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Tollan or the Aschen more advanced?

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    Originally posted by Eoin
    The tollans are more advanced IMO, they do lack tactics, but that doesnt mean there any less advanced, the tollans could walk through solid matter (phase shift tech), the ashcen made a big blue thing that looked like a gob stopper that was supposed to kill all of us, but whos to say the tollans couldnt make that or even make a much better version?
    I believe the tollans are more advanced than the aschen
    the tollans made a big gobstopper as well, it could just walk through the iris...
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      Originally posted by immhotep
      the tollans made a big gobstopper as well, it could just walk through the iris...

      The bomb with phase shift tech was it?
      The doctor told me Im insane, thank God! its so much better then being outsane!


        The Aschen. They are destroyers. They don't care how long it takes. The Tollan aren't realy a fighting race.
        *Post in Peace, Yah or Nah*
        *Go to Sokar you Cylon fracker*
        *I can't spell vary good, but I can read mis- spelled words vary good*
        *And then the Ori said, "if your thread is dead then let their be a new one"*
        *It's Science Fiction. Not Science with Fiction.*
        *Sproiler Tags should only be used when you are going to be mentioning something that you can't already read on Gateworld*
        *When I talk out my butt it smells like sarcasm*


          Originally posted by LORD MONK
          The Aschen. They are destroyers. They don't care how long it takes. The Tollan aren't realy a fighting race.
          Very interesting thread. I think both civilizations were almost equally advanced, each of them having their special skills. The difference is the Tollan tended towards mere defence while the Aschen showed aggressive attitude, albeit concealed under the hypocritical diplomacy at first.
          Both civilizations ended up badly. Weird...



            and because of SG1


              Originally posted by Dutch_Razor
              Tollan, but perhaps they were so advanced they became arrogant, and began making mistakes as in; the Goa'uld can't do anything to us.

              Just like the Ancients thought about the Wraith and the Asgard about the Replicators....
              Tollan i would say are advanced but hide behind their technology abit too much which would be their downfall. They demonstrated some nice gizmos though, weapon disablers, phase technology etc etc. The Aschen seemed to have some kind of laser weapons, teleportation tech, some gravitic (the harvester LIFTED the stargate from the ground after all), bioweapon tech and the capacity to turn a gas giant into a star. Both equally advanced but the Aschen dont seem as stale as the Tollan.

              Also I think the Tollans actually had spacecraft capable of long distance travel. The Aschen did not, they had to rely on sublight capable ships to move from one star to another. Not really a problem for them since they are a patient race. Also the Aschen stargate only connected to one planet I believe (they kind of suffered what earth would have suffered if earth didnt find the cartouche on Abydos)

              'Hallowed are the children of the Ori. CROWD: Hallowed are we. Hallowed are the Ori.' -

              'Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the Gods, ships shall be built to carry the warriors out among the stars and we will spread Origin to all the unbelievers. The power of the Ori will be felt far and wide and the wicked shall be vanquished' -

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                Originally posted by Mach1
                Just wondering what people's thoughts are.
                Well, since part of being considered "more advanced" would also be "more alive" I'd say the Aschen since somehow the Goa'uld completely eradicated the Tollan civilization.


                  Well let's see ...Round 1

                  Ashen: Harvesters, biological weapon (kind of lol), lazer thingies, transportation, advanced medicine (with sterility "side effect" hehe), studies of space, evilness, NO sence of humor, O'Neill didn't like them from the beginning, freed Teal'c from the First Prime golden symbol, Controlles access of he Gate, I didn't like them even though I love bad guys haha.

                  Tollan: Famous/infamous Ion cannons lol, weapon disabling technology, phase shift tech (Thanks Eoin ), Huge mass destruction weapons (made for Anubis), ships , they had a personality lol, more complete government, Hello? they built a Startgate of their own hehe, good relations (Nox and earth), learned from past experiences, goodness , attack if provoked, O'Neill didn't like them much but a lot more than the Ashen of course hehe, I did like them Were wiped out only because of Ancient Knowledge.

                  Result: I would say the Tollan would kick the Ashen @$$es hehehe. Ehem I mean the Tollan are more advanced technologically and mentally.
                  Hallowed are the Ori


                    IMO they have different types of technologies,Aschen science seems to be mainly biology while the Tollan is physics based,which makes a comparaison difficult but i would say the tollan are more advanced just because of the ion cannon and the ability to make stargates.
                    Rimmer: "What's this? Learning drugs? They're illegal, matey! Where did you get them? I'm afraid you're in very serious, grave, deep trouble, Lister. Where did you get them? I want names, I want places, I want dates."
                    Lister: "Arnold Rimmer, his locker, this morning."
                    - Rimmer and Lister, Balance of Power from Red Dwarf

                    Ambassador: I hate you English. With your boring trousers and your shiny toilet paper and your ridiculous preconceptions that Frenchmen are great lovers. I'm French and I'm hung like a baby carrot and a couple of petits pois.
                    - Nob and Nobility from Blackadder


                      Tollen there took out 2 gou'lud mother ships once


                        Originally posted by pj111984
                        Tollen there took out 2 gou'lud mother ships once
                        yeah and then Anubis showed up with his new shields and the Tollan ended up working for him rather than using their superior technology and kicking ass



                          We dont know the true power of the aschen anyway...they could have similar abilities since their history is something about the goa'uld leaving their world and they took whatever tech was left behind.

                          'Hallowed are the children of the Ori. CROWD: Hallowed are we. Hallowed are the Ori.' -

                          'Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the Gods, ships shall be built to carry the warriors out among the stars and we will spread Origin to all the unbelievers. The power of the Ori will be felt far and wide and the wicked shall be vanquished' -

                          Contribute to the Stargate Wiki a source for any information on the Stargate universe from the books, RPG to games and comics.


                            The Tollan seem to be far more advanced than the Aschen. They could easily penetrate the Iris, had faster-than-light travel and built their own Stargate. All the Aschen had was a fleet of giant harvesters.
                            "There is simply no other choice than this: either to abstain from interference in the free play of the market, or to delegate the entire management of production and distribution to the government. Either capitalism or socialism: there exists no middle way."
                            -Ludwig von Mises


                              Originally posted by Samuel J. Tilden
                              The Tollan seem to be far more advanced than the Aschen. They could easily penetrate the Iris, had faster-than-light travel and built their own Stargate. All the Aschen had was a fleet of giant harvesters.
                              That's just it. We don't know what they have. TPTB can make up anything because we basically don't know nothing about the Aschen.
                              *Post in Peace, Yah or Nah*
                              *Go to Sokar you Cylon fracker*
                              *I can't spell vary good, but I can read mis- spelled words vary good*
                              *And then the Ori said, "if your thread is dead then let their be a new one"*
                              *It's Science Fiction. Not Science with Fiction.*
                              *Sproiler Tags should only be used when you are going to be mentioning something that you can't already read on Gateworld*
                              *When I talk out my butt it smells like sarcasm*


                                Yet another "who is more advanced" with the myth of linear development of technology.

                                The Aschen couldn't penetrate the iris with a bomb, and the Tollen could. At the same time, the Tollen were smeared by the Goa'uld pretty handily, while the Aschen defeated them in the alternate "2010" timeline. Probably with those cool biobombs (which the Tollen apparently didn't have).

                                So the answer is? Neither is "more advanced" or "less advanced" globally from the evidence we already have on hand. Just two cases, one more & one less, PROVE irrefutably that the answer is wholly dependent on which line of technology you are talking about.
                                Last edited by Darth Buddha; 01 January 2006, 04:25 PM.

