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Ask Joe Mallozzi - Spoilers for SG-1 (S8, 9, 10) and SGA (S1, 2, 3)

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    Hi Joe,

    Just a bit curious today. Just wondered how you worked, because you always say in your blog about how you're watching DVDs and stuff.

    That may have come out wrong, so just to clarify: Do you sit down and go, "Right, today I'm gonna script this?" and slog your guts out, or do you just do it when you get inspiration or feel like it?

    It's just a nosey kind of question, just wondering how you worked.

    Happy New Year and I'll stop by and hassle you some more in your Blog soon.

    Tracy x
    Yepp, it's blank down here.


      Hi Joe

      Love both shows, and I know this is off topic

      But how did you first get into writing? I'm 18 and adore writing, currently working on a novel (non sg-1) but also want to try script writing, I tried Uni but it didnt appeal, so I was just wondering how did you get into it?
      Do you enjoy your job?



      One was an experiment made to cause destruction in any condition except water, the other was an aquatic expermiment to destroy the world...but in the end...Stitch and Nim: They made an amazing Hula team


        Hello Mr Mallozzi!

        Thanks again for answering our questions. So here comes my question:

        Robert Picardo said he would play Woolsey in both SG-1 and Atlantis. Does Woolsey already know Dr. Weir, or they'll be new to each other?

        Thank you.

        Well, not anymore... Good bye Atlantis!


          Given that SGA has established that the Ancients had regular space-faring craft (unless you call a flying city regular), will we see remains of Ancient spacecraft being found in the Milky Way galaxy?
          "The Clarke Postulate - One's ability to correctly explain advanced theoretical thermodynamics as applied to string theory within a fictional context is directly related to one's ability to cook the perfect lemon chicken with mushrooms in a nice garlic butter sauce. While some use this unexpected correlation as proof of intelligent design, I believe that its all about the person's choice of mushrooms.

          I also believe that there is a tear developing in the space-time continuum which if left uncheck will allow Microsoft to become a world power. I suspect that unless we all download Firefox 3 on the same day, thus sealing the tear, that life as we know it may be over and children will have their teddy bears and blankets ripped mercilessly from their arms.



            is there any chance of seeing Elizabeth going off world more...???
            ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


              I just saw "Prototype" (loved it) and was interested in the mention of how is takes 90% brain function for a person to be able to attempt ascention without assistance. In "The Fifth Race" Jack was mentioned to have 90% brain function, so what I'm wondering is whether Jack would have been able to figure out how to ascend on his own (between the higher brain function and the information from the Ancient library in his head) as a last resort if the Asgard hadn't been able to save him (the same could be said for "Lost City")?
              If this were to work and was figured out by Daniel/Sam, etc. would it work as a "weapon" against the Ori by having someone "download" the library into their head, figure out how to ascend from it, die in their physical body, and continue the fight while ascended on a more level field with the Ori?
              I hope all that makes sense.


                Hey Joe. Just wondering if we were going to get a glimpse of an Ori army. No priors, or Doci , just fanatic followers on their little jihad against non-believers.


                  Thank you SO much for the revised Season 9 opening credits. I especially liked the sequence of the wormhole leading into the show title bit. Now, is there any possibilty of having scenes from the episode being aired edited into the credits ala Battlestar Galactica?
                  "The Clarke Postulate - One's ability to correctly explain advanced theoretical thermodynamics as applied to string theory within a fictional context is directly related to one's ability to cook the perfect lemon chicken with mushrooms in a nice garlic butter sauce. While some use this unexpected correlation as proof of intelligent design, I believe that its all about the person's choice of mushrooms.

                  I also believe that there is a tear developing in the space-time continuum which if left uncheck will allow Microsoft to become a world power. I suspect that unless we all download Firefox 3 on the same day, thus sealing the tear, that life as we know it may be over and children will have their teddy bears and blankets ripped mercilessly from their arms.


                    What's the inspiration for the Ori, particularly the words they use to convince people to follow them?
                    I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                    Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                    Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                    Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                    Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                      The Daedulas and Caldwell are becoming a important part of Atlantis are there going to be any future eps that put the ship and its crew front and center? and will we ever see the Daedalus's F-302's in combat?
                      Captain John Sheridan: [practicing his apology for blowing up a Centauri War Cruiser] I apologize. I'm sorry. I'm sorry we had to defend ourselves against an unwarranted attack. I'm sorry that your crew was stupid enough to fire on a station filled with a quarter million civilians, including your own people. And I'm sorry I waited as long as I did before I blew them all straight to hell! As with everything else it's the thought that counts.

                      Beta Ray Bill: “ I have battled in the vastness of space and bled in the depths of Hell! Come for me, and you come for death!!!” Omega Flight #5 of 5


                        Based on his costume in The Forth Horseman pt. 2, it appears the Hammond has retired, is this true? And if so, what is he doing now? Thanks.
                        -Dal Shakka Mel

                        "There's a very fine line between not listening, and not careing. I like to think I walk that line everyday of my life."


                          Hi Joe,

                          Are we going to see Sabrina Gosling in season ten?

                          Thanks a bunch!


                            I originally heard that Mitch Pileggi was to have a reacurring role for season 2, is he going to be sticking around for season 3, and if so still in a reacuring role or in a more diminished capacity?
                            It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                              What made you change the look of the X303 into the BC303?
                              Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                                Hi Joe!

                                First, Happy NewYear!! All the best for 2006!

                                I was wondering if the new gate technician in Atlantis has a name.

                                Thank you!

