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Will they ever revel the stargate program?

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    Will they ever revel the stargate program?

    Hi, im new to this board, and im sorry if this has been up before, could not find the topic if so.

    Any how, you guys think they will ever revel the stargate to the public ? perhaps in s10.
    If they did, earth would be able to mobilise large armys to fight against the wraith/goa uld/ori and the new enemy at atlantis.

    what you think ?

    The military loves to keep secrets, so I don't think they'll reveal it to the world
    unless Hataks start invading and a lot of people see them.


      Originally posted by Tankaras
      The military loves to keep secrets, so I don't think they'll reveal it to the world
      unless Hataks start invading and a lot of people see them.

      I agree, they'll keep this secret for as long as they can.


        Originally posted by mindfire
        I agree, they'll keep this secret for as long as they can.
        Definately. I don't see the program getting revealed for a long time.


          it would be classified information, until the military see fit to release it...which is probably when a large group of people that they dont want the information to fall to, get it and threaten to release it to the public, or when a large group of space vessals are seen bombarding earth wih their alien weapons.


            I've just thought of something. If they revealed the stargate program to the public on the show, that would create a bit of a paradox. I do I put this...because the show is pretty much set in the present, on earth...if the public on the show finds out about the stargate, but we here in real life recieve no such revelation...then it instantly puts the show into a kind of alternate reality. I mean, that would be a major change. The reality of the series would then become much less like 'home,' no longer based on the world we know. If everything is a secret, that we as ordinary folk would never actually know about, then it makes the premise on the show much more 'plausible.' It doesn't clash with real life. I mean, there are lots of things on the show that differ from our own reality...all the political and other figures that are fictional, all the events that have supposedly happened on earth that of course have not really happened...but that doesn't seem to bother me as much as this would...I mean the general public knowing and living with the knowledge of the stargate...that would change oh so many things...

            Anyway, I really don't know if they'll choose to go that direction or not, but it just struck me that this would be a big change to 'world' of the show, making it much less like our own. (Meaning the world we would know about, as opposed to all the stuff on the show that happens off of our planet.) Maybe it won't matter to me, though, when the time comes, that it's all so different? I have no idea!


              To Tell You The Truth I Dont Think They Will Ever Reveal The Stargate Program To The Public


                Originally posted by Nasa
                To Tell You The Truth I Dont Think They Will Ever Reveal The Stargate Program To The Public
                I'd probably have to go along with that statement. At least, I don't think it will be revealed for some time to come.
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                  I don't think they will reveal it.


                    lol! of course they wont revel it!
                    its to overwhelming!!!
                    the people would freak out and start being paranoid!
                    they will be so scared some might even suicide themselves!


                      as someone in this thread (sorry, I can't remember ur name!) quite rightly mentioned, SG's set in the present -- if the SG project becomes public knowledge, then it creates a paradox and the show begins to lose its appeal.

                      Anyhow, as the SGC is known to the POTUS, Pentagon, NID, Britain (I think), Russia and China (probably), then they should already have no problems with personnel and gathering vast armies.

                      As K in MIB said to J: "A person is smart, but people are panicky creatures, and you know it!"

                      What if a recently bereaved person broke in and wanted to go back in time (via puddlejumper)? What if, due to the public knowledge, the government was forced to commercialise the project, thereby allowing people to holiday on Edora, for example?

                      People may not understand about the different aliens and may treat the Asgard, Nox, etc as evil, or whatever...
                      (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                        Most likely it would only go public if the writers and show runners find out well in advance that the series was ending.

                        If it went public before that there would just be to many problems to deal with and the gate would almost certainly be taken away from the military. I can just imagine the number of people who would want to go to other planets (god knows I´d like to), then there would be those who would want to build space liners and offer people cruises to Tulack or what ever. All this would of course mean that peole would be exposed to the Ori and given how incredibly gullible some people are we´d have a huge number of cults springing up all over the place.


                          I hope the won't revel it.

                          Hallowed are the fans of Stargate!


                            I think that they would only reveal it in the last few moments of the last episode. Perhaps that would be part of the plot of the final episode?

                            Quite a few governments already know about the Stargate though. Russia, Great Britain, France, China (before of during Disclosure). Since Disclosure, Canada has also been mentioned (Lost City) and if we assume that the Governments of those countries represented at Atlantis know about it, then the Czech Republic (or is it Slovakia-Dr Zelenka anyway) can be added to that list.
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                              at the end of 1969 the gate was still at the SGC and most of the SGC was looked like it was not used in a while so i don't think there ever reval the sercret of the stargate

