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Attraction to Stargate

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    The initial attraction?
    The sci fi / Earth mythology mix, space travel, aliens & alien technologies, huge great stonkin' space explosions, James Spader.
    Continuing attraction?
    All of the above (substituting Shanks for Spader). Plus Sam Carter, new Jack, plots, characters, jeopardy, intrigue, politics (ok, not Jaffa politics). And so on.
    "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


      There are a couple of reasons that I came to love Stargate and enjoyed the first eight seasons of it so much.

      The characters are one of the most important factors, if not the most important factor. Sam was my favourite almost from the beginning but I really liked Jack, Teal'c, Daniel, Hammond, Janet and Jonas when he appeared. If I like the characters and care about them, I am more interested in their doings.

      On the other hand, if I hate a character, my interest in and enjoyment of the show declines and this has been the case with Season Nine.

      Another reason I enjoyed the first eight seasons of Stargate was the intellectual side, the scientific side to the stories and at times the moral dimension. I also enjoyed the use of Egyptian mythology. Although Arthurian legends have been a favourite of mine since I was little, I did not enjoy their use in Season Nine. I can't put my finger on why.

      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


        Originally posted by ReganX
        I also enjoyed the use of Egyptian mythology. Although Arthurian legends have been a favourite of mine since I was little, I did not enjoy their use in Season Nine. I can't put my finger on why.
        Same here
        "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


          I like the mythology, character interaction and mostly the CGI.

          Best Stargate quote:
          Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
          Green is your friend.


            Science fiction has a nasty habit of becoming science fact. It doesn't always happen in the way it was first speculated but the results are the same. For instance: we didn't use dynamite to blast ourselves into space or to get to the moon, but we did get there. I can only imagine what we'll be doing, or where we'll be going in another 500 years. It's my opinion that science fiction is already showing us.

            "We'll keep the light on for you."


              I like the premise. Traveling to distant worlds and encountering interesting aliens.

