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The holy grail

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    The holy grail

    Ive been going over the old bible stories and putting a stargate spin on them ala the noahs arc thing and have came up with this:
    what if the holy grail is ascension?
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    It depends on which "version" of the Grail you believe in.

    The original Grail supposedly has the power to heal and to sustain life, which would make it analogous to the Ancient device the Goa'uld based the sarcphagus on.

    The Christian Grail has a more spiritual aspect and symbolizes enlightenment, so could well be linked to ascension.

    If you go the "DaVinci Code" way, you could interpret the Grail as a bloodline of people, which in the SG1-verse could be a bloodline directly descended from one or maybe 2 Ancients.

    Take your pick of those.


      Interesting but no (Imhoptep) was mentioned in Avalon I belive its either an
      Mild Spoiler
      Ancient Artifact or somethinh Merlin took a likeing too and made everyone believe it was something else

      And in Indiane Jones And the Last Crusade the Holy Grail was the lost years between, Indie and his Dad finally being made up as it were, I got this from a TV show that was on earlier!

      There are endless possiblilites for it and TPTB may go into it or not depending on how they feel their story is, good story yes, bad story no!


        Originally posted by PrimalAscended
        It depends on which "version" of the Grail you believe in.

        The original Grail supposedly has the power to heal and to sustain life, which would make it analogous to the Ancient device the Goa'uld based the sarcphagus on.

        The Christian Grail has a more spiritual aspect and symbolizes enlightenment, so could well be linked to ascension.

        If you go the "DaVinci Code" way, you could interpret the Grail as a bloodline of people, which in the SG1-verse could be a bloodline directly descended from one or maybe 2 Ancients.

        Take your pick of those.
        I definitely like the possibilities the last two present. Either direction could make for good story-telling. Something about that "DaVinci Code" way really intrigues me. Hmmmm.
        MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
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          the davinci code thing is definitly the most 'modern' explanation of the holy grail ive seen, and i personnally think its more likely than some cup that can give immortality.
          You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
          Stargate : Genesis |
          Original Starship DesignThread
          Sanctuary for all |
          11000! green me

