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can one exist without the other

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    can one exist without the other

    I dont know about you guys but theyve spent this time intertwinig the shows but how is atlantis going to explain the fact that sg1 being gone isnt affecting their situation. I a sort of opposed to 1 show going on whilst the other dosnt. Admittadly ill probably come to accept this thing as i have with many other aspects Jonas, Atlantis with no oneill etc etc and maybe even like it however i just would like to hear some thoughts on the matter and also can neone think of a cool way that Atlantis could be suddenly cut off from earth.
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    atlantis can survive without SG1 because tey can alway bring characters back and keep the SGC set. Atlantis is an independant show, they will do fine


      Sure they can - the cancelletation of SG-1 desn't mean earth and the SGC disapears. Look at this season of Atlantis so far what exactly has it taken from SG-1 so far?

      SG-1 sets (these are owned by MGM so they won't be scrapped anytime soon)
      Ocasional appearances by SG-1 actors (most of them live in Vancouver anyway so their shouldn't be a problem getting the back)


        In terms of story, yes. My concern is that since the ratings for both shows follow a very similar pattern, the loss of SG-1 would be a major hit on Atlantis's ratings.

        But then, there are some people who think Atlantis's ratings will go up without SG-1 airing beforehand.


          I believe it will do well on it's own. The biggest problem I can see is if some viewers decide not to watch it because scifi cancelled SG-1. Of course, I can't say anything against such an act because if they get rid of Sheppard, I'd quit watching scifi channel. I plan to remain optimistic about it and see what happens. You never know, it might do better since it will be the only Stargate show and they could put more money into it.
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          A character from the novel "Chindi" by Jack McDevitt

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          'Eleanor Roosevelt'
          Individuality is freedom lived.
          'Janis Joplin'


            Originally posted by Atlantis1
            I believe it will do well on it's own. The biggest problem I can see is if some viewers decide not to watch it because scifi cancelled SG-1. Of course, I can't say anything against such an act because if they get rid of Sheppard, I'd quit watching scifi channel. I plan to remain optimistic about it and see what happens. You never know, it might do better since it will be the only Stargate show and they could put more money into it.
            I'd say the biggest problem is that people might not wanna stay in on a Friday night for just one hour of programming. We've already seen the repercussions of cutting it from 3 hours to 2, so unless they give Atlantis some amazing lead ins to pad out the night, I think it will be in trouble.

            As for putting more money into it, I don't know about that. Do they give them a budget for Stargate in general and expect them to split it? Or do you think they'll take SG-1 off the air because it's become too expensive and then turn around and give more money to Atlantis? Regardless, higher budget does not necessarily mean higher ratings.

