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Ask Joe Mallozzi - Spoilers for SG-1 (S8, 9, 10) and SGA (S1, 2, 3)

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    Hi Joe,

    Pregunta... when you are writing do you sometime miss a character that you would love to have available because you just thought of the perfect line? In a way I Guess I'm specifically wondering about Jack, I would love to see his reaction or what would he say to Gerak, the Oriis, Neru or Nerum, Vala... but really in also in general any character... Thanks!

    Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
    Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
    Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


      Any chance of seeing a cool snow scene on Atlantis? I'd love it if there was some lovely, dramatic, and pivotal scene under falling snow somewhere in the ol' Pegasus Galaxy.

      More rain and snow on both shows! And more night scenes! And more of those cool autumn scenes like Athos in Rising!


        Hello Joe,

        First time question asker, long time lurker. You mentioned previously that a crossover would be costly, but has a crossover movie ever been considered? Something outside the 20 episodes that each series receives. Maybe something that would intice RDA to come back.


          Hey Joe, this is my first time on this thread responding to my first time reading your blog!

          In your Oct 31 blog your wrote about Sam Carter crossing over to Atlantis and ended the comment with "It would be a shame not to make use of the character's full potential"

          To my mind the full potential of the character is to lead SG1 which is where the character was heading from season's 1 to 7 - and then she got to lead but not really in season 8.

          BB could have come on board as a Major and new member of SG1.

          I'd like to reiterate Smurf's question as a bewildered viewer and ask why didn't the decision makers chose this route?


            Hi Joe,
            What hope can you give to Shippers like me who will not watch SG-1 anymore unless TPTB start mentioning the Jack character again and we start seeing some Sam and Jack Ship through the Sam character.


              Hi Joe! Thanks for the answers. Curious that they were both the 4th episodes of the respective series.

              Anyway, I wonder if you can give us more hints about what you and the writers are planning for the next seasons? Maybe a new mysterious working-title perhaps?


                Hi Joe,

                A number of fans think that you and the rest of TPTB are reducing AT's role in SG-1 to recurring status in season 10, and also having her make guest appearances in a recurring fashion in Atlantis, thereby effectively reducing AT's role to recurring in both shows only. Is this what is happening? And if so, isn't this a slight to Amanda Tapping who has given her all to SG-1 for nine years, and is partially responsible for its continued success all these years?

                Thanks for your time.
                Last edited by chocdoc; 19 November 2005, 06:12 PM.


                  hi, joe,

                  with sam going to atlantis and still being on sg1, will the sam carter character ever have an episode of her own? or, will she always be supporting everyone else because she's not a lead on either show?

                  as for the sam/jack issue... i've already bought my protective gear just in case hell freezes over and you actually let them be a couple together.

                  (ouch, pulled that snark muscle again )




                    Hi Mister Mallozzi,

                    Second time here, the first didn't work. It was a question about SGA's 38 minutes episode, but I decided to give another shot.

                    Well, here it goes: Will we get some more major revelations about the ancients in this seasons or the next ones? Is there a chance to know better what happened in their home galaxy before the great exodus?

                    Thanks for your time and your patience.
                    Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                      Hi Joe

                      Atlantis is a big place and there are so many things going on behind the scenes to keep it up and running. In exploring the city that was described as being as big as the city of Manhattan, it would be great to see larger quarters and other special task rooms or areas that aren't necessarily more labs. I know this means potentially building more sets but there is so much scope in what is undiscovered in the city that we all would love to see. Any chances of that?



                        Will we get to see more about Mitchell's (the character) family (Parents, borthers, sisters), on screen?
                        Last edited by greytop; 24 November 2005, 07:48 AM.


                          Mr. Mallozzi...

                          Couple of things...

                          I had the distinct opportunity to go see Rachel Luttrell at the United Fan Con on November 13 in Springfield, MA...I have to say that she is just wonderful; as an actress and in real life. She made us laugh and she even sang for us....what a priviledge....

                          I made her a scrapbook which included several letters, notes, drawings and postings from different fans here in GW....Maybe she will share it with you guys.....

                          Many at the Con commented on the lack of screen and Teyla centered episodes this half of season 2.... We saw great scenes in Teyla this second half of Season 2....great scenes and lines like in the Runner, Trinity, Aurora, The Lost Boys, Condemned, and in Conversion (not great lines there for her..but Rachel did wonderful showing her facial expressions which said so much)yet, we feel we need her character to develop more as far as Teyla the Athosian leader, Teyla the Warrior, Teyla and her telepathic ability to communicate with the well as have her interact with the other characters like Weir, Beckett, and Rodney....Do the writers and producers have an idea for Teyla's character in Season 3? If so, can you give us a hint? or more?

                          We just love Teyla..and to pass the word along for my fellow Con participants..we just think Rachel Luttrell is the best and you couldn't have chosen anyone better for Teyla's role...Keep up the good Work!
                          Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 19 November 2005, 05:55 PM.


                            Hi Joe,

                            Thanks for the tidbit on Daniel's arc for season 10. Can you provide any tidbit of info on Carter's story arc/storylines for Season 10? I know you said she didn't have a specific story arc for season 9, but now that you are all spinning stories for season 10, I wondered what was up for Carter and how the character's full potential will be used. Will she still be part of SG-1 team and also go off-world? And how will she be split between SG-1 and SGA? Thanks.
                            Last edited by chocdoc; 23 November 2005, 08:09 PM.


                              Originally posted by chyron
                              I don't suppose we'll ever see Susan Lucci as one of the remaining goa'ulds? Despite the fact that it would work great visually.
                              For that matter, would a guest appearance by Mary Steenburgen playing a goa'uld (and not herself) be out of the question given Jack's thing for her?
                              "The Clarke Postulate - One's ability to correctly explain advanced theoretical thermodynamics as applied to string theory within a fictional context is directly related to one's ability to cook the perfect lemon chicken with mushrooms in a nice garlic butter sauce. While some use this unexpected correlation as proof of intelligent design, I believe that its all about the person's choice of mushrooms.

                              I also believe that there is a tear developing in the space-time continuum which if left uncheck will allow Microsoft to become a world power. I suspect that unless we all download Firefox 3 on the same day, thus sealing the tear, that life as we know it may be over and children will have their teddy bears and blankets ripped mercilessly from their arms.


                                Originally posted by JMallozzi
                                There is (and has always been) the opportunity to address Sam's capabilities with goa'uld hand technology. The last time we touched on it was way back in season 5 when she tried to save Daniel. Its something that we could touch on again, sure, but as demonstrated in Meridian, her mastery of the device is far from perfect.
                                Exactly the point - there are so many unresolved issues with the Jolinar arc it would be a great way to explore one of the many wonderful sci-fi related arcs left unresolved for Carter (Replicarter being another) and help keep Carter firmly rooted to SG1.

                                Does your answer mean we will be seeing a Jolinar arc for Carter in S10? How about a Replicarter story.

                                As always, thanks for the time.

