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Fan Mail

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    Originally posted by qasimjavid
    I hope you find it

    What did it say anyway?

    I told him how much I admired his acting, stuff like that.

    for amanada tapping i did the same thing and said it was great to see a women playing a strong character in a show, blah blah.


      What did his reply say?
      gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
      so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
      love Torri


        I sent a letter around febuary. But I never got anything back. I was atleast expecting a automatic message given to everyone. But I got nothing.


          Well i live in the UK so sending fan mail is a liitle harder!

          I remeber the address being read out on a directors commetry on one of the season5 epsidoes the say something to Peter Deluise about the body count in one episode but i could be wrong


            Originally posted by S.G.C
            Well i live in the UK so sending fan mail is a liitle harder!
            Yeah I was thinking about that this morning
            gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
            so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
            love Torri


              Originally posted by briguy213
              I sent a letter around febuary. But I never got anything back. I was atleast expecting a automatic message given to everyone. But I got nothing.
              Which actor did you write too? David Hewlett?


                See I never had the guts to write fan mail,just because I would have nothing to say,besides I love you and I think that your a great actor/actress and your character kicks major a**,but don't you think they get that kind of stuff all the time?!


                  Originally posted by Blue007
                  I've thought about sending a fan letter but I just don't want to sound like a dork.
                  You know all gushing and endlessly talking about them and wondering if they can read my handwritting, do ya type it...
                  Freaks me out eveytime I start to I just throw it away.
                  Not to mention they must get tons of mail and I don't want anyone who is not that person to read it and think...what a freak...
                  And I can't believe I just wrote this all for the world to see...or read rather...LOL..but hey I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way...
                  am I??
                  I think the same thing everytime I try to write fan mail,If I love them and love there show.....I don't want them to think I'm a freak


                    ya know what? i write fanfic. and i've gotten feedback. some of it, well some of it is gushing, some of it was rather rude and a few pieces i still haven't figured out.

                    but the ones that i appreciate a lot are the folks that simply say 'thanks for writing that story, i enjoyed it'

                    simple, honest, polite

                    think of what these actors do. they work long hours, doing really weird things. they have to wear costumes and makeup and sometimes do all their acting to a green screen and sometimes have no idea what the finish product looks like because what they make bears little resemblance to what we see

                    they take plywood, styrofoam and tricks of angles and make them into the sgc and pretend that that velvet curtain is really space

                    they get hooked up to harnesses to be flown across the room, they get zapped and sparked and tossed around

                    and they do all this MONTHS before we see it. remember whey they started taping? it was february for something we get to see in July...and the brits in september.

                    in many ways it is a thankless job so if you like what they do, why not take a moment to say 'thanks. i liked how you portrayed _____ in this episode.'
                    I enjoyed this or i liked that or i had so much fun watching you do this

                    just take a moment to thank them for all their hard work
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Nicely put Skydiver
                      gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                      so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                      love Torri


                        For me, it has been a stroke of luck this being posted here, because as I've mentioned (continually) on other threads, a friend and I are planning on setting up a fansite for two of the secondaries (tertiaries, perhaps in one case) and there is simply nothing at all online to take information from.

                        IMDb without a biog just doesn't cut it.

                        So this means that we can send a letter or something, even if it's passed on to their agents, asking for a few bits of info or some news and stuff, to get it started. Neither of them have their own sites, so they'd probably benefit from it as well!

                        We won't be doing it yet, because there's so much stuff to collect together, first, but similarly to what Skydiver said, I hope it will be taken as a compliment (rather than fangirling).

                        Official Member of the Fellowship of Rainbow Defenders
                        ...and the Lord said, 'Let there be F.O.R.D.' and there was, and it was good...


                          I Found the letter!!... but Now my scanner is not working Lol just my luck eh?


                            Haha! Awww bad luck HarSins


                              Originally posted by alfirin_kirinki
                              For me, it has been a stroke of luck this being posted here, because as I've mentioned (continually) on other threads, a friend and I are planning on setting up a fansite for two of the secondaries (tertiaries, perhaps in one case) and there is simply nothing at all online to take information from.

                              IMDb without a biog just doesn't cut it.
                              My advice for that: keep digging! view every search page of all the search engines
                              You might find 1 mention of them... which will lead you off on one. Hunting for the secondaries and teriaries are fun!
                              James Lafazanos - Good for a Laf


                                Originally posted by Ses
                                My advice for that: keep digging! view every search page of all the search engines
                                You might find 1 mention of them... which will lead you off on one. Hunting for the secondaries and teriaries are fun!
                                Oh believe me, I really have been.

                                Official Member of the Fellowship of Rainbow Defenders
                                ...and the Lord said, 'Let there be F.O.R.D.' and there was, and it was good...

