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Stargate RTS Game (Need Help)

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    Stargate RTS Game (Need Help)

    Hello all, i'm here asking who would like to see the first Stargate RTS games to be created? the idea of an RTS game of this genre has been in my mind for a while and im in the middle of contacting the companies to see if it will launch.

    The Idea
    A RTS Stargate game based upon planets and space, enabling the player to play ALL races from the beginning of SG1 to atlantis from all seasons, it will be a 3rd person viewed game. It will incorporate all the tech seen in the stargate episodes and involve ground troops / space ships from jaffa to daedalus it will all be there for everyone to command and make their own universe.

    New technology along the series will be avilibe to find within the artifical galaxies of this new game. Currently im thinking of adding 5 galaxies with over 50 planets and solarsystems in each galaxy to conquer, making allies and researching will enable you to be as powerful as the ancients.

    I could post the full idea on here but i wish to keep the game under raps until i can get it underway.

    who would like to see this happen? i need to know how many would like to see a game of this kind for this amazing program. please help me get this game created by supporting me.

    Thank you

    3rd Person RTS game?

    Edit: You're also going to run into all sorts of legal issues. MGM have shut down 3rd party mods in the past. And I'm not sure they'd be willing to give a license out to a company to make one.
    Also, I dont think the Stargate universe is a very good setting for an RTS game anyway. Stargate has never been about large scale battles (the point of a strategy game), so it wouldn't seem Stargatey enough when playing. A tactical first person shooter or an RPG would be better choices to fit the Stargate universe.


      Originally posted by Agent_Dark
      A tactical first person shooter or an RPG would be better choices to fit the Stargate universe.
      I must agree. But good luck, anyways.
      MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
      "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
      Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


        I would buy it, but then again I'd buy a tetris clone if the bricks were falling jaffa. Stargate + Videogames = my ultimate weakness
        Snape kills Dumbledore
        Darth Vader is Luke's Father
        Rosebud is a sled
        Bruce Willis' character was a ghost
        The planet of the apes is actually Earth
        The two guys in Fight Club are the same guy
        Clark Kent is Superman
        What? You were expecting Stargate Spoilers?

        If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time for no good reason.


          I can't belive they haven't actually produced a Stargate game yet, they are half a dozen Star Trek and Starwars games.

          I do have a hankering for a good Stargate RPG, like Knights of the Old Republic. I'm just not feeling a decent RTS stargate game. Balance issues spring to mind.
          An all new Stargate spinoff presents

          Stargate: The B Team

          The galaxy just got a whoooole lot crazier!


            I think a Stargate RTS would be good- it could be very much like Starcraft (hell, in that game they even had giant stone rings which sent you to other planets, called warpgates...) but no offence to you, but I'm sure loads of people have had that idea before, it's pretty obvious, and I doubt the big important industry guys will take the idea of one of us common folk unless it's really exceptional.


              There are over 50 Star Wars games released to date

              You could make a mod for e.g. C&C Generals, if you live outside the US/Canada I don't think they can sue you.


                Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                3rd Person RTS game?

                Edit: You're also going to run into all sorts of legal issues. MGM have shut down 3rd party mods in the past. And I'm not sure they'd be willing to give a license out to a company to make one.
                Also, I dont think the Stargate universe is a very good setting for an RTS game anyway. Stargate has never been about large scale battles (the point of a strategy game), so it wouldn't seem Stargatey enough when playing. A tactical first person shooter or an RPG would be better choices to fit the Stargate universe.
                I agree the battles just arn't big enough for a RTS. The other thing it that MGM will probably sue you.
                I'm from Iowa, United States

