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Why Colonel O'Neill is annoying

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    Why Colonel O'Neill is annoying

    topic removed by poster
    Last edited by yenny8a; 26 April 2005, 07:18 PM.

    I think O'neill is a very likeable character partly because hes flawed but also because he is a very noble character. Hes also in the show to keep it at our level. Like when he always stops Carter and Daniel when they get technical. They are Brilliant academics who when in conversation would confuse most of us, reducing the entertainment of the show (not to mention the writers inability to think like the characters) Thats where Jack comes in (ontop of his many other contributions to the show).


      Originally posted by yenny8a
      1. Frequently impatient
      2. Frequently insensitive
      3. Too defensive.
      4. Poor interpersonal skills
      5. Very undiplomatic
      Are we talking about Jack O'Neill or George W. Bush ?
      I think it's the latter, you're on the wrong forum !

      And I think O'Neill is a great character, he's a good leader and much smarter then he pretends he is.
      Last edited by Janus; 24 July 2004, 05:31 AM.

      SGU Continued....


        Originally posted by marcus
        I think O'neill is a very likeable character partly because hes flawed but also because he is a very noble character. Hes also in the show to keep it at our level. Like when he always stops Carter and Daniel when they get technical. They are Brilliant academics who when in conversation would confuse most of us, reducing the entertainment of the show (not to mention the writers inability to think like the characters) Thats where Jack comes in (ontop of his many other contributions to the show).
        I agree. O'Neill is the comic relief in this show.
        Jack may be kinda dense but he doesn't use his brain, he uses his heart.
        He may play dumb but he's GREAT at what he does!
        Last edited by -Jules-; 24 July 2004, 05:35 AM.

        Christian Gaters Unite!|| One show down.... SAVE SGA!!!


          Originally posted by Janus
          Are we talking about Jack O'Neill or George W. Bush ?
          I think it's the latter, you're on the wrong forum !
          I'd vote for O'Neill over Bush any day.

          Seriously though, Jack is great. Most of my favourite lines from SG-1 are O'Neill's.


            I actually believe that Jack is really quite intellegent himself.
            He has to be very good at his job to have gotten into the stargate program in the first place - so while his methods might be a little ---strange? they work for him.

            and yes, he's definately the comic relief - how boring would the show be if the other characters didn't have someone like RDA to bounce off? it would be 48mins of techno-babble..

            (actually that's a massive overstatement - but it gets my point across)


              Originally posted by Conker
              I'd vote for O'Neill over Bush any day.
              O'Neill for president !!!!

              SGU Continued....


                It's good to have him in the show and I think his character is a valuable one but some times he does seem a bit too stupid, to the point where it's obvious that he's putting it on.


                  I liked his attitude in Lockdown.


                    I agree when people say that he is more intelligent than he acts.

                    I think his main attribute is leadership (Im probably stating the obvious). He is always able to make the right decisions in a split second especially when he's under a lot of pressure. Daniel and Sam are smart and Teal'c is a great 'warrior' but none of them could lead like Jack. I also think his humour is a way of keeping morale up amoung the team and keeping a good balance between the fact that he is the leader and must be obeyed and that he's still a trusted friend and team member to the others. Thats why they didnt seem to like 'Makepeace', he was all serious.

                    I think it was IMDB where I read that RDA asked the real life Gen Ryan if Colonels in the Air Force really act like Jack and Ryan replied "yes, and worse". I dont if its true or not though.


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                        Christian Gaters Unite!|| One show down.... SAVE SGA!!!


                          Originally posted by Janus
                          Are we talking about Jack O'Neill or George W. Bush ?
                          I think it's the latter, you're on the wrong forum !

                          And I think O'Neill is a great character, he's a good leader and much smarter then he pretends he is.
                          I think if this was about Dubya, it'd include...

                          - Puppet president
                          - Vengeful lineage
                          - Bumbling idiot

                          Fortunately, it doesn't matter who gets eleected to be president this year, because not much will change.


                            General ? What do you mean General ?
                            O'Neill for president !

                            SGU Continued....


                              Jack is a great character!!!!
                              Yes he can be annoying sometimes, for example the start of Lost City Pt.1 But overall he his a great guy!!
                              he's funny, sarcastic, definately not insensitive, very good with people(that he likes) and he is just plain adorable!!!

                              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^

