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Why so few F-302's for BC-303's

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    Why so few F-302's for BC-303's

    Anyone ever wonder why they can only fit like 8 F-302's on a BC. Don't they have folding wings or something? A friggin aircraft carrier carries more fighters than a BC. Pretty pathetic. You would think they could carry like 50 maybe 60 fighters like a hatak, given that both prommie, deddy and possibly Oddy(oddessy), have more than one fighter bay. Kinda makes you wonder why the fighter bay was full in Intruder. The 302's in Siege 3 were heavily outnumbered on a scale of possibly more than 30 to 1. I saw somewhere it was like 64 to 1. Anyway, wouldn't you think that some 302's would have been destroyed in the ensuing battle. I dont think the nuke beaming thing is gonna work anymore with the wraith so they better start making more room in the fighter bays.

    Oddy is now the new abbreviated name for The Oddessy earths new BC coming late in S9.

    Best Stargate quote:
    Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
    Green is your friend.

    I thought there were like at least 20 F-302's in the cargo bay in The Intruder.....
    Hallowed are the Xander. Love, Worship, and Rep/Green your all-powerful, omniscient God!


      Well, despite the size of our vessels, we cant put aside enough of the ship to store like 50 fighters. and fighters arent the first line of defense either.
      ROFLMAO Check This Out!!!


        look, ya'll are looking at this from a "star wars" point of view where there are a hundred if not more ships for each side and thousands of fighter each. the daedalus doesnt carry many f-302s b/c most of the 302s are stationed on earth for homeworld defense or at the alpha site and also earth is just starting to build a fleet....give it time and we'll get to the 20s or so maybe if we can get a big enough ship. you have to see that those fighters take up a lot of room and they have to have manuevering room to get onto the launch ramp.
        "Evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb!" - Dark Helmet


          and it costs $ to build fighters and cruisers and other ships. If it's destroyed, the money's gone!
          Hallowed are the Xander. Love, Worship, and Rep/Green your all-powerful, omniscient God!


            Originally posted by Xanderic
            and it costs $ to build fighters and cruisers and other ships. If it's destroyed, the money's gone!
            so true. but still i say we do our best to get an ancient/human/asgard hybrid ship now that we get technology from atlantis and uild a ship that can house 20-25 fighters each.
            "Evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb!" - Dark Helmet


              thing is even if we have the technology, we don't exactly have the materials because although we have a naquadah mine, we don't have metal mines. We'll easily deplete Earth's supply.
              Hallowed are the Xander. Love, Worship, and Rep/Green your all-powerful, omniscient God!


                we have mines for all types of metals, we not only went out and looked for tech but for off world natural resources.
                "Khattam-Shud," he said slowly, "is the Arch-Enemy
                of all Stories, even of Language itself. He is the Prince of
                Silence and the Foe of Speech. And because everything ends,
                because dreams end, stories end, life ends, at the finish
                of everything we use his name. 'It's finished,' we tell one
                another, 'it's over. Khattam-Shud: The End.'"

                -excerpted from Haroun and the Sea of Stories,


                  I thought the daedulas has 16+ F-302s and prommie is half the size which has 8, so 16 is acceptable in a production class. A f-302 does cost like a $100 million+ each. A f/a 22 cost $100,000,000 each and that is the most advanced human fighter, so an even more advanced fighter with alien technology which would be difficult to reproduce. Would cost about the same or more even with advanced tech that would help production. Try hiding that much money and trying to produce squadrons of F-302s and BC-303s.
                  Rimmer: "What's this? Learning drugs? They're illegal, matey! Where did you get them? I'm afraid you're in very serious, grave, deep trouble, Lister. Where did you get them? I want names, I want places, I want dates."
                  Lister: "Arnold Rimmer, his locker, this morning."
                  - Rimmer and Lister, Balance of Power from Red Dwarf

                  Ambassador: I hate you English. With your boring trousers and your shiny toilet paper and your ridiculous preconceptions that Frenchmen are great lovers. I'm French and I'm hung like a baby carrot and a couple of petits pois.
                  - Nob and Nobility from Blackadder


                    According to Wikipedia the FA-22 costs about $256 million each.


                      "Well you don't think they spend Twenty thousand dollars on a hammer...thirty million on a toilot seat do you?"

             seemed appropiate at the time.


                        no the Prommie can't be half the size of Daed because they wouldn't be a 303 class anymore. Prommie is X-303 for Experimental-303 and Daed is BC-303 for BattleCruiser-303 which means they are both the same class and therefore the same size. The Daed just looks a bit different than the Prommie so that they can identify which is which.
                        Hallowed are the Xander. Love, Worship, and Rep/Green your all-powerful, omniscient God!


                          The Deadalus is 1.5 times the size of the Prometheus, if you compare the two thi sis about accurate. The Prommie was having the kinks worked out and wasn't that efficent at carrier duties. The Deadalus rectifies this problem with it Hanger bay's.
                          You go ahead, I'll be right behind you (In an F-302)
                          And now for a completely unconnected series of random smilies:


                            Originally posted by RENCO
                            According to Wikipedia the FA-22 costs about $256 million each.
                            Wo and a f-302 probaly costs more.
                            The Daedulas class could be alot bigger for the simple reason that we knew the technology would work ,so now they can build something to rival other warships.While the prommie they didnt know if the technology would work,so wasting billons more on a bigger ship that might not work would be stupid.
                            Rimmer: "What's this? Learning drugs? They're illegal, matey! Where did you get them? I'm afraid you're in very serious, grave, deep trouble, Lister. Where did you get them? I want names, I want places, I want dates."
                            Lister: "Arnold Rimmer, his locker, this morning."
                            - Rimmer and Lister, Balance of Power from Red Dwarf

                            Ambassador: I hate you English. With your boring trousers and your shiny toilet paper and your ridiculous preconceptions that Frenchmen are great lovers. I'm French and I'm hung like a baby carrot and a couple of petits pois.
                            - Nob and Nobility from Blackadder


                              I agree with what epcrules89 said. It takes time to build up squadrons
                              of F-302s and most would be assigned to Earth defense while a small number would be given to the 2 ships for support!
                              I would take a guess that 2 squadrons of fighters would be given to both ships when they have the numbers of fighters available to spare to them.
                              Look at the US military top weapon systems they are in small numbers and thats due to cost and secercy!
                              Why should the F-302 project be any different!

                              Take care


