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Prelude to Stargate: ________ (next series)

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    Stargate: Alpha

    Return to Stargate's roots and have a team go exploring and making new alliances (finding new enemies too) using only gate travel at the Alpha site. Only use/show ships when the script calls for their use (saves the FX/CGI for the big episodes...season premiere, midseason break, and the cliffhanger season ending episode).

    Limit the amount of technobabble and show how humans can get out of situations by using their wits and a bit of luck (and humor) like SG1 used to do in the 1st 5 seasons when their enemies had the superior technological edge.

    There should be plenty of places that haven't been explored yet, weapons/technology left behind by other races, strange text that needs to be deciphered, and maybe finally meeting the Furlings and maybe a return of some of those "filler" alien races that we've only seen once. Plenty of Earth myths that could be revealed/told along with ancient Earth cultures/races that haven't been covered/seen yet. There may be more gate addresses out there, even though they have been dialing random addresses for years trying to find new ones and the ones Jack gave them when he first went Ancient.
    It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.


      Originally posted by Sci-Fi
      the 1st 5 seasons when their enemies had the superior technological edge.
      I think you'll find the Earth in current situation in SG1 with an enemy much more advanced...


        Originally posted by Sci-Fi
        Stargate: Alpha

        Return to Stargate's roots and have a team go exploring and making new alliances (finding new enemies too) using only gate travel at the Alpha site. Only use/show ships when the script calls for their use (saves the FX/CGI for the big episodes...season premiere, midseason break, and the cliffhanger season ending episode).

        Limit the amount of technobabble and show how humans can get out of situations by using their wits and a bit of luck (and humor) like SG1 used to do in the 1st 5 seasons when their enemies had the superior technological edge.

        There should be plenty of places that haven't been explored yet, weapons/technology left behind by other races, strange text that needs to be deciphered, and maybe finally meeting the Furlings and maybe a return of some of those "filler" alien races that we've only seen once. Plenty of Earth myths that could be revealed/told along with ancient Earth cultures/races that haven't been covered/seen yet. There may be more gate addresses out there, even though they have been dialing random addresses for years trying to find new ones and the ones Jack gave them when he first went Ancient.
        okay, how about not... why bother to call your idea a new series? its the same exact thing as SG-1 just with a different team... and what would be the point of merely photocopying the stories from SG-1? why waste the time with a new series if this is it? why not just pour its money into prolonging SG-1?

        lets try for something original
        Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
        Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
        Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
        Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


          Originally posted by MessageMan
          Hmmm... Its not really a spinoff of sg1...But say like 2-3 years in future... Asurians have defeated the wraith but know there going for atlantis...But they know several ZPMs...They decide to leave the galaxy...They power up atlantis hyperdrive but the asurians blow up the sun right when they activate the hyperdrive....It sends them at great speeds far far away...and now they must find there way home in atlantis.... There in uncharted space even for the ancients (before acsension) and then a old enemy shows there face once again.....................

          Or A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away.............

          Thats all i got so far for that one....
          well this hardly belongs in a spin-off thread... BUT, it is a damn good idea, something that would be a welcome change from the traditional stargate storylines... and i believe it would be quite fitting as the second half of the Atlantis series. i think it would work well if it started halfway through season 5 and continued through to the end of the show's run....

          it would certainly be, as i said, a welcome break from the "go through the SG to an unknown land, meet new peolpe, fight the old enemy, return to base... repeat"
          Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
          Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
          Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
          Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


            In fairness, the whole different galaxy thing would be a bit tired in a third show.
            Even worse, it would cheapen the whole distance of Atlantis.

            I think they should pick up Sg-1 abroad, or just make Stargate Command which could effectivly be Sg-1 just with a new name...adn it would really stick it to Sci Fi.

            The new show could show the adventures of other Sg-teams from the Sgc.
            Or maybe as above but from the Alpha Site.
            If it absoloutly had to be set in a new galaxy then I'd suggest the Asgaurd galaxy.

            The only way I could see a ship based series work was if the ship was the new base of ops, similar to the Sgc. They could be lost or whatever, and ring down to planets to use the gate to have adventures at too far a distance for their ship to travel.
            They could even do what Voyager do and land the ship to use it as a base.
            Teal'c: I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-o.
            O'Neill: ...Call Daniel.


              I honestly have no desire to see a different Stargate series. What's the point? It will never compare to SG-1. I like Atlantis, but it's still not as good as SG-1. They want to start another series on top of Atlantis?

              I don't see the point.


                El Dorrado is found in Latin America somewhere. The tech is 50,000 years old and talks about another Galaxy were the ancients lived. and Very Very Very Very primitive version of Atlantis(Not realy a city, just a flying base) flies to this Galaxy in a 12 day trip. They arive find a sutible planet to help or settle and and new enamy(s). They have Fun. They are not lost at any time. and they have a 304 to ship supplies and people around.

                its Stargate: Starbase
                or StargateB-1(SB is for Star base, the teams are labeled SB, or somthing)
                [An alarm is sounding. Harriman checks his watch as he and Siler stand, facing Ba'al's hologram.]
                I'm sure he'll be here any second now.
                [Ba'al is obviously impatient.]
                So, um…

                Take our ships, take our toys, take our awesome alien tech... I don't care, I'm still free, you can't take Stargate from me!

                Special Thanks to Elles sence this is a ripof of her great sig.


                  Iknow everybodys thinking it :-)


                  ..... Tel'c PI ;-)
                  Have a thirst for galactic conquest??
                  Join the Battle



                    Stranded 70, 000 megalightyears from home, in the galaxy of the ori, setting course for Earth, they meet many species and on the way home they try to destroy the Ori homeplanet.

                    wait wasnt this voyager and farscape?
                    I Am Locutus_Of_Borg Resistance Is Futile, Hallowed Are The Ori, We Go Out With Our Phasers Firing

                    [QUE] Founder/Admin - Observation Of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Entanglement On Supraquantum Structures By Induction Through Nonlinear Transuranic Crystal Of Extremely Long Wavelength Pulse From Mode-Locked Source Array


                      Originally posted by Maxum
                      I honestly have no desire to see a different Stargate series. What's the point? It will never compare to SG-1. I like Atlantis, but it's still not as good as SG-1. They want to start another series on top of Atlantis?

                      I don't see the point.


                        To see another series could be cool i mean i have thought atlantis has been much better than sg-1 this year. though i believe if they had more time to right episodes and had more of a budget they could make a great newe show. Just make sure they have actors that are creative with their characters and bring live ot them or jsut use some of the old ones Teal'c and daniel etc.

                        visit my site


                          Originally posted by SG-25CSAR
                          El Dorrado is found in Latin America somewhere. The tech is 50,000 years old and talks about another Galaxy were the ancients lived. and Very Very Very Very primitive version of Atlantis(Not realy a city, just a flying base) flies to this Galaxy in a 12 day trip. They arive find a sutible planet to help or settle and and new enamy(s). They have Fun. They are not lost at any time. and they have a 304 to ship supplies and people around.

                          its Stargate: Starbase
                          or StargateB-1(SB is for Star base, the teams are labeled SB, or somthing)
                          okay... it seems that you are very good at photocopying.. might i suggest a career as a secretary?

                          come one.... renaming Atlantis to El Dorado is really not that original...
                          Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
                          Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
                          Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
                          Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


                            how about a new series called Chapa'ai.... one from the Jaffa point of view where the Tau'ri and SGC are relegated to roles less frequent than bra'tac's in SG-1... or not at all?
                            Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
                            Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
                            Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
                            Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


                              Stargate Academy

                              A series focusing on the Air Force's and NASA's joint top secret Academy for Astrophysics and Celestial Phenomenon. (it can't be named Stargate Academy bc, god forbid, if it got leaked, it'd be a major problem, whereas the USAF and NASA operating a school focusing strictly on outer space makes sense since its the USAF and NASA... what else would they teach at a school?)

                              so the AACP, hmm... too much like NAACP... so how about... the Academy for Celestial Mechanics and Phenomenon... the ACMP, that's better... the ACMP is not an undergraduate military academy... so we won't be seeing cadets like those one or two episodes with that annoying girl... instead it's a post-graduate preparatory school for military personnel who have been selected to join the SGC... students would range in age from 21 to... to whatever, since the AF would be training civilians like Daniel Jackson, and include both military and civilian students. it could be a focus on the Academy from the faculty standpoint or the students' and center on everyone, or a select few and their personal journey's through the academy.

                              one caveat..... we would NOT see non-tau'ri students... aka, no Teal'C's, no Teyla's, etc... this is not a Starfleet Academy... its for Earth born humans, mostly from America, but with some foreigners, military and civilian.

                              off-world excursions would be kept to a minimum, we'd only see the actually stargate in operation with student missiosn once a season, maybe less, as it is something they all strive for and thus would be that much more of a reward when it is achieved. it would be more academically and training focused. perhaps a holodeck for field training... occassional guest appareances by the SG-1 and Atlantis crews as guest lecturers on their respective fields...

                              that's all i have for right now, lemme know what you think
                              Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
                              Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
                              Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
                              Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.

