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How many Veterans here?

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    How many Veterans here?

    There's a lot of discussion on these boards about various military aspects of SG1.

    There are things that they get right and there are things that they get wrong; some of which are WAY over the top.

    I also see a lot of discussions about weapons and tactics in relation to the show.

    All this has gotten me to wondering whether or not there are other Vets here on the boards. Statistically there MUST be.

    So if any of you are out there, list your branch & MOS, plus any comments you have on the military aspects of the show.

    Obviously, I'll go first:

    US Army - 13F20P

    There are two main things that routinely bug me:

    1) Not that the Air Force doesn't have special operations capability, but the TYPE of capabilities in the show... If you want to make Jack some kind of Faux Green Beret, make him a Green Beret. And what's this business about a PILOT running around in the woods doing grunt stuff? (Prior to his SG1 assignment.)
    Pilots cost a LOT of stinkin' money to train and develop. What the hell is he doing running around like some sort of 11-Bravo?

    2) The way weapons work. Like C4 explosions creating huge clouds of flame and black smoke, or people hiding BEHIND a Claymore so they don't get hurt. Don't even get me started on the way they routinely "run around" explosions, especially artillery. And who taught Carter how to hold a knife? (Emancipation)

    "Atheism - the religion devoted to the worship of one's own smug sense of superiority."
    - Stephen Colbert
    "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Give a man religion and he'll starve to death praying for a fish."


    Originally posted by DysfunctionalVeteran
    people hiding BEHIND a Claymore so they don't get hurt.
    Not a vet here, but I have to say I missed that one and... um.... yeah, that's kind of loopy.
    Frak! --Apollo
    Frak you. --Cain
    FRAK Me! --Kat
    frakwit! --Tyrol
    B*tch took my ride. --Starbuck


      Was US Air Force -Munitions Maintenance Specialist... it was a while ago because I was stupid when I was younger and got out (idiot) so I dont remember the specific MOS designation . I do remember my squad though as they are good luck numbers for me 509th MMS.

      I had always like Stargate because they always represented the USAF well and actually tried to follow the rules and regs... the first ep with Haily when they had to film indoors because the AF advisor told them they had to wear hats if they were outdoors just makes me happy. I like how AD, RDA, and later Daniel took the time to try to look like they knew what they were doing. Stargate had always treated the USAF with respect and made us look good (sharp, smart, skilled... with still a since of humor).

      BTW Getting out of the USAF was the single stupidest thing I have ever done. I suggest anyone who is still in stay in unless you actually have a real life that it is interfering with. JMHO.stupid stupid stupid stupd.....
      Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

      ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

      AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


        Army veteran here, too, 98G2LKP (that's a Korean linguist for the zoomies out there). I know the other services have different systems for numbering their specialties.

        I read up on Air Force special ops for a fanfic I wrote, and it seems like they mainly do pilot rescue, or at least that's what I read. So O'Neill might have had his wings, but not strictly flown.


          Former Army, Calvary Scout PH W/1OLC. I liked the episode with the military funeral. Unfortunately I've participated in a few. They were spot on with slow hand salutes, folding the flag, etc. However, on the cliff hanger episode of Atlantis the Marines wore cute little red berets - BARF!



            Army and Air Force
            Army 91B/W, I trained under the program as a 91B then had to upgrade to the 91W

            And Air Force 3P and 4N.
            3P is Security Forces and 4N is medic.


              US Navy Hull Technician Petty Officer Second Class. My husband is also a Navy Vet. Didn't we see a couple of Navy Corpmen on the Daedalus in an Atlantis episode?
              Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                Originally posted by DysfunctionalVeteran
                There's a lot of discussion on these boards about various military aspects of SG1.

                There are things that they get right and there are things that they get wrong; some of which are WAY over the top.

                I also see a lot of discussions about weapons and tactics in relation to the show.

                All this has gotten me to wondering whether or not there are other Vets here on the boards. Statistically there MUST be.

                So if any of you are out there, list your branch & MOS, plus any comments you have on the military aspects of the show.

                Obviously, I'll go first:

                US Army - 13F20P

                There are two main things that routinely bug me:

                1) Not that the Air Force doesn't have special operations capability, but the TYPE of capabilities in the show... If you want to make Jack some kind of Faux Green Beret, make him a Green Beret. And what's this business about a PILOT running around in the woods doing grunt stuff? (Prior to his SG1 assignment.)
                Pilots cost a LOT of stinkin' money to train and develop. What the hell is he doing running around like some sort of 11-Bravo?

                2) The way weapons work. Like C4 explosions creating huge clouds of flame and black smoke, or people hiding BEHIND a Claymore so they don't get hurt. Don't even get me started on the way they routinely "run around" explosions, especially artillery. And who taught Carter how to hold a knife? (Emancipation)

                ever heard of para troopers?


                running behind claymore is smart dumbass, would you like a bunch of pellets and shrapnel being thrown into you???

                now, what i have mostly noticed is that a p90 now has a pretty nice ability to double as a sniper rifle in the show

                sig made courtesy of M2W


                  mburrows -

                  ever heard of para troopers?
                  Uhhh... yeahhhh..... <looks for the "irony" smilie but can't find one.>
                  I don't understand the question though.

                  Uh, yeah....
                  It's roughly a 60/40 mix of RDX and PETN with a plasticizer that always puts me in mind of Marzipan.
                  But... I don't understand the comment.
                  Little help here?

                  running behind claymore is smart dumbass, would you like a bunch of pellets and shrapnel being thrown into you???
                  OK, I guess we can safely assume that YOU don't have any experience with Claymores.

                  Or C4.

                  I'm thinking, perhaps not with the military either.

                  I really need that "Irony Smilie" for the "Dumbass" comment...

                  ...What i have mostly noticed is that a p90 now has a pretty nice ability to double as a sniper rifle in the show...
                  Actually, there isn't any such thing as a "Sniper Rifle" per say, in the same way that there isn't any such thing as an "assault rifle".
                  There are rifles, and there are snipers. There are also rifles that are prefered by snipers. However, ANY rifle can be used as a sniper rifle. because sniping is a tactic, not an inanimate object.

                  I can consistantly hit a man sized object at 200 meters with my MUSKET (w/ SABOT round and 120g FFg), and I can do the same at 800 meters with an M16A2. I've never fired a P90. but I'd be willing to bet that it would perform at least as well as my Musket, and 200 meters is plenty far enough for a sniper to work with if he needs to. Hell, I've seen them "disappear" at less than 50 yards.

                  "Atheism - the religion devoted to the worship of one's own smug sense of superiority."
                  - Stephen Colbert
                  "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Give a man religion and he'll starve to death praying for a fish."




                    I like having you military folks in here... you guys just keep on talkin' and I'll keep on a-learnin' interesting stuff

                    And um... without saying a name, at least one comment about Claymores came from someone whose public profile indicates they're 14... so uh... I wouldn't get too bent about it unless they've lowered the enlisting age, no disrespect to any forum members intended.
                    Last edited by takinspace; 27 August 2006, 01:47 AM.
                    Frak! --Apollo
                    Frak you. --Cain
                    FRAK Me! --Kat
                    frakwit! --Tyrol
                    B*tch took my ride. --Starbuck


                      Originally posted by takinspace
                      ...I wouldn't get too bent about it ...

                      I'm not. But thanks.

                      "Atheism - the religion devoted to the worship of one's own smug sense of superiority."
                      - Stephen Colbert
                      "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Give a man religion and he'll starve to death praying for a fish."



                        Dunno if it counts, but i volunteered during our independence war (i was 17, so they didnt let me on frontlines), got training, then later (due to being too young during the war i couldnt get vet status) i did 10 months as conscript.
                        Also, seen way too much of fighting on TV and on videos friends brought from frontlines...

                        What i really hate in shows/movies is when they overdo explosions, as far as i have seen, SG shows have been OK in that depertment - i really hate seeing too much fire in explosion, you dont hit gas tanks all the time for crying out loud...
                        Or you dont take out empty hut with AT rocket and it makes Hiroshima like mushroom (seen that in one "army" show)...

                        Also firing with one hand... OK if you are running and just wanna spray some cover fire, but other then that... no way.

                        Generally i think P-90's are good choice cause of the ammo they use and large mags.... i would hate to see Teal'c with 2 M-16A2 (one in each hand) shooting, that would be the end for me.... (i fired my AK-47 like that once, just to see... ROFL... ).. P-90 at least by design does offer some level of control if held in one hand

                        As for Clyamores... not smart to stand near _ANY_ mine when it goes off.

                        Basically... i dont have major problems with weapons and their usage in SG shows... unlike many movies and shows.
                        VISIT AND JOIN


                          Originally posted by silence
                          What i really hate in shows/movies is when they overdo explosions, as far as i have seen, SG shows have been OK in that depertment - i really hate seeing too much fire in explosion, you dont hit gas tanks all the time for crying out loud...

                          Yeah, I hate that too.

                          SG1 is as guilty as anyone else though...

                          Like when they went after that Super-Soldier and they hit the clacker for the C4 and the special effects guys had layed down black powder & kerosene?

                          Or when O'Neil and, I think Siler...?
                          When they put that C4 on the Blast Door when SGC was getting overrun by replicators?
                          They went around the corner and the "blast was visible in the cross hall as a big gout of flame.

                          C4, Semtex, all of the high brissance RDX/PETN based materials make for the most UN-dramatic explosions ever. Big bang, dust... that's it.

                          BTW, what war were you talking about?

                          Presumably you didn't mean the AMERICAN revolution, because that would make you kind of old...

                          "Atheism - the religion devoted to the worship of one's own smug sense of superiority."
                          - Stephen Colbert
                          "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Give a man religion and he'll starve to death praying for a fish."



                            LOL... i am not THAT old.
                            Balkans, war in Croatia (i was 17 in 1991).

                            yeah, they have their momets of making explosions too big, but it isnt rule, as in many other shows. i know it's for effects, cause real explosion are not that spectacular, but as far as i watched SG shows, they did better then many shows that are supposed to be based on Army stuff.

                            as for that super-soldier scene, i can think of many shows that would shame nuke with ammout of kerosene there ... if there was just lots of dust (as it should be), prolly too many people would think "BOO"

                            what i hate even more is when they do same thing with AT weap which uses shaped charge warhead... (unless there is dual warhead and reactive armor, hitting tank with AT is sooooo unspectacular).

                            EDIT : i just remembered.... dont they use AT rockets instead of Stingers in SGA to shoot down Darts?
                            Last edited by silence; 27 August 2006, 09:59 AM.
                            VISIT AND JOIN


                              Originally posted by silence
                              LOL... i am not THAT old.
                              Balkans, war in Croatia (i was 17 in 1991).

                              Ah, OK...
                              I had a feeling that's what you meant.

                              They say there's being out in "The Bush" and then there's being out in "The Bad Bush".

                              I heard the Balkans was the 2nd.

                              I know what you mean about the A/T stuff.

                              One that I thought was pretty goofy was when that guy shot that zombie with the M203 when they went to look for the Telchak device.

                              It's a little hard to judge distance in that scene, but I don't think the grenade traveled the full 21 meters before hitting the zombie; which would have made a nice sized hole, but no ka-blooie.

                              It was really weird for me, because I actually lived through that exact scene, only without the device or the zombie. And the guy was ethnic Russian, not some cheesy hollywood idea of a Che wannabee. But it was high pucker facter anyway.

                              "Atheism - the religion devoted to the worship of one's own smug sense of superiority."
                              - Stephen Colbert
                              "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Give a man religion and he'll starve to death praying for a fish."


