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Why did this happen? SG1 Cancellation??

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    Originally posted by IrishPisano

    (I think we all know what i'm talking about)
    please see the Why Did This Happen thread and give the mods a break.
    "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
    Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


      putting a hit show on at 9pm on friday nights in the summer is like trying to run it in new york city during a yankees-mets world series... people are out doing stuff... they're not going to sit at home and watch tv on a friday night... i mean sure, there are plenty of us who do, but a lot of other people don't... Conviction on NBC suffered the same thing back in the spring: friday night. SG would probably work out better on a Thursday night... aside from the timeslot.... PROMOTION... they need to market the hell out of it, but do it properly and not like King Kong which had hyper-market-saturation...
      Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
      Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
      Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
      Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


        Gateworld: Close the SGC? How can they do this?
        Daniel Jackson: .... Kinsey.


          is this a bad joke?


            Dude, this isn't the starwars forum.


              Originally posted by Oreo
              Me when I heard the news...

              "It's Christmas already?!"

              Then I just went...


              The show should have ended after season 6, then it should have after season 7, and then season 8. Seasons 9 and 10 are horible as a whole, the Ori are useless.

              its ******s like you that canceled the show yes thats right ( ******S )


                I'm sure that there will be demonstrations outside the main offices for SCIFI. The question is, how will they be organized?


                  There were a lot of reasons why this happened. Removing BSG from the line up, it gave 3 solid hours of good sci-fi for people to watch. Putting a show that recieved a .9 rating as a lead in isn't a good idea, that drew viewers away. No advertising for the new season. The new direction for the show, some people just didn't like it. The blame can be shared between Sci-fi, Bridge Studio's and the fans.

                  But on the bright side, MGM feels strongly about SG-1, it is a good money maker for them. They do have a lot invested in the franchise, certainly they want to keep the franchise alive until the MMORPG comes out. Since I believe the game is based on SG-1, it makes sense to keep SG-1 alive at least until the game is launched. So I do believe that SG-1 will continue after season 10 at least in some format. Several possiblities come to mind, movies and mini-series. Shop the show to another network. Sell it as first-run syndication. MGM could even create its own network, with SG-1 as an anchor and then take Atlantis back as well and with MGM's movie library, it could easily have programing to run a network. While it wouldn't be all sci-fi format, I could see that working but thats probably just wishful thinking on my part.

                  The thing that bothers me the most, thankfully I haven't seen too much of it but its people coming into discussion threads and gleefully gloating that SG-1 has been cancelled. While I believe they are certainly entitled to their opinion, it just seems a crass thing to do. It seems they are so bitter and angry that the show didn't turn out the exact way they wanted it, so they must make everyone as miserable as they are. As I said, it isn't a lot of people and not the people that say I just didn't care for it after season 8, season 9 just didn't appeal to me. I'm talking about the people that feel the need to say, good I'm glad it was cancelled, it sucked for a long time. To me that just smacks of spite and selfishness.


                    Well, I was originally one of those bitter people who was sorta glad SG-1 was cancelled, but then... I thought a lot about the grand scheme of things...

                    "SG-1" ended 2 years ago with Season 8. This new revision should really have been named "Stargate: Command" or something, because it's a new era. New enemies, new team leader... It's a new energy that no one's really used to.

                    Doesn't mean we should cap it right away.

                    I also used to hate Battlestar Galactica because it was so dark. But i got used to it... after a few episodes.


                      If anything, it's Atlantis that I despise. It went from happy to ever-so-gloomy.

                      At any rate, all I gotta say to the happy folk is that... dude, it's a generation-changing show. Let the future kids watch 'gate if they want to. It's the New Star Trek with less kirk and more Jean-Luc Picard.


                        Ok, yesterday I thought it was a dream or some kind of bad joke...

                        Today is for real?..........

                        Stars are not the limit.....
                        The galaxies are not the limit....
                        Your imagination have the last word...




                          Yeah, this news is a bit of a shock, but I wouldn't go into hyperventilation just yet. There's still plenty of time for Sci-Fi to change their minds, and there are other networks (G4, SpikeTV) who would make viable alternatives if they were interested.

                          Besides, hyperventilating really doens't help much...

                          But to answer the original question, I don't think the Ori are to blame. Personally, I love them as villains because it raises the bar and opens up many more avenues and situations to put our heroes in peril.

                          More Goa'uld? Been there, done that. It's repetition. Besides, I don't know how you could get cooler Goa'uld villains than Anubis and Ba'al.

                          Wraith? Atlantis is already dealing with them.

                          Bringing back the Replicators works in Atlantis because of how much more improved these Replicators are. But SG1 has already beaten them. It would be like trying to make Romulans a big threat again in Trek. They've already lost a war. There's less suspense.

                          I put the blame on a few things. First, the timeslot is different (9PM Eastern vs. 8PM Eastern last year) which puts it on opposite Monk on USA. The loss of Battlestar Galactica can help too, because it's certainly not out of the question to think that there were some BSG fans who watched the entire Sci-Fi block, but might not have been as interested in 'Gate as they were in BSG.

                          And thirdly, it is still Summertime. Not a very good time for weekend TV, but this isn't as good of an excuse because Sci-Fi has been doing Summer seasons forever.

                          But hey, if Sci-Fi doesn't change their minds, I would imagine other networks would be interested in what is literally the most successfull cable science fiction show in every measurable category.


                            I think it has to do with money more than anything. Having a good chunk of your people (cast & crew) for 10 years cannot be cheap. It would have been nice if SciFi would have stopped making those stupid movies or not picked up wrestling and put some of the money into the Gates. I'm finding solace in the fact that we had 10 years and that's a hell of a lot more than most shows get, we still have Atlantis and will maybe be getting a new show. Here's hoping.


                              It really sucks that SG-1 is being cancelled. This series is still going strong and so far season 10 has been great and there hasn´t been a bad episode!

                              I think sci-fi is putting way to much stock in it´s new series like Eureka, they saw the first episodes numbers and went "whoa, man these numbers rock!. Let´s cancel the old shows and make nothing but things like this!". I´m betting they never even thought about whether or not the new show would retain it´s ratings going into next season.

                              I would have prefered that Atlantis be cancelled, that series has a lot less to do with Earth and simply doesn´t have nearly as cool villians to deal with as SG-1 does.

                              At the very least I want another spin-off to happen! Give us a brand new series with perhaps one or two of the SG-1 cast in it.


                                Originally posted by IrishPisano
                                putting a hit show on at 9pm on friday nights in the summer is like trying to run it in new york city during a yankees-mets world series... people are out doing stuff... they're not going to sit at home and watch tv on a friday night... i mean sure, there are plenty of us who do, but a lot of other people don't... Conviction on NBC suffered the same thing back in the spring: friday night. SG would probably work out better on a Thursday night... aside from the timeslot.... PROMOTION... they need to market the hell out of it, but do it properly and not like King Kong which had hyper-market-saturation...
                                hey. its not like i said this exact same thing already 3 times yesterday.

