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Star Trek Ships vs. Stargate Ships

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    Replicators !! vs borg= Replicators !!
    Hallowed are the Ori !!!
    Follow the path of the Enlightment !
    Why Sg1 !!?? Why not me!!?? Why !!??


      We've already said that one. But anyway. can we be more specific with the Star Trek Ship, Us trekkies are very particular in details.

      Like Replicators Vs. Borg

      Can we be specific like

      Replicator Ship Vs. Borg cube

      Hive Ship Vs. Soverign Class Ship
      (Soverign is the Enterprise-E)

      Or Goa'uld Ha'Tak Against Enterprise-D (Galaxt Class) Or Intepid or Defiant or Akira or whatever

      CAN WE PLEASE BE specific

      now that im done with my ranting

      I was thinking..........

      Earth's Prometheus Against Star Trek's Prometheus that was on Voyager in "Message In A Bottle)
      I Am Locutus_Of_Borg Resistance Is Futile, Hallowed Are The Ori, We Go Out With Our Phasers Firing

      [QUE] Founder/Admin - Observation Of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Entanglement On Supraquantum Structures By Induction Through Nonlinear Transuranic Crystal Of Extremely Long Wavelength Pulse From Mode-Locked Source Array


        Originally posted by Locutus_Of_Borg
        We've already said that one. But anyway. can we be more specific with the Star Trek Ship, Us trekkies are very particular in details.

        Like Replicators Vs. Borg

        Can we be specific like

        Replicator Ship Vs. Borg cube

        Hive Ship Vs. Soverign Class Ship
        (Soverign is the Enterprise-E)

        Or Goa'uld Ha'Tak Against Enterprise-D (Galaxt Class) Or Intepid or Defiant or Akira or whatever

        CAN WE PLEASE BE specific

        now that im done with my ranting

        I was thinking..........

        Earth's Prometheus Against Star Trek's Prometheus that was on Voyager in "Message In A Bottle)

        I would say the the Promethues remids me of the Enterprise D because its taller and the Dadelaus reminds me of the Enterprise E because it lower but longer and powerful, "of course its a new ship" .


          Originally posted by Locutus_Of_Borg
          Earth's Prometheus Against Star Trek's Prometheus that was on Voyager in "Message In A Bottle)
          Easy like Sunday Morning. (and sunday morning is easy!)

          Prometheus class from Voyager. That was hardcore, 3 seperate attack ships. The only stumbling block would be the Prometheus' shields, which judging by Lost City and subsequent episodes, is surprisingly strong. But the weapons on the Prommie are pretty rubbish anyway so i say the USS Prometheus. Hands down.

          The center of Khlysty surrounds me


            Asgard vs. Star Trek ships= Asgard because of the Hyperdrive speed, Size of ships, and they could use the Time Dilation device to there Avantage

            Ancient vs. Star Trek= Ancients Smarter

            Earth vs. Star Trek= if we are talking at Earth then Earth has the outpost but by ships it would be sort of Earth because Earth have the Puddle jumper and with the cloak they can't be Touched but Earth ships would have been destroyed.

            Atlantis vs. Star Trek+= Atlantis because of fleet of puddle jumpers Shield and cloak of Atlantis

            Wraith vs. Star Trek= Wraith by numbers

            Replicators vs. Star trek (even with Borg)= Replicators would absorb there tec and goodbye

            Ori vs. Star Trek= Unknown

            Goa'uld vs. Star Trek= it would be a Tie

            Anubus vs. Star Trek= Anubus because of the weapon

            Nox vs. Star Trek= Nox would hid in their city but if its like Atlantis it will take down the Trek if nessary

            Tollan vs. Star Trek= Tollan and those guns.
            Come see Kingomon's Stargate stories about:
            Poseidon, the Ancient's King and
            new enemy of the Ori


              Originally posted by Kingomon
              Asgard vs. Star Trek ships= Asgard because of the Hyperdrive speed, Size of ships, and they could use the Time Dilation device to there Avantage
              Exactly how big is an Asgard ship anyway?

              Krenim ships can wipe them from history before they have a chance to establish a time dilation field.

              Earth vs. Star Trek= if we are talking at Earth then Earth has the outpost but by ships it would be sort of Earth because Earth have the Puddle jumper and with the cloak they can't be Touched but Earth ships would have been destroyed.
              We don't know how many drones are left in the outpost. It could be empty for all we know.

              How many puddle jumpers does Earth have? 1? The kind of ships that can be brought down by rudimentary weapons like those owned by some prisoners?

              Atlantis vs. Star Trek+= Atlantis because of fleet of puddle jumpers Shield and cloak of Atlantis
              Well, if we're talking ruthless here, Star Trek ships would just blow up the planet. Take a Genesis device and boom. No more Atlantis.

              Or "Lantia" for that matter.

              Wraith vs. Star Trek= Wraith by numbers
              I would go with a tie. Star Trek ship numbers (especially that of the Borg) are nothing to shake a stick at.

              Anubus vs. Star Trek= Anubus because of the weapon
              The Xindi has a planet-buster too. And don't forget the Doomsday Device. Able to vaporize planets in a single shot.

              Also Species 8472 planet get the picture.

              Tollan vs. Star Trek= Tollan and those guns.
              Trillithium missle into the Tollan's star, destoys the entire system.

              Very handy when they seem to be only on one planet.


                st: enterprise fan/watcher, eh? i liked the show :-)


                  Star Trek would win, no one can out-Kirk Kirk.
                  "For now, you are in need of food and rest, and I am in need of armor"


                    i'm sure carter will just blow up a sun and call it a day


                      Originally posted by PG15
                      Exactly how big is an Asgard ship anyway?

                      Krenim ships can wipe them from history before they have a chance to establish a time dilation field.

                      We don't know how many drones are left in the outpost. It could be empty for all we know.

                      How many puddle jumpers does Earth have? 1? The kind of ships that can be brought down by rudimentary weapons like those owned by some prisoners?

                      Well, if we're talking ruthless here, Star Trek ships would just blow up the planet. Take a Genesis device and boom. No more Atlantis.

                      Or "Lantia" for that matter.

                      I would go with a tie. Star Trek ship numbers (especially that of the Borg) are nothing to shake a stick at.

                      The Xindi has a planet-buster too. And don't forget the Doomsday Device. Able to vaporize planets in a single shot.

                      Also Species 8472 planet get the picture.

                      Trillithium missle into the Tollan's star, destoys the entire system.

                      Very handy when they seem to be only on one planet.
                      (Earth)The Puddle Jumper so far is undtectible in its Invisablity
                      I'm thinking that Anartica has alot because if you recall the Ancients had a war thats why there were only a few so the Outpost probly has alot lot more.

                      (Asgard)The Earth ships are really small compared to Asgard Ships remember that Thor came and Asked for help from earths new ship (old now) plus the Asgard only had problem with one Enemy the Replicators well Anubis too but he was plaining to fight them but the Replicators could defeat anyone so the Asgard have not really ever shown us what the can do to a non-Replicator.
                      And the Device could be used to speed up time and they could send fire on the Enemy and it would be like endless fire to the enemy as well it can be used to slow them down.
                      (Atlantis)I don't watch the Show but don't they need time to use it so a Puddle jumper can hitt it before it can fire

                      (Anubis) If you recall the only weapon that could defeat Anubis Weapon was the Outpost which can defeat anything the ship had a very powerful Sheild and last it had a Naquadra last makeing the Weapon far more powerful then a Planet Destroyer because it could do that before.

                      They would have trouble sending it with the Canonns fireing and the Tollan could send the go through bombs threw the ships goodbye.
                      Come see Kingomon's Stargate stories about:
                      Poseidon, the Ancient's King and
                      new enemy of the Ori


                        Originally posted by ItsDan
                        Star Trek would win, no one can out-Kirk Kirk.
                        Who'd want to?

                        If it comes to Federation ships, I'd say that they could get blown away pretty easily. Take all of the most powerful Federation ships, the ones that have really proved themselves, the Galaxy class, the Sovereign class, Intrepid class, Excelsior class, well, you get the idea. All the traditional federation weapons (phasers, photon and quantum torpedoes, along with a few innovations), it wouldn't stand up to the firepower of an Anubis Flagship or an Asgard O'niell class ship. If it comes to an all-out power struggle between the universe of Star Trek with the Federation, Romulans, Cardassians, Borg, Species 8472 and Klingons (I'm not listing all major players, just the ones I view as the most prominent) vs. all Goa'uld forces, Wraith, Asgard, Ancient weapons, Replicators, Tollans, etc., I'd put more money on the Stargate universe. Even the new Daedalas-class ships seem to be on a tie with Galaxy-class ships.

                        Just my two cents. My vote is for Stargate.
                        Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

                        Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


                          Originally posted by Daniel's_twin
                          Who'd want to?

                          If it comes to Federation ships, I'd say that they could get blown away pretty easily. Take all of the most powerful Federation ships, the ones that have really proved themselves, the Galaxy class, the Sovereign class, Intrepid class, Excelsior class, well, you get the idea. All the traditional federation weapons (phasers, photon and quantum torpedoes, along with a few innovations), it wouldn't stand up to the firepower of an Anubis Flagship or an Asgard O'niell class ship. If it comes to an all-out power struggle between the universe of Star Trek with the Federation, Romulans, Cardassians, Borg, Species 8472 and Klingons (I'm not listing all major players, just the ones I view as the most prominent) vs. all Goa'uld forces, Wraith, Asgard, Ancient weapons, Replicators, Tollans, etc., I'd put more money on the Stargate universe. Even the new Daedalas-class ships seem to be on a tie with Galaxy-class ships.

                          Just my two cents. My vote is for Stargate.
                          I'm with you but all the Stargate universe has to do is send in the Replicators goodbye to the Ships plus while they are busy trying to defeat the Replicators the Tollan could use the Puddle jumper get in to the Ship and cause there cores to overload.
                          Plus with the Asgard we have not seen them fight in a real battle they have Invis. tec Time Dialation who knows what else they are hiding.
                          Go!!!! Stargate
                          Come see Kingomon's Stargate stories about:
                          Poseidon, the Ancient's King and
                          new enemy of the Ori


                            Originally posted by Daniel's_Twin
                            Even the new Daedalas-class ships seem to be on a tie with Galaxy-class ships.
                            A Galaxy class is vastly superior to the daedalus! The daedalus' only weapon of use is the beaming nuke technology. And in Trek (for the most part) you can't beam through a shield. That leaves rail guns. High velocity particles against shields that withstood barrages of photon torpedoes and phasors. Plus, phasors are a lot more powerful than they look not to mention Quantum torpedoes. ("Local release of zero point energy. More effective than conventional anti-matter explosives at penetrating deflector shields." ST encyclopedia) I'd be willing to wager they'd do some hefty damage to an Earth ship's shields.

                            The center of Khlysty surrounds me


                              There is one major difference between the 2 series ships which ithink sum1 has already mentioned, and that would be propulsion. Hyperspace and Warp. Which do i think is more advanced??? Hyperspace. Which do i think is more useful in fighting??? WARP! Warp is more efficient if not as fast, and it is possible to engage in combat while in warp whereas if you tried doing it in hyperspace...byebye in little itsy bitsy pieces
                              In terms of shielding and firepower betweent the 2 if u take into account all star trek ships and stagate ships i reckon in a borad perspective it all evens out.
                              However star trek have one thing that has not been shown on stargate. Disciplined, organised, efiicient, resilient, and maneuverable fleets of ships. Ok so the goauld had their fleets but they werent really that organised and no way near efficient. thats one of the problems with having humungous ships like hive ships and motherships, they are too hard to manage and control. A ship on star trek however with its manageable size and organised and highly trained crews would be more than a match for any adversary. If u need proof then i will take the daedalus as an example surviving multiple encounters with multiple hive ships and i reckon the daedalus is prob the only ship which would stand a chance in the star trek universe because of its relatively small size.
                              say all star trek was to have an all out war with stargate this is what wud happen:
                              All borg vessels would attack the asgard, since the asgard lost against replicators sufficed to say they will lose against the borg.
                              All species 8472 would attack the wraith as extremely strong and hard to kill creatures they could easily match the wraith strengths and the wraith cannot feed on them coz they are not human Not to mention they have better biological ships than the wraith. After they have disposed of the wraith they will go onto the replicators the fight with whom may be extremely close and to tell ya the truth is the only one im unsure about.
                              I would send the federation ships against the goauld it would be a close fight but efficiency, organisation, and maneuverability always conquers pure force and numbers.
                              Romulans would make perfect ambush fleets as well as the fact they are one of the few races on star trek that possess fighters.
                              And as for the klingons i would use them solely as a harassing tactic against other ships and mostly against fighters coz of the the maneuverablity of the bird of preys.
                              Oh and star trek has their own versions of the ori and ancients as well in the form of the prophets and the 'paaraith' i think they are called.
                              All in all i reckon star trek would kick stargates ass in a fight, only if it were stagate attckin star trek. If star trek weer to attack stargate the fight would be over very quickly, why? HYPERDRIVE! Also the above only applies to space battles coz onthe ground due to stargate technology it would be stargate who would win.
                              Lastly star trek has better not worse shields except may be than the asgard who seem to have pretty strong shields. Star trek also has much superior cloaking technology and transport technology.


                                i bet the replicators will take over the borg.. then take over ancient tech in pegasus.. we let the replicators do all the work.. they'll leave us for last.. why? assuming there were stargate earth and another star trek earth.. replicators would go after the star trek earth first.. then when they are just about fully dominated the whole universe, we use the weapon at takara.. so who wins? yeah, of course i make it seem simple.


