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Stargate Down Under

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    Yes great job on 400

    Thankyou to everyone who has wished me a happy birthday I have greened you all I think...except phaeton but I will get you as soon as I can.

    I forgot all about watching SG1 last night... although when I got home it was on the TV (the bit where the Prommie blows up.) It's good to see I wasn't way off base with saying that ethon was good


      Off the grid is next


        Is it better than Ethon?


          Originally posted by broken-heart
          Is it better than Ethon?
          Its a pretty good ep
          Science Fiction is an existential metaphor; it allows us to tell stories about the human condition.

          Isaac Asimov once said individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation if we are to be saved at all.



            Hmmmm, I have absolutely no memory of what happens in recollection of S9 eps hasn't been very good lately...

            Sheppard: "Y’know, we’ve been having these conversations for a couple of weeks now, and I don’t even know your name. You guys do have names, right? Let me guess...Steve?"
            Wraith: "I am your death. That is all you need to know."
            Sheppard: "I prefer Steve."


              Aaaaah, 'Off the Grid'. By a freak of circumstance, it premiered at a time when Galactica had just had about three episodes in a row where the teaser would show the climax of the episode, and the rest of the episode would be the lead-up to that point. Thus, the rather pointless use of this technique in this episode proved quite annoying to fans at the time. Luckily, Galactica is a few eps behind down here, so it won't be as annoying as it was when it first premiered.

              Basically, the episode deals with the exploits of one of the many Ba'als now roaming the Galaxy, with the Lucian Alliance and our favorite heroes thrown into the mix. Highlights; that porky son-of-a-gun Nerus pops up once again, and the loss of the Prometheus will suddenly seem all that less important. Most certainly not the best ep this season, but it has its moments [read: Sam looking better-than-ever in some non-regulation offworld gear].
              Jayne - Ain't logical. Cuttin' on his own face, rapin' and murdering - Hell, I'll kill a man in a fair fight... or if I think he's gonna start a fair fight, or if he bothers me, or if there's a woman, or if I'm gettin' paid - mostly only when I'm gettin' paid. But these Reavers... last ten years they show up like the bogeyman from stories. Eating people alive? Where's that get fun?
              Kaylee - Shepherd Book said they was men who just reached the edge of space, saw a vasty nothingness, and went bibbledy over it.
              Jayne - Oh, hell, i've been to the edge. Just looked like... more space.
              - Serenity


                I'd say it's mainly about Ba'al stealing Stargates, and a new food called kassa, that makes you crazy.


                  Ohh yeah, thats right...You know, I think I've only heard kassa mentioned once since this ep, and that was in S10...hmm, after 'Off the Grid', we've got 'Arthurs Mantle', 'Crusade' and 'Camelot', I enjoyed all of these eps, particularly Camelot, lol, these were the ones I remember most, with the exception of 'Avalon 1&2' and 'Origin'. Seems to me that the beginning and end of the season was best, IMO anyway.

                  Sheppard: "Y’know, we’ve been having these conversations for a couple of weeks now, and I don’t even know your name. You guys do have names, right? Let me guess...Steve?"
                  Wraith: "I am your death. That is all you need to know."
                  Sheppard: "I prefer Steve."


                    You forgot The Scourge. The Scourge doesn't look that good. Does it mention Alec Colson?


                      Off the Grid wasn't that good. Okay. 7/10 probs from

                      I thought they were rather clever how they introduced Vala and Cam, but I'm still not sure what I think about Cam. They spent far to much time at the start of the season trying to 'prove' him to the audience. Like the battles with the night, the flashbacks to his heroism and the whole Sodan thing. But I still like him. Vala is still awesum.

                      I was rather suprised how they developed her in Season 10. It's good though, cos you still see flashes how she used to act, she's just a lot more...hmm...civilised. lol

                      I wish channel seven would just air them earlier. It's so annoying having to stay up so late when i've got school....oh well lol


                      Fav eps:

                      Arthur's Mantle
                      Crusade, Camelot
                      Pegasus Project
                      The Quest
                      If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked long ago...

                      "I miss Thor..."

                      Baal: He's tiny - have him squeeze through the bars
                      Teal'c: Assist us or I will squeeze you through these bars...

                      Oberoth: Lower your weapons.
                      Lt. Col. Sheppard: [not moving] How much lower would you like ‘em?

                      [Zelenka gives, in Czech, a poetic description of the rising of Atlantis]
                      Lt. Ford: You didn’t say anything that would require security clearance, did you?
                      Dr. Zelenka: Security clearance?


                        i would have felt the impact of the whole prometheus thing more if my brother hadn't been three feet away laughing his head off about something or other.

                        i agree with the whole "get hyperdrive already!" sentiment. they woulda kept daniel alive if just to question him further. but it gives a kick to all those ppl who think mitchells trying to take over, when he looked to cater to see what she was gonna do. it was up to him, but he was waiting for her to say something. a whole double-team kinda thing.

                        sorry if i've offended anybody. just a little rant from something i read earlier on.

                        anyways, the more baals the better, i say. he was a great bad guy, and the whole clone-thing makes him even cooler
                        *throat punch*
                        My blog:
                        LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                          Hey guys!!
                          I thought
                          Ethon was ok...not the best for season 9 but still...I enjoyed for it what it was!!
                          Off the Grid is ok too...I love their costumes...just think it would have been cool if they had tried the corn themselves...that would have been funny to watch them get a little loose if you know what I mean...especially Teal'c...anyhoo...The Scourge is good...I love it actually...but I'm begining to understand why a lot of folk out there are getting sick of the Asgard beam technology saving their butts in the nick of's getting a bit predictable!

                          Anyhow...that's my opinion on the eps so far...I know I've skipped ahead a bit so I put it in spoilers so if you don't want to be spoiled....don't read!!
                          So just out of there anyone here going to the con in Melbourne on November 5???
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            i'd like to go , but i ain't gots no money that is my birthday though, so if anyone's wondering what to get me wink wink
                            *throat punch*
                            My blog:
                            LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                              Can someone tell me if Channel 7 is still screening SG-1 on Thursdays? I live in Tasmania and it has disappeared from our local schedule, it may have something to do with us going into daylight savings early, which is stupid as it means when the mainland goes onto DLS we will have missed 4 episodes Just wondering if this a Channel 7 thing or a local thing.


                                I'm pretty sure Ch7 is still showing Stargate. It's on at 11:30PM now. I can't wait until I can get a S9 box set, no more late nights.

