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Horrible Reception durring show

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    Horrible Reception durring show

    I've been watching stagate for awhile now. About halfway through the summer episodes sci fi switched from channel 44 to 160. It was basic cable and then went to digital cable. Luckily we just got dig cable and i got to keep watching. There is one problem though, the channel freezes and little blocks will be out of frame with badness. Usually it only happens for a few moments and stops. Tonight I practically missed both sg-1 and atlantis because this interferance wouldn't stop. Anyone else have this problem. (I yelled at my T.V. because it would #$%$#%# up right when something important was said.) Normally i wouldn't be angry, but it continued through the second showing, and now I'll have to wait until they have one of those marathon things.

    I've had a few difficulties with it throughout this season. In quite a few eps, the screen would freeze or pixelate real bad for awhile. Very annoying. Luckily, it hasn't happened to me in a few weeks now.
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    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


      Originally posted by hypergate
      I've been watching stagate for awhile now. About halfway through the summer episodes sci fi switched from channel 44 to 160. It was basic cable and then went to digital cable. Luckily we just got dig cable and i got to keep watching. There is one problem though, the channel freezes and little blocks will be out of frame with badness. Usually it only happens for a few moments and stops. Tonight I practically missed both sg-1 and atlantis because this interferance wouldn't stop. Anyone else have this problem. (I yelled at my T.V. because it would #$%$#%# up right when something important was said.) Normally i wouldn't be angry, but it continued through the second showing, and now I'll have to wait until they have one of those marathon things.
      this is *exactly* what happened with me last season! in fact, i got dig cable in season 7, and went through half of that season and the whole of 8 suffering through what you're talking about. i brought in my cable box and got a new one. twice. i called comcast and complained and they worked at their end to fix things. three times.

      after a while with no quick fixes in sight... i just gave up. and it finally stopped. why is was happening i'll never know. i'm thinking it was scific channel, not my crappy, over priced, arrogant cable company. yes, i really like comcrap, i mean comcast.

      ironic that now that that crap stopped for me... i don't care about stargate as much as i used to. *sad shrug*




        I think it has happened to a hole lo of us. It is called 'better'. Well if it is so much better, then why is it pissing us all off?
        *Post in Peace, Yah or Nah*
        *Go to Sokar you Cylon fracker*
        *I can't spell vary good, but I can read mis- spelled words vary good*
        *And then the Ori said, "if your thread is dead then let their be a new one"*
        *It's Science Fiction. Not Science with Fiction.*
        *Sproiler Tags should only be used when you are going to be mentioning something that you can't already read on Gateworld*
        *When I talk out my butt it smells like sarcasm*


          I didnot meet with such problems.

          I download the stargate movies from website.
          but the play of some episodes are not smooth.


            Originally posted by LORD MONK
            I think it has happened to a hole lo of us. It is called 'better'. Well if it is so much better, then why is it pissing us all off?
            I don't have digital cable & I've had the same problem some weeks--and just with SciFi.


              I work in TV, and I can tell you, digital is better quality, but there's a catch to it. When it does get signal interferance the result is a heck of a lot more dramatic. Analog signals are not as clear, but they have a wider range of reception. When you get interferance, you'll lose quality and strength of you picture, but you more often than not still have a picture that's viewable. With Digital, it's a "all or nothing" kinda thing.

              Unfortunatly it is something all of us will have to deal with eventually. When about 80% of all households in the US get digital TV sets, the FCC will be pulling the licences of all stations running analog transmitters. That analog frequency band will then be sold to cell phone companies. It's my guess that cable companies will require everyone to switch to their Digital Cable at that point as well. The FCC has already been working towards this with requiring all TV staions to be broadcasting a digital signal in addition to their analog signal as of last year.
              My Depth Is Immaterial To This Conversation...


                I don't know how cable works as I've never had it. Right now we have satellite (before that, no television) and the only reason we get little blocks is if there is snow on the dish. Obviously that wouldn't apply for a cable.


                  Originally posted by Cherriey
                  I don't know how cable works as I've never had it. Right now we have satellite (before that, no television) and the only reason we get little blocks is if there is snow on the dish. Obviously that wouldn't apply for a cable.
                  It does however affect the reception at the cable offices themsevles. Almost everything you get off cable, your cable system is getting of a satellite to begin with. Aside from any public access type station that your cable system may run themselves, every channel that comes across your cable, they have pulled off of an entire network of satellites, or from antennea in the case of your local channels. So if your cable company is getting a bad signal from their source, (from interferance, technical difficulties or whatever) then you will end up with bad picture as well.
                  My Depth Is Immaterial To This Conversation...


                    Originally posted by contact2918
                    It does however affect the reception at the cable offices themsevles. Almost everything you get off cable, your cable system is getting of a satellite to begin with. Aside from any public access type station that your cable system may run themselves, every channel that comes across your cable, they have pulled off of an entire network of satellites, or from antennea in the case of your local channels. So if your cable company is getting a bad signal from their source, (from interferance, technical difficulties or whatever) then you will end up with bad picture as well.
                    So it's possible that when you get bad reception somewhere in the world it's snowing? =0)


                      If you missed it, download it. You've paid for it, it's not illegal.
                      First, please use spoiler tags. If I want to know what happens in the show I'll watch it. Second, if you don't like the show, stop watching it. That way you won't feel the need to complain that a sci-fi entertainment show has "plot holes" or "isn't realistic". There is a difference between commenting on an episode you didn't like and constantly complaining about the series as a whole. After all, why torture yourself by watching something you don't like...


                        Originally posted by Cherriey
                        So it's possible that when you get bad reception somewhere in the world it's snowing? =0)
                        LOL. Yes, but that is only one possibility. Trust me, there are countless little things along the way between SciFi Channel's headquarters and your house that can go wrong to give you a bad signal. Thats why Broadcasting Engineers are all underpaid, no matter how much they make.
                        My Depth Is Immaterial To This Conversation...


                          Originally posted by contact2918
                          LOL. Yes, but that is only one possibility. Trust me, there are countless little things along the way between SciFi Channel's headquarters and your house that can go wrong to give you a bad signal. Thats why Broadcasting Engineers are all underpaid, no matter how much they make.
                          Oh to be underpaid and 'ppreciated! *sighs happily*
                          All in all though, getting rid of snow on the dish is fun! You can practically make yourself into a snow man!


                            cable only? there's nothing wrong with directv


                              Originally posted by NakedJehutyV2
                              cable only? there's nothing wrong with directv
                              Nothing at all... unless you like snakes. Cable reminds me of snakes a bit. =0) Though for some reason directv seems more apt to give happy feelings and lest interference.

