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The reason I prefer Stargate over Star Wars

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    Star Wars, though a lot of fun, is really for the kiddies... Stargate has a bit more guts to it... (comparatively)

    Other than that... it's like comparing apples and lemons...
    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


      Originally posted by Missster.Freeman
      Hmm, I don't know why you guys say Star Wars games suck? Agreed, most of the games for the new triliogy suck, but you're forgetting the X-Wing/Tie Fighter series and Dark Forces: Jedi Knight 1 & 2. Plus K.O.T.O.R as Kingomon said above. TBH, I haven't seen a decent (or any game), for Stargate.
      Yes have you Played Star Wars Knights of the old Republic 2: the Sith Lords. If so what did you think of it was it any beter then the first.

      And the Game they have been talking about is Star Wars: BattleFront and Star Wars: BattleFront 2 these games remind me of Republic Cammando (military Wise) but with some more to do like fly ships, drive tanks, battle on tons of planets, and be the Republic/Confedrecy face the other or The Empire/Rebels face the other. You can be tons of soilders with tons a weapons and each has something better then the other types.
      Come see Kingomon's Stargate stories about:
      Poseidon, the Ancient's King and
      new enemy of the Ori


        Originally posted by Kingomon
        Yes have you Played Star Wars Knights of the old Republic 2: the Sith Lords. If so what did you think of it was it any beter then the first.

        And the Game they have been talking about is Star Wars: BattleFront and Star Wars: BattleFront 2 these games remind me of Republic Cammando (military Wise) but with some more to do like fly ships, drive tanks, battle on tons of planets, and be the Republic/Confedrecy face the other or The Empire/Rebels face the other. You can be tons of soilders with tons a weapons and each has something better then the other types.
        No, sorry mate, I haven't played K.O.T.O.R 2. It's on my list of games I need to catch up with though.
        "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


          Originally posted by Missster.Freeman
          No, sorry mate, I haven't played K.O.T.O.R 2. It's on my list of games I need to catch up with though.
          Its agoog game more Feats,Powers, and It has a character who followed Revan in the Mandloran Wars. Also talks about it, has some of last game charcter, The Ebon Hawk, and mentions Revan a few Times.
          Come see Kingomon's Stargate stories about:
          Poseidon, the Ancient's King and
          new enemy of the Ori


            You should read the Thrawn Trilogy, by Timothy Zahn (and other books), since I think the Thrawn Trilogy was originally intended as the movies 7, 8, and 9.

            It's something I remember reading somewhere. Anyway the Empire wasn't defeated at the end of SW6 and there are coming new enemies in the books.

            Only thing I hate about SW is there are only 6 movies


              I think that Stargate could make the best games ever, if enough attention and care were put in. But for some reason, I am doubtfull as to the success of SG-1: Alliance. I REALLY hope I'm wrong though.

              [QOUTE]Leia was not hot....Stargate also has had alot of hott women as well... Shyla, Sha're/Ammonet, Ki're, Anise was so/so, Sara/Osiris, Weir kinda/sorta, and few other people who's names i can't remember....

              I don't know... that bronze bikini type thing she wore in Jabba's Palace was pretty sexy. At any rate, the only other hot woman in Star Wars was Padme Amidalla (spelling?), played by the lovely Natalie Portman. While Stargate has an abundance of eye candy.

              Alittle off-topic for a moment. Has anyone else noticed that Natalie Portman, Keira Knightly, and Wynona Ryder all look VERY similar? My theory, clones. The result of government experiments in cloneing technology.


                Originally posted by Dutch_Razor
                You should read the Thrawn Trilogy, by Timothy Zahn (and other books), since I think the Thrawn Trilogy was originally intended as the movies 7, 8, and 9.

                It's something I remember reading somewhere. Anyway the Empire wasn't defeated at the end of SW6 and there are coming new enemies in the books.

                Only thing I hate about SW is there are only 6 movies
                Yeah I have not read what your talking about but I do know the Empire is not gone. Luke has become Leader of a jedi Acadamy (from Jedi Knight 1 & 2 and Acadamy) but come on the galaxy in star wars connot be safe as long as their are Jedi or Dark Jedi. Jedi fall to the dark side and there will be a force snceitive to stand against a Dark Jedi. But as far as a threat I think the True Sith are out in the depthes of the unknown because Revan and that other Jedi went to face them and I doubt two or even more then that can take down the True Sith
                Come see Kingomon's Stargate stories about:
                Poseidon, the Ancient's King and
                new enemy of the Ori


                  I like Stargate more than Star Wars simply because SW is more mythological. I am not going to criticize SW for being based on myth and scifi, but SG utilizes more present day tech and IMO that is what makes it so darn good. Not to mention that RDA, MS, AT, and CJ just have more screen time and more stories than all the SW combined.
                  All posts are IMO, I am not a rocket scientist.

                  Bender: "Lets go get drunk!"
                  Pay it forward


                    Yes but with the Present there are limitations but with star wars the skys quite biger. not to mention it shows that one person can make a Diffrence. Plus they didn't acended to get there power and they trained b ut the Ancients kn ew it right away when they acended. Plus you have got to admit star wars has biger and beter ships!!!
                    Come see Kingomon's Stargate stories about:
                    Poseidon, the Ancient's King and
                    new enemy of the Ori


                      Truthfully you cannot really compare SW to SG because one is rooted in scifi, the other is rooted in myth. Granted both are scifi because of the elements used in conveying the stories and messages, but SW incorporates more mythological references than SG ever will. SG is pretty much aliens disguising themselves with Earth based religions and trying to conquer the galaxy by taking on the forms of religious icons/gods, etc. SW is more good vs. evil.
                      Someone said earlier it is like comparing apples and oranges. Joseph Campbell, reknown expert in mythology and history, did a comparative analysis of Star Wars and the Knights of the Round Table. Coming from an expert in the field of mythology that SW is predominantly based on mythic figures from Earth's history with characters facing the greatest challenge: themselves, good vs. evil.
                      Star Wars is an entertaining production that will always be centered on one character: Darth Vader. All the other characters provide contrasting points and counterpoints all central to Darth Vader.
                      Stargate has numerous characters on the show that are explored in depth a lot more with more engaging stories and adventures. One could argue that the SG universe was dependent on O'Neill (RDA), however, there was numerous adventures that have been available to the whole team. SW it is just all about the Empire more or less. The Empire being built on one man's desire to control all: the Sith Lord Sidious and Vader. SG has numerous villains to overcome not just one or two.
                      All posts are IMO, I am not a rocket scientist.

                      Bender: "Lets go get drunk!"
                      Pay it forward


                        It's really hard to say....I mean...I really like Star Wars but I am really into Stargate right now....they are really two different shows.....on the other hand I am sure that the Furlings are somewhat like Chewbacca.....Or maybe they just have a fury name without the Fur....I will go with Stargate right now.
                        Two apples get you nothing unless your buying a banana.

