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Star Trek Ships vs. Stargate Ships

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    I'll just bring this thread up again. So people can argue with this a vs. b.
    Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


      Originally posted by PG15
      You want numbers? Here's some:

      Starfleet: According to DS9's "Sacrifice of Angels", each fleet has around 300 ships, and there are AT LEAST 9 fleets. so that right there is 2700 ships for Starfleet.

      Dominion: 4000+ ships, probably up in the tens of thousands.

      Borg: Again, thousands. Most likely much much more. Both the Dominion and the Borg control around a quarter of the galaxy, each.

      Romulan/Klingon: They seem to have the same amounts, and maybe the same or slightly less than that of the Federation, so we'll put them at around 2000 to 5000 ships each.

      And of course, there are other races out there. Now THAT's power for you.
      The 200+ Ori ships isn't accurate, they have millions in their home galaxy. (they can also probably make each star and planet life compatible. So that means that the humans i that galaxy nuber in the billions if not trillions. Millions of worlds building ships against the milky way. Ancients sent their most advanced ships against the Wraith to negotiate with the Wraith, the ancients onboard those ships were unprepared to be attacked and arrogent.
      Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


        What makes you think that the Borg can adapt to the Ori ship's ownage cannons? They use RAW power that, much like an exploding planet (blown up by Species 8472) obliterated Borg Cubes. Besides... the Borg couldn't adapt against Species 8472, so they most likely can't adapt to the raw power being fired from the Ori ships.

        You can adapt to energy frequencies all you want. But Cubes do not have shields, so it's all metal vs energy weapons. Too much energy can annihilate all that metal armor.


          You cant even use the Orii since there accended so therefore isnt fair to use them

          ori ships need to be Activated by priors Priors powers are given by the orii

          if you wanna use the Orii then startrek get the Q Q win everything so therefore startrek wins stargate


            just cause these Q don't have a none interference rule inforced by them selves, it dosen't mean that they are more pawerfull. I heard that a Q in star trek lost its powers once.
            [An alarm is sounding. Harriman checks his watch as he and Siler stand, facing Ba'al's hologram.]
            I'm sure he'll be here any second now.
            [Ba'al is obviously impatient.]
            So, um…

            Take our ships, take our toys, take our awesome alien tech... I don't care, I'm still free, you can't take Stargate from me!

            Special Thanks to Elles sence this is a ripof of her great sig.


              now if you pitted all the ships in stargate including ori ships, raiders, anubis's super mothership fully powered aswell as aphosis super hatak and ancints ships and atlantis the whole works

              against all the ships from star trek like the ships you get from the dominon war and othersb like the klingons and borg

              the chances i think is that stargate would win with all the drones and ori beams shooting alone the fedaration and its allies would be toasted


                Hasn't this been done to death yet? I mean, you can't really compare the two properly. One is set between 200-400 years in the future, and the other is present time. In one you can go across the galaxy in hours, the other, it takes years. In one, the Asgard gave us faster than light travel, in the other, it was the Vulcans. Hmmm, funky ears, pale greyish skin and no sence of humor....could the Vulcans be a result of an Asgard humpin a human? But anyways, the two are not really comparable. True, they have smiilarities, but they are not at the same place. The best you could do is compare the earliest trek ships agasinst the latest of SG ships. If you did that, then, it would be more fair, and I think the SG ships might actually have an edge. But if you were to put an Enterprize E Soverign against a Daedalus then I think the Enterprize E would win in a battle, but in a race of pure speed, it would get spanked left and right and up and down.

                Now, if you were to compare the Asgard to the Vulcans, then I think the Asgard would pimp slap the Vulcans with Michael Jackson's rhinestone glove and then moonwalk over their corpses. Te he he.
                Wraith, the OTHER white meat.
                Loyalty above all else, except Honor.


                  Originally posted by blazingelements
                  I know these are two different levels between shows but if they were to be combined and had a all out battle against...for example: U.S.S. Defiant or any of the Battle class starships (That I mind you, using Quantum torpedoes) against A Gou'uld mothership and also ships from Asgard, Wraith, Ori

                  Who would ultimately win in a skirmish battle?
                  this wouldn't even be speculation, since we are attempting to "compare" 2 different universes. Anyway...


                  goauld would lose against all (against wraith it would be a tighter fight but ultimately hive ship's size would prevail against shielded Hatak ships)

                  wraith would lose against asgard (at least the ONeil class)

                  asgard ONeil class would lose against the latest Starfleet ships (Sovereign class) but it would be a tight fight - ONeil shields are about equivalent to latest Starfleet shields (maybe slightly better) but ONeil firepower seems weaker (it took 6 ONeils to destroy 1 unshielded replicator ship!)

                  Starfleet ships would lose against Ori ships - Starfleet shields will probably block the ori beams but the trekkers will still lose, eventually


                    when the Q fight each other entire suns explode

                    When accended people fight They just cancel each other out.....


                      Originally posted by Peoples_General
                      What makes you think that the Borg can adapt to the Ori ship's ownage cannons? They use RAW power that, much like an exploding planet (blown up by Species 8472) obliterated Borg Cubes. Besides... the Borg couldn't adapt against Species 8472, so they most likely can't adapt to the raw power being fired from the Ori ships.

                      You can adapt to energy frequencies all you want. But Cubes do not have shields, so it's all metal vs energy weapons. Too much energy can annihilate all that metal armor.
                      Uh...what? The cubes DO have shields. In fact, shields are pretty much a constant across the Star Trek universe.

                      And the only reason why the Borg didn't adapt to 8472 is because they couldn't assimilate them. Now, if the Borg is able to assimilate, say, a Prior (a very very tough thing to do, I'll admit), then the Ori ships are history.

                      The Ori themselves, on the other hand, can get rid of the Borg in a snap of a finger.


                        Originally posted by wise one
                        now if you pitted all the ships in stargate including ori ships, raiders, anubis's super mothership fully powered aswell as aphosis super hatak and ancints ships and atlantis the whole works

                        against all the ships from star trek like the ships you get from the dominon war and othersb like the klingons and borg

                        the chances i think is that stargate would win with all the drones and ori beams shooting alone the fedaration and its allies would be toasted

                        Thats true.


                          Yup borg ships do have shields (in ST-Voy Scorpion: Torres says "the borg shields are weakening" after the cube is hit by a biogun beam)

                          However the borg can adapt to weaponry without assimilation, in fact that's how they manage to overpower & assimilate species they've never encountered before
                          For instance the borg cubes adapted quickly to Starfleet phazers and the borg diamond's shields adapted to the "pulse modulating phazers" in Dark Frontier, etc.
                          It's just that for the 1st time the borg were up against a species that had a defensive tech superior to their own (heck species 8472 was from another universe, probably a far older species too) so they couldn't adapt

                          It's like the replicators - they were able to adapt to goauld and asgard weapons (since goauld & asgard tech was less advanced than replicator tech) but they couldn't adapt to tech that was more advanced than their own (like the ancient disruptors) so they had to trick SG into revealing the data about the disruptor

                          EDIT: and no the borg can't adapt to raw firepower either (that would defy the laws of physics) so adaptation is only a means for the borg to "optimize" their shields efficiency against the weapons. For example the borg can adapt to starfleet phazers, but if starfleet ship somehow fires a phazer beam with the same frequency (to which the borg have adapted) but say, thousand times the strength of a standard ship phazer beam then the borg can adapt all they want but the cube will still be destroyed
                          Last edited by SoulReaver; 06 October 2006, 07:34 PM.


                            Originally posted by Peoples_General
                            What makes you think that the Borg can adapt to the Ori ship's ownage cannons? They use RAW power that, much like an exploding planet (blown up by Species 8472) obliterated Borg Cubes. Besides... the Borg couldn't adapt against Species 8472, so they most likely can't adapt to the raw power being fired from the Ori ships.

                            You can adapt to energy frequencies all you want. But Cubes do not have shields, so it's all metal vs energy weapons. Too much energy can annihilate all that metal armor.
                            The borg have highly "adaptive" shields plus ablative(sp) armour. Think about it, the "raw" energy has to go though the shields weakening that "raw" power then the weakend beam hits armour designed to reflect/refract energy hitting it all the while the Borg are "studying" the weapon attacking thier cubes. The Ori (at least their biological followers) are doomed. While this is going on the Q are attacking the Asended Ori in an coordinated attack on Ori civilization. The Borg/Q alliance destroys. Endgame for the Ori.


                              Here's what I think:

                              Ancients vs. Star Trek: Debatable, because remember that
                              Star Trek has beings like the Organians and Q, which are closely related
                              to "ascended beings".
                              Asgard vs. Star Trek: The Asgard would probably defeat the Romulans
                              and the Klingons, but when it comes to the Borg or Species 8472, Star
                              Trek would win. Don't Forget, the Borg can quickly adapt
                              to weapons fire. And it doesn't take the Borg very long to adapt. In TNG's "Q Who?", the Enterprise fires phasers and
                              photon torpedoes at a cube, which damages the ship, AT FIRST, but then after another attack with similar weapons, the
                              Borg Cube suffers NO damage. Also, Species 8472 has the
                              "Planet Killer" weapon, which could effortlessly destroy an Asgard world,
                              guarded by Asgard ships or not, because the ships can attack from a safe
                              If the Asgard were to win, they would have to constantly change
                              the modulation of their weapons every time the Borg adapted. Plus, they
                              would have to make special poisonous weapons in order to kill Species 8472.
                              Ori vs. Star Trek: Again, Debatable. As other people have said.
                              The Borg or Species 8472 might be able to kill the Ori if they use the
                              correct battle strategy, otherwise, the Ori would PWN them.
                              Tollan vs. Star Trek: I haven't seen the Tollan use ships before, but their Ion cannons would destroy several ST ships, but, again, when it comes
                              to the mentioned tricks of the Borg and Species 8472, THEN you've got
                              an actual fight. A fight worth watching.
                              Nox vs. Star Trek: The Nox will not fight, they will simply win by hiding, at least IMHO. No contest there.
                              Earth Vs. Star Trek: A fight worth watching! I'd put my bets on
                              Star Trek, again, because of Species 8472 and the Borg. Plus, Voyager, the Defiant, the Romulans and Klingons would be able to fight several BC304 and
                              F-302 lass ships.
                              Replicators vs. Star Trek:It would be a close contest between the Borg and the Replicators. IMO, the luck appears to be in favor of the Replicators.
                              Star Trek vs. Goa'uld: Species 8472 Planet Killer vs. Anubis's Mothership - Anubis = dead
                              Result - Assimilated Jaffa and System Lords.


                                Originally posted by Falcon_06 View Post
                                Here's what I think:

                                Ancients vs. Star Trek: Debatable, because remember that
                                Star Trek has beings like the Organians and Q, which are closely related
                                to "ascended beings".
                                Asgard vs. Star Trek: The Asgard would probably defeat the Romulans
                                and the Klingons, but when it comes to the Borg or Species 8472, Star
                                Trek would win. Don't Forget, the Borg can quickly adapt
                                to weapons fire. And it doesn't take the Borg very long to adapt. In TNG's "Q Who?", the Enterprise fires phasers and
                                photon torpedoes at a cube, which damages the ship, AT FIRST, but then after another attack with similar weapons, the
                                Borg Cube suffers NO damage. Also, Species 8472 has the
                                "Planet Killer" weapon, which could effortlessly destroy an Asgard world,
                                guarded by Asgard ships or not, because the ships can attack from a safe
                                If the Asgard were to win, they would have to constantly change
                                the modulation of their weapons every time the Borg adapted. Plus, they
                                would have to make special poisonous weapons in order to kill Species 8472.
                                Ori vs. Star Trek: Again, Debatable. As other people have said.
                                The Borg or Species 8472 might be able to kill the Ori if they use the
                                correct battle strategy, otherwise, the Ori would PWN them.
                                Tollan vs. Star Trek: I haven't seen the Tollan use ships before, but their Ion cannons would destroy several ST ships, but, again, when it comes
                                to the mentioned tricks of the Borg and Species 8472, THEN you've got
                                an actual fight. A fight worth watching.
                                Nox vs. Star Trek: The Nox will not fight, they will simply win by hiding, at least IMHO. No contest there.
                                Earth Vs. Star Trek: A fight worth watching! I'd put my bets on
                                Star Trek, again, because of Species 8472 and the Borg. Plus, Voyager, the Defiant, the Romulans and Klingons would be able to fight several BC304 and
                                F-302 lass ships.
                                Replicators vs. Star Trek:It would be a close contest between the Borg and the Replicators. IMO, the luck appears to be in favor of the Replicators.
                                Star Trek vs. Goa'uld: Species 8472 Planet Killer vs. Anubis's Mothership - Anubis = dead
                                Result - Assimilated Jaffa and System Lords.
                                I'm not sure if done this but here goes.
                                Ancients vs. Star Trek
                                Lets keep the Q and Acention out of this. The Anceints have the darts which can ripe through Star Trek ship's shield plus with atlantis shield and other city ships it's over. Anceints win

                                Asgard vs. Star Trek
                                Though the asgard ships are big Star Trek would ripe there ships apart.
                                Star Trek wins

                                Ori vs. Star Trek
                                Ori have the Shield, and the weapons to take anything down. Though I'm sure the Star Trek could take on the ships in our galaxy now bring the entire armada and the Ori would crush them. Ori wins

                                Tollan vs. Star Trek
                                Though the tollan could defeat any ships coming at it. You destroy the Planet the tollan losses.Star Trek wins

                                Earth Vs. Star Trek
                                Bring the fight to earth then we have a diffrent story. The Outpost would take out any who come to close plus send some ships from a far and the Odessey could beam a Gatebuster into the ships and bye bye. Or if they jam it then toss those in front of the ship the shields won't last long.

                                Replicators vs. Star Trek
                                Replicators win. Idobt even the ori could take doen these little bugers

                                Asurans vs. Star Trek
                                It's manley the Anceints so Asruans win

                                Star Trek vs. Goa'uld
                                This battle is not as easy as it looks though might be able to take out the ships. Anubis would keep on coming. I don't think the Q. will care about him. Anubis would jump into a control and make him shoot another ship and he will cause a cvil war.
                                Goauld losses
                                Anubis wins

                                Star Trek vs. Wraith
                                The wraith would out number them
                                Wraith hands down

                                Those are my opinions
                                Come see Kingomon's Stargate stories about:
                                Poseidon, the Ancient's King and
                                new enemy of the Ori

