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what were scifi's ratings without stargate this friday?

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    what were scifi's ratings without stargate this friday?

    it'd be interesting to compare.

    I have no idea.
    Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

    ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
    encounter on the strange journey.


    2 Cor. 10:3-5
    3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
    4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
    5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


      They come out Tuesday-Wednesday, depending on how good-bad they were. Scifi is usually quick to release good news but they always hold back on the bad. If they don't come out until Thursday prepare for the worst.

      1.7-1.8 for each would be my highest best-case. Worst case would be 1.4.
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        Well, since the gates weren't on this week, I hope the non gate shows do horrible. BSG was on, but not a new episode. So, let's hope BSG did REALLY bad as well. I hope next week BSG doesn't do well either with the new episodes. It's not that I don't like BSG, I just like SG A LOT more. If we see a big ratings drop in BSG without the SG lead in, that would be an excellent coup for SG.
        Wraith, the OTHER white meat.
        Loyalty above all else, except Honor.


          Originally posted by Chricton
          They come out Tuesday-Wednesday, depending on how good-bad they were. Scifi is usually quick to release good news but they always hold back on the bad. If they don't come out until Thursday prepare for the worst.
          Gateworld has had the ratings for the finale since Monday night. It's THEM who hasn't published them. SciFi has nothing to do with it. In fact, SciFi has not the source for Gateworld's ratings all season.


            Originally posted by rpmguitar
            it'd be interesting to compare.
            proabaly got a good number with the new season of doctor who and everyone checking in to see the 10th doctor ....sadly i missed it


              Originally posted by Freekzilla
              Well, since the gates weren't on this week, I hope the non gate shows do horrible. BSG was on, but not a new episode. So, let's hope BSG did REALLY bad as well. I hope next week BSG doesn't do well either with the new episodes. It's not that I don't like BSG, I just like SG A LOT more. If we see a big ratings drop in BSG without the SG lead in, that would be an excellent coup for SG.
              *sharp intake of breath*
              See... this whole competition between BSG and SG is just a nuisance.

              I would take SG over BSG any day but I would hate it nearly (less than nearly) as much if BSG got cancelled before it's time too.

              But the part that really annoys me is that I don't know who to blame...

              I almost hate BSG because it's not cancelled and tends to get better ratings.

              Anyway... that's my two cents, for what it's worth.

              To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


                Originally posted by MediaSavant
                Gateworld has had the ratings for the finale since Monday night. It's THEM who hasn't published them. SciFi has nothing to do with it. In fact, SciFi has not the source for Gateworld's ratings all season.

                I wonder why GW hasn't posted the ratings yet?


                  Originally posted by chocdoc
                  I wonder why GW hasn't posted the ratings yet?
                  Yeah, I've been wondering 'bout that myself...

                  To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


                    I too was wondering about ratings for SG1 and SGA for last Friday. No one has heard anything?

                    When all else fails, change channels.


                      Originally posted by Freekzilla
                      Well, since the gates weren't on this week, I hope the non gate shows do horrible. BSG was on, but not a new episode. So, let's hope BSG did REALLY bad as well. I hope next week BSG doesn't do well either with the new episodes. It's not that I don't like BSG, I just like SG A LOT more. If we see a big ratings drop in BSG without the SG lead in, that would be an excellent coup for SG.
                      What a wonderfully positive and magnanimous attitude.
                      Last edited by Orion's Star; 30 September 2006, 05:58 PM.
                      "May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places where you must walk." - Susan Ivanova

                      "The universe is run by the complex interweaving of three elements. Energy, matter, and enlightened self-interest. " - Citizen G'Kar

                      "I will see you again, in the place where no shadows fall." - Delenn


                        I hope it was -10.

                        I HATE SCI-FI.
                        I HATE SY-FY


                          Yeah, what kind of coup are we talking about here? Even if BSG's ratings do tank (and I highly doubt they will) there's no way SciFi is going to bring back SG1. SG1 will come back as a miniseries or movie, but it's done as a TV series. All this talk about hoping BSG fails just to get even with SciFi or whatever sounds like sour grapes to me.


                            While it probably won't get it back on the air. Perhaps after the tv movies, mini-series air on Sci-Fi or whatever. They might have a change of heart & go for the whole Stargate Command thing because they relaise that it wasn't just Stargate that was getting the lower than expected ratings.

                            I have a feeling, that after a few eps in, it won't be much more than Atlantis anyhow!

                            They've already canned SG-1, however to rub it in, they're making their loyal fans wait 6 months till the 2nd half airs. The last 10 eps ever of the series & Skiffy add more months waiting until they finally put their fans out of their misery. Why!....So they can air their BSG baby all the way through.

                            However, if it doesn't do anything in regards to a new SG show from being put into production, the least that it would do is show them not to mess with Atlantis. Especially since the actors contracts & all the will run out in the near future. Then they'll do all that season by season, re-negotiate salaries & then they'll say it's too high to continue with.

                            I don't know about the rest, but I won't be watching BSG this season myself. Personally I only watched it because it was on the same time as SG-1 & Atlantis. Now it's not then I won't be bothering my ass as to what happens with it any longer.


                              I too wonder what the mid-season finales got, ratings wise.

                              If they did bad, it doesn't matter now its already canned, just publish them already.
                              I'm proud to be an American.

                              "...and those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made unto dust."

