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Can Sci-Fi really do this ????

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    C'mon, you knew it was coming. Dont hate the player, hate the game


      Originally posted by -PITBULL-
      But for Number 2 , Burning a DVD and playing it on a screen that is bigger then it was suppost to play on , im not really sure what i would get .. It could be really crappy , I would try it , but if i didnt like it why would i keep doing that ... Sorry i got the TV for a better picture not a crappy picture ...
      You do realize that most tv shows are displayed in the 640 x 480 resolution right? There's a difference in the size of pixels on your computer screen and on most people's television. So, really, there's not any size difference, merely your perception of it due to smaller pixels.

      The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


        Originally posted by rarocks24
        You do realize that most tv shows are displayed in the 640 x 480 resolution right? There's a difference in the size of pixels on your computer screen and on most people's television. So, really, there's not any size difference, merely your perception of it due to smaller pixels.
        Yeah but nothing could stop MGM not even Sci-Fi , for making a deal with COMCAST to have there own STARGATE ON-DEMAND , or a section for COMCAST to have STARGATE Eps. Playing on there ON-DEMAND Section ...

        At least with that they could play them in the US , they jsut wouldnt be on a NETWORK ...

        They could do the same with Direct TV , and there ON DEMAND Section ....

        Aslong as MGM Doesnt AIR STARGATE SG-1 on a NETWORK in the US they are ok , and COMCAST and Direct TV ON DEMAND Section , has nothing to do with a NETWORK ...


          Exactly, they can air it wherever and whenever they like, jsut so long as its not on a network in the US other then sci fi. So they can take it to any other country or any other medium other then TV. And hopefully will take full advantage of this option.


            I like how the story said that the show wouldn't be able to air in the US, what about a Canadian stations picking it up, or more preferable to me "sky one" in the UK, heck BBC could pick it up or something just as long as SG1 goes on.


              Originally posted by Ra's mom
              to tell you the truth all ive heard about all of this so far just sounds like rumors, i dont think anyone is sure yet on what is going to happen.

              I don't mean to be unkind, but are you living in a dream world?

              It's no rumor, it's a fact. SciFi has gone on record as saying the show will NOT have an 11th season, and that MGM will NOT be permitted by SciFi to take the show to another channel.

              MGM has said they're determined to go on somehow, even if by iTunes.

              HOW is any of that "rumor"?

              Please don't try to water down FACT. That's being just plain silly.


                $1.99 per episode x 1.6 million viewers = $3,184,000...hell, if they pushed it, they would make a significant profit.

                The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                  The question is: Does the contract exclude U.S. networks from buying syndication rights for a possible season 11?


                    Originally posted by rarocks24
                    $1.99 per episode x 1.6 million viewers = $3,184,000...hell, if they pushed it, they would make a significant profit.
                    OK you got 3,184,000 a week per EPS ... Right there one season they could do a whole 11th season ... and still make profit ....

                    Plus they have to look at DVD Sales , they might make even more in DVD Sales ever year ...

                    But in ONE Season for ITUNES they could make at least with a 1.6 avrage rating , a sum of 63,680,000 Dollors off of I-tunes ...

                    Now add in the DVD sales and your looking at almost at the leat 80 to 90 million doolors off of one season ...

                    They adding in Sponcers that MGM picks up , and advertising from other networks to there DVD . Your talking a big profit alone on DVD and Eps sales ...

                    They havnt even added season 1-9 yeat on I-Tunes , so there goes more money to MGM ...


                      Originally posted by rarocks24
                      You do realize that most tv shows are displayed in the 640 x 480 resolution right? There's a difference in the size of pixels on your computer screen and on most people's television. So, really, there's not any size difference, merely your perception of it due to smaller pixels.
                      Actually, your CRT screen has the same exact number and size of pixels as your TV, 640x480. It's just that the video card allows you to simulate a higher resolution. LCD screens and other non-crt monitors however, are a dfifferent story. The technology of CRT monitors and conventional TV's are the same, just different input mthods. Some older high end TV's had d-sub inputs and even seporate RGB inputs. And some older CRT monitors did the reverse, had BNC coaxial connections. This is why the default resolution of your monitor when you first install the vid card is 640x480. The vid card drivers allows the "simulation" effect of higher resolutions. But rarocks24 is right though, this "simulation" changes how you perceive the screen.
                      Wraith, the OTHER white meat.
                      Loyalty above all else, except Honor.


                        Originally posted by FallenAngelII
                        The question is: Does the contract exclude U.S. networks from buying syndication rights for a possible season 11?
                        Well that the deal , if a NETWORK shows Sci-Fi anuff money to buy the rights ... Sci-Fi would be some what stupid to take the money ....

                        So say if Sci-Fi bought the Contract for SG-1 at a price of 50 Million , The other network might have to buy out Sci-Fi from the Contract for about 70 or even 80 Million ... Might be more sense Sci-Fi wouldnt want MGM to make that 11th Season ..

                        it also matters what the Contract was about , If the Contract stats that MGM could buy out there own contract in certain amount of time , then im sure MGM would by it out and then make a new contract with someone else ..

                        But if SG-1 Contract stats that Sci-Fi cant sale it for a Price tag over the price they payed for it , im sure Sci-Fi wouldnt sale it either ... it really matters what the contract has in it ..


                          Originally posted by FallenAngelII
                          The question is: Does the contract exclude U.S. networks from buying syndication rights for a possible season 11?

                          Talking about "networks" and "syndication" in the same sentence is a case of talking apples and oranges.

                          Networks are companies that hook up with a big bunch of stations all over the country. They provide those stations with a HUGE amount of their programming, by way of a simultaneous feed.

                          That's why if you're visiting another state, new episodes of "ER" (for example) still run on Thursdays at 10PM. Because ALL the affiliates of the NBC network are getting a feed of "ER" at the same time.

                          "Syndication" is different.

                          Syndicated shows aren't sold to a network. Instead the seller goes DIRECTLY to individual TV stations. Makes no difference what network they may or may not be connected to.

                          THEY buy the show, and run it locally at a time THEY choose.

                          We used to get SG1 on a CBS affiliate at 1 o'clock Sunday mornings. Finally it ended up on our FOX affiliate, and they usually run it and ATLANTIS at 4 and 5 Saturday afternoons.

                          Other stations in other places may be ABC affiliates, WB stations, and some may not have a network connection at all.

                          The question is, if MGM were to make a season 11, and try to bypass the "cable first" policy they've had, going directly to the "a year later, syndication" thing, CAN they do it?

                          I kind of doubt it.

                          Sounds like SciFi has first dibs and always will, including the right to say "no".

                          Anyone good with photoshop? How's about a picture of SciFiChannel's Bonnie Hammer as a female Wraith?


                            Originally posted by ECN
                            How's about a picture of SciFiChannel's Bonnie Hammer as a female Wraith?
                            I think the Golden Hammer as Steve would be insanely funnier. But I'm nutty anyway.
                            Frak! --Apollo
                            Frak you. --Cain
                            FRAK Me! --Kat
                            frakwit! --Tyrol
                            B*tch took my ride. --Starbuck


                              Can SciFi really do this? I think they just did, and they've taken us fans for granted.

                              It's time to strike back.
                              I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

                              Click on sig to check out my fanfic gallery too!

