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Stargate Down Under

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    The commentary for Camelot is funny... With Amanda and Rob Cooper I think


      Is it going to be in Melbourne as well? I thought it was only going to be in Sydney and Brisbane.

      I wish I could go to the one in Sydney. Too expensive


        omg, I looked it up, I don't have $140 dollars. It was hard enough convincing mum to pay for me to go and see Panic at the disco this October

        (you see what I did there I totally dropped that on purpose )


          Originally posted by B O Y S C O U T
          $60 at sanity! i was there yesterday with friends and it was $90
          What?? Are you kidding me??? $90...for what...season 9 or the other seasons?? Kmart was selling season 9 for $65...IIRC...all the other seasons were going for $50...I got my season 9 thru ezydvd...paid $75 for the tin box and got a magnetic SG1 pen with it...I can't wait for season 2 of Atlantis to be released...neither can my friends...they borrow them off me!!!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            LOL! I'm not even going to try and convince my mum. I'll just mope all day..and try and see if I can catch a glimpse of them when they leave


              lol, I got mine from Ezy too... And I got the pen... And I have already lent it to someone
              I can't believe that they pushed Atlantis' release back to november it was originally october.


                Is it $140 in Sydney?? I paid $120 for me and $65 for my daughter coz she's a student...I'm saving to see if I can get VIP tickets...they're like $350ea if I can save the money...which is not likely at this stage ...and if the VIP tickets are still available...we'll be going to dinner with Rachel and's gonna be great!! It's a belated birthday presi for me and an early birthday presi for Niki!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  the VIP is 400 in sydney and 140 if your not a member of a club thing...
                  It's too expensive


                    Dang...I wonder why it's so different??? I wonder how many guest will be at the con in Sydney...I think in Melbourne it's less than 200...and only about 25 or 30 guests at the dinner...that's why I want to seems a bit more personal than being in a large group...I only wish we would get a surprise Amanda...that would be totally awesome!!
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      We have four people ( guest star things) in sydney how many do you guys have?


                        The only ones I know are Rachel Lutrell and Gary Jones....who have you got?
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Rachel Lutrell, Gary Jones, N john Smith and Lynn Smith, they do something on the shows.

                          But Sydney is the most expensive place in Australia so...

                          Well goodnite my fellow Australians... am off to bed school tomorrow


                            Yep...Sydney is expensive...glad I live in Melbourne!!!
                            Good night all...I'm off to bed a long day ahead...Niki starts school at 7.15 and Tom needs to see the orthodontist first thing in the, long day ahead!!
                            Take care and be safe...and happy!!!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Night fellow Aussies

                              Oh well, I still like Sydney, even if it's expensive. If you go to the dinner, can you take some pictures and post them please?


                                Originally posted by broken-heart
                                Night fellow Aussies

                                Oh well, I still like Sydney, even if it's expensive. If you go to the dinner, can you take some pictures and post them please?
                                I will try...this is ll still quite new to me...all this computer stuff...but I will try...I promise!!
                                Night all!
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

