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Star Trek Ships vs. Stargate Ships

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    Hi guys im new here so be kind . Im more of a stargate fan than I am a star trek fan, however I have to admit that a battle between SGvST would easily see star trek ships winning.

    My reasons?
    -star trek has encountered far more space battles and so would have the advantage in tactics
    -star trek would have the advantage in weaponry. Take for example the Daedalus Armaments which consists of Railguns and Nuclear ordnance. This level of technology would mean that the Deadalus (in star gate) in terms of weaponry is only equal to the Deadalus class (in star trek). The Deadalus (ST) was one of the earliest starfleet space vessels and has been regarded as primitive. Even with nuclear armaments the star trek Deadalus has a threat rating of "NONE".


      There are several star trek weapons that might cause trouble for stargate ships.

      Here are some of the weapons, defences and technologies that might do a bit of damage to any stargate ships.

      Here is the available list of technologies

      Quantum resonators : Phasers
      Quantum resonators are fired from emitters on the hull. When fired, the emitter sends out a subspace flux frequency at such a frequency that it causes a "resonance" wave between dimensions. When this wave reaches an enemy ship, or any structure for that matter, it causes the structure to be pulled between dimensions for a split second. This effect can weaken hull integrity, confuse sensors, jam communications, disrupt propulsion, or even cause damage to specific systems, all depending on toward where the QR is directed. All QR effects are cumulative, so the more times resonance pulses are fired, the more severe damage becomes.

      Self replicating Transphasic torpedoes : Quantum/photonic torpedoes
      The Greek root, "Trans" means between and "Phasic" refers to being in phase with normal matter. Thus, this weapon is designed to phase between to enable it to pass though shielding and hull. Originally designed to be an anti-Borg weapon, it enlists the casing and basic internal systems of a Hellfire torpedo but it's warhead and phasing systems have undergone major changes. Hellfire torpedoes, developed years ago, have the ability to 'skip' past a target's shields and impact against the hull causing much more damage then a torpedo hitting shields. The Transphasic Torpedo goes a step further. Improving on the Hellfire's phasing systems, it not only phases to 'skip' past shielding, but also past the target's hull and detonating inside the target for maximum damage. The torpedo carries, along with its warhead and other systems, a dual transporter buffer with sufficient matter to materialize (and a program to do so) two more individual torpedoes (without transporter buffers inside, unfortunately). When a duplicating transphasic torpedo is fired, it automatically activates the transporter buffer which is set on a three second materialization delay. With this added feature, one torpedo effectively turns into three, and causes three times the damage to an enemy ship.
      more info available on tech descriptions page.

      Transpad : turbolift
      Serves the same function as a turbolift but incorporates a transporter pad.

      Computer Intelligence Apparition : Computer interface/EMH
      This is a sentient computer program which is displayed in humanoid form by the computer's particle synthesis emitters. It is essentially a walking representation of the entire ship. Any command can be carried out simply by telling the CIA to do it. The CIA is also capable of taking command in emergencies and serving in any capacity needed. The CIA has a number of humanoid appearance templates from which the captain can choose. If he wishes, he can enter his own template into the computer and use his image. This is useful if the captain is incapacitated and the CIA must take command. This way, the enemy will still see the captain if communications is enabled.

      Transphasic Cloak : Cloaking device
      The transphasic cloaking device, like Starfleet's many other transphasic technologies, makes use of multiple quantum dimensions. When activated, this cloaking device matches the quantum matrix signature of our normal dimension, which allows the ship to slip partially through into another quantum reality. This not only hides the ship from view and sensors, it also makes it impervious to weapon fire. While in a state of quantum flux, a starship can pass through normal matter without being affected. The transphasic cloak operates within a quantum field. Parts of this field can be dispursed, causing parts of the ship to shift back into normal space. This is convenient because it allows phasers to be fired out of the field. After they leave the cloaking field, they shift back into normal space and can do their damage. Transphasic torpedoes oeprate on the same principles as the cloak, so they need not be fired through an opening in the field when a ship is cloaked.

      Coaxial warp drive : Warp drive
      The coaxial warp drive is a form of warp which uses the ships warp field to bend space using the ship as a point of symmetry. When space bends, it takes the ship across massive distances and drops it off before returning to normal. This allows ships to travel enormous distances in a mere moment.

      Quantum Deutronic circuitry : Bioneural gel circuitry
      This technology combines deutronic circuitry (similar, but no identical to, Data’s brain) with quantum technology which functions on the quantum theory of infinite universes. The basic idea is that if two or more ships in separate universes occupy the same point in the space-time continuum simultaniously, the processing power of those ships will be combined. Since there are an infinite number of universes, the number of ships which occupy the same point in the space-time continuum is statistically large.
      With the presence of a quantum gate on the ship, in the place of the warp core, the need for deuterium, dilithium, anti-matter, and any other form of power is completely eliminated as the ship itself is powered, quite literally, by the existence of reality.

      Quantum Gate (power source) : Warp core
      The quantum gate is the decive which allows a ship to draw power from its nearly infinite number of alternative dimension counterparts to increase computer processing speed and memory, shield and weaponry effectiveness, and communications range. It interacts with alternative dimensions in a controlled environment and is located in engineering.

      Anti-matter Focusing Array
      "Antimatter Focusing Array," is a fancy, watered down term for an antimatter blaster. Although standard on Federation battleships in the twenty-seventh century, the antimatter focusing array is used rarely and with extreme caution. It is typically used to destroy massive objects such as space stations, outpost, or even moons or planets if deemed necessary. There cannot, however, be any type of regular matter in its firing path other than its target. Otherwise, theat matter will prematurely ignite the antimatter and most likely everything else within ten kilometers.


        one problem with all of your arguements

        Stargate is about 140 years behind ST: Enterprise
        well over 200 years behind TOS
        almost 400 years behind TNG,DS9, Voyager.

        Star trekk Earth 2007 would lose against Stargate Earth 2007. The Valcans of that time would have problems against the odyssey alone. Imagen the other MW aliens.
        Star Trekk 2007 would have simaler Technology. Very few if any races would be able to commpete with the Free Jaffa let alone the Asgard. The Ori would be too much for them.

        Its not fair or "Logical" to compare SG earth with ST earth in the 22nd,23rd, or the 24th centurey.
        [An alarm is sounding. Harriman checks his watch as he and Siler stand, facing Ba'al's hologram.]
        I'm sure he'll be here any second now.
        [Ba'al is obviously impatient.]
        So, um…

        Take our ships, take our toys, take our awesome alien tech... I don't care, I'm still free, you can't take Stargate from me!

        Special Thanks to Elles sence this is a ripof of her great sig.


          well species 8472 or the borg would both still be about in 2007 stargate timeline so they count and species 8472 would kick any stargate races ass that includes preaccended accients from what we've seen of them on atlantis


            Well photon torpedoes have an explosive yeild of around 25 isotons wich is roughly 65 megatons TNT. Quantum torpedoes are about double. The primary energy blasts of Goa'uld motherships however range around 200 megatons. This around 3 times as powerful as a photon torpedo and is far less limmited in supply. As far as sheilds go i cant think of a way to compare them but based on how motherships fair of against other motherships they should be relatively formidable. More advanced races such as the asgard would have even more powerful weapons.

            However if startrek were using transphasal torpedoes they may be able to bypass goa'uld sheilds and destroy the ships. However they may be able later adapt with transpahasal eradication technology they used against the reatoo to form some kind of a defence against them.


              Quite frankly, I don't see how the Borg can even compare to the Replicators. The latter race accomplished far more in such a short time than the Borg ever did throughout several different shows.


                Originally posted by monaroCountry View Post
                Hi guys im new here so be kind . Im more of a stargate fan than I am a star trek fan, however I have to admit that a battle between SGvST would easily see star trek ships winning.

                My reasons?
                -star trek has encountered far more space battles and so would have the advantage in tactics
                -star trek would have the advantage in weaponry. Take for example the Daedalus Armaments which consists of Railguns and Nuclear ordnance. This level of technology would mean that the Deadalus (in star gate) in terms of weaponry is only equal to the Deadalus class (in star trek). The Deadalus (ST) was one of the earliest starfleet space vessels and has been regarded as primitive. Even with nuclear armaments the star trek Deadalus has a threat rating of "NONE".
                Welcome to the forum and this thread.

                You’ll want to keep in mind that this is a STAR GATE forum first and foremost so reason might be the least of most peoples understanding on “anything vs. Stargate” type discussions.

                Having been a fan of both series, the points you’ve brought up is very valid which is why I thought it was silly when someone tried to bring up the possibility of a BC304 taking on the Defiant (and winning) a few pages ago. If you’ve watched both series, the notion of that happening is laughable at best.

                Originally posted by SG-25CSAR View Post
                one problem with all of your arguements

                Stargate is about 140 years behind ST: Enterprise
                well over 200 years behind TOS
                almost 400 years behind TNG,DS9, Voyager.

                Star trekk Earth 2007 would lose against Stargate Earth 2007. The Valcans of that time would have problems against the odyssey alone. Imagen the other MW aliens.
                Star Trekk 2007 would have simaler Technology. Very few if any races would be able to commpete with the Free Jaffa let alone the Asgard. The Ori would be too much for them.

                Its not fair or "Logical" to compare SG earth with ST earth in the 22nd,23rd, or the 24th centurey.
                Obviously the point of this thread was not 2007 ST Earth against 2007 SG Earth but rather present day ST (24th century) against present day SG (21st century).

                Focusing specifically on Earth from both series… you have to remember that ST Earth has been in interstellar conflict with other races for centuries and have advanced to meet such hurdles. Going through those adversities haven’t just advanced their fighting abilities but also their way of life.

                The Federation is not really just one country ( or countries) but an entire planet (or more specifically a planetary alliance of 150+ planets) and all the resources of it.

                Originally posted by Pasankoon View Post
                Well photon torpedoes have an explosive yeild of around 25 isotons wich is roughly 65 megatons TNT. Quantum torpedoes are about double. The primary energy blasts of Goa'uld motherships however range around 200 megatons. This around 3 times as powerful as a photon torpedo and is far less limmited in supply. As far as sheilds go i cant think of a way to compare them but based on how motherships fair of against other motherships they should be relatively formidable. More advanced races such as the asgard would have even more powerful weapons.

                I’m sorry but you’ll have to come up with a better argument than trying to argue explosive yield (which has already been brought up and I’ve yet to see someone present a valid argument on that front).

                If you’ve followed Star Trek and Star Gate, you’d know how destruction the weaponry of either series is against planetary bodies (planets, asteroids, comets, etc) which is more of constant that can be measured in either series than anything else I can think of. Science and measurement scales and technique aren’t. Going by your example… the “200 megation” mothership energy blasts really are weak in comparison to the “65 megaton” photon torpedoes since the later is far more destructive at blowing chunks out of planets. So either those mothership blasts are grossly overrated or the torpedoes that your source attempted to “convert” is grossly underrated. This doesn’t apply to just torpedoes but also energy weapons from the ST universe as well.

                Motherships do not actually fair that well against other motherships. There have been a number of motherships destroyed by other motherships throughout the series. It’s Earth vessels that they seem to fair well against. I’ve yet to see it happen and I really don’t expect to in a direct confrontation (without some other ingenious method).

                Originally posted by Pasankoon View Post
                However if startrek were using transphasal torpedoes they may be able to bypass goa'uld sheilds and destroy the ships. However they may be able later adapt with transpahasal eradication technology they used against the reatoo to form some kind of a defence against them.
                I doubt they would be since that technology was obtained from future Admiral Janeway, which I would think, would conflict with the temporal prime directive section of Starfleet. Otherwise Starfleet would be given a huge weapons and defense boost (armor tech was brought from the future as well) that would radically shift the balance of power in their quadrant.

                As for defense against the transphasic torpedoes using the technology from the weapons used to defeat the Re’tu, you’re grasping for straws. It was simply a modified energy weapon. It’s right up there with using staff weapons technology to defend against Ori weaponry. Ya, that made as much sense as what you said about the torpedoes.

                Originally posted by Lord of Nightmares View Post
                Quite frankly, I don't see how the Borg can even compare to the Replicators. The latter race accomplished far more in such a short time than the Borg ever did throughout several different shows.
                It was actually never fully disclosed how far the Borg progressed through the series that they were present in. We know they advanced, but as far as how much exactly, that's anyone's guess. On the outside, you can say that the Borg look like they NEVER advance (their ships and drones follow a standard set of rules) but we know that isn’t true. As for the replicators, the only major advancement we’ve seen is with the human form versions introduced by their assimilation of the android Reese. Their primary goal is replication and increase of their numbers while the Borg’s primary goal is “perfection.” The replicators got a large infusion of advancement with the knowledge obtained from Daniel though that knowledge really didn’t help much as they were destroyed shortly after obtaining it.

                The Asurans are another story. To the Borg, they’re an all you can eat buffet far too tempting to ignore (on the technological side) while the Priors would be the same (on the biological side). Just imagine how far they would be able to leap in advancement with the assimilation of both into their collective.


                  I reckon the replicators would rip the Borg to shreds. All it takes is one replicator cell on a ship, and you have got a huge problem on your hands. They would chew threw a Borg ship like a piece of cheese.

                  I would say Asurans vs Borg are the most evenly matched, athough I'd say the Asurans are alot more advanced (Having all of that Ancient technology, unlimited ZPMs etc...

                  And priors vs the Borg? It would be a bit hard for the Borg to assimilate a prior if they couldn't get near one. The mental abilities of a prior would be a huge advantage over the Borg. And if a Borg did get close enough to assimilate a prior (which I highly doubt would happen), I expect the prior would self destruct because of the Ori.


                    As much as i hate to admit it because i grew up on startrek, the stargate ships would pwn them.

                    Hell it took voyager 7 years to travel half the galaxy, which sg ships can do in hours, if not minutes, and frequently travel to other galaxies in short timeframes.

                    Back when enterprise was airing against sg1 (big reason contributing to it tanking) i was amused at how similar their ships looked. Both had small halls and bridges, cramped, buttons and lcd screens on terminals. Yet sg ships could probably one hit the borg, while enterprise had problems with even tiny ships.


                      Originally posted by kymeric View Post
                      As much as i hate to admit it because i grew up on startrek, the stargate ships would pwn them.

                      Hell it took voyager 7 years to travel half the galaxy, which sg ships can do in hours, if not minutes, and frequently travel to other galaxies in short timeframes.
                      Agree Star Trek ships can't touch their Stargate counterparts speed wise.

                      And I don't think there is that much the Borg could beat in the Stargate universe ship wise. The Borg have no shields. Asgard weapons, nukes, Ori beam weapon, drones possibly even Hatak weapons could probably tear through the hull of a Borg ship. I'd say the Hataks would have a hard time, but the others would whip a sphere/cube.


                        The argument is unfair, based on the obvious differences in time. The Star Trek universe is much more advanced, yes, but you can't get rid of the obvious advantages of the SG universe.

                        BEAMING TECHNOLOGY: The Daedalus classes ( and the Asgard too) are capable of beaming warheads onto enemy vessels. Now, according to what we know now, only Ori and Wraith ships can prevent this. You also have to bring into account the ancient warships equipped with hundreds of drones. Drones which can pass through shields. Also, please let's stick to the ships themselves and not the individual forces. A borg cube vs. Asuran cityship: Asurans, hands down. The Borg, IMO, wouldn't really be an effective enemy in the Stargate universe, compared to the Asurans or the replicators. NOw, the federation ships vs. the Earth ships. Tough decision. Federation ship weaspons are far more advanced but what about shields? Also, the Daedalus class ships have Ex Deux machinas like beaming warheads onto vessels so... You do the math. Cheap ways excluded... I would have to probably go with Federation ships one on one. Now Federation ships vs. ORi/Asgard/Ancient(or Asuran) ships: SG universe wins.
                        Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                        ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                        encounter on the strange journey.


                        2 Cor. 10:3-5
                        3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                        4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                        5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                          Woah, Deja Vu.

                          Dude, the Borg most definately have shields, just like pretty much any race in Star Trek.


                            Why wouldn't borg be effective as the Asurans? Both seek perfection. Both use nanite technology to hack into the command systems of ships. Borg are quicker and more able to convert humans into their fold.

                            In Star Trek: First Contact, the borg injected a few nanoprobes into a human and in minutes, he was borg. In Atlantis, Niam took an entire episode to try and convert weir.

                            Also, your "Federation vs Earth ships" analogy is a fail. Federation ships (such as the Enterpise) don't take hull damage until their shields are down to below 50%, and they constantly regenerate their shields. Earth ships start taking hull damage and shield strain on their first hit. AND their shields don't regenerate. Star Trek advanced warships use zero point weapons (Quantum torpedoes), whereas Earth Ships still use nukes (which might be equivalent in yield to photon torpedoes -- you''ll haev to compare the charts on a technical manual).

                            This is why i detest _______ vs _________ ships WHOWOULD WIN. Because people will throw out half-cocked retarded comments that have no bearing and show that you don't watch the series at all.


                              Originally posted by IcyNeko View Post
                              Why wouldn't borg be effective as the Asurans? Both seek perfection. Both use nanite technology to hack into the command systems of ships. Borg are quicker and more able to convert humans into their fold.

                              In Star Trek: First Contact, the borg injected a few nanoprobes into a human and in minutes, he was borg. In Atlantis, Niam took an entire episode to try and convert weir.

                              Also, your "Federation vs Earth ships" analogy is a fail. Federation ships (such as the Enterpise) don't take hull damage until their shields are down to below 50%, and they constantly regenerate their shields. Earth ships start taking hull damage and shield strain on their first hit. AND their shields don't regenerate. Star Trek advanced warships use zero point weapons (Quantum torpedoes), whereas Earth Ships still use nukes (which might be equivalent in yield to photon torpedoes -- you''ll haev to compare the charts on a technical manual).

                              This is why i detest _______ vs _________ ships WHOWOULD WIN. Because people will throw out half-cocked retarded comments that have no bearing and show that you don't watch the series at all.
                              LIke I said, unfair and unbalanced arguments. And, yes, I don't watch Star Trek. But, my I don't remember where my arguments mentioned trek weapons. All I said was Daedalus class ships are capable of beaming nukes onto enemy vessels. I don't remember commenting about hull damage either.
                              Now, about the BORG vs. Asurans. Like I tried to say in my post, I'm only looking at the specifics: ship to ship, not individual to individual. And, I was actually asking about the Federation ships' shields as I do not know about them. And I did say that Federation ships would win one on one without the Daedalus beaming nukes ( they don't do that that much anyway)
                              Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                              ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                              encounter on the strange journey.


                              2 Cor. 10:3-5
                              3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                              4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                              5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                                Uhh,.. what? Federation can beam nukes too. Plus, they do it a lot easier than the Asgard/human ships.

                                As for effectiveness and ship design, the borg are lethal -- moreso than the Asurans. The asurans' tech is still somewhat similar to human tech... because they based their design off of ancient designs.

                                A Borg ship is lethal because you can take out huge chunks out of the ship and it can still keep firing. And Borg ships keep regenerating their damage, quickly... as long as there are borg in the collective, they can regenerate. Plus a borg ship also adapts to weapon frequencies, so after a few shots, ship weapons will have no effect on the borg. Their personal shield makes it do no damage.

