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Ask Joe Mallozzi - Spoilers for SG-1 (S8, 9, 10) and SGA (S1, 2, 3)

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    Will there be an episode that explores Wraith psychic powers, beyond the possible mind control from Rising and the communication aspects mentioned in Season 2, into the shadows of Rising and other as yet unseen things?


      Hey Joe!

      In Beneath the surface, when SG1's memories were erased, Sam's name was Thera. According to some historians, Thera (known as Santorin now) would be the lost continent of Atlantis. So my question is(but I think you already know it), was there a link with Atlantis or was it just a randomly picked name?



        Hi Joe!!!

        I have a couple of questions:

        Concerning the bold step of introducing Arthurian legend into Stargate SG-1 will there be some form of round-table introduced or perhaps the building of an alliance of races against the Ori???


        one question per post per person per day please
        Last edited by Skydiver; 19 January 2006, 04:18 PM.


          Hi Joe!

          Will we see humans from Earth use that gene manipulation device from “Prototype” to create advanced humans (smarter scientists, better soldiers, etc.) to fight the Ori?
          (sorry if something like this has already been asked)



            Hey joe,
            can we please see someone in atlantis with an irish badge??


              Hi Joe,

              Will Walter be returning for S10?


                Hi Joe,

                What ever happened to Jonas's fish, has Daniel been taking good care of them?

                Thanks a bunch!


                  Hi Joe,

                  Why does SG1's stargate spin, whereas the one on Altantis as well as several off world gates show a permanent structure with no inner spinning wheel?


                    Hey Joe another question, do the Asgard come from the galaxy of Ida or Othalla? or do they have two different galaxies under their control?

                    'Hallowed are the children of the Ori. CROWD: Hallowed are we. Hallowed are the Ori.' -

                    'Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the Gods, ships shall be built to carry the warriors out among the stars and we will spread Origin to all the unbelievers. The power of the Ori will be felt far and wide and the wicked shall be vanquished' -

                    Contribute to the Stargate Wiki a source for any information on the Stargate universe from the books, RPG to games and comics.


                      Originally posted by SG1SGAp90
                      Will Daniel's grandfather ever come back.
                      No plans to have Nick Ballard back.


                        Originally posted by The Mighty Musnud

                        Any chance we'll see the return of Loki? Given the mythological background of the character, I think he'd make an excellent villain!
                        No plans for Loki to make a return visit. But he does have a lot of potential.


                          Originally posted by Odin's eyes
                          Seems my question got lost in the chaos a few weeks ago so I'll ask it again:

                          Why no mention of the EU in Stargate?
                          The EU never comes up because the IOA assumes whatever role the EU would have in the Stargate universe.


                            Originally posted by Dromag67
                            Hey Joe

                            Any chance of seeing a large scale Ori vs Asgard/Earth space battle?
                            You may catch a glimpse before the end of season 9.


                              Originally posted by Larry The Chevron Guy
                              Quick and to the point.

                              Will we ever see Furlings?

                              You have a whole new season (on BOTH shows) to do something with this plot (and fans want it), so can you please give us something? You responded to this question once before by saying they were wiped out ages ago, so we probably won't see them, but if we can se Ra again, we can see Furlings.

                              Thanks for reading.
                              Maybe. And then again, maybe not.


                                Originally posted by ImmrtlofDrknss
                                Hey Joe,

                                Rainbow Sun Franks has said that The Hive is the last time we see Ford in Season 2 and we won't know whether he's alive or dead at the end. Any chance we'll be seeing Ford show up in Season 3 of Atlantis or even Season 10 of SG-1?
                                SG-1? Definitely not. Atlantis. Its possible.

