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Ask Joe Mallozzi - Spoilers for SG-1 (S8, 9, 10) and SGA (S1, 2, 3)

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    Originally posted by JMallozzi
    - Actually, they already know each other. And their friendship will develop over time. But the relationship between the two is very different from that of Jack and Daniel.

    - There is some fun interaction in episodes like The Ties That Bind, The Fourth Horseman, and Ripple Effect. Like the Jack-Daniel friendship, its one that will develop over time.
    will there be any serious drama scenes between mitchell and daniel? jack n daniel had the banter which the actors seem to come naturally but like abyss both actors could also handle the serious drama scenes, do we see anything like that with mitchell and daniel?


    Our Stargate Forum ~Michael Shanks List ~Michael Shanks Online


      Daniel - I think Michael was terrific in the opening three-parter, but especially so in Origin. We see DJ run the emotional gamut, from flip and fun to fearful and despairing.

      not to be a complete idiot but can you xplain what you mean that he runs the emotional gamut from flip and fun to fearful and despairing?


      Our Stargate Forum ~Michael Shanks List ~Michael Shanks Online


        Dear Joe, thanks for the replies...

        Question: the NASA types keep wondering when y'all will upgrade the gear for the SGC...for example, my hubby wants to know if you know that there are communication mouth/teeth pieces so exterior odds and ends don't get caught in things...also, they just die when the team dons space suits...there is the latest and greatest on the website.
        Causality should not be taken lightly.


          Originally posted by JMallozzi
          Sam - Amanda does a wonderful job in The Fourth Horseman as Sam struggles to help save the world under an incredible emotional strain.
          Okay, I'm not going to ask what this "incredible emotional strain" is because I'm pretty sure the answer I get will be along the lines of "you'll just have to watch!" But I am kind of curious to know what Sam will be like when she returns.

          At the end of S8 Sam experiences some major emotional milestones (e.g. losses) - she breaks off her engagement to Pete and her father dies. If you go back to S7 you can also add the death of her close friend Janet. Also, Jack will no longer be involved in her everyday life, so looking at this from a shippers perspective (which you have said you are), this could be considered another "loss"

          Add to this, the fact that when she returns, Daniel, Teal'c and Mitchell will have already "bonded" as a team, there will be a new CMO, Dr. Lam replacing her friend Janet, and a new base commander, Gen. Landry, replacing O'Neill.


          1. With all the emotional turmoil Sam has gone through, and with all the chances that she will be confronted with when she returns to the SGC, will there be any sense of her struggling to fit in or trying to cope with the changes?

          2. I'm a little concern that a lot of the spoilers I've read seem to have Sam paired off with someone other than a member of the team. In Ex Deus, she's working with Agent Barrett and in 4th Horseman she's working with Dr. Lee. So, is there any significant Sam/Daniel, Sam/Teal'c, or Sam/Mitchell scenes to look forward to?

          3. When Sam returns will she still be in the Air Force?



            Hi Joe:

            Just wondering if there was any chance of seeing Dr. Balinsky show up again or is this one of those questions where you say maybe/maybe not? The character was great and David Lewis too.



              Hey Joe! I'm kind of a newbie when it comes to Stargate boards so when I stumbled across this, I had to take my chance! Anyhow, before I ask my question, I have to say thanks for doing such a great job on the show, its my favorite (aside from Farscape and SGA). Okay, now for my question.

              In the Atlantis season one episode 'Before I Sleep' I didn't understand how it was possible for the alternate Weir to still be alive if the Weir of 'our time' was alive. To better explain it, in the Sg-1 episode 'Point of View' the alternate reality Catrer went though temporal entropic cascade failure because there were two of them in one reality. Now why hadn't that happened to one of the Weir's, more specifically the older Weir?

              This is not intended to be a flame, Before I Sleep is one of my favorite episodes. Thank you so much for taking time off to answer my question! It means alot!

              Thanks a bunch!
              * BTW I see that you like Anime.. Have you heard of Gyver?
              MCKAY: But, why wait? Why does this guy show up a day and a half after this all starts to do his whole "Prepare to meet your doom" thing?

              SAM: I don't know. Maybe he wanted to make sure it was gonna work.

              MCKAY: Yeah, that WOULD be embarrasing, wouldn't it? -- "Nothing can stop the destruction That I bring upon you!" Then the gate shuts down. "Oops, sorry. Nevermind ..."

              ~ Never turn your back on tomorrow.. Yesterdays ok though ~

              Adopt your favorite SG-1 or Atlantis character here


                Originally posted by JMallozzi
                Is the Furling a furry, two-foot tall, giggling mischief-maker who continually plays practical jokes on the rest of the team after he joins SG-1? If so - THAT WAS MY IDEA!
                So you're saying Martin Gero is a Furling? (A really tall Furling?)

                - A name that isn't on the list (that should be) will be popping up on Atlantis in season 2.
                Would that be Dixon, by any chance? Or has Makepeace finally been let out of the brig?

                Jr. Member, Gateworld Curmudgeon Club


                  Hi Joe,

                  Sorry if this has been posted before but i keep hearing July 15 around is that the releash date for the season? and if so is that American because im British and watch my Stargate on Skyone and Skymix.

                  So is there a set releash date for the UK? and if so when? And if not and you find out later will you let us know?

                  Dedicated Fan!

                  Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
                  LOVE HIM-> DT
                  ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~


                    Originally posted by gilthoniel
                    Hi Joe,

                    MS said that Landry is a much sterner leader than they have had before, can you tell us how Daniel is getting along with the new General? After all Daniel has got used to first a General who was quite fatherly towards him and then one who is his best friend. Is he having a tougher time getting around Landry?

                    Daniel's relationship with Landry isn't any better or worse than it was with Hammond or O'Neill. Just different.


                      [QUOTE=jafacakes]Duh I guess I did give you an easy way out didn't I ? I should have known ...
                      So, never to say I don't oblige '...snip, snip, snip... So my question is what is your position on downloading episodes after they aired in the states?'

                      - Interestingly, this topic was in the news the other day.

                      And since everyone else seems to ask for their nationalities, could we have a portuguese on Stargate ? We have a long history of pushing up the frontiers of the known universe ,just like the americans

                      - Why not.
                      Last edited by JMallozzi; 28 June 2005, 12:46 PM.


                        Originally posted by Dani347
                        In what ways is Mitchell different from Jack? I mean, significant, not just age, hair color, different name, etc.
                        Mitchell is a military guy's military guy whereas Jack was a loose cannon of sorts. O'Neill was sarcastic and animated - Cameron more lowkey and offhand in his humor. Whereas O'Neill was occasionally abrasive and in your face, Mitchell prefers to let his Southern charm work its magic. Unlike O'Neill who was often guarded, Mitchell has no compunctions about opening up. Jack was always a tough person to read, a tough nut to crack. And whereas O'Neill was sometimes, well, shall we say "out of the loop" at times when it came to the more technical side of things, often happily so, Mitchell does his damndest to inform himself and stay informed.

                        How's that for a start?


                          One of my favorite scenes in Stargate are Dixon and his crew in Heroes Part 1. His whole take on children and the goodnatured ribbing amongst his team make me laugh every time (who came up with that bit of dialog anyway?). Are we going to see Dixon this season?

                          I am so blessed! Cherriey made this cool sig; scarimor made this great Dr. Lee smilie and Spudster made another neat one Dr. Lee RULES!

                          Myn's fabulous twilight bark smilie:


                            Originally posted by jafacakes
                            Duh I guess I did give you an easy way out didn't I ? I should have known ...
                            So, never to say I don't oblige '...snip, snip, snip... So my question is what is your position on downloading episodes after they aired in the states?'

                            And since everyone else seems to ask for their nationalities, could we have a portuguese on Stargate ? We have a long history of pushing up the frontiers of the known universe ,just like the americans
                            I think there was something in the news about this the other day.


                              Originally posted by jafacakes
                              Does that mean that O'neill is certain to be in the season's finale?


                                Originally posted by divcon
                                Although O'Neill is gone, the others are there to fill in the back story. It would be great to bring 'Little Jack' back, Michael Welch got all of O'neill's mannerisms to a T. It'd fun to see him.

                                Question. Are we ever going to see Cassie again? Now that Janet is gone (sob by the way) is she just going to dissappear from the Stargate universe. I sure hope not. He's an idea, Cassie and 'Little Jack' are about the same age right. They both know about the Stargate for obvious if not individual reasons, so maybe team them up for a fun episode, maybe running away together and the rest of the old SG1 ( Sam,Daniel and Teal'c) off looking for them.
                                Its possible.

