ramp, not just Earths, but other worlds.
                            They would probably just do what they do with the F-302's.
                            Dismantle them and re-asemble them on the other side.
                            Teal'c: I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-o.
                            O'Neill: ...Call Daniel.


                              There's something I thought was a little odd last year. In "The Scourge", the jeeps and humvees parked outside the Gamma Site. I did a bit of a double take when I saw that, thinking: alright I'll accept that it'll fit through the gate but how the hell did you get it into the gate room?
                              "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life

