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Ask Joe Mallozzi - Spoilers for SG-1 (S8, 9, 10) and SGA (S1, 2, 3)

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    Hey Joe!

    Assuming you're still working on Stargate through season 10 (and not delivering newspapers or working the copy desk at Kinkos - I can't remember what you said your fallback plan was ) - anyhow, ASSUMING you're still able to support that DVD habit in the manner to which you've become accustomed ( ) ... and ASSUMING we might possibly see Rick back for an episode (or two!), do think you might be able to work Sam & Jack's Wedding into the 200th episode?

    (the ever-optimistic shipper)geek

    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


      This is a kind of weird one, but why is the soon to arrive Daedalus-class ship Odyssey called Odyssey and not Odysseus? I think Odysseus would be a better name for it. I mean, it the past, we've named the ships after people in mythology - not the stories themselves.


        Hi joe
        In the back half of season 9 is there going to be any Cassie scenes of mention of her. Do you plan on useing Cassie in Season ten now that Stargate is renewed. I hope she hasn't been forgotten about.
        I doubt my sanity; then again I doubt yours as well!



          What are the chances of seeing a really great "opposites attract" friendship develop between Vala and Sam (the scenes between them could potentially be hilarious or deep depending on the context), somewhat akin to the friendship that Daniel and Jack had for so long? (by that I mean because they're so different they can accentuate each others strengths...) One a former Tok'ra and hero, one a former Goa'uld and roguish opportunist...but both with strong hearts that plumb deep...

          This would serve to add dimension and depth to Vala's character making her more sustainable for longterm consumption, end this bizarre "either/or" scenario some in the fanbase are sensing about these two fine actresses, plus it would fill the "strong women friendship" void left when Janet died.

          Thanks as always!
          Mary Beth
          Last edited by Uber; 25 October 2005, 08:08 PM.

          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


            In the episode "Prototype", when the SGC is trying to find the clone in the facility, the screen becomes distorted like when we're seeing through the eyes of an ascended being. Was it supposed to be through the eyes of the clone, or was it really Orlin and was foreshadowing his return?


              Originally posted by JMallozzi
              The iris actually prevents the Kawoosh from forming...
              If the iris prevents the Kawoosh, why do we still hear the sound effect for the Kawoosh?


                Hey Joe, Thanks for taking the time to answer everybody's questions. You always hear "We care about the fans", but it's good to see it lived out here. Thank you.

                I was just wondering... What made you decide to go into this line of work in the first place? and what was your first job in TV?
                My Depth Is Immaterial To This Conversation...


                  Originally posted by JMallozzi
                  Sorry, Sprinkles. I can only provide excerpts form the episodes I actually wrote. Plenty o' stuff to look forward to from Ripple Effect though.
                  How 'bout the bar scene from "The Ties That Bind"?



                    Hi Joe,

                    Firstly, congratulations of the renewal that Sci Fi FINALLY gave you guys.
                    On to my question. So with Season 10 production coming up next year, do you have any ideal stories or characters that you want to revisit?

                    In most cases, do you come up with a few episode ideas before production starts, or what?

                    Thanks in advance,

                    Daniel: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety and music.
                    O'Neill: Sex, Drugs and Rock N' Roll?
                    Daniel: In a manner of speaking.


                      Originally posted by JMallozzi
                      Of course. But there's no point in crying over spilt milk - or bad casting decisions.
                      Hey leave Jonas alone!

                      Jonas was instrumental in keeping this show fresh in season 6. He is owed so much and gets so little.
                      Without him, we wouldnt be talking season 10.

                      My question is, i heard the rumor that u would be stepping down from the show. IF thats true then i want to the first to say Thank You for all the stories, all the time spent here and just thank you for giving us fans such a great show to watch. Thank you! You will be missed!
                      LETS GO PEN'S


                        Hi Mr Mallozzi,

                        I have a question:
                        What is "turkey sandwitch" 's origin? (We can hear this sentence in "Rising" and "New Order".)
                        It's a joke between writers and producers?

                        Last edited by Tourist; 27 October 2005, 02:37 PM.


                          Since we have some new folks here, i think it's time for a rules refresher

                          One question per post please

                          One post/question per day

                          If you happen to see someone asking a question just like yours, such as a question on the same topic, please consider saving your question and not adding to what could be 10 questions in a row all about the same topic

                          Joe does this in his free time and in between what has to be a very busy job of making two tv shows not to mention that little thing called a real life, so we ask people to be considerate of that fact.

                          These rules aren't made to try and censor anyone or to keep folks from participating, but in an effort to allow as many different questions from as many people as possible to be asked.

                          Gateworld Moderator
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan

                            What are the chances of seeing a really great "opposites attract" friendship develop between Vala and Sam (the scenes between them could potentially be hilarious or deep depending on the context), somewhat akin to the friendship that Daniel and Jack had for so long? (by that I mean because they're so different they can accentuate each others strengths...) One a former Tok'ra and hero, one a former Goa'uld and roguish opportunist...but both with strong hearts that plumb deep...

                            This would serve to add dimension and depth to Vala's character making her more sustainable for longterm consumption, end this bizarre "either/or" scenario some in the fanbase are sensing about these two fine actresses, plus it would fill the "strong women friendship" void left when Janet died.

                            Thanks as always!
                            Mary Beth
                            I dunno if the rules here preclude us from saying "ditto," but I am... saying ditto.

                            And do you think such topics will be discussed by the end of this year before the crew comes back in the spring, or will it perhaps evolve later on?

                            EDIT: Wow, spaz is synonymous with moron, eh? Disregard the ditto.

                            REAL QUESTION: How early do you think you guys will be getting into the thick of things for S10? n other words, will the schedule be different this year, or are these kinks still being worked out with Sony and SciFi?


                              Originally posted by JMallozzi
                              Baal, Yu, Amaterasu, and Camulus.
                              I really enjoyed Amaterasu as well. In fact, I heard somewhere (maybe it was here, don't remember) that the actress who played her was the runner-up for the role of Teyla. Don't know if that's true or not, but I'm definitely glad she got another role.

                              That said, given that she's one of your favorite system lords and the fact that her fate was never specifically determined, is there a chance that we'll see her next season (i.e. would you be willing to write her into a script, or do you have any script ideas already brewing)?


                                A question for Joe.

                                Will we be seeing any earth based energy weapons anytime soon?

