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Speculation on Stargate's future, Networks, mini-series, movie

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    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
    I'd argue that contention that "Stargate can do just fine without him" on several levels...but do remember that I'm talking about him behind the scenes.

    He has a proven history with SG-1 and knows how to showrun quite well. So if he's really ready and willing to return to work, then I say let him do what he does best.

    Let's see that magic again that we got with Gekko at the helm.
    I think someone mentioned this before and I agree with them. Neither RDA nor Michael Greenburg were showrunners for Stargate. That's a huge, complex job and from what I've read, RDA would not be interested in that sort of thing.

    However, I do agree that in his duties as EP, he was important behind the scenes. Several people have said (Greenburg, Shanks, etc.) that oftentimes if they had a problem, RDA would suggest something, fix it somehow and make it workable and better. With Greenburg on set as EP, he could often make small script changes on the spot if something wasn't working. John DeLancie (Simmons), who worked with RDA on "Legends" said that in his opinion RDA knew more about how a show is put together, cameras, angles, editing, etc, than any actor he'd ever worked with. So, yeah, I think the show does miss Gekko's touch quite a bit. But ya know, it's just such a "funner and looser" place to work now without them....
    Last edited by Hubble; 09 August 2006, 12:10 PM.


      Originally posted by Hubble
      I think someone mentioned this before and I agree with them. Neither RDA nor Michael Greenburg were showrunners for Stargate. That's a huge, complex job and from what I've read, RDA would not be interested in that sort of thing.

      However, I do agree that in his duties as EP, he was important behind the scenes. Several people have said (Greenburg, Shanks, etc.) that oftentimes if they had a problem, RDA would suggest something, fix it somehow and make it workable and better. With Greenburg on set as EP, he could often make small script changes on the spot if something wasn't working. John DeLancie (Simmons), who worked with RDA on "Legends" said that in his opinion RDA knew more about how a show is put together, cameras, angles, editing, etc, than any actor he'd ever worked with. So, yeah, I think the show does much Gekko's touch quite a bit. But ya know, it's just such a "funner and looser" place to work now without them....
      Yup..."showrun" was the wrong word.

      But the show was a lot better with him EPing. He and Greenburg knew how to tighten the content and provide a sharp story that capitalized on the chemistry of the cast while telling compelling stories.

      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


        I have to agree that RDA's contribution seemed to be more "on the set" than in meetings. He just seemed to know what would work. I see him more as a captain of a team. They are able to bring out the best and motivate everyone to do their best. In the end you have a winning formula, hence seasons 1-8.


          Originally posted by STARGATE7777
          I have to agree that RDA's contribution seemed to be more "on the set" than in meetings. He just seemed to know what would work. I see him more as a captain of a team. They are able to bring out the best and motivate everyone to do their best. In the end you have a winning formula, hence seasons 1-8.
          Well the graph that charts the ratings drop is quite telling. Season 8 garnered the highest of the series.

          And then Season 9 came and well...we know what happened next.

          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


            I would welcome back RDA with open arms, even if he only did work behind the scenes. I think I never understood how much Gekko and RDA ment to the show. I used to love SG-1 and still love my DVDs And even though I still watch the show now, it's not the same quality for me.

            The team dynamic is pretty much gone, they don't fucus on all characters anymore, Teal'c and Sam are pretty much in the background. The humor isn't as fun as it used to be. And many stories feel slower/less interesting now. Sure the show has been around for 10 years, but I think it would only benefit a third show if Gekko came back into the picture.


              Originally posted by saberhagen83
              I would welcome back RDA with open arms, even if he only did work behind the scenes. I think I never understood how much Gekko and RDA ment to the show. I used to love SG-1 and still love my DVDs And even though I still watch the show now, it's not the same quality for me.

              The team dynamic is pretty much gone, they don't fucus on all characters anymore, Teal'c and Sam are pretty much in the background. The humor isn't as fun as it used to be. And many stories feel slower/less interesting now. Sure the show has been around for 10 years, but I think it would only benefit a third show if Gekko came back into the picture.
              This is exactly how I feel.

              I think if the new show...whatever it might to has a chance of being a quality show with heart and a strong team dynamic, it needs Gekko working there.

              And this is especially true about SG-1. I'd love to see Gekko there again because I think that they could help ensure the quality and humor we all enjoyed and came to expect from this show.

              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                The fans are way past the original movie!!! No way go back to Kurt Russell or James Spader. If you can't use the Stargate SG-1 ORIGINAL cast, don't bother!



                  i liked the movie...but the show is way better. sign me up to protest a spader/russell movie. make a SG-1 movie instead.


                    Wouldn't it be wiser to separate their storylines given the tenuous ratings of the shows?


                      I think that would be better. Someone suggested in another thread that they should be on different nights. I agree with that. They need a bit of separation because right now it is looking like SGA is being affected by SG1. I think if you put SGA on say Wed after Eureka (thats on wed right?) I think it would have higher ratings then it does now.
                      Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                      ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                      AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                        I don't see how the storylines are intertwined. Sure, there are occasional crossovers, but beside the minor plot points in
                        Pegaus Project
                        , there is no Ori in Atlantis, and no Wraith in SG1.

                        Story-wise, cancelling one wouldn't affect the other much.


                          Not really , couse both SHOWS do have alot to do with each other ... This also sets up for a Cross over for the shows , I do agree the ratings have been going down , but that i dont think it has anything to do with the SHOWS . More with the TIME Spot they have right now ... they are competeing with Monk and Psych on the USA Network .....

                          If anything the SHOWS should stay together but put on a diffrent time spot or even a diffrent day ...

                          They are competeing agains some other shows like ...

                          WWE SmackDown that has moved to Fridaynights it has the 8 to 10 Spot ...
                          Monk that has the 9pm Spot on USA ...
                          Psych that got the 10pm Spot on USA ...

                          and tons of other shows that are big for Friday nights ... Maybe if they moved to Thursdays nights say 8pm and 9pm on Thursdays it would get some bigger ratings ... Move Eureka to Friday Nights and see if they get soem good ratings ...

                          Sorry Eureka is on Tuesdays and 9pm , but still people watch that before the watch ECW ... That would bust raings right there .

                          Maybe STARGATE should Move to Tuesday Nights starting at 8pm for SG-1 and 9pm for SG-A then Have ECW at the 10pm Spot .. This would really get the Ratings up there .


                            Originally posted by AGateFan
                            I think that would be better. Someone suggested in another thread that they should be on different nights. I agree with that. They need a bit of separation because right now it is looking like SGA is being affected by SG1. I think if you put SGA on say Wed after Eureka (thats on wed right?) I think it would have higher ratings then it does now.
                            how is sga being affected by sg-1?


                              Originally posted by kirmit
                              how is sga being affected by sg-1?
                              Someone doesnt watch SG-1 and therefore they get busy doing something else and forget (or dont care) that SGA is on.
                              Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                              ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                              AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                                The only tie-in point the shows have is their link back to Earth. You could cancel SG-1 and just have occassional tie-overs to Earth, not SG-1, but Earth. If Atlantis was cancelled, then SG-1 could occassionally re-visit them (TPP), mention them, without Atlantis having to be in production.
                                When the time comes to utilize Earth's best weaponry against an ailen threat. The weapon that will ultimately prove to be Earth's best will be the Zatnikitel

